Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 135 The art of dream recall

October is here, and a damp chill begins to permeate the air and penetrate into the castle.

Zhang Xiao had long since given up on opening the door to the secret room of the bathroom on the third floor and used various traps to almost turn it into a minefield.

Anyone who opens the door and triggers the trap will die miserably.

This period of time has been surprisingly peaceful. The basilisk has not shown up, and the diary is still missing. Even Lockhart has been quiet recently, because Professor McGonagall will attend his classes when there is nothing to do.

Lockhart had to give up his favorite drama performance and read dryly from the textbook he found in the corner.

But I heard that he seems to have some new ideas. He has been writing letters non-stop recently and ordered a lot of things.

The continuous rainy days caused a sudden epidemic of cold among the staff and students, leaving the head nurse, Madam Pomfrey, in a hurry.

Her pick-me-up potion has an immediate effect, but those who drink it will have smoke coming out of their ears for several hours.

One day, the cold-faced Dean Snape suddenly took out a large bottle of refreshing potion and gave it to Zhang, asking him to share it among the academy.

When it came to Madam Pomfrey's potion, the headmaster simply said that it was not bad. After all, Madam Pomfrey was also an outstanding graduate of Slytherin House.

But obviously Professor Snape has stronger confidence in his potion.

Raindrops as big as bullets pattered against the windows of the castle and did not stop for several days. The water in the lake rose, causing a muddy flow in the flower beds. Each of Hagrid's pumpkins swelled to the size of a flower shed.

Even Sister Bird and Norbert were unwilling to go out in this weather. Perhaps because of the climate, water and soil problems, Sister Bird was a little lackluster and often slept on her own pillow.

Malfoy also caught a bad cold because he was training in the rain and wind. Zhang Xiao gave him a big gulp of refreshing potion. He lay sickly on the sofa, his platinum-blonde hair sticking softly to his body. on hair.

There were waves of heat, as if he had practiced some magical skill.

Regarding the outcome of the duel that day, Malfoy and Weasley were very secretive, and neither one wanted to tell what happened.

But looking at the two people with bruised noses and swollen faces, as well as frantically wiping their mouths and frantically brushing their teeth after returning, everyone felt that something extremely interesting must have happened.

Hermione didn't know what she thought of, and her face turned red with excitement.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Porter's skills are indeed very strong. He was my biggest rival in flying in school.

If I want to defeat him openly, my training is not enough. "

Malfoy nestled himself in the armchair and said weakly.

Zhang Xiao glanced at him and shook his head helplessly, because the four academies all used the same broomsticks. With the same hardware, winning depends on the technical and tactical abilities of the players on both sides.

Gryffindor has a high advantage in this regard. It must be said that Wood is a very good captain and he leads the team very well.

Just as the little lions regard the Snake House as their biggest competitor, the little snakes also view the Lion House the same way. Slytherin training has become more frequent recently because of the tactical and intellectual advantages of the former captain Marcus Flint. direct gap.

As a result, Slytherin's captain was replaced by another person.

"Draco, there is nothing to be afraid of when you lose, because there are always winners and losers in the game. Anyway, just lose the game and don't lose anyone else."

The blazing fireplace reflected a bright red on his face. This young man, who was already famous throughout the school in only the second grade, was lazily leaning on the armchair, flipping through the ancient books in his hand.

This was sent by my mother, saying it was interesting and would relieve his boredom.

Malfoy nodded, looking longingly at Zhang Xiao's leisurely look. He had never been jealous of the Zhang Xiao family's wealth and status. What he really wanted was Zhang Xiao's calm attitude and calmness. .

There always seemed to be an indescribable mystery about him, which attracted Malfoy to imitate him unconsciously.

Malfoy reached out and took out a thick copy of "Five Thousand Years of China" from his small satchel, and followed Zhang Xiao's example and started reading by the fire.

Speaking of which, Lucius finally couldn't bear his son's pleas, and with Narcissa's help, he finally spent a large sum of galleons to find someone to customize a small shoulder bag with the Seamless Stretch Spell.

Although limited in terms of level, this satchel is much larger than Zhang Xiao's Qiankun bag, and the space is just the opposite. There is a huge gap, but Malfoy regards it as a treasure and carries it everywhere.

Even things like toothbrushes, cups, cutlery, etc. have to be put in and taken out when needed.

Ron and Harry are actually very greedy, this kind of thing is too convenient, but they don't have the connections and financial resources like Lucius.

In the end, I could only turn my attention to the real brain - Hermione.

The little witch was so angry that she gave each of them a hard blow and said sharply:

"That's a constant traceless stretching spell! A constant floating spell! A constant anti-theft spell! Constant"

She said a lot of things that Ron and Harry couldn't understand at all, until the last sentence:

"No matter how fast I study, it will take me at least seventh grade before I can even try to make one myself! It's not that easy!"

