Chronicles of Celestial Origins

Chapter 312 Mubei Rebellion

Daoji, Linghai point was injured.

This kind of injury generally cannot be cured and is just left to die depending on the severity.

"So serious?" Tangning's thoughts raced. Zhu Mingxuan had injured Daoji. Even if he could suppress the injury temporarily, he would not be able to recover. This kind of damage is irreversible. At his age, life and death can only last ten years at most.

"Now Zhu Bochong never leaves the Zhu family palace and no one is allowed in or out. Maybe the damage will be more serious than rumored."

"I want to know the status of Zhu Mingxuan's injury at any time. As soon as you have any news, please notify me immediately." Tangning took out a folded note and handed it to him: "Just send the news to this place."

Ding Jianyang took the note: "How many of you know about my existence?"

"Only me, Senior Brother Du and the deacon of the department, no one else knows about it. This is the highest level of confidentiality in the department."

"So, under what circumstances will you take action against the Zhu family?"

Tangning glanced at him: "Would you believe it if I said we should take action now? This is not something you and I can decide."

Ding Jianyang pondered: "I've been thinking about a question these days. Since you won't do anything to the Zhu family, why should I cooperate with you?"

Tangning smiled: "What is your purpose? To destroy the Zhu family? Or to let them exterminate the clan? If so, you have three ways to go."

"First, I am strong enough through practice, so strong that the entire Zhu family cannot resist."

"Second, collude with the Demon Sect. After the Demon Sect attacks the Central Plains, and the Zhu family stubbornly resists and refuses to follow the Demon Sect, you can then use the Demon Sect's power to eradicate them."

"Third, cooperate with us and report the Zhu family's intelligence at any time. Once they show signs of turning to the Demon Sect, the sect will take action."

"Which of these three paths do you think is easiest to achieve?"

Ding Jianyang remained silent.

"One more thing, don't blame me for not reminding you. Qian Yizong is not a tool that you can use or throw away at will. No one can jump off the ship and leave unless he is dead." Tang Ning He said calmly: "You are our important chess piece, but you are only important, not indispensable. Do you understand?"

Ding Jianyang smiled coldly: "Are you threatening me?"

Tangning said, "You can think so, but I prefer to state the facts objectively. The words that came out of your mouth and entered my ears today were like a gust of wind blowing by. I don't want to hear such stupid words again next time."

"That would make me feel that my important informant is very stupid. If he still has any extravagant or even rebellious ideas, I will consider whether to abandon him directly."

"Everyone alive in this world is either smart, loyal, or strong."

"Stupid, rebellious and weak people are not worthy of living in this world."

Ding Jianyang's face was livid and ugly.

Tangning ignored him, took out a storage bag and threw it to him: "This is your reward."

After saying that, he shrunk and left. Ding Jianyang was a pretentious person and had a high self-esteem. He must be severely beaten, otherwise, with his character, he might get hot-headed and dare to break away from the relationship.

Tang Ning returned to the intelligence station and wrote a file to report to the sect regarding Zhu Mingxuan's injury to Dao Ji.


In the Qianxing Hall, the leader Wei Xuande finished discussing the matter with everyone, announced that the discussion was over, and everyone got up and left.

Peng Wanli came from outside, entered the hall, and passed by everyone.

Wei Xuande was about to stand up, but he sat down again when he saw him coming: "Junior Brother Peng is back, how was your discussion?"

"The Canhua Sect is determined not to send troops to help, but they said they can give us some financial support within their capabilities." Peng Wanli said. This time he and the monks from the Shuiyun Sect and Qingyang Sect went to Laogang and Canhua. Zong negotiated with them and begged them to help Xingang Xuanmen to eradicate the demon sect.

In any case, the current situation in Xingang is inseparable from the Canhua Sect. If the leader of the Canhua Sect had not been promoted to Nascent Soul and made bold statements, how could the Youmei Sect and the Crescent Sect have fled to Xingang in droves.

If you say you want to suppress the devil, then destroy the devil! But they just said no and the thunder was loud and the rain was light. It was clear that they were deliberately driving them to Xingang.

The headmaster of the Canhua Sect used this move very cleverly, and wiped out the local demon sect without even a single blow.

It can even be said that the Canhua Sect is the "culprit" in the current situation in Xingang. There is nothing we can do about it. Who can say that the situation is stronger than the people.

After the Youmei Sect and the Crescent Sect fled to Xingang, they completed the integration of the sects. They were like fierce tigers across the river, entrenched in the territory of Qi and Wu, occupying almost half of their territory.

In recent years, many families have changed their ways and joined them. If this continues, the Demon Sect becomes more and more powerful and develops stronger, and Xuanmen is afraid that it will hide and shrink, and everyone will cry out for beatings.

In desperation, the three Xuanmen sects of Xingang discussed together and decided to ask for help from the Canhua sect, and asked them for help based on the 100-year ownership of the Xuanyue Mountain Spirit Mine. It was because of this incident that Peng Wanli went to Laogang to negotiate with him as a representative of Qian Yizong.

"Oh? How many spiritual stones does the Canhua Sect support?" Wei Xuande asked

"They support each of our sects with fifteen second-order Xuangan crossbows and five second-order crimson battle armors."

The market price of one Xuangan crossbow is around 60,000 yuan, and the market price of one pair of battle armor is 120,000 yuan. Fifteen Xuanqian crossbows and five pairs of battle armors cost almost 1.5 million spirit stones, and the three sects together can’t afford it. That’s four and a half million spirit stones.

"What conditions did the Canhua Sect put forward?"

