Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 303 Penny wins the award

The sudden beating of the heart is like an illusion. It comes and goes quickly, like a dense drum beat.

Zhang Xiao's eyebrows immediately wrinkled. He felt the palpitations carefully, but found that nothing seemed to have happened.

As the saying goes, all the signs are not unfounded, and ordinary people may not take them seriously.

But Zhang Xiao is not. He is a Taoist priest with a very solid foundation (he has learned basically nothing else).

It's just that this feeling is indeed too ethereal. When I look back and try to experience it carefully, I can't sense anything.

This kind of throbbing is not necessarily a disaster, it can only be said to be related to oneself, just like in Chinese myths and legends, they will know the names of those powerful gods.

There are also powerful people who suddenly have a sudden whim and can tell the cause and effect by just counting with their fingers. Zhang Xiao is not a powerful person, and Taoist calculations are not as good as those in myths and legends.

So he could only guess, what would happen with the circus and fireworks show? For example, if a student is accidentally injured? Or is there something that concerns you after the performance?

"Zhang, what's wrong with you? You look very bad."

Malfoy was about to discuss the circus with Zhang Xiao, but found that Zhang Xiao was frowning and thinking about something seriously.

"Ah?" Zhang Xiao came to his senses. There was too little known information, so he decided to ask more clearly: "It's nothing, Draco, just keep talking, just the circus and fireworks show."

"Haven't you heard? This is the hottest news recently -" Malfoy was right.

Only then did Zhang Xiao notice that all the little wizards were whispering excitedly to each other, and he could vaguely hear fragments of their conversations, which were probably related to these two things.

"Look, here -" Malfoy asked the people around him for a copy of the "Daily Prophet". On the second page, there was a poster that took up a lot of space:

Circus Arkanus – coming to Hogsmeade on tour! 》

There are some introductions below. For example, the Arcanus Circus is committed to providing unprecedented novel experiences for wizards. It has been touring since 1800 and has an outstanding reputation.

There are also several photos that look very ancient, such as half-troll, Kabbah, Charmander (Salamander), etc.

Among them, in the most conspicuous position, a beautiful-looking woman twisted her body and turned into a snake.

Wait a moment——

Malfoy came over, pointed at the photo, and stamped the small words below:

"Zhang, look here!"

1927 performance by Nagini, the host of the Blood Curse (now banned from freak shows)

"This is Blood Curse! It's not Animagus. Animagus is already very rare, but Blood Curse is even rarer. It seems that there are no more than five Blood Curses recorded now!"

Of course Zhang Xiao saw it. This was Nagini, the only 'female' that Voldemort was rumored to have loved in his previous life.

Are you still there after seventy years?

Then he realized that things like this that have been passed down for a hundred or two hundred years are indeed very common in the wizarding world, because except for those helpless things, there are very few injuries that can take away the life of a wizard.

The lifespan of most wizards is not short, so a circus with a long history is really nothing.

Like Diagon Alley, stores that have been around for less than ten years can only be called new stores.

So the reason I was having heart palpitations just now was because this circus had something to do with Voldemort?

But this is where Hogsmeade makes Zhang Xiao confused. Hogsmeade is too close. For Hogwarts, it's almost right outside your door.

Let's put it this way, if something happens in Hogsmeade, Dumbledore can arrive in an instant.

And Hogsmeade itself is not vegetarian. As the last natural wizard village in the UK, Hogsmeade is also close to Hogwarts.

Therefore, its position is not low. During the second goblin rebellion in history, the goblin headquarters was in the bar of Hogsmeade.

It's easy to attract the Ministry of Magic's law enforcement team.

There is also Aberforth there. This old man has amazing strength. As a member of the Dumbledore family, Aberforth is an underestimated master in the original work.

Maybe he is a master on the level second only to Voldemort and Dumbledore.

You can't be so arbitrary. You need to know more information and quickly sort things out in your mind.

"Draco, is this circus famous?"

