Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 311 Malfoy and Hermione

It smells bad, smells bad, like fermented swill, with a hint of spiciness in the sour smell.

But this smell gradually woke up my groggy head.

Neville's nose twitched twice. He did not open his eyes immediately or get up. Instead, he tried his best to maintain the previous state.

Silently feeling the surrounding environment, the memory still lingers on the moment in the circus waiting for the opening with his friends, but it is obvious that something unexpected happened.

The ground was uneven and it hurt my back, but what was more uncomfortable than the ground was the environment here. It was cold and damp, and the cold air seemed to penetrate into people's bones.

This should be by the water? Or in a cave?

Feeling the slightly turbid air and musty smell, a word jumped out of Neville's mind - underground!

The most likely possibility is that it is underground that has been sealed for a long time.

What about the rest?

Neville suddenly thought of Zhang again. If Zhang was here, he would have woken up earlier than him, right?

After all, in the few months he spent in Wudang, he also had a certain understanding of Chinese Taoism. Although he was an orthodox Taoist cultivator of both life and life, his master, Master Zhou, scorned the Heavenly Master in words.

He is even called an old donkey, which means that he is like an old donkey, tirelessly dragging the door forward.

But there were a few times when he expressed his admiration for the Golden Light Spell of Tianshi Mansion. Moreover, the wizard had no wand. Thinking of this, Neville hurriedly and carefully stretched his hand to the position he was most familiar with.

Sure enough, the wand was gone.

This is also what I worry about. A wizard without a wand is like a lion without claws, but Taoism is different. Their most powerful weapon is themselves.

The unpleasant smell in the mouth and nose became stronger and stronger. At this moment, disordered breathing suddenly came from the surroundings, followed by a mess of screams and moans:

"Head hurts--"

"where is this?"

"Is the circus over?"

"Is this a new show? Something like Slytherin's escape room?"

"Please, use your brain, we've obviously been kidnapped!"

The last words with a sense of helplessness seemed to come from beside him, and Neville immediately heard it. It was Malfoy's voice.

Malfoy is there too? Is that one also there?

Neville opened his eyes and sat up with his hands on the wet ground.

This seems to be a cell, no, it should be a circle of cells.

These cells are arranged in a semicircle. After a rough count, there are actually hundreds of them.

The little wizards who had just woken up held the iron bars of the cell, put their heads on them, and looked outside eagerly to figure out what was going on.

The cell he was in was not big, and could only fit a few people in it at most.

In fact, it was exactly like this that Neville saw Hermione who was rubbing her head with a painful look on her face, Malfoy who seemed to be thinking with her eyebrows knitted together, and Ron who looked confused.

Malfoy, Hermione, Ron.

"It seems that the cells are divided according to distance?"

Malfoy suddenly whispered.

Ron stared at him, as if trying to figure out what Malfoy meant. Neville just listened silently, and he suddenly felt that Malfoy seemed to know a little more.

"Both Zhang and Harry are not here -" Hermione put down her hand, shook her head vigorously, and said with a sense of joy in her tone, "Zhang should have escaped."

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Ron finally couldn't help it anymore, he moved forward and asked in a low voice.

Neville was still silent. He had such a taciturn temperament to begin with. Even if the Taoist door unlocked his shackles, Neville was still more willing to be a listener than a talker.

"Zhang came to us at that time and said that there was a problem with the circus and that Harry was missing. But before we could say more, we fainted inexplicably——"

Malfoy was groping for himself as he spoke. His small satchel was still there, with an anti-theft charm on it. It was not easy to take it off easily, but the wand was missing.

Hermione recalled it carefully and said with some uncertainty:

"Water of life and death? But that's not right."

The little witch seemed to have encountered some problem and couldn't help but stand up, holding her chin and thinking desperately:

"The smell I smelled before was very similar to the water of life and death, but the water of life and death can only have an effect if you drink it. Its smell must be very close to have a sleeping effect, but it only stimulates sleepiness and cannot make everyone All unconscious.

So why-"

"Hermione, now is not the time to think about this problem." Neville finally spoke, his voice was low and he spoke very slowly, as if he was thinking while speaking: "Should we first figure out where we are? Should we wait for rescue or find a way to escape?"

