Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 253 The Shadow Appears

The dark little wizards gathered in front of the huge arch, queuing up to get in.

They were discussing various things in twos and threes, and the buzzing noise echoed in the front hall, like a lively swarm of bees.

Zhang Xiao stood in the Slytherin team and scanned the entire team. Many people lowered their heads and did not dare to look at him.

A few others gave him a bitter smile, as if they wanted to express their attitude.

The original extreme pureblood has been suppressed to the point where he can no longer hold his head up and can only huddle in a huddle.

Now it was like a shot in the arm. Not only was he shaking, but a few brainless people actually dared to look at him provocatively.

OK, very good.

Zhang Xiao laughed. If Voldemort dared to provoke him before he came back, then if Voldemort came back, they wouldn't be able to poop and urinate on his head?

Originally, more than 80% of Slytherins wore the badge of Qingluan Society, but now it is less than 60%.

However, those Slytherins who took off their badges did not stand with the extreme purebloods, but joined the neutral faction.

Sure enough, it is human nature to sit on the wall and watch the wind direction, and it is inevitable.

Zhang Xiao was wondering how he could show some color to those extreme purebloods.

But I heard Professor McGonagall shouting:

"MR Zhang, Granger! You two come with me!"

The lively hall suddenly became audible, and the little wizards looked at the professor curiously, not knowing what was going on.

However, Zhang Xiao guessed what the professor was looking for, it should be a time converter.

He stepped out of the crowd and joined Hermione.

Professor McGonagall was wearing a pointed wizard hat, and the square lenses seemed to be shining. She nodded slightly to the two little wizards:

"Let's go"

The two walked her through the front hall, up the marble staircase, and down the corridor.

Walking into her office, it was a very simple small room.

It is also the location of the Transfiguration Club. Zhang Xiao and Hermione have long been familiar with this place.

There was a warm fire in the fireplace, and the whole office was so warm that it made people feel sleepy.

Professor McGonagall motioned for the two of them to sit down. She sat behind the table and glanced back and forth at the two people's faces through the square lenses.

After looking at it for a while, he pursed his lips and said:

"Mr. Zhang, Miss Granger, you two are both outstanding students at Hogwarts.

According to the rules, the time turner can only be used by one person.

But Dumbledore said, no matter who you pull down, it will be bad. In the past time, you have proven yourself with your performance.

Therefore, with the special approval of the principal, two time turners were given, one for each person. "

Hermione's face turned red with excitement. She also pursed her lips, clenched her fists, and nodded vigorously.

His whole body was filled with passion like fire, as if he wanted to prove to Professor McGonagall that he would never let down Dumbledore's expectations.

Zhang Xiao became much calmer, especially after learning the truth about the time turner from Professor Dumbledore.

Isn't this the great way to learn Naruto's Shadow Clone Technique?

Professor McGonagall took out two small boxes from the table and pushed them over, waiting for Zhang Xiaohe and Hermione to reach for them.

But he pressed the box again and looked at the two of them sternly:

“Remember, this thing is confidential and is absolutely not allowed to be disclosed to others.

The usage methods and taboos are all in the box. Especially you, Zhang, you applied for special usage methods from Professor Dumbledore.

It is not used to complete all subjects, but to learn Eastern magic. To be honest, I don't really agree with it.

But I respect your choice.


Professor McGonagall took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"I hope you can promise not to use it for anything other than studying."

"We promise!"

Zhang Xiaohe and Hermione said in unison.

Professor McGonagall then let go of her hand and nodded gently:

"Make good use of it."

On the way to the auditorium, Hermione was so happy that she almost flew up. She held the box and skipped ahead, lifting the box and spinning it in a circle from time to time.

Her thick long hair swung out in a big arc as she moved.

"That's great, Zhang, this is a time turner, what a great alchemy artifact, it can travel through time!

Oh my god, I can't believe it, I thought Percy was joking when he told me that.

Use time converter to select all courses?

What a crazy idea! "

Zhang Xiao happily watched the little witch talking incoherently, but she thought of Professor Dumbledore's words:

"Time turner? Ah, a very interesting little prop."

"Those harsh words are just to scare you, so that you can use them where they should be used."

Well, I don't know what Hermione will do if she learns the truth.

But who cares, breaking the girl's fantasy or something is simply the most incomprehensible act in the world.

Zhang Xiao weighed what he had in hand. If he used it well, this semester might be the year in which my strength improves the fastest.

The most important thing is that there is nothing to worry about this year. Originally, the biggest crisis was Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black.

After solving these two problems, the entire third grade can be said to be the quietest and most comfortable school year.

The auditorium was a sea of ​​pointed black hats.

Each long table was filled with students, their faces lit up by thousands of candles suspended in mid-air above the tables.

