Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 345 Teenagers and the Ministry of Magic

The noisy street was full of cars and pedestrians. It was summer, and there were still many serious gentlemen in suits and ties on the street.

But most of them are hot girls wearing bold clothes, showing off the charm given to them by their youth.

It was very hot today. Zhang Xiao put on a T-shirt with the Great Wall printed on it, jeans and single shoes, and wandered aimlessly holding an ice cream cone.

Although I have lived in the UK for more than ten years, it seems that I have never visited London except for going to school and gathering places with Chinese people.

Zhang Xiao thought about it that he had lived in Jinling for more than ten years in his previous life, but he had never been to a tourist attraction. It was understandable that he had never visited London.

Feeling the ice cream melting in your mouth, the sweet cream sliding down your throat with a hint of coolness, it's so satisfying that you can't help but squint your eyes.

The window glass of the shop on the corner reflected the dazzling light. Zhang Xiao opened his fingers to cover his eyes and looked through the gap between his fingers.

A line of huge yellow fonts came into view: Ferrari.

There is also a huge sign next to it, a horse with its front hooves raised.


Zhang Xiao was stunned for a moment. He suddenly felt a strong desire, and without much thought, he walked towards this unusually conspicuous shop.

Pushing open the glass door, a coolness that penetrates the heart and spleen rushes towards the face, and the raging heat wave is isolated.

The windows inside the huge store are bright and clear, and the sports cars are shining under the flashing lights. From time to time, passers-by cast their eager admiring glances through the windows.

Compared with the fastback fish-shaped cars of the previous generation, the 1990s has fully entered the era of wedge-shaped cars. In Zhang Xiao's eyes, these cars have already taken the prototype of modern cars.

Every car here can drive car enthusiasts crazy in its own era, right?

Zhang Xiao admired these top sports cars and wanted to choose one among them, but Naihe didn't know much about cars. If possible, he would definitely choose one of the most classic sports cars of later generations.

"May I help you, Sir?"

Zhang Xiao turned his head and saw a uniformed salesman looking at him with a smile.

This was just right. After thinking about it, I didn't directly state my request. Instead, I asked a question:

"Um - can I ask a question?"

"Of course sir."

The salesman still had a warm smile on his face. He leaned forward slightly and looked like he was listening carefully.

Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand and made a circle around the entire store:

"If you were to choose a Ferrari as your own car, with no price limit or any restrictions, which one would you choose?"

This well-dressed British man with a mustache was stunned for a moment when he heard this question, and then he actually started to think about it seriously.

After a while, he said seriously:

"Sir, if it were last year, I would have told you without hesitation that the answer is Ferrari F40!"

He turned around and looked to the other side with blurred eyes:

"But now, my answer is - Ferrari F50! Dynamic appearance, strong power, shocking acceleration"

He seemed to really own an F50 and murmured:

"Yes, it's perfect! It's the best sports car in the world, a formula on the road.

Of course it is not without its shortcomings. "

The salesman's expression suddenly became serious again:

"The disadvantage is that when you drive the F50 on the road, you have to endure all the drivers trying to catch up with you, just to prove that he has this ability!"

He smiled contemptuously: "But that's meaningless, because a 4.7-liter F1 engine is right behind your head, outputting up to 520 horsepower!

If you lower your foot by two centimeters on the accelerator, everyone will just look at your back and sigh.

Limited to 349 units worldwide, this is the F50 for those who love speed! "

So strong?

Zhang Xiao looked at the center of the entire store, where a red Ferrari was receiving everyone's attention, as if it was born to be like this.

"Pa" stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and a bank card magically appeared between his fingers:

"You're right, that's it!"

Not long after, a red sports car with a loud engine sound rushed onto the road and drove away in front of everyone's envious eyes.

Zhang Xiao removed the roof and rolled down the windows manually. The sound and vibration of this car were very loud, louder than the Wuling, a sacred car that he had ridden on the highway in his previous life.