The three little wizards turned to look at Neville, and this look made him a little embarrassed.

Hermione nodded heavily:

"You're right. No matter what choice you make, understanding your situation first is definitely the most important thing."

She simply got up and walked around in the small cell. Malfoy and Ron also followed her and explored around the cell, trying to find some useful clues.

More than three hundred little wizards were scattered in dozens of cells, making the entire dungeon noisy like a cafeteria.

There were cries, shouts, and even chatter, and it could only be said that there were very few cells like theirs who had sorted out their thoughts very quickly and prepared for self-rescue quickly.

It can't be said that there isn't, because in another cell, Cedric is also trying to comfort his 'commate', and Qiu Zhang is doing the same thing.

These are what Zhang Xiao has been doing, cultivating the young wizards' ability to face emergencies, and now it seems that both Harry and others have finally put them to use.

In the dark cell, only the burning torches outside provided a little light. The room was dark, except for the thick soil and moss, and only the small puddles in the corners reflected the firelight.

Hermione looked around and could only come to the cell door with the best light, hoping to get something useful. In fact, she also found it here.


The little witch's eyes widened and she greeted several people in a low voice.

"Look - the patterns here, and the words on them."

Malfoy squinted at the firelight for a while, and sure enough he discovered that there were exquisite and complicated patterns on the lock. This was very rare because there were moss and dust everywhere in the cell, but the lock was as clean as new, even like Some people wipe it every day.

And this pattern always feels a bit familiar.

"What does this mean? What is it written about?" The role of the questioner always seemed to be played by Ron, but he didn't think it was anything, because with Hermione around, few people would use their own brains.

If you raise a problem directly and someone solves it, then most people will choose to throw the problem out.

Malfoy identified it carefully for a while and said uncertainly.

"Fairy pattern?"

Hermione nodded affirmatively: "Yes, it's the goblin pattern, and this lock was made by a goblin!

I have read in books that fairies will engrave exquisite patterns on the things they build to represent ownership, as well as this line of text, but I don’t recognize the fairies’ writing.

But the things made by goblins have a very special function, that is, they will not be contaminated by dust. "

Ron scratched his head: "Then what's the use of knowing this?"

"Useful -" Neville suddenly said, pointing to the large burning cauldron that was set on the fire not far away. They suspected that the unpleasant smell diffused here was coming from the cauldron.

Neville pointed to the passage of the crucible. There was a door there, which looked as smooth as new and had similar patterns on it.

"I think this place was built by goblins. They like to stay underground."

"Okay - dungeon! Any more?" Ron muttered.

The cell fell into silence again. At this moment, the door made by the goblin in the passage suddenly opened, and a group of people walked out of the door with gloomy expressions.

When the first man's face was exposed to the firelight, Neville's body suddenly began to tremble uncontrollably.

He would never forget that face.

That was Rodolphus Lestrange, one of the masterminds of the Longbottom Massacre.


The castle, which originally seemed a little empty because all the seniors and seniors had gone to Hogsmeade, suddenly became tense.

The four deans looked solemnly in every corner of the academy, looking for the lonely little wizard.

When the last playful little wizard was found from the honor room and brought to the auditorium.

McGonagall put the last check mark on the name on the parchment.

"Pomona, I'll leave the school to you."

The fat headmaster of Hufflepuff nodded, looked back at the little wizard in the auditorium who was chirping and didn't know what was going on, and couldn't help lowering his voice:

"Is the situation really this bad?"

Mag pursed his lips and said nothing, but there was unconcealable anxiety and anger in his light blue eyes:

"Yes, the mysterious man broke the rules and did not take action against the little wizard. This is Dumbledore's bottom line. We must find the little wizard as soon as possible."

Professor Sprout waved his fist angrily: "Minerva, find them and show them how awesome you are!"

Soon, with a thunderous roar in Gryffindor Tower, Professor McGonagall rode into the sky on an extremely cool motorcycle.