Professor Flitwick was struggling to pick up an ancient hat and a three-legged stool and walk out of the auditorium.

Zhang Xiao sat next to Malfoy and whispered:

“The sorting ceremony has just ended, and the number of new students this time is one less than last year, and they are all purebloods.

There's one person I think you might want to pay attention to. "

Zhang Xiao looked at the podium at the front. The huge silver-backed chair in the middle was empty.

His brows frowned immediately. Dumbledore wasn't there?

No matter how busy the principal is, he will never miss the school's opening ceremony. What happened?

He thought and said casually:


Malfoy glanced at the freshmen seats in the distance, paused, and then whispered:

"Astoria Greengrass!"

Oh~~~~~~~Isn’t this Xiao Ma’s future wife?

Zhang Xiao glanced at the little girl subtly, and then at Brother Yan, who looked worried.

"It's time to pay attention."

For some reason, Malfoy always felt that Zhang was laughing at him.

What's so funny about this?

In the Minister of Magic's office, Fudge sat behind his desk and played with his bowler hat.

In front of the desk, a middle-aged British man with a gloomy face was reporting in a low voice:

"Mr. Minister, the dementors - they are not satisfied and demand more food from us."

"Not satisfied yet?" Fudge's chubby cheeks twitched twice, put the top hat aside, and shouted in a low voice:

“Do you know how much risk I took to give them a good meal?

It is not that children produce the most intense joy.

Does it take very little to satisfy a Dementor?

Why do you say - these damn monsters are not satisfied? "

The middle-aged man lowered his head and said anxiously:

"Mr. Minister, the Dementors were driven away by the Patronus Curse before they even took two bites. There are three physical Patronus on the Hogwarts Express!"

"Impossible! Physical patron saints? Three?" Fudge seemed to have heard some joke, and he slapped the table in anger:

"There are no professors on the Hogwarts Express. You mean there are three little wizards who can cast the Patronus Charm perfectly?

ha! Why didn't I know that the students at Hogwarts were already so powerful? "

Fudge smiled sarcastically and poked the table with his stubby fingers, making a 'dong dong dong' sound:

“In last year’s N.E.W.T. exam (Ultimate Wizarding Test), less than one-tenth of the students could use the Iron Armor Curse well.

The personnel sent by the ministry had to wake up those students who failed to block the stun spell in time. "

He leaned forward, the mockery on his face becoming more and more obvious:

"You said that among such students, someone who can perfectly use the advanced spell Patronus Charm suddenly appears.

Or three? "

The middle-aged man became more and more anxious, and even beads of sweat broke out on his forehead:

"It's true, Mr. Minister."

Fudge waved his hand to stop his subordinate's words, and felt a wave of boredom in his heart:

"You go out first!"

The middle-aged man, Rumeng Dahe, hurriedly bent down. Just as he reached the door, he heard Fudge's cold voice:

"Watch your mouth, I think you know what to do, right?"

The middle-aged man shook, with a trace of bitterness on his face, but he did not move slowly at all and took out his wand.

He pressed it against his temple, closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then slowly pulled out a slender silver thread.

The silver thread slowly fell in the air. The middle-aged man looked at the silver thread that fell off his wand with a confused look on his face.

But as if he had thought of something, he showed a hint of horror and hurriedly opened the door and left.

Fudge then showed a satisfied smile. He waved his wand and lit the silver thread.

Then he took out a bottle of sherry from under the luxurious desk and poured himself a glass.

So where did things go wrong?

Fudge felt as if his chest was on fire, and he couldn't help but pull open his collar.

‘Bang bang bang’ The office door was suddenly banged again.

Fudge put away the wine angrily. Who on earth was so blind that he dared to knock on his office door so hard.

Don’t you know that you should have the most basic respect for the Minister of Magic?

"Come in!"

Fudge stared at the door coldly, deciding to give him a kick when someone came in later.

Let him know what politeness means!

The heavy door creaked open.

Fudge jumped out of his chair as if the plush magical animal skin-backed chair was on fire.

He stammered:

"Dumbledore, why are you here? Today. Doesn't school start today?"

Dumbledore was wearing very formal wizard robes decorated with stars and moons.

It was his favorite robe to wear in public.

There are half-moon glasses on the slightly crooked aquiline nose.

Dumbledore strode in. The tall man looked down at Fudge and said calmly:

"Fudge, I want to hear your explanation."

"Explain what?"

Fudge didn't dare to look into Dumbledore's eyes. He felt that everything he did seemed to have no escape under the old man's eyes.

"So you don't know what's going on? Or does it mean that the transfer of dementors no longer requires the approval of your minister?"

Dumbledore's blue eyes showed deep disappointment, but he remained very calm:

"Why dementors surrounded the Hogwarts Express and boarded it.

