"What's going on?"

"How do you feel like the whole earth suddenly shook?"

"Looking at this situation, it seems that something is wrong with the Western continent?"

"It seems that someone destroyed the spiritual vein group of the Western Spirit Mountain, and the spiritual energy leaked out, so it affected the entire Flood Desolate Continent!"

"Lingshan, isn't that the lair of the Western Sect?"

"Haha, let that shameless two saints come to my Dongfang pit to be abducted and deceived, and now I will be punished!"

"I just don't know which hero did the feat, if you have the opportunity, you must thank you!"

"Before, Nuwa Niangniang violently beat the two saints of the West because of the sacrifice of the human race, it should be related to the Wa Palace, right?"

"Also, Nuwa Niangniang is not only the Holy Mother of the Human Race, but also the saint of the Demon Race, although the Demon Clan has declined after the Lich Tribulation, there are also many big demons who take refuge under Nuwa Niangniang's door, and they are the ones who can destroy the ancestral veins of Lingshan!"

"Such a grand event, it should be a big deal!"

After being frightened, the shocked Flood Wilderness powerhouses quickly turned into joy, and they began to celebrate in groups!

In the midst of chaos,

Jieyin and Zhun Ti looked at Nuwa's eyes full of endless anger and hatred,

The logic that ordinary powerhouses can speculate, as Heavenly Dao saints, they naturally will not understand, especially the saboteur can silently sneak into the ancestral vein of Lingshan, attack accurately, and escape the inevitable blow of the leading saint with great ease, and can also hide the traces until now, and even the identity can not be guessed!

All of this clearly points to the fact that there are Heavenly Dao saints to rely on after 513 on his back, and Lao Tzu Yuan has always been an ally of Zhun Ti, and the Tongtian Sect Master can't see that there is a reason to make a move, only Nuwa is the most suitable!

"This matter is not the work of this palace, but this person is very appreciative of this palace!"

Nuwa, who inexplicably became the mastermind behind the scenes, was also a little angry at first, but she was more relieved, arrogantly dropped a sentence, and returned to the Wa Palace directly!

"Two Taoist friends, mourn!"

Looking at the tearful Zhun Ti, Lao Tzu's face was silent, but he was secretly happy in his heart,

Originally, although Zhun Ti was also an ally, after all, they had their own interests, and it was difficult to really cooperate closely, even if they broke the Zhuxian Sword Formation together, it would be difficult to repay the huge cause and effect owed!

However, now that there is more hatred of this "destroying the door", I don't have to worry about the lack of a way back, and I don't want to do my best, and it will be much smoother for Lao Tzu to plan from it!

"The change in Lingshan is actually not quite like the style of Senior Sister Nuwa, but more like the work of countless scum of good and bad!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun, who had been watching in secret, also opened his mouth now, and continued to splash the dirty water on the sect, and there was also joy in his heart:

He originally looked down on Zhun Ti, but now that the two of them were in distress and the spiritual veins of the place where they were born were destroyed, it undoubtedly highlights the dignity of Kunlun Mountain, where the Jade Void Palace is located!

Moreover, as soon as Lingshan was destroyed (aibg), the Western Continent completely lost the foundation to support the Great Religion, and the only way to develop the Western Religion was to enter the East, and to be more obedient to Yuan Shi Tianzun and Taiqing Laozi.

As long as these two Western saints can really be used for themselves, even if the Tongtian Sect Master joins forces with Nuwa, Yuan Shi Tianzun will have the chance to win!

No matter what, the four saints are against the two saints, and the advantage is mine!

"Thank you, two fellow Daoists!"

For Yuan Shi Tianzun's obvious "falling into the well", although Zhun Ti secretly hated it in his heart, but the situation forced him, he could only continue to choose forbearance, and began to discuss the follow-up plan and benefit distribution with Lao Tzu Yuanshi!

Anyway, Lingshan is not as good as the Dongtian blessed land in the East, and if it is gone, it will simply break the jar and break it, as long as you can get enough luck in the Divine Tribulation, you can rebuild a stronger mountain gate in the East!


"The so-called Holy Venerable, that's just it!"

Looking at the spiritual energy in Haotian Mirror dissipating and a messy spiritual mountain, Heavenly Emperor Haotian couldn't help but sneer a little more on his face,

Originally, when he was in Zixiao Palace, as the boy of Hongjun Daozu's attendant, he still trusted this group of senior brothers who often gave him small gifts, and he was even more energetic after being appointed by Hongjun as the master of the Three Realms!