"Merlin! Of course he is famous, very famous!" Malfoy made a very exaggerated gesture and introduced Zhang Xiao non-stop: "This circus is a traveling circus that only performs in one place a year.

At first they were just a circus, but my dad said the circus has now grown into a traveling 'Diagon Alley'.

Many wizards are even keen to follow this circus throughout the wizarding world, not to mention the small vendors in the market. "

Finally Malfoy said solemnly:

"Man, Arcanus Circus is the best circus, hands down."

Zhang Xiao nodded thoughtfully. If you look at it this way, the possibility that Arcanus Circus is Voldemort's secret agent is not high.

Because it was too famous, and he felt that Voldemort would not be interested in such a sideshow-like group.

Pulling the plate in front of him and grabbing some food at random, Zhang Xiao continued to deduce possible doubts while eating.

He suddenly remembered that he had been tricked by Tom with a portkey last year.

Door key? No, I seem to remember Professor McGonagall saying when he went to pick him up from St. Mungo's, it was because of this vicious incident.

Dumbledore upgraded the defenses at Hogwarts, and now the portkeys no longer work in and around Hogwarts.

I was quite happy at the time, because another key point in the original work was gone.

With the return of Fred and George, the atmosphere in the restaurant became more and more heated.

The twins couldn't restrain their curiosity and went to Hogsmeade through the secret passage in advance to find out.

The little wizards of Gryffindor gathered around, hoping to hear some news.

Even Harry and Ron, who had just escaped from the predicament, were the same.

Soon, the news brought by the twins quickly began to spread in the auditorium:

“The square is being cleared!”

"Someone has already started to level the ground."

"The hotels in Hogsmeade are almost fully booked."

These news made the already lively cafeteria even more lively - Professor McGonagall's eyebrows had already begun to rise.

"Relax, Minerva." Dumbledore raised a glass of sweet fruit wine towards her and said with a smile: "To be honest, I am also looking forward to the circus performance.

Newt once told me about this circus, and it was said that the performances were very exciting.

There is always some happiness in life. "

Mag pursed his lips and cut the steak on the plate with a knife:

"You have the final say, Dumbledore."

"Jingle Bell--"

The phone rang in the living room, and Penny regretfully put the rag in her hand on the faucet, retracted her gaze from the garden next door, and retracted her long neck.

It was raining lightly outside, but the mother and daughter stood in the rain and argued regardless.

It's a pity that I couldn't hear what they were arguing about, otherwise I would have told Vernon when I got back.

Penny thought this, walked through the kitchen, and picked up the receiver:

"This is the Dursleys—"

Penny's expression was confused at first, and then worried. Then her eyes widened, she covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming, and her chest heaved violently.

"Sir - sir - if you heard me correctly"

Penny's hand holding the phone was even a little white from the force, and her other hand was unconsciously curling the phone cord.

"Our lawn really - really won the 'Best Lawn Award' in Greater London?"

“Of course, madam, congratulations, according to the opinions of the judges, your lawn is simply a work of art, unparalleled.

This award belongs to you! "

"I knew it, I knew it!"

Penny's voice began to tremble, and she hung up the phone when the other end of the phone told her that the specific address for receiving the award and the 'Excellent Lawn Atlas' would be mailed by registered mail.

She couldn't wait to dial Vernon Dursley's office number.

Just as soon as the connection was connected, Penny choked and said:

“Honey, I did it – oh my gosh, I can’t believe it, our lawn won an award!

I feel like I'm in a dream! "

Vernon's face turned red. He hammered the office table hard, making a loud noise. The secretary outside was startled and wanted to stretch his head to see what happened.

But remembering Director Dursley's bad temper, he shook his head and gave up the idea.

Vernon didn't care what his secretary thought. At this moment, he just wanted to go home, hold Petunia around the living room a few times, and loudly tell her how proud he was of her.

Yes, Penny is the best wife in the world, this cannot be questioned even if God comes.

He checked this award and found that although it was a new award, it was managed by the most professional and largest award event agency in the UK.

