Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 200 Horcrux Taoist Dumbledore (2 in 1)

When he heard Neville say 'always', Zhang Xiao finally understood.

That wasn't some kind of mind blindness. It wasn't the Oblivion Curse that made it so difficult for Neville to learn and made him look a little clumsy.

Dumbledore's level wouldn't make such a mistake.

Everything is because Neville is consuming his own spirituality to keep Alice and Frank's souls immortal.

Use the pain caused by missing you as a chain to hold them in place, preventing them from leaving your body.

This is polysomnia. Polypsychiasis is not schizophrenia, but a state of confusion. The original body only needs to nourish itself.

But now there are two more, which will inevitably lead to insufficient supply.

Neville's world has always been different from others. The world of normal people is clear and smooth.

But his world is a bit slow, and when put into the game, it is like playing with normal players despite high latency and low refresh rate.

So Neville has always been a genius. Under such conditions, he can still learn magic spells and achieve results in herbal medicine. It can only be said that his talent is amazing.

No one except the family could see what happened. Zhang Chengdao was patiently telling Mrs. Longbottom the current situation.

".You mean, Frank and Alice are like this because they are missing a piece of their souls?"

Mrs. Longbottom looked at Zhang Chengdao with an indescribable look. She was emotionally willing to believe that this was true.

But her reason told her that this was impossible, but in the wizard's knowledge, the soul was one and separation was impossible.

That's why things like Horcruxes are so shocking.

"And the reason why Neville is not very talented is because the piece of soul missing from Frank and Alice is in his body?


Zhang Xiao pulled Zhang Cheng and said:

"Dad, can't you cure it now? Can't you just send the soul back?"

"Pa" Zhang Chengdao patted Zhang Xiao's head and whispered: "You think I am a god, my soul has been out of the body for more than ten years.

Neville's true self was extremely attached to them, and it was impossible for him to take the initiative to let go of them. Recruiting them and sending them back was easy to say, but too difficult to do.

Even if we want to solve this problem in Longhu Mountain, it will take some effort. The binding is too tight, and the souls of the strong couple are too fragile.

A little carelessness can hurt them. "

Zhang Xiao glanced at his father in surprise:

"Does this mean that Neville should be sent back to Longhu Mountain?"

"Well, we have to send it back. We can't delay it any longer. If we delay it any longer, we might never be able to separate.

Even if he is rescued, his soul still needs to be warmed and nourished for a period of time. The West does not have this condition! "

Zhang Xiao nodded thoughtfully. Returning to Longhu Mountain, he suddenly remembered Neville's nickname in his previous life - Gryffindor Sword Master!

A brilliant idea came to me.

He asked mysteriously:

"Dad, if you go back to Longhu Mountain, can you find someone to teach Neville two-handed swordsmanship?"

"Ah?" Zhang Chengdao was a little confused about his son's request, but it was not a big deal. He couldn't make decisions about accepting disciples.

After all, the Taoist sect also has the Western Forbidden City that has been passed down for thousands of years, and Zhang Chengdao doesn't know if the Western Forbidden City includes recruiting foreign disciples.

But there is no problem in teaching two-handed swordsmanship.

Mrs. Longbottom finally chose to inform Dumbledore that Neville would need to take a leave of absence from school when he went to Dragon Tiger Mountain.

This procedure originally requires the consent of the principal.

Mrs. Longbottom directly borrowed the hospital's Floo powder and headed to Hogsmeade. Normally, Hogwarts' Floo network was closed and she could not go directly to the school.

Neville never understood what happened until Zhang Xiao explained it to him and then said in surprise:

"Can mom and dad recover? Is this true? My consciousness is, can they really talk to me?"

Alas. This kid didn't even care that he was actually a genius.

Zhang Xiao nodded, of course he had great confidence in his father and Daomen.

"Great, great." Neville murmured to himself. He happily took Alice's hand, hugged Frank, and whispered something to them.

And my father and mother have already started to contact Daomen.

Zhang Xiao found that he was the only one free for a while.

Fortunately, Dumbledore arrived quickly. It was obvious that he was in a hurry. He was wearing a very simple white robe, soft-soled loafers, and his long beard was a little messy.

