Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 321 Goblet of Fire!

The council chamber on the first floor is completely different from other places. Just looking at the rough decoration around it, you can never connect it with the splendid Ministry of Magic.

The cold rocks have only been roughly polished, and the uneven walls have a primitive feel.

The overall dark and cold style also makes the hall look particularly solemn and solemn.

On the circular stairs stood a group of older-looking wizards and witches. They were wearing Wizengamot uniforms, with scrutiny and curiosity in their eyes. Many of them served in the Ministry of Magic.

Barty Crouch's appointment was passed with great reluctance. After several fierce arguments and discussions, he narrowly defeated Susan Bones and Scrimgeour.

Dumbledore stood at the front of the crowd, looking at Barty Crouch with piercing eyes. He was curious about the purpose of Crouch convening the Wizengamot Supreme Council just after taking office.

It would be fine if his proposal passed, but if it didn't, it would be a huge blow to his prestige.

Well, thanks to Foggy, my chief of the Wizengamot is still here. Dumbledore suddenly remembered that little man who went astray. At that time, he prepared tremblingly for a year before he dared to convene the Wizengamot for the first time. Meeting.

What was brought out was still an almost uncontroversial matter.

Speaking of Fudge, Dumbledore suddenly became distracted. Fudge has been having a tough time lately. Although he has repeatedly claimed that he was under the Imperius Curse, the public doesn't seem to buy it. To be honest, he might as well say that he was bewitched.

As the British Minister of Magic, isn't it a great humiliation to be controlled by the Imperius Curse?

This was a fatal blow to the authority of the Ministry of Magic.

At this time, Fudge completely forgot about the authority, prestige and the like that he had talked about every day.

"Dear members of the Wizengamot—" Crouch's voice echoed in the hall.

The clerk opened the huge book in front of him, and the quill flew up automatically, preparing to record the minister's speech.

The wizards, who were wearing purple-red robes with a delicate silver "W" embroidered on their left chest, stood up slightly and showed a certain amount of respect for the newly appointed Minister of Magic.

"I'm here today as the Minister of Magic and I want to tell you."

Crouch's voice suddenly became high-pitched:

"Look at everyone, look at our wizarding world, I see timidity in your faces, I see fear of Death Eaters!

Ever since he heard that the wizard who claimed to be the devil was resurrected again, the wizard's pride was gone!

Those Death Eaters are riding on our necks and domineering, and they are trampling on our dignity at will, the dignity of the most powerful wizarding nation on the European continent! "

Barty Crouch walked off the stage, waving his hands, looking angry and sad:

"Look what they did, kidnap the little wizard, kidnap the little wizard's family, and what did we do?

Nothing was done!

Someone even ordered our Aurors to be banned from attacking!

This is a shame!

This means we are scared! "

There was a buzzing noise on the Wizengamot, and these powerful members had various expressions on their faces, including approval, disapproval, disdain, and anger.

But the same thing is that they all want to hear what Crouch will say next.

"You may say: Mr. Crouch, I just need to live safely with my family.

Yes - you are right, life is so important.

But I want to tell you.

There is one thing in this world that is more important than life, and that is dignity! "

If Zhang Xiao were here, looking at Crouch with the same mustache and hairstyle as a failed art student, he would probably call him an expert.

It's a pity that Zhang Xiao is not here. Crouch stretched out a finger to the sky and roared:

"As long as darkness hangs over Britain's skies, our fight will continue!

As long as those Death Eaters are still running rampant in our land, our dignity will not exist! "

The noise in the Wizengamot became louder and louder, and even the entire huge conference hall was filled with the sound of their discussions. They argued fiercely, completely forgetting the occasion.

So much so that Susan Bones, who presided over the meeting, had to bang the gavel in front of her hard:

"Quiet! Quiet!"

Dumbledore sat peacefully in his seat and turned a deaf ear to the noise around him.

Interestingly, Crouch is still the same as he was more than ten years ago, radical, tough, and determined not to bow to Voldemort.

However, Dumbledore secretly shook his head. It was of course necessary to remain tough on the Death Eaters, but what was more important was to find Tom's remaining Horcruxes. Unless the Horcruxes were removed, his shadow would always exist in everyone. heart.

Susan Bones finally made the venue quiet again. She looked at the new minister seriously:

"Crouch - Your Excellency Minister, please pay attention to your speaking time and announce your new measures as soon as possible so that they can be reviewed by the review panel!"

Barty Crouch nodded slightly at her very gracefully:

"Of course, here's the important thing I want to say."

He walked up to everyone and opened his arms:

"Dear members of the Wizengamot, just in the past ten years, the regression of the wizarding world has made me heartbroken.

When did one of the assessment criteria for our Aurors be the ability to use the Iron Armor Charm proficiently?

Friends, during the most intense confrontation with the Dark Lord, our Aurors could even face the Dark Lord directly and escape many times, such as the Longbottoms. "

Many members immediately recalled the story of how the Longbottoms had faced the mysterious man three times and escaped from the mysterious man three times.

It is precisely because of the contrast that Crouch's words below become even more deafening:

"The wizarding world is so weak now that I feel ashamed! Adult wizards know nothing except some common magic.

And this kidnapping incident of the little wizard——"

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed, and Crouch paused:

"The little wizards at Hogwarts are too well protected and lose the vigilance they should have. There is a motto in the wizarding world - don't trust any thinking object unless you see clearly where its brain is. ( Laughter comes from the Wizengamot)"

"I also want everyone to know here, don't believe anything that is free unless you understand why it is free."

Dumbledore's long beard trembled, which was quite right.

Crouch ended with a paragraph:

"Friends, if we want to change the atmosphere in the wizarding world, we must start with the young wizards. We must change this atmosphere of coveting comfort. In addition to Quidditch and candy, their lives should also be full of passion!

