Chronicles of Celestial Origins

Chapter 321 Immortal Cult (9)

Tangning asked, "Have you ever experienced anything like this before?"

"No, we used to work together as a group to hunt down low-level monks. It didn't take much effort at all."

"Tell me where your companions are hiding?"

Xu Ru said: "Fenghuang asked us to hide ourselves, observe reliable people, and then recruit them to join the sect when the limelight passes. I will go to South China, Suzaku is in Jiangdong, Xuanwu is in Xichuan, and Baihu stays in Beiyuan. Fenghuang asked us not to leave Chu easily. "As for where he is, I don't know. He never tells us his whereabouts. He always comes to us when something happens."

Guan Sheng asked: "When did you start deliberately preying on monks? Has it always been like this?"

"Before, I always ate mortals, and I didn't do it deliberately. I just couldn't help it when I got sick. Until I followed Phoenix, he told us that preying on monks can help the growth of spiritual power in the body, so he started to capture monks as food reserves."

"Does this method improve your spiritual power?"

"Yes, the higher the cultivation level, the greater the effectiveness of spiritual power, but only on full moon nights."

Upon hearing this, Tangning couldn't help but feel a little horrified, and blurted out: "So, in addition to the night of the full moon, when you lost consciousness, you also shared food with the monks."

Xu Ru lowered his head and said: "The temptation to increase spiritual power is too great. My biggest wish in this life is to successfully build the foundation. Anyway, this is already the case."

"How many times have you tried this?" Jiang Yuhuan asked

"Only once. The feeling was not pleasant, but it was just to build the foundation. Later, I found that my spiritual power did not increase, so I stopped."

"Since you have eaten once, will you still be unconscious and have symptoms of illness when the moon is full?"


The three people interrogated him for a long time, getting to the bottom of everything. Finally, Jiang Yuhuan took Xu Ru there. The ability of the corpse insect in him had been enhanced. What happened needed to be studied by the disciples of the Forbidden Secret Department.

Based on the information and portraits provided by Xu Ru, Tang Ning sent orders to various intelligence stations, asking them to do their best to detect the whereabouts of Suzaku, White Tiger, and Xuanwu.

Guan Sheng stayed in Tianling Mountain and commanded his disciples to search for these three people in various places. These people were haunted by corpse insects and would eat the monks every full moon night. Investigations based on these clues would always reveal something wrong.

Half a month later, Jiang Yuhuan returned to Tianling Mountain and told the two people about the changes in Xu Ru's body: "We dissected his body and found the corpse worms hiding in his flesh and blood. The corpse worms inside the corpse worm hosts we discovered before are quite different.”

"We call them the second-generation corpse worms. They are larger and more attached. I think his improved abilities must be related to the second-generation corpse worms. I consider that this person is still useful to us, no Do it rashly, otherwise once the corpse insect is pulled out of his body, he will die instantly."

"Second-generation corpse worms?" Tangning asked thoughtfully, "Did the corpse worms evolve themselves? Or were they the work of others?"

Jiang Yuhuan said: "There is no possibility of autonomous evolution. Time and conditions do not allow it. According to Xu Ru, he was possessed by the corpse insect three years ago. It is impossible for the corpse insect to evolve independently in such a short period of time. In addition, There are not enough conditions. He was at the tenth level of Qi Refining before, but now his cultivation level has not increased at all. The corpse insects will not be supplemented by spiritual power and will not evolve for no reason. "

"That is to say, it is the people behind the scenes who have cultivated a new generation of corpse insects." Guan Sheng said

"That should be the case, and we discovered a very interesting thing. There is no inductive connection between the second-generation corpse insect host and the first-generation corpse insect host."

"Oh? Why is this?" Tangning asked

"We speculate that the mother bodies are different. Since these corpse worms were cultivated by others, there must be a mother body. The mother body of the first-generation corpse worm and the second-generation corpse worm should be independent individuals, so there is no reaction between the two. It is like Melt my blood and your blood in a bowl. Although they may look the same, the two bloods cannot blend together.”

Tangning suddenly said: "No wonder the leader of the Immortal Cult is looking for second-generation corpse insect hosts. It turns out that he cannot sense the first-generation corpse insect hosts."

Jiang Yuhuan said: "The capabilities of the second-generation corpse worm have greatly increased. Not only is it immortal, but it also has a strong self-healing ability. At the same time, we found that it can save and convert spiritual power, which is an ability that the first-generation corpse worm does not have. This This is also the reason why they want to eat monks, but the first generation of corpse insect hosts only feed on babies. "

Guan Sheng said: "Saving and converting spiritual power? How about a conversion method?"

Jiang Yuhuan said: "After the corpse worm eats the monk's body, it will store its flesh and blood in the body. When necessary, it can be used as its own supply to provide spiritual power to the corpse worm host. When Junior Brother Tang captured Xu Ru, he was surrounded by spiritual energy. The reason why his power surges is because of this. The flesh and blood of the monks he usually eats are stored in the corpse worm. When he exerts all his spiritual power, the corpse worm is induced and feeds back to him. "

"At this time, the corpse worm has awakened and controlled his body, so he will lose consciousness. Once the stored spiritual power is used up, the corpse worm will lurk, so he suddenly faints."

"I believe that this is the reason why Xuanwu's spiritual power increased sharply after he finished eating the body of the foundation-building monk, and he further built the foundation. He has accumulated enough spiritual power in his body, and the corpse worms can't bear it, so they feed it back to him. With a sudden increase in spiritual power, he can directly break through the foundation."

