Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 302 Malfoy picked up the scissors! (Thanks to the Royal Prussian Eagle for the tip)

Zhang Xiao, who was soaking in hot water, didn't know what his father had done to support him.

He beckons the mermaid to quickly take a 'leap of faith'.

At first, Zhang Xiao was wondering why the wizard still had to take a shower even though he had a convenient spell to clean things up.

Only after I used it twice did I realize that it was just like those bedsheets in the hospital with traces of blood and unknown liquids.

It's obviously much cleaner than your sheets that have just been exposed to the sun and are "full of the smell of the sun".

But that doesn’t stop you from wondering why hospital sheets are so ‘dirty’.

To put it simply, use [Clean Up] the soul of the wood.

After taking a pleasant shower, Zhang Xiao wore comfortable clothes, changed the room, and came to the cinema dedicated to the Glove Lady.

From my own experience, the Glove Lady is almost always here, especially every time a new movie is delivered.

It's like she doesn't need a break.

Before he got close, Zhang Xiao heard a familiar electronic sound. When he opened the door, he saw a pair of white ladies' gloves holding a remote control.

Operate the plumber skillfully by trotting and jumping, lifting bricks to eat mushrooms, and finding hidden bricks in the air, all in one go and extremely smoothly.

This is not over yet, it seems that I am tired of playing Super Mario.

Ms. Glove skillfully changed the machine and started playing Contra.

↑↑↓↓left and right BABA

No, you can even transfer thirty people? ? ? How did you discover it?

It’s only been a few days! I played for more than a year in my previous life and didn’t know.

Zhang Xiao remembered that when he was a child, he was beaten up by his cousin because he borrowed a life. The cousin also regarded the secret book of thirty lives as a family heirloom.

Don't tell yourself whether you are alive or dead.

Lady Gloves put down the handle in her hand, the parchment floated over, and lines of beautiful fonts appeared on it:

"Are these Muggle inventions?"

Zhang Xiao nodded:

"Yes, they also invented many other interesting things, such as computers-"

It is now 1995, the era when Microsoft launched the famous operating system Windows 1995.

From this time on, personal PCs were like a blowout, rapidly spreading around the world.

Relying on computers, mankind has now entered a fantastic information age.

Some people think this is heaven, and some people think this is hell.

Ms. Gloves listened to Zhang Xiao's introduction to some things in today's Muggle world.

The slender fingers moved bit by bit, like a lady folding her hands gracefully, listening quietly.

"Is it like this outside?

Muggles are really awesome."

Zhang Xiao hesitated and asked tentatively:

"Can't you go out and take a look?"

The lady with gloves froze in her movements. Although there was no sound, Zhang Xiao seemed to see her staring in one direction in trance.

The parchment slowly floated down and lay softly on the table. Lady Gloves remained motionless.

Perhaps there is no need to say anything else.

Quietly exiting the house, leaving the quiet space for Ms. Gloves to reminisce about her past, although she doesn't know why Ms. Gloves stays here.

But Professor Dumbledore admired this lady when he introduced her.

Zhang Xiao shook his head and walked forward along the carpeted aisle.

As he walked, cracks began to appear all around, and finally, like a broken mirror, he stepped into the darkness.

A bright light appeared in front of him, gradually getting stronger, and then a flood of light flooded him.

The tall bookshelves in the palace of thinking stand silently, row after row like monuments.

It is indeed a monument, a monument only to himself, because every book on it has been read by Zhang Xiao, which is a testimony of his sweat.

The windows on the wall are filled with the afterglow of the setting sun, and the golden sunlight passes through the windows, leaving mottled shadows on the wooden floor.

Zhang Xiao walked forward slowly. The cabinet in the center that was used to shield his cognition had become two cabinets facing each other like a pulpit.

One of them looks like the podium that Dumbledore often used to speak in front of the Hogwarts Great Hall.

It's just that the platform in the Hogwarts Great Hall is an owl, and what's in front of him is a fox fluttering about to fly.

"No Curse" lies quietly on the shelf of this phoenix.

Although this book still exudes a faint twisting power, it is far more innocuous than before.

Zhang Xiao reached out and picked up the book. The black leather surface had complicated patterns, just like the three-dimensional lines in the window screen saver.

Its lines are changing all the time, and you will feel dizzy after staring at it for a while.