As a result, after he really took office, he found out the true face of these superficially kind senior brothers, not only did he regard the will of the Emperor of Heaven as the wind in his ears, but even the disciples under him never gave him a straight eye, and when he was competing for luck, he was extremely active, but when he really wanted to do something, he escaped faster than anything else!

After a few yuan meetings, he, the Emperor of Heaven, was still alone, and there were not many available manpower at all, so he had to go to Zixiao Palace to ask for the god list!

Now that the gods have not yet begun, the Western Sect, which was originally not involved in this calamity, has been involved, and many disciples have fallen, and even most of the sects have been destroyed.

Not only did it ruthlessly wipe out the invincible aura of a saint, but it also added several generals to the list of gods that had not yet been officially canonized!

"If you play well, it's best if all the disciples are on the list, and then I want to see, how can you fight with me without the Daotong people?"

Haotian snorted coldly, and began to secretly think about how to continue to add fire and increase his strength!

... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

chat group,

Nezha: "It's worthy of Brother Monkey, the ability to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace is getting stronger and stronger, and the first time he made a move, he directly smashed the lair of the two bald donkey saints!"

Han Ranran: The havoc in the original Journey to the West is actually a gimmick, but this god world smashing the saint dojo is even more earth-shattering than the haunting of the heavenly palace!"

Shen Gongbao: "It is worthy of being the idol of the heavens and all worlds, as soon as Brother Monkey made a move, he directly shocked all the powers of the entire God World!"

Sun Wukong: "It's just luck, you joined the group earlier than Lao Shen, and you just have more time to practice under the guidance of the group leader and your predecessors!"

Shen Gongbao: "Brother Monkey is polite, such a big plot change, when the reward comes down, Brother Monkey, you estimate that you will be able to advance to the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal, and my old Shen Ke is still far away!"

Huang Rong: "Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, Brother Monkey's strength is fighting and fighting, Lao Shen, your ability is to plan and lobby, you have to take this opportunity to perform well!"

Shen Gongbao: "No problem, the current King of Xuan has great trust in us, and Shang Rong and Bigan have also been punished by the change of Nuwa Palace, which is a good time to promote the change!"

Ying Zheng: "Since ancient times, to ensure the success of the law change, it is not the first thing to do by force, it just so happens that the problem in Beihai is no longer big, so you can let Wen Taishi return to Chaoge after the victory, and invite more masters from the sect to come over!"

Han Ranran: "The Interception Sect and the Great Shang are already closely related, so the King of Xuan can add another Tongtian Sect main temple near the Nuwa Palace, so that the people of the Interception Sect will not flock to it!"

Wutian: "Good idea, such a move can not only tie up the Dead Sect, but the rest of the already small Yuan Shi Tianzun will inevitably go berserk, and the people of the Sect will also have to go into the water!"

Xiongba: "The muddier the water, the better, it's best to bring in the forces of the Western Sect and the Styx Kunpeng, subdue or clean up in one fell swoop, and what will remain at that time will be the real prosperity of the human race!"

Lu Pheasant: "In fact, if the human race wants to truly become the protagonist of heaven and earth, the most important thing is the increase of its own strength, so it is necessary to change the law to become stronger, learn literature and martial arts, and add Ding and mouth, as long as the operation is good, in the past ten years before the Xiqi army was dispatched, it will be enough for a wave of great development!"

Angel Yan: "The R&D craftsmen of the Temple of Humanity have been able to make various machines that use aura as energy in batches, and have achieved good pilot results in the Journey to the West World, which can just be used in the World of the Gods!"

Shen Gongbao: "Thank you seniors for your advice, if you can, we want to go to Da Luotian to worship the group leader once!"

Su Han: "Of course you can, but it's better to be happy alone than to be happy with everyone, so let's just hold a small gathering of group friends!"

Shen Gongbao's thoughts, Su Han is naturally very clear, but the thing of sending beauties is originally "everyone takes what they need", and it is also a better future for the beauties who are sent than the original, and Su Han will not deliberately refuse!

And the world of the gods is indeed an excellent opportunity for the members and subordinates of the group, including the girls in the backyard!

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