Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 360 There must be light!

When the Veela dance ended, the gym was filled with shouts of anger and disappointment.

None of the wizards wanted the Veela to leave, and the atmosphere in the top box was extremely awkward at the moment. The girls crossed their arms and looked askance at the red-faced boys.

Ron lowered his head and put the Irish team badge that he had just torn off back on, while Harry pretended that he just wanted to stand by the railing and enjoy some air.

Malfoy stared at the flag in his hand, as if he was very interested in it.

The adults smiled and looked at the little wizards with interest, finding them very interesting.

The three of them slowly moved back to their seats bit by bit, and Hermione made a loud smacking sound.

As a result, their faces became even redder, and even so, their flying eyes kept drifting towards the Veela who were already lined up.


“Thank you to the Bulgarian team mascot for the wonderful performance!

Now -" Ludo Bagman's voice rang out like a bell: "Please raise your wand in the air... welcome the mascot of the Irish national team! "

Then, there was a whooshing sound, and a huge, green and gold thing flew into the stadium, like a big comet.

It flew around the stadium before splitting into two smaller comets, each hurtling toward a set of goal posts.

An arched rainbow suddenly appeared across the entire arena, connecting the two big shining balls.

The crowd erupted in exclamations of "Oops, ouch" as if they were watching a fireworks display.

At this time, the rainbow disappeared, and the big shining balls connected and blended with each other to form a huge, shining clover, which rose high into the air and began to hover above the stands. Something crackled down from above, like golden raindrops - those were gold coins!

Huge gold coins were falling down like raindrops. The gold coins shone with dazzling light under the light. People cheered happily while still scrambling for it.

This is an Irish leprechaun. Zhang Xiao remembers that the leprechaun’s gold coins will disappear after a while. Many people know that, but they still pick them up, just for fun.

He stared at the clover for a while and found that the huge clover was actually made up of countless little people wearing red vests and mustaches, each holding a small golden or green lamp. .

If you let China go, you might be a mountain spirit or something like that. If you do two good things, you will probably be treated as a landowner.

In Zhang Xiao's opinion, the game process that made Harry and Ron scream loudly and excitedly was completely incomprehensible.

It was similar to when his friend who was a fan of baseball in his previous life was explaining baseball to him. Wasn't it just that he didn't hit the opponent when he threw the ball? Wasn't it just a stick that knocked the ball away?

On the contrary, during the game, Krum used the 'Wronski Feint' to deceive Ireland's Seeker Linzi, and triggered a conflict between the two teams, which was interesting to watch.

Especially after Ireland continued to take the lead, the Bulgarian team made more and more moves, and Zhang Xiao felt that it was getting better and better.

When the Irish leprechauns and Veela fight - wow! Wonderful!

Zhang Xiao took the brass glasses sold at the stall and recorded this wonderful scene for later viewing.

It's definitely not because Veela can dance when angry.

The sound on the field was so noisy that even Ludo, who had a loud voice, could not completely cover up the shouts of 100,000 spectators.

At some point, the sound came to a head.

I saw the Irish Seeker suddenly dive down, or was it some Wronski fake?

"No! It's real this time, the Golden Snitch! I saw it too!"

Harry pressed the brass telescope firmly against his eye sockets, kept twisting the knob, and made a conclusion with the qualities of an excellent Quidditch Seeker.

Others immediately raised their binoculars and stared closely at the Irish Seeker.

At this point, half the audience realized what was going on.

The Irish supporters rose to their feet again, creating another wave of green and screaming to cheer on their Seekers...

But Klum had already caught up with Lin Qi and was parallel to him. The two of them dived towards the ground again——

"They're going to hit the ground!" Hermione screamed.

"No!" shouted Ron.

"Lin Qi will do it!" Harry shouted.

He was right - Lin Qi fell heavily to the ground for the second time, and a group of angry Veela immediately swarmed around him.

"Where is the Golden Snitch? Where is the Golden Snitch?" Charlie sitting over there shouted.

"He's got it - Krum has got it - game over!" Harry shouted.

Krum's bright red robe was speckled with nosebleeds. He rose lightly into the air, raised his fist high, and a golden light appeared between his fingers.

