Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 176 Christmas (2 in 1)

The semester was over, and a silence as thick as the snow on the ground enveloped the entire castle.

The little wizards who went home for Christmas left the castle on the Hogwarts train the night before.

The whole school suddenly became much quieter and even became empty.

Zhang Xiao didn't feel dull, but felt very peaceful.

Because of the attack, the number of students who chose to stay at Hogwarts was particularly small.

Although Fred and George decided to stay at school, except for coming back to sleep at night, they stayed in Hogsmeade during the day. Their experiment seemed to have reached a critical point.

Although Mrs. Weasley was very worried about Ginny, the mandrakes in the herb greenhouse gradually matured.

Her mood also calmed down a lot, because Professor Sprout told her that Ginny would be resurrected unscathed in a few months.

Zhang Xiao feels that if ordinary people know about this technology, they will go crazy. There will not be a mature freezing technology until 2023.

Those who are seriously ill can definitely find an opportunity to gaze lovingly at the basilisk through the mirror.

It's safe and painless, and the technology is guaranteed. It's like being frozen in time. It's very easy to use.

Perhaps Ginny's petrification touched the emotions of the Weasleys, and the couple decided to go to Egypt and Romania to see Bill and Charlie.

One of them works as a curse breaker in Gringotts, responsible for solving the curse left by the pharaoh in the pyramid for the goblins and obtaining the treasure.

Of course the treasure belongs to the fairies.

This is because the Egyptian Ministry of Magic is too weak. It has been pooped and peed on by goblins, and even its ancestors' graves have been dug up, and there is nothing they can do about it.

This shows that although the goblins were defeated, they were still strong.

They are digging up people's ancestral graves all over the world, except in China.

Another Charlie is raising dragons in Romania.

They are all high-risk occupations, and they often receive casualty notices.

After all, the family concept in the West is very different from that in the East. Bill and Charlie are both high-income people.

But he is relatively independent and has his own life after work.

If we were to leave China, there would be so many younger brothers and sisters, and the two elder brothers would definitely have to support the family. There would never be a situation where the two elder brothers earn half a million yuan a year, and the younger brother still uses second-hand things.

In the previous life, Zhang Xiao himself knew that there were many brothers who immediately took the initiative to carry the family on their shoulders after they came out.

We cannot say which of the two concepts is better or worse, we can only say that the cultures are different.

Percy stayed, too, and proudly told them that he only stayed for Christmas because it was his duty, as a straight-A student, to support his teachers during this turbulent time.

Everyone sneered at this, because almost everyone in the school knew that Percy stayed here for the convenience of dating Penello.

Penello's home is not far from Hogwarts, and the two have long agreed to travel to Hogsmeade together during this holiday to experience what it would be like to spend Christmas alone.

By the way, when the two of them were kissing and talking about their plans in an unmanned classroom, the entire small dueling club was hiding and eavesdropping.

The dawn of Christmas has arrived, and Hogwarts is like being thrown into the refrigerator. There is cold air everywhere, and there is thick snow outside.

There were only two people left in the dormitory, Zhang Xiao and Malfoy.

Malfoy felt as if a bone loosening spell had been cast on him, lying limp in the warm bed with no strength at all.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and opened a gap in the curtain, and the cold air came in through the gap.

Malfoy shivered, immediately shrank back into the quilt, and shouted loudly:

"Zhang, would it be better if we just sleep until lunch?"

Zhang Xiao had woken up long ago, but he was also staying in bed. The air conditioner in summer and the quilt in winter both have a fatal attraction for humans.

"I can do it!"

It was Malfoy's first Christmas at school, and the novelty eventually took over.

He gritted his teeth and crawled out of bed, put on his clothes as quickly as possible, and muttered:

"I'd better get up. Weasley and Potter have already boasted to me that the school hall will be decorated like-"

After swallowing the second half of the sentence, Malfoy looked at the gifts that almost filled the entire dormitory and shouted:

"bloody hell! Why so many gifts?"

To be honest, as the top rich second generation in the wizarding world, the gifts Malfoy receives every year are definitely not too small.

That is to say, Zhang Xiao taught him to stay away from vulgar taste, otherwise he would definitely use the number of gifts to mock Weasley and Potter.

But the number in front of him was too exaggerated. After just a cursory glance, Malfoy felt that the pile of gifts in front of him totaled at least more than 300!

