Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 205 The Glove Lady’s Advice

"Bang" The stacked books, which were half a person's height, collided with the table, making a dull sound.

Mrs. Pingsi's stern eyes moved back and forth between the book and Zhang Xiao's face, and she said slowly:

"Are you sure you want to borrow all these books?"

Zhang Xiao nodded sheepishly. This was after he had just screened it and eliminated books that only introduced the Patronus Charm.

"Okay!" Mrs. Pince muttered, pulled the card and started recording. Of course she had heard of this student who had always had a great reputation.

Had it not been for Dumbledore's special care, Mrs. Pince felt that she would not have let Zhang borrow so many books at once.

The little wizards were playing happily in the castle, and through the windows you could see black shadows flying on the Quidditch pitch.

It must be Gryffindor training.

A few days ago, Harry said that Wood had recently developed several new tactics to target Slytherin.

But when he realized Malfoy was there, he immediately shut his mouth.

Feeling humiliated, Malfoy finally used the language unique to the Malfoy family to taunt Gryffindor's defeat.

Yes, Gryffindor, which had not suffered a defeat since Harry joined the team, finally suffered a defeat.

It was the loss to Slytherin - this was one of the reasons why Wood was so mad that he increased the amount of training again.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class was temporarily held by Professor Snape. The Potions Professor who finally got his wish used various methods to target Gryffindor students in class.

Well. Mainly Harry.

However, Zhang Xiao felt that the current Defense Against Dark Arts class really taught some useful things.

Maybe Lockhart, who was controlled by Voldemort, counts.

Snape taught the little wizard some very useful magic spells, such as 'Close the earplugs and listen'.

It fills the eavesdropper's ears with a buzzing, buzzing sound.

In addition, the holidays are getting closer and closer, and the little wizards' hearts are restless.

Zhang Xiao stood in the hall at the entrance of the library and looked at his favorite spot by the lake.

But I found a young couple already sitting there, cuddling together sweetly.

I can only give up the idea of ​​sleeping by the lake (crossed out) and reading a book.

With such thoughts, I wandered around the campus aimlessly, and before I knew it, I found that I was almost at the Room of Requirement.

Hmm. The Room of Requirement is fine too, at least no one will disturb you here.

Gilt table lamps, soft carpets, luxurious chandeliers, large mahogany desks and curtain beds.

Looking at this familiar decoration, it is the boss's room.

Uh, don't you want a quiet place to read a book?

Why did the boss' room appear again?

Before Zhang Xiao could speak, the pair of white ladies' gloves had floated up, and she started writing on the parchment.

"You haven't been here for a long time."

Look, the boss is the boss, even asking what happened was so graceful and said it in the way of greeting.

Zhang Xiao briefly told what happened, but of course concealed many details.

Of course it was impossible to tell everything, to be honest, although he wanted to believe that Ms. Glove was a kind person.

But until we understand who she is and what her purpose is, it’s always a small thing to guard against her, at least you have to guard against her several times.

A sudden realization flashed through Zhang Xiao's heart. Maybe he came to the Room of Requirement less often because he didn't understand Ms. Gloves, so he subconsciously stayed away?

Mittens listened silently, and after a while she wrote again:

"You have to pay attention to your own safety. The chicks that have not yet fully fledged are the most dangerous.

It is a great regret to die before you have seen the vastness of the sky. "

Zhang Xiao nodded: "Thank you, I will pay attention."

But I was secretly amazed in my heart, and I didn’t know what Ms. Gloves’ background was when she just told her story.

He always felt that Ms. Glove seemed a little dismissive of the basilisk.

Even the three deans said they could win when facing the thousand-year-old basilisk, but they would definitely not be able to win in a short time.

Someone who can express disdain must be at least one level above the three professors, right?

After saying this, Ms. Gloves made a sign to please, and then disappeared.

Zhang Xiao calmly sat down on the soft armrest sofa and casually took out a book from the Qiankun bag.

A plate of baked crispy cookies and tea suddenly appeared on the small round table next to it.

The silver tray bears the Hogwarts school emblem. Well, it seems that the boss is still paying attention silently.

After recovering his thoughts, Zhang Xiao opened the thick book and read it attentively.

The book "Amazing Magic" mainly tells the story of a man named 'Elius'.

This wizard lived a long time ago, and at that time wizard villages were not as rare as they are now.

His patronus is a rat, only the size of a real rat.

The villagers laughed at him because they had never seen such a weak patron saint.

One day the dark wizard Rachidien invaded the village with an army of dementors.

Zhang Xiao paused when he saw this. Invading the village? Why invade a village?

Ilius summoned his physical patron saint and single-handedly saved the village, making him a hero.

The author wrote at the end of this story: "What determines the strength of the patron saint is not the size, but the belief contained in it."

Zhang Xiao: Why does it smell like a motto?

I briefly browsed through the content at the end, and most of them told stories, and finally wrote a sentence or two to summarize.

He closed the book directly and put it aside.

The next book is called "The Magical Guardian"

Zhang Xiao ate a small biscuit. As a book specifically about the Patronus Charm, he had high hopes for it.

five minutes later

what! How come there is such a book?

In addition to recording the more famous forms of patron saints in history, the rest of the text describes how powerful these patron saints are.

How powerful and noble these wizards are, yet they have nothing useful at all.

However, thanks to this book, Zhang Xiao learned that in addition to the common patron saints, there are also some extremely rare patron saints.

For example, Hedley Fleetwood, whose patron saint is a mammoth.

This creature has become extinct and is the only example in the entire wizarding world.

Another example is the invincible Andros, whose patronus is as big as a giant.

Many people say that is the real giant.

Even before every battle, he would immediately release his Patronus. When his opponents saw such a huge Patronus, they would lose all their courage.

He immediately lost the courage to fight and surrendered.

There are also some patron saints who are magical animals, such as Dumbledore's phoenix patron saint. I heard that there are also thestrals and fire dragon patron saints.

Time passed by, and the table was piled with books that had been read.

The cookies on the silver tray have also been finished long ago.

Zhang Xiao threw down the last book and lay helplessly on the sofa. This book in the wizarding world is even more useless than Baidu!

The gloves slowly emerged, and she stroked them on the spines of Zhang Xiao's stacked books:

"Do you want to learn the Patronus Charm? Or the physical Patronus?"

Zhang Xiao nodded.

The lady's slender gloved fingers tapped rhythmically on the mahogany desk for a while, then she floated up again and came to the locked bookcase.

With just a gentle knock, the bookcase opened automatically, took out an unmarked hard book, and handed it to Zhang Xiao.

"Perhaps this can bring you some inspiration."


It’s made up, not included in today’s update.

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