They need to learn to fight, learn how to use the knowledge they have learned, instead of just waving a magic wand stupidly! "

This time the buzz was much smaller, and many wizards showed approval and murmured support. Even Dumbledore wanted to slap him twice.

Susan Bones knocked the gavel on the table again and asked:

"So - Mr. Minister, what is your proposal?"

Barty Crouch pulled out his wand and waved it in the air. A large number of brilliant light spots spurted out from his wand, flying in the air to form a huge wooden cup that looked rather simple:

"Let the Goblet of Fire burn again!"

"Goblet of Fire? Are you going to reconvene the Triwizard Tournament?"

Some younger wizards (under a hundred years old) were still thinking about what this ugly-looking cup was, but some older wizards shouted excitedly.

This is the Triwizard Tournament! An ancient competition that has been interrupted for more than a hundred years!

Boiling sounds gathered in the hall. Even if someone didn't know the Goblet of Fire, the name of the Triwizard Tournament was too loud. Just briefly recalling its content would make people tremble with excitement.

Think about it, each school selects one warrior, and three warriors compete in three magic projects.

Test their magical talents, strengths, courage, theories, reasoning skills and ability to overcome danger.

Finally winning the Goblet of Fire is the romance of wizards and a grand event for the whole of Europe!

In a wizarding world that lacks entertainment, those wizards will go crazy for it!

Is this what Batty wants?

The Triwizard Tournament inspires young wizards to fight?

Even the wizard who criticized Barty Crouch had to admit at this moment that compared to that idiot Fudge, Crouch's abilities were way ahead of him!

Dumbledore finally showed a serious expression for the first time. He looked at the light floating in front of him, Goblet of Fire?

He pondered until Barty Crouch broke through the noise with his slightly hoarse voice:

"No, not the top three, but the whole world!"

All sounds disappeared without a trace at this moment, as if a silencing spell had been cast on it.

The bigwigs of the Wizengamot looked at Barty Crouch on the stage in stunned silence, as if they were looking at some kind of monster.

Does he know what he's talking about?

worldwide? How much energy does this cost and how many countries' ministries of magic need to be coordinated?

Did he think this was something simple? Does he understand or not?

Oh. Crouch was previously the director of the Department of International Cooperation, but even this is too much, right?

Dumbledore murmured to himself: "Quidditch World Cup."

Sure enough, Crouch's voice sounded together:

"In a few months, we will host the Quidditch World Cup. Next month, the Ministry of Magic from the five continents will send people to come. Then it will be the best time to discuss!"

The hall was silent except for the next moment.

The applause was thunderous.

The little wizards poured out of the classroom noisily, and what happened before had almost no impact on them.

After the group of happy little wizards calmed down, they actually regarded this matter as an interesting thing worth discussing, and began to exchange interesting stories about themselves in the underground cell.

"There was nothing in my cell. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw his (classmate's) face in front of me, with his mouth still pouting, saying what kind of breathing method he would give me, he learned it in Muggle school!"

A little wizard talked about his 'horrifying moment' while his friend's face turned red and he yelled about what was taught in school, which surprised the other little wizards.

A little wizard with a skeleton in one of the cells became the focus of everyone's attention. He told the story of himself and the skeleton in the same room again and again.

Not only did he not look scared, but he looked quite excited.

There were also many young wizards who tried to ask Harry what happened, but Harry immediately fell into depression as soon as he heard this question. This was so rare.

This abnormal attitude also made the little wizard more and more curious. There were always people who took the trouble to ask questions. Ron had already had several fights with people over this matter, and Hermione gave everyone a stern warning.

But the reason why people are complicated is that many people’s brain circuits are different from others.

Some students from extreme pure-blood families obviously learned something from their elders. They imitated Vernon's last appearance, spreading their arms like clowns and making weird expressions, and then someone stepped up and kicked him.

He then lay down on the ground in an exaggerated and ugly manner, while others laughed wildly and stepped forward to make some insulting moves.

Others pretended to be crying and sang songs off-key:

"Uncle, uncle, where are you? Potter wants to go home~"

However, it was Malfoy who stood up this time. He bluntly said that these scum did not deserve to be in 'Slytherin', which was a great insult to the school's reputation.

When these young wizards expressed with grim expressions that the traitors would not end well, Malfoy cleverly said that "he wants to be an excellent Slytherin more than a dog."

The defense was broken in an instant, but after seeing Malfoy shrinking behind Zhang Xiao after scolding him, the unbearable humiliation immediately became acceptable.

They left here cursing in low voices, but Harry was confused because he only knew that Vernon was dead, but he didn't know the specific circumstances.

In fact, apart from the Death Eaters, even Dumbledore had no idea what was going on.

But Malfoy knew that being a fence-sitter was never the exclusive domain of one person. There were also Death Eaters who were secretly revealing some unimportant information to Lucius, just like Vernon's story.

In the mouths of wizards, perhaps this is just a Muggle story, just like the story Lucius told Malfoy as a market legend.

Malfoy did not spread the word, he kept his mouth shut. The proud young master knew how much this incident had irritated the 'scar-head' Potter.

The noise finally calmed down. When night fell and the moon gradually hung on the branches, Zhang Xiao sat beside the burning fireplace. After hesitating for a while, he took out his telescope.

After waiting for the connection, I heard a slightly tired voice over there:

"Xiaoxiao, morning. Oh, it's night over there."

Tired Zhang Xiao's heart skipped a beat. For people of the same level as his parents, if they can't relieve their fatigue after a day's rest, they've probably exhausted a lot of energy.

"Mom and Dad, what happened in the country?"


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

The matter should have been solved. I can only ask someone to ask about the situation. Is it really useful?

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