The company has curated many very prestigious awards, so Vernon was a firm believer in this award.

“Penny, that’s great, it’s not that winning the award is great, but you, the best thing is you know what?

I’m so excited that I can’t breathe——”

Vernon unbuttoned his tie and the first button, stood up and walked around the office holding the phone:

"Thank God for giving me such a perfect wife."

After talking a lot of disgusting words to his wife, Vernon immediately decided to go to Oxford Street. Last time he took a fancy to a very nice suit, which was expensive.

But at the moment of witnessing his wife's glory, Vernon felt that it was a sacrilege to love that he did not appear in his best condition.

It’s not about price, it’s just love.

Vernon made up his mind that when he gave his acceptance speech, he would loudly tell all the guests how great his wife was!

Well, let's do it.

It has to be said that the circus has become the hottest topic in Hogwarts.

Whether in the classroom, in the hallways, or in the cafeteria and common room.

The little wizards are always keen to get involved in any circus-related talk.

Those little wizards who had heard of this circus or had seen circus performances instantly became the center of attention and enjoyed the treatment of being surrounded by stars.

The news brought by the twin brothers constantly traveling between Hogsmeade and the school also constantly stimulated the nerves of the young wizards.

The first and second grade wizards could not go to Hogsmeade. Their eyes were red with envy and they were asking around if there was any way to bypass the professor and go to Hogsmeade.

They even raised money to pay a high price and asked Fred and George for the location of the secret passage.

The twins almost agreed, but thought that this kind of behavior was against their own values ​​​​(selling happiness, but refusing to sell conscience)

They can only reluctantly refuse, because as long as the secret passage is sold, these little wizards will never go there just once, and little wizards are the group most prone to accidents.

Because of their excessive expectations, professors found that the classroom order was almost out of control.

Those professors with very mild tempers, such as Professor Flitwick, Professor Lupin, Professor Sprout, etc., have no deterrent effect on young wizards at all.

But Professor McGonagall immediately controlled the order in the classroom, because the serious vice-principal said that if anyone dared to discuss the circus in class.

Then she could guarantee that the student could only discuss it because he couldn't go to Hogsmeade.

The effect of this trick was immediate, but compared to McGonagall, Professor Snape's classroom order was surprisingly better.

At that time, these little wizards entered the Potions class with excitement, and their excitement immediately seemed to be frozen.

Snape's voice echoed in the underground classroom, like a whisper in your ear, sending a chill straight to your head.

"I'm afraid some people are destined to say goodbye to circus performances - "

His dark eyes looked over at Harry, revealing a malicious smile;

"I will assign a homework about the antidote, and I will hold a small test before the weekend. At that time, everyone will brew their own antidote-and then drink it."

The little wizards showed frightened faces, it was simply too scary!

"I will also prepare a special model among them——"

Snape took out a crystal clear crystal bottle, which shone with a heart-stopping green light under the dim light of the underground classroom.

"Brewing a qualified antidote can only suppress it for a period of time. You must brew another antidote within a short period of time, otherwise you will feel pain that you will never forget in this life -"

Harry's face was livid, and he felt that Snape was clearly telling him: "Butter! Get ready to lie down in the infirmary!"

It can only be said that Snape's intimidation was extremely effective. The young wizards attended class with unprecedented concentration in their lives. No one wanted to miss this rare opportunity.

How focused exactly? It can only be said that Crabbe and Goyle both brewed a pretty good potion.

In such a heated atmosphere, the much-anticipated Hogsmeade weekend is finally here.


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

It was a false alarm. The doctor prescribed sleeping pills, but forgot to mention how powerful the medicine was. It was known as the "three-step fall". Grandma suddenly fell asleep while chatting with her aunt in the ward, causing her to think that grandma had fainted and passed out. She was paralyzed with fear. .

That's good, I'd rather all those phone calls in the middle of the night were false alarms.

Thank you all, the following should be the climax of the third part. I will try my best to break out on the weekend. Of course, you can also wait for two days for the climax to end. It seems more comfortable to read together.

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