Harry and Ron looked at each other and heard this in their ears:

"Abba aba aba abaa - seventh grade make one - aba aba aba aba aba."

Seventh grade, that’s pretty fast! The two little ones immediately high-fived and celebrated. It was great to have Hermione here! !

Zhang Xiao glanced at Malfoy, smiled and turned his attention again to the thread-bound ancient book in his hand. This book seemed to be no less than a few hundred years old, because on the title page he found the words Wanli of the Ming Dynasty. Seals of the years.

I don’t know how Dao Sect was preserved, but it feels like a book that is more than ten years old in my hand.

This book is indeed very interesting, similar to "Youyang Zazu", in that it is connected with short stories one by one.

It involves immortals, Buddhas, Taoists, ghosts, monsters, monsters, humans, animals, plants, wine, food, dreams, thunder, prophecies and even palace secrets, etc. It is all-encompassing, strange and vivid.

Of course, the records inside may be true or false, but my mother said that it’s okay to just read it for fun and not to take it too seriously.

After reading a few interesting short stories, I found that ancient writing was very compact, perhaps because pen and ink were relatively expensive. The ancients were extremely good at condensing a grand story with the least amount of pen and ink.

There may seem to be few words, but the information contained is huge.

He turned to the next page and saw this story:

"There is an official who is good at a magical technique. He can enter people's dreams and see what they have experienced in the past.

Because of this magic, he solved many difficult cases and became famous. One day, Shangguan gave him a case, saying that it was full of twists and turns and no one could solve it.

Unexpectedly, after seeing this in his dream, the official screamed that Shangguan had harmed him, and he bled to death from his orifices.

An official who judged cases like a god died, and the Shangguan said that this judge was a monster transformed into a human form and practiced cannibalism in dreams.

The man had his natural enemy in his dream, and he was frightened to death after seeing it, in order to get rid of this monster.

Everyone was saddened by this. Later, an expert heard about it and sighed, this monster only eats the dreams of evil people and never the dreams of good people. It judges cases like a god and uncovers countless injustices, but it is designed to be killed because it is a monster.

Isn't Shangguan's heart more vicious than a monster? Demons have a human heart and are kind-hearted, but people with a demon heart are more terrifying than demons. There is no such truth in heaven and earth.

The master entered Shangguan's house at night, killed him, and took a look at the heart, which was indeed black. "

Zhang Xiao's eyes lit up and he let out a soft sigh. This story seemed very simple. It was about whether the argument was good or bad. It should be judged by what he did rather than his identity.

The author probably wants to satirize the bad habit of judging people based on their status. The whole story may be fabricated, but that's not the point.

What he is really more interested in is the dreaming technique. If the Taoist sect also has this kind of technique, can he see what he did in the fragment?

Zhang Xiao always felt that something important should have happened during the period of time when the film was broken. It was so important that even though the film was broken, he still had a vague feeling in his heart that his improvement in strength was inseparable from that period of time.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out his telescope and started to contact his father. After a few simple words, Zhang Xiao went straight to the topic:

"Dad, does our Taoist sect have any magic that can help us see what we have experienced in the past?"

Zhang Chengdao pondered for a while and then said:

"Yes, the dream recall technique is used for introspection, but the recall time is not long, only about half a month at most. It is a relatively unsophisticated spell."

Half a month? Zhang Xiao roughly calculated the time it took from the last time to now, and it was only about ten days!

"Dad! I want to use that technique. Is there any way?"

"Okay, I'll think of a way, but this technique is difficult to preserve, and I don't know if it can be successful. It's a pity that I can't teach you, otherwise you can just perform it yourself."

Zhang Chengdao was very efficient. In the afternoon of the next day, he received an exquisite jade box with complex patterns. The four sides of the box were lifelike four-faced mythical beasts.

The whole box is emitting a faint light. Good guy, have you taken out the four-image jade box?

This is a box usually used to seal rare spiritual objects. Is it so difficult to preserve the dream technique this time?

Using Taoist techniques, he activated the golden light spell and tapped several places on the box in a certain order with his sword finger. The light on the box flourished and then subsided in an instant.

It opened by itself with a "click". There was a talisman paper lying alone in the box, and there was a note next to it. I picked it up and read:

"After unsealing, use it within half an hour, otherwise it will turn into ashes."

1 hour? Zhang Xiao put the box away and hurried towards the Room of Requirement.

After summoning his usual practice room with ease, Zhang Xiao sat cross-legged on the mat and calmed down his emotions for a while before solemnly picking up the talisman.

Follow dad's instructions and press the talisman after making the seal.

"Youxian returns to his dream!"

untie! "


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