The pile of about eighty or ninety gifts next to him was obviously missing, and most of them should be his own.

Because this is similar to the amount he used to receive every year.

Zhang Xiao lazily stuck his head out from behind the curtain, glanced at it, and let out a long yawn:

"It seems to be a little more than last year."

Zhang Xiao took out his wand and flicked it, summoning the clothes on the hanger. Malfoy had already gotten up, and he was too embarrassed to stay in bed.

He vaguely felt that before he blocked his cognition, he didn't have to worry so much about getting dressed.

But I can't remember exactly what I did, which makes me feel uncomfortable.

After a while, when I was about to put on my sweater, I suddenly remembered something and jumped out of bed quickly.

After rummaging through the gift 'mountain' for a while, I found the gift sent by Mrs. Weasley.

After opening the gift, there was still the Weasley family's traditional thick sweater and a large box of Mrs. Molly's homemade fudge.

Although it is not very expensive, it is hard to come by.

Malfoy watched Zhang Xiao put on the Slytherin green sweater. There was a 'Z' embroidered with silver wool on the chest.

He said slowly: "What is this? I feel like I have seen it somewhere.

It seems to be on Weasley? "

Zhang Xiao opened the packaging of the gummies, stuffed one in his mouth, and said vaguely:

"Well, I have one every year. It's quite warm."

Mrs. Weasley's craftsmanship is as superb as ever. The fudge is not very sweet, and has a rich milky flavor, and it seems that a little mint is added.

Malfoy curled his lips and didn't say anything about cheapness. Instead, he picked up a piece of the candy box handed over by Zhang Xiao.

Prepare to criticize Mrs. Weasley's craftsmanship and show off how delicious her mother's candies are.

It's just that Malfoy tasted it for a long time and saw that the candy box was almost empty, but he couldn't say anything useful.

I could only turn around and start counting my gifts.

Zhang Xiaozao has been doing this for a long time. Thanks to several limelights this semester, especially his duel with Professor Flitwick in the Duel Club, his popularity has reached a new level.

As a result, the number of gifts further increased. Zhang Xiao counted them and reached an astonishing 322 pieces!

This meant that in addition to the professor there were gifts from Mrs. Weasley and courtesy gifts from pureblood families.

Almost half of the school gave themselves Christmas gifts?

Doesn’t it take a day just to open the gift?

Zhang Xiao felt his scalp was numb, so he could only pick out gifts for his close friends.

What Harry sent was a pair of two minifigures with identical figures, and the packaging was very exquisite.

The box says ‘Wizard Duel Contest Classic Reproduction! ’

After a brief glance at the instructions, these two villains were included in the 10 classic duels recognized in the past 100 years.

As long as the year and event are shouted loudly, the two villains will completely recreate the classic duel.

Of course, the magic shot is all light and shadow effects, and has no actual lethality.

I can only say that it is definitely not cheap.

Malfoy over there stretched his head and looked at it, then said nonchalantly:

"Duel villain? Regular version, right? I have several collector's editions at home, including the limited edition in pajamas. The regular version only costs a few dozen galleons."

This look is just like the Versailles face of the krypton guy in the group in my previous life - Yelan is very strong, even stronger with full health and essence. I spent 25 648 to get out.


"Did Harry get you a gift?"

"Potter would give me a gift? How is that possible?"

Malfoy raised his face and showed his trademark contemptuous smile:

"Although I gave him a gift worthy of his status, it was out of my noble character. I didn't expect Potter—"

Suddenly Malfoy fell silent. Zhang Xiao stretched his head and looked at it. The gift box in his hand said 'Harry Potter'.

Malfoy's face instantly turned red, and he coughed hurriedly, keeping a straight face to prevent himself from laughing out loud, and said slowly:

"Well, surprisingly—"

Pull Draco down, Zhang Xiao curled his lips, you were so happy that you almost sang.

After Malfoy quickly opened the gift, he fell silent for a moment. He stared and turned out the box in his hand, which was also a customized villain.

It's just that he looks exactly like Malfoy, a complete Q version. There seems to be something wrong with the villain's head. He never lowers his head and looks up at everyone. The expression on his face is very unbeatable.

The villain wears Slytherin's academic robes and paces the table with his hands behind his back.