He opened the door and strode in, his blue eyes scanning the room.

He nodded to everyone and gave Zhang Xiao a gentle smile.

"I heard Augusta (Neville's grandmother's name) say that you have found a way to save Alice and Frank?"

Zhang Chengdao nodded and introduced the general situation.

Dumbledore listened quietly, with no expression on his old face. After listening, he was silent for a while:

“Not long ago, I had a pleasant communication time with Zhang’s grandfather, and the completely different spells of the East opened my eyes.

Although this was the first time I heard this novel theory, I wanted to believe it and thought I could give it a try. After all, there was no better way.

What do you say, Augusta? "

"It's up to you, Dumbledore." Mrs. Longbottom nodded vigorously, and the huge eagle specimen on her hat swayed again.

She wanted to believe it was true more than anyone else, and Dumbledore's advice only made her more confident.

Dumbledore finally showed a pleasant smile, looking quite happy. I'm afraid it wasn't just the Longbottoms' treatment.

In fact, he had long suspected that Voldemort had made something like a Horcrux. The appearance of the diary only confirmed this, but due to cognitive issues in his soul.

Dumbledore didn't know how many Horcruxes Voldemort had made or where he hid them.

It was precisely because of this that he made a series of plans and sacrificed himself for the Horcrux in the later period.


Zhang Xiao couldn't help but clenched his fist. Everything is different now. Because of the existence of Dao Sect and the diary, I can bring this matter to the table directly.

This is the biggest change!

Dumbledore once again chatted with Zhang Chengdao and his wife for a while, mainly talking about Zhang Xiao's performance in school.

Judging from the smile on Li Qingshu's face, it was obvious that Dumbledore was not stingy with his compliments, and he also wanted to know about the situation in China.

How should I put it, Zhang Chengdao was quite reliable when he was serious, and he was able to fool him with Tai Chi skillfully.

Dumbledore didn't have any regrets, because through communication with three generations of his grandparents, he discovered that his counterparts in the East seemed to have no idea of ​​coming to the West for development.

If it hadn't been for the Eastern student Zhang who came to Hogwarts, I'm afraid Dumbledore would still have ignored the mysterious land in the East.

After talking for a while, Dumbledore suddenly turned to Zhang Xiao and asked gently:

"Zhang, can you come over and have a chat?"

"Of course, Professor."

Arriving in a quiet room, Dumbledore pulled out a chair and brought out two glasses of chilled drinks - iced lemon juice.

Couldn't he have a different drink?

"Zhang, from the moment you were in coma until now, I've always wanted to find an opportunity to talk to you. The little wizards are crazy about you, and they gave you a new nickname.

Dragoon Wizard – To be honest, I’m a little jealous. "

Dumbledore showed a nostalgic smile:

"Because when I was little, I also dreamed of riding a dragon."

Zhang Xiao spread his hands and said, "Maybe I have to consider renting out Noble after I go back. The letters I received from my classmates all expressed their request to ride Noble.

By the way, Professor, how is Noble doing? "

"Very good." Dumbledore smiled slightly: "Hagrid, our gamekeeper and professor of the Care of Magical Creatures, was declared cleared of suspicion that night.

The Ministry of Magic is very sorry for wronging Hagrid fifty years ago.

Originally they were unwilling to admit this. In short, it was good news. The dragon's vitality was very powerful, and the venom of the basilisk could not even kill him.

After Professor Snape concocted a powerful antidote, the brave dragon was quickly freed from the venom.

It recovered well under Hagrid's care.

And as you said, the little wizards in the whole school loved it very much and sent a lot of food.

So far, Noble is enjoying this life very much. "

Zhang Xiao finally felt relieved, and the two fell into silence for a while. Neither the old man nor the young man spoke, but drank tea quietly.

"Professor Dumbledore, there is something I want to tell you." After drinking a glass of lemonade, Zhang Xiao broke the silence and took out Tom Riddle's diary under Dumbledore's gaze.

