Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 245 Dumbledore sent a question mark

Dumbledore's long white eyebrows twitched twice, and his blue eyes looked at Sirius:

"Of course, Sirius, this is a request that cannot be refused, and a request that should not be refused."

Then he looked at Zhang Xiao again: "Zhang, are you coming too?"

Zhang Xiao also nodded. How could he not go? Putting aside the emotional aspects, it was not a dangerous activity in the first place.

Let’s just talk about the practical measures, the protective measures set up by Voldemort himself.

A mountain of stones can attack jade, and one can look down upon Voldemort's character, but one cannot look down upon Voldemort's power and knowledge. In terms of black magic, Voldemort has definitely surpassed the despicable Herbo.

So it's quite good to have the opportunity to see Voldemort's methods.

Sirius wiped his tears. This young master Black, who always had a lazy expression, was cynical, free and uninhibited, was full of a sharp feeling at this moment.

He touched his clothes with his wand, and with the light of transformation, the suit on his body transformed into a suit of mobile clothing that was easy to move around.

Dumbledore looked at Kreacher and said gently:

"Kreacher, we want to go to that cave and take Regulus home. Are you willing to help us?"

Kreacher covered his eyes and nodded desperately, tears flying everywhere with its movements: "Kreacher is willing, Kreacher wants to take the young master home."

"That's a cave, right? If possible, I hope you can take us outside of that cave."

Dumbledore continued speaking gently.

"Outside? Why don't we fly directly to that damn island?" Sirius frowned and asked in confusion.

Because Dumbledore suspected that he had been to that cave, and just wanted to confirm it. I am afraid that Dumbledore had already figured out some of Voldemort's rules for hiding things.

That is relevance and ritual. For example, in Gaunt's old house and the former cave, if he had discovered the crown, he would probably have guessed what the next Horcrux would be.

"I want to confirm something, Sirius. We are not in a hurry. I believe this will be helpful for us to defeat the Dark Lord." Dumbledore replied calmly:

"I think Regulus would rather we defeat the Dark Lord than simply retrieve his body."

Sirius was silent for a moment: "You are right, Dumbledore."

The feeling of apparating is always so uncomfortable, but Zhang Xiao felt that he adapted quickly. When it was over, he even had the time to pay attention to which part of himself came out last.

The salty sea breeze rushed towards him with cold water mist, and soon he felt his face was wet.

In my ears I could hear the sound of waves crashing against rocks.

He looked at the moonlit sea and the starry night sky in the distance, the black hair on his forehead flickering gently.

This is a high black rock outcropping the sea, with Dumbledore, Sirius and Kreacher beside him.

Dumbledore's expression became serious and serious, as if he meant so.

He turned his head and looked back, and there was a cliff standing behind him. The steep rock wall dropped straight down, and it was so dark that he couldn't see his face.

There is nothing around, it is bare and desolate. Apart from the vast sea and jagged rocks, there is nothing to see, not a single tree, nor grass or beach.

"Tom, Tom," Dumbledore muttered. He sighed and said to Zhang Xiao:

"Zhang, I'm afraid I've found another important clue, but let's sit down and talk slowly after we go back."

Zhang Xiao guessed that Voldemort liked to bury Horcruxes in places of great significance in his childhood.

But the most important gain is not this, but that Dumbledore is actually willing to tell him the clues he discovered instead of keeping everything to himself.

This is amazing. In the original plot, no one except himself knew what Dumbledore was planning. Only with every step forward did he realize that Dumbledore had already thought of it.

Even Professor Snape, who was the most important person in the plan, only understood part of the matter at the end, such as that Harry was the last Horcrux.

Highlights an old Riddler.

Now Dumbledore is actually willing to discuss the Horcruxes and share clues with him. Does this mean that I am sure that I will not be confused by the Horcruxes? And the Taoist sect’s special attack on the soul?

Zhang Xiao was quite surprised, but still nodded and agreed.

"I said, how long are we going to have the cool breeze blowing here?" Sirius was a little impatient. He was eager to take his poor brother home. This urgency was like a fire burning his heart. , the blood all over his body was hot.