The scores flashed on the scoreboard, Bulgaria: 160, Ireland: 170, and the audience seemed not to realize what was going on. Then, slowly, like a jumbo jet accelerating, the chatter from Ireland's supporters grew louder and louder, ending in countless shouts of joy.

The game ended and although Bulgaria captured the Golden Snitch, Ireland won the game.

As they walked back along the passage illuminated by the lanterns, rough singing came from the night sky, and the little leprechauns kept flying in and out of their heads, waving the lanterns in their hands, and laughing. Finally, we arrived at the tent, but no one wanted to sleep.

They discussed every highlight that happened in the game and whether Krum could become the strongest Seeker in history in the future.

Zhang Xiao shook out his thin black robe, put it on his body, and came outside the tent.

At this moment, the entire camp has become a sea of ​​joy, and the supporters of the Irish team are celebrating the victory enthusiastically.

The passports that the Ministry of Magic had unfolded before made them completely lose their restraints. Their wands pointed at the sky, and all kinds of fireworks that Muggles could never create bloomed in the sky.

The clovers and trophies are vividly dancing in the air.

Zhang Xiao looked up for a while. If he followed the original book, the Death Eaters would cause some trouble in the second half of the night, and Harry's wand was accidentally lost in the commotion.

It was obtained by Barty Crouch Jr. who broke free from the Imperius Curse, and then easily rebelled and released the Dark Mark.

This is also the starting point for the entire series to completely turn from the light and bright in the early stage to darkness.

But now

Zhang Xiao stepped on the branches and walked into the woods. It was too noisy outside. He had a quiet personality, so it was quieter in the woods.

There was no sign of Barty Crouch Jr. in the box, nor was there the elf Winky.

This is very interesting

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


With a slight popping sound, Yu Yu appeared in front of Zhang Xiao holding a plate with surprise on his face.

"The most noble and kind young master, are you summoning rain?"

Zhang Xiao looked at Yu Yu's super-small tuxedo, the small bow tie around his neck, the small leather shoes on his feet, and the small white-gloved hands holding a plate.

"Uh, are you still training now?"

I glanced at a watch that was much more expensive than a Ferrari. It was almost early in the morning. Although the habits of elves are similar to cats and they can rest in fragments, this point is still training.

"We are practicing ourselves!" Yuyu explained in a soft voice: "Everyone is very happy and wants to work immediately, so we practice often."

Well - this racial culture that has been trained for a long time is indeed scary, and it is scary to roll up.

"Ahem, that rainwater has an elf named Shining, do you know?"

Zhang Xiao tried to ask, elves are usually too easy for people to ignore. This is what Dumbledore once said. These weak friends sometimes have a very low sense of existence, but they have a great effect.

It was only when I was chatting with Mrs. Weasley that I remembered the elves, and also remembered that Uncle Yun once said that the circle of house elves is very small, and maybe everyone knows each other.

"Winky? Is this Winky from the Crouch family?"

Yu Yu blinked his big eyes and asked curiously.

"Yes, you know them?" Zhang Xiao was overjoyed. These cute children would give him extra surprises every time.

"Yes, Rainwater knows about Twinkle. Twinkle's mother's mother's mother is at Crouch's house. Twinkle often says that Crouch is a good master."

Zhang Xiao nodded thoughtfully. According to the original book, Crouch was indeed a good master.

Winky's status in the Crouch family is completely incomparable to Dobby's, and Winky actually still has certain rights to make suggestions.

For example, it was because of Winky's suggestion that Barty Crouch Jr. agreed to take Barty Jr. to watch the Quidditch World Cup.

From this perspective, Old Crouch is indeed a good person, but it is a pity.

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiao quickly made a decision:

"Yu Yu, can you contact Twinkle? See if she is still there."

Yuyu happily agreed:

"I obey! The most noble young master!"

There was another crisp crackling sound, and the rain disappeared. Zhang Xiao walked out slowly with his hands behind his back, feeling the clearness of the summer night.

All my concerns and doubts are with Barty Crouch Jr. If I can find Winky, everything will be solved.