If it hadn't been for the fact that my newly hired professor was in the car, there were several young wizards who had learned the Patronus Charm at the end of last semester.

That would most likely cause a tragedy! !

Fudge, this is different from what we agreed. You promised me that dementors would never come near the school or the little wizard! "

"Isn't it true that no one was harmed?"

Fudge blurted out, and then he felt a huge surge of annoyance. Damn it, didn't he just bring it on himself?

Sure enough, Dumbledore's voice sounded again:

"So, you actually know? Fudge?"

After the annoyance, huge anger surged out. Fudge raised his head, stared at Dumbledore, and his voice became sharp:

"I don't know what you're doing, Dumbledore!

Are you questioning the Minister of Magic because there was no casualty, just a small friction?

Or do you think that you are actually superior to the Minister of Magic from beginning to end?

Let me tell you, Dumbledore, I respect you, but you have to respect me too!

I didn't order the dementors to go to the Hogwarts Express, I just happened to encounter them, and those kinds of monsters are inherently difficult to control.

But they are willing to listen to the Ministry of Magic, and they are willing to listen to me, you know Dumbledore!

Dementors are one of the most powerful minions of the Ministry of Magic!

Just happened to meet it! "

Fudge's eyes seemed to be able to spit out fire. He clenched his fists and fanned his fat nose.

It seemed that the person in front of him was not a respectable old man, but some disgusting monster.

The disappointment in Dumbledore's eyes became more and more intense. He lowered his head, stared at Fudge with a stern gaze across his glasses, and asked softly:

"The driver of the Hogwarts Express told me that he received an order from the Ministry of Magic and drove 10 minutes earlier than before.

And the speed is slightly faster than before. "

"That's for the safety of the students!" Fudge waved his hands and shouted loudly:

"So this is still my fault?

Who doesn't know that only Hogwarts is the safest place, so it's wrong for me to ask the driver to send the little wizard to school as early as possible? "

"Do you really think so?"

Dumbledore took a step forward and approached Fudge:

"It just so happened that a large number of Dementors set out from Azkaban to garrison at the far end of Hogwarts.

What if the Hogwarts Express departed at its normal time, or if it didn't go so fast.

They shouldn't have met.

So - Fudge, you mean, this is a coincidence?

A complete coincidence? "

Fudge wanted to jump up and push Dumbledore on the head and tell him that's it, what qualifications and rights do you have to question the Minister of Magic.

But the previous conflicts made him a little scared.

Especially since Dumbledore openly told himself last time that he had the idea of ​​changing to a new Minister of Magic.

If this were not the case, as the Minister of Magic, he could send Dementors on the car to check if he wanted to. Why would he bother to come up with this so-called 'coincidence' and try so hard to conceal his motives?

Fudge felt that he was fed up. Didn't he just send dementors to suck the happiness out of some little wizards? They were so brainless anyway.

He is always laughing and joking and crazy, and he cannot understand at all how much energy he has spent on the Ministry of Magic and the wizarding world.

Let the dementors eat a little without dying, and contribute a little happiness to the Ministry of Magic, that is a contribution to the wizarding world.

Dementors are much stronger than those little wizards who can't cast spells well.

The most important thing is - the dementors only listen to what he, the minister, says!

Thinking of this, Fudge snorted coldly:

"Whatever you think, Dumbledore, I don't have to explain it to you.

There is no need for the Ministry of Magic to seek the advice of an old--an old headmaster on everything. "

Dumbledore's blue eyes slowly closed. He didn't want Fudge to see the anger he was gestating.

The situation was very delicate. The escaped prisoner from Azkaban hid uncharacteristically. He was sure that Voldemort had joined his men.

He is plotting something secretly.

Changing ministers is not an easy task.

If there is a conflict with the Ministry of Magic at this time, Tom will definitely get the best chance.

But this matter must not be forgotten like this. Even if it cannot succeed, Fudge must be frightened and make him be more honest.

Dumbledore opened his eyes and nodded to Fudge:

"In the name of the Chief of the Wizengamot, I impeach you, Fudge.

Just wait to attend the hearing. "

Dumbledore turned and left.

Only a horrified Cornelius Fudge was left.

The pudgy Minister of Magic felt like his whole body was shaking.

He really impeached, actually impeached!

No, I have to do something.

Fudge suddenly remembered an old friend. His eyes fluttered and his face became increasingly ferocious.

Maybe, I should do something.

Next to a roaring fire.

Umbridge bent down respectfully, and said flatteringly to the monster-like Voldemort who was warming himself on the recliner:

"Master, according to the news from my insider - Dumbledore rushed into Fudge's office, and the two had a fierce quarrel.

Our plan was initially successful. "


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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