Dumbledore is worthy of being a professor and fulfills his obligations all the time:

"Sirius, I can understand your eagerness, but I don't agree with it. We are not going for an outing, but preparing to break through the defense lines carefully set up by Voldemort.

This state will only make you make mistakes. Being calm is a very good quality. Remember your Ultimate Wizard Exam?

At that time, you could obviously get a very high score, even a perfect score, for the compound deformation, as long as you followed the requirements step by step.

But you just have to do it all at once.

What did I say to you after that exam? "

Zhang Xiao noticed that Sirius's face was a little red, he lowered his head and muttered:

"What's more terrible than failure is frivolity."

Dumbledore nodded: "I'm glad that you still remember him after so many years, but you just remember him."

He turned around and stared at the cliff:

"If I remember correctly, it shouldn't be here, it's still a little away from the destination."

Dumbledore gestured for the two of them to walk to the edge of the rock. There were many jagged grooves on the rock for stepping on, leading to the giant pebbles below that were around the cliff and half exposed to the sea.

The lower rocks were washed slippery by the sea water.

Zhang Xiao felt the cold water that smelled like sea splashing on his face.

Dumbledore went down to the giant boulder closest to the front of the cliff, squatted down and recited an unknown spell.

Dots of golden light flickered on the dark sea a few feet below him.

The dark rock wall next to him was also illuminated.

"Did you see it?" Dumbledore asked softly. He pointed to the cliff in the distance. There was a crack there. If you didn't pay attention, you would never notice it. The dark sea water was swirling inside.

"I think everyone can swim, right?" he asked next.

Sirius spread his hands and said, "I don't know how to swim, but I can after turning into an Animagus. I can swim quite well."

Zhang Xiao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, it was just a dog scratching!

But it is indeed very powerful. He was able to swim back from Azkaban without hesitation, but he was still extremely weak.

"Professor, do we have to swim? Can't we use some spells or something.

I remember Professor Flitwick had a beautiful ice spell. "

Zhang Xiao asked curiously.

Dumbledore sighed: "I'm afraid this played into Tom's hands. In his mind, the people who can find this place are powerful wizards, and there must be countless magic spells that can help them enter that rift.

So once the magic is used, it will most likely trigger some mechanism, I guess some kind of alarm mechanism. "

He rolled up his sleeves, as if he thought of something happy:

"But no matter how carefully you think about it, there will always be something missing. For example, he never considered that the wizards who came here would swim in the way Muggles do.

Of course, Animagus is different. It is a special kind of spell. Except for a special spell, there are few things that can prevent Animagus from transforming.

There is no way to detect them either. "

At this moment, a hoarse, timid voice came over: "Dear Dumbledore, Kreacher can't do it"

Only then did everyone remember that there was Kreacher. Dumbledore seemed to have been prepared. He said briskly:

"Kreacher, I think you can go back to Black's old house first, find a quiet and warm place to stay, and wait for Sirius to call you, and then go directly to the former island."

Sirius pursed his lips: "Kreacher, do as Dumbledore says."

Kreacher obeyed the order obediently. He bent down deeply and then disappeared. Ever since they decided to come to retrieve Regulus' body and destroy the locket, Kreacher's attitude could be said to be completely different.

Watching Dumbledore move his body and prepare to slide into the water, Zhang Xiao moved his mouth, thinking about trying the water-avoiding charm, but he was afraid that Dongfang's charm would also cause any reaction.

Forget it, it's better to be cautious.

Dumbledore suddenly became as agile as a young man. He slid gently from the pebble into the sea and swam towards the dark crack on the rock surface.

He held the wand in his mouth and used a perfect breaststroke posture, which he had practiced in the swimming pool.

I heard that the bathroom dedicated to the principal is surprisingly big.

Sirius threw his body forward, and in the process of falling down, he had turned into a big black dog with shiny hair. He had obviously been recovering well recently.

He jumped into the cold sea, let out a bark of unknown meaning, and chased Dumbledore in an extremely standard dog-pawing style. Can it be anything other than standard? It's just a dog!