"They asked us to sign the right to sell the Xuanyunshan Ling Mine."

"Oh?" Wei Xuande was slightly surprised, not expecting that the Canhua Sect would make such a request.

The Xuanyun Mountain Spiritual Mine is located within the territory of Qi State and was originally a resource under the jurisdiction of Shuiyun Sect. It has now been seized and occupied by the Crescent Sect.

The Canhua Sect's intention is obvious. It wants to plunder Xingang's resources, but it is limited by the rules between Xuanmen. Just as the Demon Sect was gaining momentum in Xingang, the Canhua Sect took advantage of this opportunity to encroach on Xingang's resources step by step.

As long as the Shuiyun Sect signs this agreement, the Xuanyun Mountain Spirit Mine will belong to the Canhua Sect from now on. Even if the Crescent Gate retreats and the Shuiyun Sect regains its original territory, the Spirit Mine will no longer belong to it.

"What did Shuiyun Sect say?"

"Of course I refuse. Shuiyun Sect can only accept the lease and sale of the spiritual mine for a certain period of time. They are still negotiating, so I will come back first."

Wei Xuande nodded slightly. The Canhua Sect wanted to take advantage of the situation to intervene in Xingang and seize the Shuiyun Sect's original spiritual mines. Even if the two reached an agreement, they would not do anything to the Yizong. It is impossible for the Shuiyun Sect to take ownership of their own spiritual mines. To exchange for the support of three families of Xuannu and armor.

Unless Qianyi Sect and Qingyang Sect jointly bear its losses and give Shuiyun Sect a certain amount of resource subsidies. But those things have to be discussed after Shuiyun Sect and Canhua Sect have finished talking.

"This time I took a trip to Qiyun Island and heard some news." Peng Wanli said.

"what news?"

"The Mubei grassland seems to have been less peaceful in recent years."

Wei Xuande smiled and said: "When has there been peace in the Mubei Grassland? The situation there is complicated. The three pillars of the mysterious demons, local aristocratic families, chambers of commerce, and various emerging and hidden forces are crisscrossed. There are ghosts in the world."

"This time is different. I witnessed a large number of elite monks on Qiyun Island sailing across the Qinghai Sea in warships and chariots. After asking about it, I found out that they were disciples of the Mirror Moon Sect in Qingzhou, and they were going to support Mubei Grassland. ." Peng Wanli said.

"Even the Mirror Moon Sect is dispatched?" Wei Xuande was slightly surprised. The Mirror Moon Sect is a first-class sect in Qingzhou. If the situation was not urgent, it would definitely not alert the Xuanmen of this level: "What happened?"

"I haven't found out what's going on specifically. I just heard that there's going to be a war in the Mubei grassland. It's rumored that the demon clan and the demon sect are connected and want to drive the Xuanmen forces out of Mubei."

Wei Xuande muttered: "The war on the front line in Liangzhou is not over yet. The demon clan and the demon sect have started to gain momentum in the Mubei grassland again. There must be someone behind the scenes. I don't know if the Xuanmen forces in the Mubei grassland can withstand the demon clan and the demon clan." Zong’s counterattack.”

"Yes! I was worried about this! If the Mubei Grassland is lost, the demon clan and the demon sect will definitely press on Qingzhou and put pressure on Xuanmen. By then, our Xuanmen in Qinghai will really not know where to go. There are many Qiyun Islands People are talking about it.”

Wei Xuande said: "Our Xingang is located in the northernmost part of Qinghai. Once the Mubei Grassland Xuanmen retreats, we will be the first to suffer. We must pay close attention to this matter and cannot rely on other Xuanmen news channels."

"I'm worried that once the Xuanmen forces stationed in the Mubei Grassland are defeated, those big Xuanmen will directly abandon the Qinghai Islands and move to the inland."

Wei Xuande sighed and said nothing.


Tang Ning sat cross-legged in the room, her spiritual consciousness peering into the spirit beast bag to observe the changes in the rhinoceros ants. In the past few months, more than fifty rhinoceros ants had been fed by the golden particles, and their spiritual power had increased significantly. Less, and the body is slightly larger.

The problem is that the female ants still haven't mated with the male ants.

He used another spirit animal bag to put seven winged rhinoceros ants into it individually, and fed them a large amount of golden particles every day, hoping that they would grow, mate and lay eggs as soon as possible.

But a few months later, there was still no movement. He could vaguely feel their thoughts. In that little head, apart from eating every day, there was no desire to mate.

I don’t know whether it’s because the time hasn’t come yet or because there are some conditions missing.

There was a knock on the door outside the house.

"Come in." Tangning put away the spirit beast bag, and Kong Ji pushed open the door and handed him the file in his hand: "Uncle Master, this is the news from the Qinchuan Intelligence Point."

Tang Ning took it and opened it, only to see that it read: The borer has successfully lurked.

The name of the borer is Fu Minghua. He is twenty years old. He was originally a loose cultivator and lived in Qinchuan. When he was twelve years old, he was accepted as a disciple by the loose cultivator Lu Qi. Later, his master was killed by a disciple of the Corpse Puppet Sect. Instead of competing for the price, he bought a top-quality magic weapon, but was followed by the disciples of the Corpse Puppet Sect, who killed people and stole the goods.

The Qinchuan Intelligence Station recommended him, and Zheng Wei investigated his life experience. His ancestors were all mortals for three generations, and there was no possibility of being connected with the Demon Sect.

So Tang Ning approved him to be developed into an insider of the Corpse Puppet Sect. Qinchuan Intelligence Point disciples contacted him and after getting his consent, they arranged for him to join the Corpse Puppet Sect.

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