Touching the cover, Zhang Xiao sighed sadly, two years, no, plus the extra time brought by the time turner.

In the past three years, it was almost as if I lived in the library, and I pushed the level of the spell system beyond the 7th grade, barely able to stabilize the level of this book.

But as his academic level in this area gets higher and higher, Zhang Xiao is sure that what he has realized is definitely not something that only he knows.

On the contrary, he saw the light of those amazing and talented people who stood at the top of the wizarding world for nearly a thousand years in the entire curse system.

Although he still can’t figure out what the most powerful people want to do, Zhang Xiao believes that one day he will stand at the same height and see where his predecessors have gone.

After all, the 15-year-old couple has already been buried, so I have the advantage!

Putting down the black curse, Zhang Xiao came to the other side, which was a red incense table similar to an oriental altar table.

Two coiled red candles burned quietly, and a pure white book lay there, with a blank cover and no words on it.

Zhang Xiao looked at the book intently, and suddenly remembered his grandfather's words:

"Xiaoxiao, look at this yin-yang fish, the golden light spell is the fish's eyes, and the other parts are other things in the Taoist sect.

Our Taoism and the West are like this yin-yang fish, the Taoism's Dharma and mantra, and the altar you want, they all carry something that you may not notice.

That's their ritualistic nature.

If you learn the complete Taoist teachings of our Taoist sect, Xiaoxiao, do you know what will happen? "

Just like before, Zhang Xiao said to himself: "I may not be able to learn magic."

Two books, "No Curse" represents the Western curse system, while "Wordless Book" is the most basic Golden Light Curse of Eastern Taoism.

This book is black and white, east and west, dragon and phoenix, just like the Tai Chi diagram that Taoists believe is the origin of everything.

It seemed like a fateful encounter.

Zhang Xiao watched for a while longer, then came to the small open space by the window and sat down directly. Following his movements, complex lines were quickly outlined in the air.

When he sat down, a soft and comfortable armchair appeared in the originally empty void.

The lines are still twisting and twisting, and there is a small round table with a delicate dessert plate and a cup of black tea that will never be finished.

In the Palace of Thought, these things can faithfully restore the taste that you have tasted. For foodies, the Palace of Thought is really a paradise.

As long as your memories are real enough, the taste will be real enough, and the key is - you will never get fat!

Zhang Xiao waved lazily, and saw a book exuding a rich black air flying over from a separate bookcase in the distance with a sinister smile.

"Dark Magic" - I have to say that Professor Snape is indeed very good in this aspect.

In the process of studying black magic, I also made some indirect inquiries about black magic.

Snape warned himself in his deep voice:

“Black magic is diverse, varied, ever-changing and never-ending.

Fighting them is like fighting a multi-headed monster. As soon as one head is cut off, a new one pops up, more vicious and cunning than the original one.

What you are dealing with is something unpredictable and indestructible. "

Black magic is actually not mysterious. Zhang Xiao is convinced that he must have discovered part of the truth about black magic.

Under this idealistic spell-casting system, the wizard's obsession, feelings, thoughts, etc. are almost equated with the power of the spell.

Black magic emphasizes extreme and strong emotions, and when you try black magic, the positive feedback brought by its power will lure you to go further.

Gradually corrode your mind, twist your soul, and gradually make you a paranoid.

Moreover, the emotions used in black magic are originally negative extreme emotions such as destruction, injury, and torture.

In this idealistic magical world, the destructive power of mental illness with only negative emotions needs no introduction, after all, their brains are so pure.

In addition, Zhang Xiao also discovered a little secret.

Almost all of the top wizards who have left their names in "The History of Magic" are said to be proficient in black magic. Black magic can teach you how to mobilize all your attention in an instant.

Make your emotions fuller and purer when using magic spells.

They were able to climb out of the abyss of black magic because of memory magic.

Yes, these top masters are all proficient in memory magic.

This was also the main reason why Dumbledore told himself this.

Learning black magic is not an end, but a means.

After thoroughly examining his strength in the Hall of Thought, Zhang Xiao left the Room of Requirement with satisfaction.

I can only say that the situation is very good, not a small good, but a great good.

The Horcruxes were dealt with extremely quickly, leaving only Nagini and the Golden Cup, who were still uncertain. The second year's early handling of Sirius's problem finally paid off in the third year.