"The time difference between the first-generation corpse worm and the second-generation corpse worm is only five or six years. The second-generation corpse worm appeared three years ago, and the first-generation corpse worm first appeared eight or nine years ago. In just a few years, the people behind the scenes have cultivated a new generation. If the zombie worms continue to develop at this rate, I think there will be three generations of corpse worms and four generations of corpse worms.”

Guan Sheng pondered: "If you put it this way, the leader of the Immortal Sect should not be the mastermind behind this."

"That's natural. According to Xu Ru, that phoenix is ​​also the host of the second-generation corpse insect. How could the real helmsman turn himself into such a non-human and ghostly appearance? But he must know more about the inside story."

Tangning wondered: "Why did he create so many corpse insect hosts and then release them all?"

"Maybe it's for observation! If you want to improve the corpse worm species, you need a lot of data on the corpse worm hosts. The people behind the scenes want to see their living conditions under normal circumstances. The second generation of corpse worms is much better than the first generation. The changes not only enhanced their capabilities, but also made them more stable. Some of the first-generation corpse insect hosts often died violently, but this problem was not discovered in the second generation.”

Tangning asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Jiang Yuhuan said: "Suzaku and Baihu followed Phoenix later than Xu Ru. Even if they are captured, the value will not be very high. Now that we know that Xuanwu is in Xichuan, we can use the mutual induction characteristics of corpse insects to go to Xichuan and capture Xuanwu first. Follow the clues and find the phoenix."

Guan Sheng said: "Xichuan is within the sphere of influence of the Corpse Puppet Sect. You need to be more careful. If there are too many people, you will be easily exposed. I want Junior Brother Jiang and I to go there. Junior Brother Tang will sit here to capture Suzaku and Baihu."

"Okay." Tangning nodded in response. Then she remembered something and asked again, "It will be a full moon night in a few days. What should we do with this Xu Ru? Is it inconvenient for you to take him with you?"

Jiang Yuhuan said: "When we get to Xichuan, just capture any disciple of the Demon Sect. It just so happens that I can also observe the strange movements of the corpse insects in his body on a full moon night."

Guan Sheng frowned and said: "There is one thing you need to be careful about. Xuanwu's cultivation level is higher than his, and he will sense him first."

"He can only sense that he is of the same kind, and does not know that Xu Ru is already in our hands. Maybe he thinks that he is another of the same kind and will take the initiative to meet him. We can capture him in one fell swoop."

The three of them agreed, and Jiang Yuhuan and Guan Sheng left the wooden house and escorted Xu Ruhua Dunguang to the west.


The bright moon is shining high and the stars are shining brightly.

Wu Bin left Tianxiang Pavilion and flew away with his flying sword. As usual, he was humming a tune in his mouth, preparing to go to the gambling house to show off his skills.

After walking for more than an hour, suddenly, a figure chased after him from behind.

At first Wu Bin didn't care, thinking he was a passer-by. But when he turned a mountain peak, the other party was still chasing after him and flying away with all his strength.

The distance between the two was no more than ten feet, and Wu Bin was about to stop asking questions when the man behind him actually pulled out a black long knife, turned into a size of several feet, and slashed straight at him.

Wu Bin was shocked, he pulled out a shield with his left hand and held it in front of him.

There was a "bang" sound, the shield clicked, and there was a sound of breaking.

He was horrified and hurriedly ran back. The man behind him caught up with his sword and slashed at him again with his long sword.

There were two loud noises in succession, and the shield could no longer hold up and shattered.

Wu Bin was heartbroken and ran forward desperately. Suddenly he saw a figure approaching with a sword. When he saw the person clearly, he shouted as if he had grasped a life-saving straw: "Friend Yu, save me."

The man was stunned for a moment, and saw a big, round, masked man chasing behind him. He hurriedly stepped forward and was about to speak to persuade the man. Without saying a word, the masked man slashed at him with his mysterious knife.

Seeing this, the man surnamed Yu took out a pair of gold maces, raised them in the wind, held the Xuan Dao, and the gold and black colors intertwined.

Seeing this, Wu Bin also took out a silver needle and shot it towards the man. Unexpectedly, the man did not block or dodge, letting the silver needle pass through his chest, and a thumb-sized hole was penetrated in his chest. Wound.

Before the two of them could rejoice, they saw that the chest was slowly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. On the other side, the light of the golden mace became weaker and weaker, and the light of the mysterious sword bloomed.

The man surnamed Yu only has the ninth level of Qi refining, while the big man opposite him has already reached the tenth level of Qi refining. Moreover, the gold mace in his hand is not a top-grade magical weapon, while the Xuan Dao is indeed a top-grade spiritual weapon. Compared with the two, he is naturally invincible.

When the man surnamed Yu saw how strange he was, he already wanted to retreat. He and Wu Bin, who were fair-weather friends, had not known the situation before and heard him calling for help, so they came to persuade him.

I didn't know that this big man was so difficult to deal with, and now I saw that his skills were weird, so I was not willing to risk my life for Wu Bin.

At that moment, he retreated violently, turning around and running away without even caring about his golden mace.

The golden mace lost its master's spiritual energy supply, its light was greatly reduced, and it fell to the ground. Seeing how decisively he ran away, Wu Bin was stunned for a moment and fled quickly.

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