According to the salesperson, this is because the car's engine and body are integrated together, and the dual-clutch six-speed gearbox makes gear shifting very smooth.

The instrument panel has an LCD display, which was very technological at a time when mechanical instrument panels were very popular.

The most representative thing is that Ferrari uses full carbon fiber for the first time in the entire car!

In addition, the interior of the entire car is simple and does not look like a super luxury car with a price of up to 500,000 pounds. There is no central control and there are only two knobs on the armrest to control the air conditioning.

There are three switches on the left hand side, where later generations would normally adjust the rearview mirror, to control the headlights, defogging and the like.

There is nothing else.

Zhang Xiao gently tapped the accelerator and immediately felt the violent power. The originally hot summer wind immediately turned into a refreshing cool breeze.

At this moment, he felt as if his heart was soaring. It turned out that this was a ride!

But no matter how good the wind blows for a long time, it will become boring.

After driving on the empty suburban road for a while, Zhang Xiao patted the steering wheel and began to think about what to do next.

Soon, a brilliant idea came to mind.

Ministry of Magic, Council Chambers on the first floor

Ministry of Magic officials from five continents looked at the surrounding environment with critical eyes.

Different from the splendid parliament halls of the Ministry of Magic in various countries, the cold rocks have only been roughly polished, and the uneven walls have a primitive feeling.

Is this the most influential British Ministry of Magic in the wizarding world?

They were muttering as they followed the nameplates to their respective circular steps.

Only then did they realize that there were no stools and they could only stand. Many wizards were dissatisfied and shouted in their own language.

Officials from the British Ministry of Magic, who had no choice but to preside over the meeting, could only conjure up chairs for them to sit on at their request.

Barty Crouch stood in front of the rostrum, watching the noisy scene with cold eyes, but said nothing.

Soon another group of wizards came in, and they stood in their positions with ease. They were members of the Ministry of Magic who were qualified to be members of the Wizengamot.

The leader was none other than the Headmaster of Hogwarts and Chief of the Wizengamot, Albus Dumbledore.

Crouch nodded slightly to Dumbledore, then pointed his wand at his throat and said loudly:

"Welcome, distinguished officials from the Ministry of Magic from various countries, welcome to the UK.

We have reached a consensus on the issues of this World Cup a few days ago, so next, I have a more important issue that I want to discuss with other countries. "

Many officials from other countries who had gotten the news in advance nodded, and their expressions became eager, eager to know what kind of bill Barty Crouch would propose.

Dumbledore sat among them, still being a silent listener as before, never taking the initiative to question the Ministry of Magic's decisions.

The reason why he came here today, apart from the fact that it was related to Hogwarts, also wanted to hear how Barty Crouch would organize such a grand event.

Yes, it is a grand event. The Ministry of Magic of various countries do not communicate frequently, not even as much as various private associations.

Barty Crouch dared to propose this motion, which was undoubtedly very courageous and worthy of his reputation.

"Dear gentlemen, in addition to the Quidditch World Cup, we need a grand event, yes, a grand event to strengthen the ties between countries.

So I thought about the Goblet of Fire, an ancient project that was once a great event. "

"Sorry, Minister Barty Crouch, I want to know, why is it necessary to hold such an event?"

An official stood up and interrupted him without hesitation. Barty Crouch knew him. He was an official from the Brazilian Ministry of Magic.

In their country there is a college as old as Hogwarts, Castello Bush.

The two schools often argue about which one is the oldest magic school in the world. What's even more bizarre is that the two schools hide themselves in exactly the same way - they look like ruins.

This strange coincidence only adds to the controversy.

If there is anyone who dismisses the names of Hogwarts and the British Ministry of Magic, it is probably Brazil and Castello Busch.

Sure enough

Crouch's eyebrows knitted together. There was no angry expression on Founder's prim face. Instead, he asked a question:

"Sir, can you cast the Iron Armor Curse skillfully?"

