Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 246 A group of weird teammates!


The power of the sword in Ye Nanfeng's hand changed continuously. A long sword was like a spiritual snake spitting out a message. The sword's moves were tricky, like electric shock, constantly stabbing Ling Feng's vital parts.

For a moment, the sword energy was billowing and dazzling, and the sky was filled with sword shadows.

Everyone could see that Ye Nanfeng had already shown off his special skills and was unwilling to lose face in front of this newcomer.

"Ye Nanfeng actually took out his Thirteen Qingfeng Swords! This is earth-level swordsmanship!" The gambler Lin Mochen slapped the table, "I bet that Ye Nanfeng will definitely win this time. !”

Yu Sixian also nodded slightly, "The newcomer is indeed powerful. If it were me, I wouldn't dare to hold back at all. But with the Thirteen Qingfeng Swords, I only need to use the last three killing moves, and the newcomer will be defeated without a doubt. "

Gu Tengfeng narrowed his eyes, stared at Ling Feng, and thought to himself: Boy, how will you deal with it? If you can't even deal with Ye Nanfeng's Thirteen Qingfeng Swords, how can you deal with the Fifth Academy Sword Team Competition half a year later? Boy, don't let me down!

Miyagi and Xue Xiaolin couldn't help but hold their breaths. This battle has already gripped people's hearts before it even started!

"Qingfeng Zhuying!"

In Ye Nanfeng's hand, continuous sword light rolled in. The terrifying sword energy, with extremely terrifying tearing power, completely enveloped Ling Feng in a sword net, completely submerging her figure.

However, Ling Feng never drew his sword, and no one noticed that his right eye condensed a mysterious inscription, which completely understood Ye Nanfeng's swordsmanship.

No matter how many changes he undergoes, Ling Feng can defeat them all with one sword!

The speed of the sword in Ye Nanfeng's hand was getting faster and faster, almost reaching a level that he had never reached on ordinary days.

He only felt as if he had never used the Thirteen Qingfeng Swords so freely. Each move seemed to follow his heart, like an arm using his fingers.

"Ye Nanfeng's swordsmanship seems to have made a breakthrough!"

A gleam flashed in Gu Tengfeng's eyes. This was what he wanted to see. He hoped that Ling Feng's arrival would give the already decadent sword team a new lease of life.

"It must be because this kid aroused my fighting spirit!"

The corners of Ye Nanfeng's mouth curled up, and the power of his sword reached its peak, killing him fiercely with one move!

"Take the move!"

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

In the midst of lightning and flint, Ling Feng's sword finally thrust out!

The sword was like lightning, without any sloppiness or fancy, and it hit Ye Nanfeng's sword blade directly.


The sound of gold and iron clashing was extremely harsh, the shadows of swords all over the sky instantly turned into nothingness, and the sound of whistling wind came to an abrupt end.

Everyone saw a figure retreating violently, flying backwards heavily, and took more than ten steps back before regaining its balance.

Surprisingly, it was Ye Nanfeng!

Ling Feng, on the other hand, only trembled slightly on the spot, then relieved the force on the sword blade and stood with his hands behind his back.

A domineering and scornful force swept across the area, like the arrival of the sword god.

"I lost!" Ye Nanfeng withdrew his sword, his eyes filled with horror. He looked at the break of his sword blade, a slight sword mark, and the force penetrated the sword body, leaving a circular gap. .

As long as Ling Feng increases his strength by another three points, his top-grade mysterious weapon will immediately break, and his little life will probably be harvested by Ling Feng.

Why didn't he understand that Ling Feng was definitely showing mercy?

It didn't take three moves. It turned out that this newcomer could completely defeat him in one move!

"Newcomer, you win!"

Ye Nanfeng gritted his teeth and saluted Ling Feng, with a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"I just happened to discover the weakness of your sword moves. If we really have to fight with strength, I may not be able to defeat you." Ling Feng smiled faintly, not aggressively, but gave Ye Nanfeng a step down.

Indeed, if he did not have the ability of the Heavenly Dao Eye, and he did not know the weaknesses of Ye Nanfeng's "Thirteen Qingfeng Swords", he might not be able to defeat Ye Nanfeng even with one hundred moves, not to mention one move.

However, the outcome has been decided, no matter what, Ling Feng is the winner.

"Okay... so awesome!" Lin Mochen swallowed hard and turned to give a thumbs up to Gu Tengfeng, "Boss, you really found a good teammate!"

"Thighs, definitely thighs!"

Yu Sixian even started to move closer to Ling Feng, with a smile on his face, "Hello, Brother Feng, my name is Yu Sixian, just call me Lao Yu like them."

These days, the big brother is the one with the big fist, regardless of his age...

Well, not that important!

"Damn it, Lao Yu, you are so shameless!" Lin Mochen screamed strangely, and immediately came over to greet him, saying with a smile: "Brother Feng, my name is Lin Mochen, you can call me Chenchen!"

Ling Feng's head went dark. No wonder Gu Tengfeng was so "desperate" for this team. He was an arrogant man and two sycophants...

What a "good team"!

"Get out of here, everyone!"

Gu Tengfeng kicked Lin Mochen and Yu Sixian aside with his hands, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "I believe everyone has seen Ling Feng's strength, so there should be no doubts, right? "

"No doubt!" Miyagi was the first to shout, with incomparable excitement and excitement in his voice.

"It's indeed amazing." Xue Xiaolin nodded repeatedly, her beautiful eyes sparkling with brilliance. She saw a glimmer of hope in Ling Feng.

This kid might really be the savior of the East Campus Sword Team.

"Brother Feng goes out and kills them all!" Lin Mochen laughed.

The other members also nodded one by one. Ling Feng was definitely strong enough to join a team. Although there was still a certain gap between him and Gu Tengfeng, he was only stronger than the other members.

"Ling Feng, let me introduce you." Gu Tengfeng introduced Ling Feng one by one with a solemn expression.

"Miyagi, you already know me, the vice-captain of the East Campus Sword Team."

"vice captain!"

Miyagi nodded and smiled, stepped forward and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "We will be teammates from now on, let's work hard together!"

"Xue Xiaolin, a student from my class, has always been the core figure of the sword team." Gu Tengfeng continued to introduce.

"I've met Senior Sister Xue."

"Just call me Sister Xiaolin from now on. That's what everyone calls me." Xue Xiaolin smiled lightly. This beauty in red has a particularly hot figure and outstanding appearance. She can be regarded as a rare beauty with a temperament. It gives people a mature and stable feeling.

"Yes, Sister Xiaolin." Ling Feng called softly.

"As for these people, they are Lin Mochen, a gambler! Yu Sixian, a pervert! And Ye Nanfeng, no need to introduce them. As for them, Lin Dong, Wang Chen, Ma Chao, they are all in the same team Alternate.”

"Damn, why do you call me a gambler? I'm obviously the number one gambler in the East Campus!" Lin Mochen immediately protested.

Yu Sixian also yelled, "And me, you actually call my artistic behavior of appreciating beauty lustful. Captain, you have hurt my heart! Brother Feng, you must not believe what the captain says. I will lead you another day." You go to the women's bathroom next door to appreciate..."


Before Yu Sixian could finish speaking, he was knocked to the ground by Gu Tengfeng.


Lin Mochen was gloating about his misfortune, but Gu Tengfeng did the same. The two of them lay upright beside each other, twitching from time to time.

"Hmph! Shut the hell up!" Gu Tengfeng blew his fists, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

The other members shrugged, obviously used to it.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. The first day he joined the East Campus Sword Team——

Um! Overall, I got to know a group of weird teammates...

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