Flitwick was sitting on the auspicious cloud (children's version) given to him by Zhang Xiao. This extremely powerful spell master cleverly used his knowledge to make the auspicious cloud (children's version) break through the height of 1.5 meters. High limit.

And after adjusting the theme mode, the remaining young Ravenclaw wizards opened their mouths and looked at their dean sitting in a dark cloud with electric light and chasing Professor McGonagall's motorcycle.

Snape was riding on an old college broom, his face was long and gloomy, as if he might drip water at any time.

He looked at the figures of McGonagall and Flitwick, and then at his broom, his face became even more ugly, and an idea even appeared in his mind for no reason.

Do you want to give that kid Zhang a hint and ask him to give him some flying tools next Christmas that are more in line with the dean’s status?

"Damn it, you're wasting taxpayers' money! This is dereliction of duty!"

Vernon roared angrily, waved his fists, and was forcibly held up and thrown out.

The man in uniform looked at Vernon with an unkind expression and said coldly:

"Mr. Dursley, we have already inspected the scene, and there are no traces or clues of the kidnapping you mentioned.

We have also registered and assigned personnel to conduct searches.

If you insist that we have been negligent, please contact a lawyer. "

His eyes flashed with a dangerous look: "Mr. Dursley, don't mess around, unless you want to go in and squat for a few days!"

Vernon didn't dare to speak because there was still no news from Petunia. If he was caught again.

He walked in despair on the bustling streets of London, casually found a step, and sat down on the ground, not caring at all that he was wearing an expensive designer suit.

Vernon grabbed his hair, the anxiety and pain burning through his heart like fire.

Petunia, Dudley. His eyes were bloodshot, staring blankly at the ground.

Who will kidnap Petunia and Dudley?

Could it be a competitor? I'm just a supervisor, and I don't have any big orders recently, except for Mr. Black


Vernon's breathing seemed to stop for a moment, Black?


Vernon's breathing gradually became heavier. If there was any danger to his family, it must have been caused by the children of Petunia's weird sister.

He still remembered that his wife seemed to have said that if the child was not adopted, there would be danger, and a very perverted murderer was involved.

Vernon clearly remembered that he was scared at the time and persuaded Petunia not to get involved in anything that would endanger his family.

But Penny persisted.

Then there is no other way. Who asked me to agree to it when I proposed?

Somehow, Vernon suddenly remembered that day again.

It was a sunny afternoon. He and Penny were buying fried sausages at a fried food store. Penny suddenly mentioned her sister to him and said she was a witch.

OMG, witch!

At that time, he was really shocked, but seeing Petunia's expression of despair and pain, Vernon felt that his heart was also in pain.

Even if her sister is a witch, what does this have to do with her beloved Penny?

Vernon clearly remembered every detail of that time. He remembered solemnly telling Petunia that he would not blame her for having a freak sister.

With the excitement and gratitude on Penny's face, she threw herself into her arms, causing him to drop the fried sausage in his hand.

Vernon suddenly laughed, with an unprecedented tenderness on his face. The passers-by looked at Vernon with messy hair, as if they were looking at a madman who failed to invest, with pity.

But Vernon was immersed in his own memories and had no intention of paying attention to other people's eyes.

Soon, he was separated from the sweet memories and faced the cold reality again.

For some reason, Vernon was convinced that Petunia's disappearance must be related to that group of lunatics called wizards. He had no evidence, but Vernon felt that he had felt that his beloved Petunia and Dudley were being tortured by wizards. They cried and hoped that he would save them.

"Damn it!"

Vernon muttered and took out his phone, his eyes getting redder and redder.

Trembling, I turned around and found a number I hadn't contacted for a long time:

“Hey, old man—I, I’m Vernon, and yeah, yeah, that’s presumptuous, but can I ask you a favor?

Listen to me, listen to me! "

Vernon was silent for a moment, his eyes filled with tears before he knew it, and he choked and said:

"Petunia and Dudley are missing, I have to save them, man, I need your help!"

—————————————————————————————————————————————— ————

1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

Well - basically all the preparations have been completed, the three parties, Dumbledore and Voldemort, the church, and the dungeon have begun to wrap up.

The battlefield is ready, now it's time to fight, fight!

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