The third year was peaceful as never before, no Dark Lord, no nonsense, just the Time-Turner and learning, and learning.

He seized this opportunity and developed like crazy, and because of the time converter, his mastery of both Taoism and magic 'dynamics' was even faster.

To put it simply, my strength has improved more this year than in the previous two years, and I can even break Dumbledore's Iron Armor Curse!

Although Dumbledore was obsessed and did not dodge, this at least proved that his full blow was powerful and its power should not be underestimated.

Humming a little tune, I came to the restaurant, only to see Malfoy winking at Gryffindor with an 'evil' smile, and holding a small pair of scissors in his hand.

"Draco, you hold the scissors." Zhang Xiao was suddenly stunned. He remembered Zhang Chengdao's talk about some interesting customs during the Eastern New Year at Christmas.

Malfoy looked like he was listening attentively. Well, Zhang Xiao covered his face and couldn't bear to look at him:

"Are you planning to cut off your hair and kill your uncle?"

"That's right, Zhang, I checked, it's already the first lunar month in China! This curse is already available!"

Malfoy said excitedly, waving the scissors:

"But if you cut too much, that idiot Potter and Weasley will die directly. This is too cheap for them, so I decided to cut a small amount every day to make them unlucky!"

After saying that, he carefully picked up his pale blond hair, counted a few strands, and then pointed his head toward Gryffindor.

Ron and Harry's expressions were distorted, and they waved their hands in unwanted gestures.

But it was too late. Malfoy cut off the small piece of hair with a 'smiling grin', put it in his palm, and blew it in the direction of the two of them.

Harry and Ron looked at Malfoy's actions in despair, as frustrated as if they had eaten a lot of slugs. Hermione shook her head and covered her face, obviously speechless about these three living treasures.

"Pfft -" Zhang Xiao's cheeks puffed up, he lowered his head and put his fist against his mouth, coughed twice tactically, and suppressed his smile. Malfoy had been brainwashed by himself - bah, after being influenced by himself. .

He loves face very much. If he laughs, he will definitely become angry.

But in line with the attitude of a good brother who wants to embarrass him, Zhang Xiao decided to explain the real purpose of this custom:



"Actually, this custom comes from the Qing Dynasty's order to shave their heads. In order to protest, the Han people would refuse to shave their heads during the first month of the year to show their 'nostalgia'."

At this moment, a heartbreaking cough suddenly came from Gryffindor.

The two of them looked back and saw that Ron suddenly choked while drinking pumpkin juice. Harry rushed to help, but they didn't expect that Ron smeared the entire glass of pumpkin juice on Harry's face with a slip of his hand.

Zhang Xiao stared at the embarrassing scene of Harry with a face full of pumpkin juice and Ron covering his mouth and coughing (the two of them did not forget to make a gesture of slitting Malfoy's throat.)

This. This is so unscientific!

Malfoy laughed proudly. He held up a small piece of hair in a demonstrative manner and made a cutting gesture, and then looked at Zhang Xiao with satisfaction.

He sincerely praised: "Zhang, the Curse of the East is so useful!"

Zhang Xiao was silent for a while and decided to struggle:

"Draco, it's actually just a coincidence-"

"I cut my hair seven times today, and Potter and Weasley were unlucky seven times!"

Zhang Xiao:.

The shocked Zhang Xiao took another look at Harry and Ron, who were unlucky seven times in one day, and then at Draco, who was obviously missing a small piece of hair.

emmmmm, I always feel that by the time this first month is over, Malfoy will become a bitch!

Satisfied, Malfoy turned around, picked up a chicken leg, bit it fiercely, and asked vaguely:

"By the way, Zhang, a notice was posted outside just now. A circus is coming to Hogsmeade to perform. It is said that there will also be a very beautiful fireworks show. It will be next weekend. Let's go together then?"

Circus? Fireworks show?

I don't know what happened, Zhang Xiao just felt that his heart suddenly beat hard.


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

Thanks to Royal Prussian Eagle for the reward. Thank you, boss. In fact, the boss has rewarded me several times. There are also other friends who have rewarded me. I want to thank you every time, but I forget every time.

So I decided to add the title first whether I write it or not next time so that I won’t forget it.

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