"Okay, okay."

When the headless body of the giant bear fell to the ground with a bang, Li Tianci nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that I have reached the top of the human race. What I need to do next is to continue to slaughter these mutant beasts, harvest slaughter points, and unlock more skills."

Having made up his mind, Li Tianci looked at the corpse of the giant bear.

What he needed to do next was to fill his stomach first, after all, bear paws were a rare delicacy!

However, when he was roasting bear paws, he didn't know that the disaster tide had arrived silently.




A violent roar sounded from the depths of the vast Pacific Ocean.

The energy finally erupted from the depths of the earth's core.

Through the gaps in space, the dense energy continued to spread rapidly, accompanied by the waves, and rushed like the waves.

If you look from the perspective of the moon, the blue planet is now emitting red light and flashing rapidly.

Not only the blue planet, but many planets in the solar system are also shrouded in the red light of the energy.

At the same time.

The depths of all the oceans of the blue planet have exploded and vibrated, and endless deep-sea creatures have begun to evolve, trembling, roaring, and making overwhelming wails.

Among them, in the deepest ocean, a sea snake that is dozens of meters long began to mutate, and its whole body twitched and curled.

In its painful wails, its body also swelled rapidly, and there were countless bone spurs piercing from its body, and its body shape mutated directly from dozens of meters to hundreds of meters.

Similarly, in the sea not far away, a huge octopus also began to mutate.

Countless energy poured into its body, twisting it beyond its original shape, and it twitched wildly. The original eight tentacles became more winding, and more tentacles grew from its head. With a sharp whine, its body was squeezed into pieces, and then unfolded again, and so on. Every time it unfolded, its body would become larger and its strength would be improved.

On an island somewhere in Hawaii, a huge earthquake also occurred. The tourists on the island were panicked and looked in astonishment. They found that a huge turtle's head was raised high.

It turned out that the island they were on was a giant turtle that had been sleeping for a thousand years, and the arrival of the disaster tide completely woke it up from its sleep.

It let out a long roar, and the scarlet energy turned into a tornado, engulfing tens of thousands of tourists on the island and sucked them all into its mouth.


"Ding, ding, ding, alarm, alarm, the energy index in the nearby sea area is rising exponentially and has now exceeded the critical point!"

"Ding, ding, ding, alarm, alarm, the energy index in the nearby sea area is rising exponentially and has now exceeded the critical point!"


In the headquarters of Bureau 739 in Kyoto, the sound of police sirens continued to rise and fall.

The entire upper echelons of Kyoto were alarmed.

"What's going on here?"

"The energy index is constantly rising. Could it be that the tide of disaster has finally arrived?"

"That's right, Deputy Director Ye once said that the disaster tide will spread from the ocean, and it's true, it's true!"

On the top of the hundred-foot-high building, a beautiful figure stood and looked out.

It was Ye Qingcheng.

Here it comes.

What was supposed to come finally came!

She looked up at the sky. In the sky, nine colors of energy swirled and entangled, with scarlet as the main color, and then continued to spread.

The source of the spread of energy was not only the ocean, but also the sky and the ground. These places were without exception broken into cracks in time and space.

The breath of terror was wantonly splashed!

"I am going to start my retreat and practice. I will leave all other matters to you."

Ye Qingcheng gave instructions to several subordinates behind her, and then strode away.

But suddenly, she seemed to think of something, stopped and asked:

"How is Ye Huang doing in Qinchuan?"

"Miss, everything is fine with Ye Huang. He has joined the Qinchuan 749th Branch, and I heard that they have built a training center specifically for him."


Ye Qingcheng nodded, quite satisfied with this.

Although the disaster tide has arrived, Lord Ye Huang's life trajectory has changed.

Although the disaster tide cannot be stopped, as long as Lord Ye Huang is safe, she has achieved her goal of rebirth.

After Ye Qingcheng entered her own training center, everything outside the door was still running.

The marine life in the sea was rapidly changing, and so were the creatures on the ground.

On the Sirinaya Plain in Australia, thick energy was spreading everywhere.

In the rolling mountains and forests, a The claws and fangs of each beast increased rapidly, and their sizes grew rapidly. Among them, a kangaroo was the most eye-catching.

Before the disaster tide came, it had already reached the eighth level of mutation, and this time the disaster tide was tantamount to another fortune for it.

Its muscles bulged high, its clenched fists were full of destructive power, and its strength was constantly increasing.

In the impact of the energy tornado, it actually jumped two levels and reached the eleventh level of the mortal realm.

The energy tornado was not only in Australia. Similarly, the Lighthouse Country, the Northern Bear Country, and the Dragon Country had also undergone shocking changes.

"In the mountains southeast of Qinchuan, there is a constant rise in the energy index, which is suspected to be the advancement of mutant beasts."

"North of Yancheng, the energy index is rising, and it is suspected that the mutant beast is advancing."


The entire Dragon Country, all 739 bureaus, were alarmed.

But compared to these, their focus now is on the homes of the people in the city.

After all, although they have reminded them, there are still many people who are stubborn and ignore the reminders.

Qin Chuan.

In a certain city, in a community

""Awoo, awoo!"

A domesticated Alaskan dog, with its white fur standing up, is howling like a wolf.

And from its side, a tornado of strange energy is rising.

"What happened? Dabai, what happened to you?"

A female college student rushed into the room. Her name was Zhao Li, and this Alaskan dog named Dabai was her pet for three years.

But now, it has begun to mutate, with scarlet flashing in its eyes.

The surging energy entered its body, gradually eroding its sanity.

But as a dog's nature, and the fact that the female college student treated it very well and raised it from childhood, it resisted the intention to kill and barked for the last time as a farewell.

Then it jumped directly off the balcony!

Not long after, people from the 739th Bureau also quickly rushed to the scene.

"Madam, are you okay?"

The female college student was also frightened by the sudden situation and just muttered to herself:

"Dabai, my Dabai, it, it seems to have mutated!"

"Alas, you guys, we have already told you on TV in advance that you should try to isolate yourself from your pets these days, but you just won’t listen."

"Fortunately, you are lucky, and the pet still has feelings for you, but others are not so lucky."

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