The evening wind carried moist water vapor through the forest tops, mixed with the heat and cheers in the camp, and the chirping of insects one after another, but there was a hint of noise in the silence.

Zhang Xiao stepped on the soft grass and slowly walked towards the camp with his hands behind his back.

The things that the Death Eaters did in the original novel should not happen this time————


A loud noise came from the other side of the camp, a huge fire suddenly burst out in the center of the camp, and the cheers suddenly became chaotic.

Unexplained shouting replaced the previous noise. This sound was like a wave, spreading very quickly. By the time we got here, we could clearly hear people's frightened shouts and cries.

Zhang Xiao suddenly raised his head and rushed forward like a sharp arrow from the string.

He just kicked the ground hard and stepped a few steps on the tree trunk. Then he came to the high tree trunk, and his eyes suddenly became a little brighter.

The dark night sky suddenly became clearer.

People in the distance were seen running towards the woods, as if fleeing from something moving toward them in the camp.

The thing shone strangely and made a crisp sound of "bang bang bang".

Loud jeers, wild laughter, and drunken shouts also moved towards them.

The dazzling wand light shone in the air, and screams and frightened cries came one after another.

A wizard was already staggering over to the edge of the woods, shouting loudly:

"Run! Quick—Death Eaters—they're crazy!"

There were more meaningless shouts. The darkness gave them cover and amplified people's panic.

Zhang Xiao's body suddenly bloomed with a strong golden light, and even his pupils seemed to have a little golden light.

He raised his hand in vain, and his voice seemed to penetrate the entire camp in an instant, ringing in everyone's ears:


An illusory ball of light condensed in his empty palm and shot straight into the sky.

The soft and pure light like the morning sun instantly dispelled the darkness, and the shadows disappeared at this moment.

The ugliness concealed by darkness was revealed to everyone at this moment.

The hooded wizards huddled tightly together, each pointing their wands upwards. At this moment, the light was bright. They raised their heads in surprise and looked above their heads in panic.

Zhang Xiao's eyes narrowed. The faces of these wizards were covered with masks.

Above their heads, four struggling figures floated in the air, twisted into various weird shapes, as if these masked wizards on the ground were puppeteers, and the people above them were marionettes. Controlled by invisible ropes emerging from the wand into the air. Two of the figures were small.

Although they were a bit far away, Zhang Xiao was still able to identify who they were. They were the family of Muggle caretakers here, and the two small figures were their children.

And the spell that keeps flashing is the Cruciatus Curse.

As if they had discovered a ball of light floating above the woods, these Death Eaters pointed their wands here and yelled.

They began to turn here, and more and more people joined them. They lit the tent on fire, laughed crazily, and kept using their wands to conjure whips to hit the Muggles above their heads.

Very good, just as I was worrying about how to kill you, Zhang Xiao felt more and more that Apparition was really a convenient magic, and his desire to learn it became more and more urgent.

He stood on top of the tall trunk, with the bright moon behind him. The golden light of his body swayed more and more fiercely, and the lightning-strike wood magic jumped into his open hands with an extremely exciting buzz.

As if eager to fight, then come on!

However, in the next moment, dozens of figures appeared illusoryly around the group of people, and the crackling sound of apparation was as loud as thunder.

Ministry of Magic! Beater! Auror!

The red light of the stun spell shot out from their wands, and in just a moment, the hooded man surrounded by them was knocked unconscious without any resistance.

A commotion ended suddenly, Zhang Xiao's eyebrows raised, and the golden light on his body gradually extinguished.

A loud sound rang out in the camp, and the running people stopped instinctively and listened:

"I am Barty Crouch, the British Minister of Magic. The riot has subsided and the rioters have been arrested. There is no need to panic!"

His voice echoed over the camp, repeating these words.

Gradually, people regained their composure, clapped their hands, cheered enthusiastically, and loudly praised the Ministry of Magic's swift and decisive response.

Praising Minister Crouch's wisdom and ability, the surging crowd slowly retreated.

Zhang Xiao still stood silently on the tree trunk, and the light ball hanging above his head slowly extinguished, just like this commotion that started but ended.


A slight sound of disembodiment sounded around him, followed by the small sound of rain:

"The most noble young master, Twinkle is missing."


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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