The official from the Brazilian Ministry of Magic was stunned and reluctantly answered:

"No, but that's not the point. Will it-"

Crouch interrupted him unceremoniously, just as he had just interrupted himself:

"Then how many graduates of Kastrobusche are proficient in using the Iron Armor Curse?"

The official from the Brazilian Ministry of Magic kept his mouth shut and even felt a little aggrieved. He was here to discuss the Brazilian wizards' trip to the World Cup venue, not the Goblet of Fire.


Crouch's voice suddenly rose in pitch.

"Look, look at us, look at the wizarding world! Muggles are developing rapidly, and the law of secrecy is in danger (the people of MACUSA nodded in agreement).

The wizarding world is at risk of exposure at any time, but what are we doing?

The level of magic among students is declining, and the number of new spells compiled by the Standard Spells Committee is plummeting every year.

Except for some common housekeeping spells, many adult wizards don't know anything!

Friends, I do not want to provoke a war with Muggles, nor do I want to conflict with Muggles. But have you ever thought about what would happen if Muggles discovered us one day?

If there is a conflict, do we have the ability to protect ourselves?

Everyone, we will never take the initiative to stir up trouble, but we must have the strength to make the other party exercise restraint! "

There was a buzz of whispers in the hall, as officials from the Ministry of Magic from various countries communicated in low voices.

The British Ministry of Magic had already reached a consensus and was just waiting quietly.

Gradually, sporadic applause sounded, and soon the whispers were replaced by applause. Thunderous applause sounded from all directions, deafening.

Everyone agrees that Barty Crouch has a point.

Although there is still a long way to go before the formal adoption of this resolution, it is just a beginning.

But that doesn't stop everyone from cheering for Crouch's speech, because he expressed the inner uneasiness of many wizards.

It was a sharp contrast between the rapid development of Muggles and the stagnant world of wizards.

Especially the officials of the Magical Congress of the United States, their eyes were red, and they wanted to rush up to hug Crouch and give him a kiss.

Who knows?

After the American No-Majs fought World War II, their so-called technology suddenly took off, and it became more and more ruthless every year.

There are always some wizards who are not careful enough and will leave some supernatural traces, and these traces in turn stimulate No-Majs to explore the truth with extraordinary enthusiasm.

Dealing with leaks every day is almost exhausting, okay? What was even more speechless was the group of students in Ilvermorny.

Isn't it possible to study in peace without repealing Rappaport's law?

Exhausted! Who can help us!

Mr. Barty Crouch is right!

Dumbledore listened silently. He had to admit that compared to Cornelius Fudge, Crouch's abilities were many levels higher than he knew.

And from the bottom of his heart, he also agreed with Barty Crouch's thoughts. He would never agree with Muggles and wizards going to war.

No matter who destroys whom, it will be a mistake, if the wizarding world is really irreparably exposed.

Then both sides must exercise restraint. Only through sincere exchanges and communication can it be possible to avoid a full-scale war.

It seems that my ‘storybook plan’ needs to be sped up a little bit.

Crouch stretched out his hands, and the huge conference hall quickly fell silent.

Unlike before, officials from various countries completely ignored the rough conference hall of the British Ministry of Magic that they had previously disliked.

Instead, he stared at Barty Crouch intently, trying to see what other interesting topics he could come up with.

Barty Crouch raised his fist and waved it vigorously in the air, his face turned red, and he said loudly:

"Gentlemen, many people ask me why it is necessary to hold a worldwide Goblet of Fire instead of a wizard fighting competition or something like that.

I want to say that only children are our future. If all changes do not start with children, then no matter how beautiful the changes are, they will only become castles in the air.

Only by allowing the little wizards in the school to learn spontaneously and actively and eager to acquire new knowledge can we truly change the atmosphere of the wizarding world and truly achieve our future! "

There was silence in the conference hall. After a while, thunderous applause continued like a tide.


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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