He placed it on the table and pushed it towards Dumbledore, brilliantly playing the role of a young wizard who discovered some secrets but did not know the specific situation:

"Professor, there is something wrong with this thing. It contains a piece of Tom Riddle's soul. In our words, it is called 'po'."

Dumbledore asked softly: "Do you know who Tom Riddle is?"

"Of course I do, the Dark Lord, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named—Voldemort."

"Yeah, he put a spell on his name, and it will be sensed once he says his name, so people are afraid of him and don't even dare to say his name.

This is something very evil - I hesitate very much to tell you, because in my experience the better the wizards are the more resistant they are to death.

Few people can resist the temptation of eternal life. "

Dumbledore looked at Zhang Xiao with his blue eyes, wanting to see the reaction of this young wizard who could become the best of the younger generation.

Zhang Xiao curled his lips and showed his disdain for Horcruxes clearly. He didn't want this coward to give away Horcruxes for nothing!

eternal life? Phew, is this also called eternal life?

This kind of garbage thing that splits one's soul and turns oneself into a psychopath for eternity?

Moreover, Horcruxes definitely have a shelf life, and the wear and tear caused by time alone is more than the soul can bear.

To be honest, the magic stone is more reliable than this thing!

"Professor Dumbledore, you don't have to worry that I will be confused by this kind of thing, let alone..."

Zhang Xiao hesitated for a while. The ultimate goal of Taoism is to seek immortality, become immortal and ascend, but he really doesn’t know much about Taoism, so he didn’t say too much.

Perhaps it was the unpretentious contempt on Zhang Xiao's face that made Dumbledore sigh:

"I've been hoping to get this proof for a very long time." He picked up the diary:

"It further confirmed my thinking, it told me that I was right, and it also let me know how far we still have to go..."

Zhang Xiao suddenly noticed that Dumbledore waved his hand gently, and an invisible wave seemed to spread throughout the room.

The noise that could still be heard faintly had completely disappeared.

He was shielded from all possible prying eyes and eavesdropping.

"I'm sure you can understand what I'm saying now that you're a little older," said Dumbledore.

Tom Riddle has begun to fear death, and he has tried every means to make himself immortal. "

"So this is his result, sir?" Zhang Xiao tried his best to look like he was hearing about it for the first time.

"He created this, this crappy thing? Is this why Mr. Voldemort never dies?"

"Yes, it's called a Horcrux, a thing that can help people escape death, although I don't know why you keep dismissing it.

But he was undoubtedly effective, Voldemort was hit by his own killing curse, but he did not die, you know with his power.

Even a full-grown dragon couldn't resist, but he still survived," said Dumbledore, "and my worries don't end there.

According to my suspicions, Voldemort made more than one Horcrux. But your father just mentioned something very interesting.

He said the human soul has a 'sanhunqipo'," said Dumbledore.

"So I think this should help determine the upper limit of the number of Horcruxes."

"Seven!" Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

"Seven?" Dumbledore's blue eyes seemed to flash with a glimmer of light. This number happened to be Voldemort's favorite number.

"Yes, up to seven!" Zhang Xiao smiled and asked with an inexplicable meaning: "Professor Dumbledore, do you know why I am sure that I will not be tempted by Horcruxes?"

Dumbledore finally showed an interested look, nodded and said:

"I'm very interested."

"Because making a Horcrux requires splitting one's soul, and although splitting the soul will not cause death, it will lose other things.

Becoming a moody, stubborn, madman who can't even stay calm for a long time, this short-lived immortality of losing one's self, is not just for me.

I'm afraid no one would be willing to use it in the East. "

"Is that so?" Dumbledore's beard trembled, as if the dark clouds that had been covering his mind for a long time finally dispersed.

Some long-standing doubts were once again answered.

For example, in his memory, Tom Riddle was a Slytherin who was personable, charismatic, capable of leadership, and full of wisdom.

But later he became more and more extreme, and even seemed to know nothing except Avada Kedavra.

The huge contrast between before and after even made Dumbledore wonder if he was hiding something or harboring some big plan.

Now it turns out that he really pulled it!

What could be more enjoyable than a sudden outburst from your opponent?

That is.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, do you want to know the location of the Horcrux?"

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