Occasionally, he would take out his magic wand and point it to the sky, displaying a sentence:

"A Malfoy who can't speak is a good Malfoy!"

We can’t say they are similar, we can only say they are exactly the same!

Zhang Xiao almost burst out laughing. Malfoy stared at himself on the table, took out his wand and wanted to break it into pieces, but finally gave up the idea.

He just roughly stuffed the little man back into the box and put it into the small satchel.

Judging from the look on his face, he is probably already thinking about what gifts to give him for next Christmas.

In fact, the gifts were almost the same as last year. Hagrid still gave some cherished magical animal materials, as well as a thank you.

Because of Zhang Xiao’s idea, the Care of Magical Creatures class has become one of the favorite classes for young wizards.

Hagrid's popularity has also increased significantly. Every time I hear the little wizards shout "Professor Hagrid".

The big and honest man's eyes almost narrowed into slits when he smiled, and he became even more grateful to Zhang Xiao.

It can only be said that Hagrid is indeed generous. If you say that he doesn't know the prices, that's nonsense. As a person who often goes to Knockturn Alley to buy things, how can he not understand the value of the things in his hands.

Hermione still gave him books, maybe because they both studied in Muggle society, but she actually gave him a set of Encyclopedia Britannica, which was quite expensive.

The price alone is over $1,000! I don't know how Hermione convinced her parents to pay so much money.

But considering that Mr. Granger has his own dental clinic, I can only say that the little rich woman is not short of this little money.

Even if this set of books uses very concise Chinese characters, it has more than 40 million words. You can imagine how large the English original version is.

Malfoy was startled by the dozens of books in this set. "Is Granger crazy? Who can read all these books?"

Bah, you silly son of a landlord, this thing is used as a search engine by people in this era, it is quite practical.

Putting this set of encyclopedias into his Qiankun bag, Zhang Xiao continued to open the gifts.

Ron's gift was relatively simple. It was still a card, but this time it was a star card issued by the Quidditch team.

Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall and several other professors all had books. Professor Snape gave me "Memory Magic - Controlling Your Thinking".

Finally it was time for the main event. Zhang Xiao picked up a small package with beautiful cursive writing on it:

"Albus Dumbledore"

Wiltshire, northern England, the mansion of the Malfoy family.

According to past practice, this place should have been decorated long ago in preparation for Christmas celebrations.

But at this time, a thick fog enveloped the mansion. This was a sign that the mansion's defensive magic was fully activated.

The delicate iron door that had been cast with a powerful spell flapped from time to time, and people wearing cloaks and covering their faces apparated to the door.

After looking around vigilantly, he notified the owner of the mansion with a specific visitor spell.

There were already many people in the magnificent hall. They were sitting at the exquisite oak table. The tea in front of them had already lost its temperature, but no one touched it.

Some people twisted their bodies uncomfortably, while others pretended to be calm but unconsciously tapped the handrails with their fingers, revealing their inner nervousness.

There was silence in the spacious living room, as if everyone was unwilling to speak and just waited quietly.

As the owner of the mansion, Lucius was not among them.

In the bedroom on the second floor, Narcissa pressed against Lucius, suppressed her anger, and whispered:

"Lucius, are you crazy? Your life is peaceful now, and your cooperation with Dongfang has also made you a lot of money. Why are you -"

Her chin pointed downwards, in the direction of the living room.

"Even on this day, don't you know how much I miss my kids?"

Lucius looked a little pale. He gritted his teeth and said in an anxious and painful tone:

"No, you don't understand, Narcissa, I have to protect you and Draco!

Damn it - he calculated it when he handed that thing to me!

I don't know how he predicted the future. I'm afraid it was the legendary prophecy that made him take precautions. "

Narcissa's face suddenly turned paler than her husband's. She held her husband's hand tightly, even the joints were a little blue.

"You mean - the mysterious man had already anticipated that he might fail, and then gave you a key thing?"

Lucius swallowed, his eyes full of fear:

"Narcissa, I can't tell you more. It's not good to know too much, but -"

He pointed in the direction of the living room:

"No one wants him to come back, but equally - no one can bear the price of discovering that he has rebelled when he returns."

He looked at his beloved wife and repeated:



1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

The three of us were still lying down, and I was going crazy. I was shopping for groceries, cooking, taking care of the baby, and giving medicine.

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