They have gained weight. I wonder if the blood of this big dog can ward off evil spirits. Zhang Xiao was thinking wildly, and then he jumped into the air with his toes, turned into a peregrine falcon, flapped its wings and flew after the two of them.

The crack turned into a dark tunnel with traces of moisture around it, indicating that the tunnel would definitely be filled with seawater during high tide.

The muddy rock walls were only three feet apart on either side, glistening like wet tar in the flash of light from Dumbledore's wand.

The peregrine falcon flapped its wings, turned to the left, and entered the deepest part of the dark passage, where there were steps leading to a large cave.

After flapping its wings again and flipping toward the sky, the peregrine falcon transformed into Zhang Xiao again and landed lightly on the slippery ground in front of it.

After a while, the sound of rushing water sounded, and Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand to pull Dumbledore and Sirius up.

"Excellent transformation skills, Zhang. It seems that you have gained a lot during this summer vacation. Even in Wagadu, where Animagus is very popular, I have not seen a young wizard who can complete transformation at such a young age."

Dumbledore looked at him appreciatively, not caring at all about the water stains dripping down his body.

"It's so cold. I think the sea area where Azkaban is located is not as cold as here." Sirius twisted his wet clothes vigorously. The air around him was silent and cold, and he shivered uncontrollably.

"Ah, Sirius, I think we should be able to use magic. Tom's vulgar tricks are very boring tricks, but they are fake and real, and it is easy for people to fall for them."

After hearing this, he hurriedly dried the moisture on his body with his wand, and Zhang Xiao also helped.

When Sirius finally felt a little warmer.

Dumbledore was already standing in the center of the cave, with his wand raised high in his hand. He was slowly turning in circles, carefully examining the rock walls and cave ceiling.

"Yes, this is the place," Dumbledore said.

Zhang Xiao opened his Dharma Eyes and saw an arch appearing vaguely in front of him on the stone wall, but countless evil and demonic things like chains blocked the arch.

"Yes, Professor, I saw it too. This seems to be a front hall, and there is a lot of space inside."

See it? What did you see? Why didn't I notice it?

Sirius looked blankly at the old man and the young man who were exchanging something, as if they were talking about something he didn't understand at all.

"Zhang, where is the door you saw?"

Dumbledore approached the cave wall and looked at the wall.

"Chichi" A hot red curse burst out from the tip of Zhang Xiao's wand and hit the wall.

As if some switch was triggered, the outline of an arch appeared at the spot where the spell hit, emitting a dazzling white light, and countless dark chains crisscrossed around it.

There is actually a door?

Sirius looked at the arch in surprise. Just as he was about to say something, the outline disappeared. The rock was still as hard and thick as before, with nothing on it.

"What's going on?" Sirius felt that he was a child, while Dumbledore and Zhang were adults.

Zhang Xiao could only say that he was helpless. He could only say that the level here was too high and it was a battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort.

Although Sirius is extremely talented, after all, he has been idle in Azkaban for ten years, and his strength is actually retreating instead of advancing.

He had taken advantage of the unique spell system of the East. I am afraid that Voldemort had not even thought about the existence of something called the Dharma Eye.

Dumbledore's full attention turned to the solid walls of the cave.

He didn't try magic, he just stood there, staring at the cave wall with all his concentration, as if there was something extremely interesting written on it.

After a while, Dumbledore sighed and said softly: "Oh, of course not. It's too vulgar."

There was contempt, even disappointment, in his tone, as if Voldemort had failed to live up to Dumbledore's expected standards.

Dumbledore turned around and was about to say something, but saw that Sirius had turned into a big black dog again.

Zhang Xiao, on the other hand, had a serious expression, as if he was conducting some major experiment, holding a small bowl of black dog blood as if splashing water.

It was poured directly on the stone wall.

This pouring seemed to turn on some switch, and there was a crackling sound on the stone wall, and countless sparks of magic spells swirled and extinguished along with the crisp sound.

There were sparks and lightning all the way, and under the gaze of the three people, the entire stone wall finally fell down like a fried crispy biscuit and hit the ground, breaking into powder on the ground.

The huge cave behind was exposed.

Dumbledore:? ? ?


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