Chronicles of Celestial Origins

Chapter 563 Discussion (2)

Luo Qingshui nodded and said: "What Junior Brother Shi said is in agreement with me. Since the Demon Sect can place those disciples who have taken refuge in their cultivating families on the front lines to fight against us and expand their influence and combat effectiveness. We can also fight back in their own way. There is no need to stick to the rules. I will leave this matter to you, Qingxuan Palace. What do you think, Junior Brother Shi?"

Shi Mingsui nodded slightly.

Luo Qingshui said: "Tangning, regarding the phenomenon of the sect's fiscal revenue not being spent, does your Yuan Yidian have any measures or plans?"

Tang Ning said: "As for the sect's financial problem, we decided to solve it from two aspects. One is to compress the spiritual stone funds and reduce expenses. The other is to expand production capacity and allow more disciples to participate in the process of creating wealth."

"By reducing expenditures and expanding production capacity, we can achieve the effect of equalizing income and expenditure. We are currently formulating a plan for financial reform of the sect. If successfully implemented, it can reduce the expenditure of one million spiritual stones every year."

"Then we will increase the income of one million spiritual stones by expanding production capacity. This way, the income and expenditure items can be balanced by the positive and negative."

Luo Qingshui said: "Tell me about the specific plan, how to control expenditures? How to expand production capacity?"

Tang Ning said: "How to reduce expenses, my initial idea is to keep the disciples' salary intact and start with the spiritual stones for the funding of each department."

"The average annual funding for each department of our sect is 4.3 million, including 900,000 for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 600,000 for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and 650,000 for the Secret Academy. The Qingxuan Hall is 700,000, and the Xuande Hall is 700,000. Ten thousand, Yuan Yi Palace’s 750,000.”

"This is the average expenditure of each palace in the past ten years. Recently, due to the plunder of the Demon Sect, the expenditure of each department has been increased."

"The total funding is 4.3 million, but less than 1 million is actually used for ministry funds. As for the reason, I don't need to go into detail. Everyone must know it."

"Why is there such a big deficit? Because power is too concentrated, and the deacons of each department have complete control over the distribution of finances. Under layer upon layer of exploitation, only less than a quarter, or even less, is left to the lower-level disciples as funds. to one-fifth.”

"There are specific problems we need to solve. Of course, we must take into account the actual situation. Our sect has been weak for a long time. The disciples below, including the top sect members, have meager salaries, which are far from enough to consume the elixirs. This is Leading to a huge deficit in funding.”

"My solution is to increase salaries, reduce funding, and spend all the money on practical things."

Luo Qingshui frowned slightly and said, "What are the standards for increasing salaries and reducing funds?"

Tang Ning said: "I'll keep it secret. Our sect's funding allocation has always been based on a three-three-two system. The private income from spiritual stones is put on the bright side and directly added to their salaries. Of course, certain cuts must be made. The funds will then be used as real departmental funds.”

"All factors will be taken into consideration, so detailed revisions will be needed. In the end, a plan acceptable to all parties will be produced."

Luo Qingshui said: "Isn't this a bit too idealistic? How do you ensure that after the salary increase, they will not use part of the department's funds?"

Tang Ning said: "This is the key to the entire financial reform. We need to take back the control rights of each department over the funds. The deacons of the departments no longer have the right to control the funds. All the sect's funds will be directly detained in Yuan Yidian."

"We will have a clear set of rules and regulations, such as how much funding is awarded each time a disciple goes out to implement, and how much funding is required to implement a plan."

"These expenses are collected directly by the disciples from the Yuan Yidian Hall, instead of going through the hands of department managers and deacons. This can prevent the loss of funds."

After Tang Ning finished speaking, the hall fell into a brief silence. After a while, Luo Qingshui said, "What do you junior fellow apprentices think of this reform plan?"

Shi Mingsui said: "I'm afraid this won't work. The Deacon Management Department itself has personnel and financial rights. To completely deprive them of financial rights is equivalent to disrupting our internal organization."

"Furthermore, if all financial distribution rights are given to Yuan Yidian, how can we guarantee that those in Yuan Yidian who hold the distribution rights will not benefit from it? In the end, things will return to the starting point."

"Moreover, once the deacons have no financial power, it is very likely that some people will simply ignore everything. Anyway, they only use their own share of salary funds. The entire operation and maintenance of our sect depends on the deacons of various departments. In management.”

"Once they let go, the entire sect will fall into a state of paralysis, and many financial problems will arise."

"For example, let everyone in the department go out to perform tasks every month, whether there is a task or not, let them perform it, so as to obtain the corresponding funds."

"Or they may simply make false or arbitrary reports, and the deacons and stewards of the department and their disciples will work together to defraud the funds. Have you ever thought about this problem? How to solve it?"

"I don't agree with this plan."

After Shi Mingsui finished speaking, Yin Qingyuan followed closely and said: "I also think Yuan Yidian's plan is inappropriate."

Tang Ning had actually expected that this plan would be opposed by many people, because depriving the deacons of their financial allocation rights actually also deprived each palace of their financial allocation rights.

You must know that funds are allocated directly to each palace, and then allocated by the palace to various ministries. Now that the proposal is to let Yuanyi Palace allocate them, it actually replaces the financial allocation rights of each palace. It is bound to were opposed by them.

"If you are not satisfied with this plan, then we can only implement the second plan, which is to directly cut one million in expenditures." Tang Ning said.

Luo Qingshui said: "There is no need to rush the financial reform plan. This involves many aspects. You Yuan Yidian needs to carefully consider and come up with a reasonable plan. The implementation of the specific plan can be discussed slowly in the future. Let's talk about the plan to expand production capacity! I am quite interested in how to expand production capacity."

Tang Ning said: "The method is very simple, that is, to let more disciples participate in the process of wealth creation. Our fiscal revenue mainly comes from three aspects. The first is spiritual mines, the second is taxes, and the third is the profits of shops, gambling houses, and attics under the sect."

"Spiritual mines and taxes are two constant variables, unless the Demon Sect is defeated and the half of Chu State that has been occupied is recovered."

"The only way to increase income is the profit of shops. We have referred to the operating model of the Chamber of Commerce. They have each Almost everyone is involved in the process of wealth creation, so we decided to learn from this approach. "At present, there are only four departments in the sect that can create wealth value, namely, elixir, array flag, weapon method, and talisman. Among these four departments, there are only about a hundred people who are truly capable of creating wealth. From this perspective, it is equivalent to these more than a hundred people supporting the consumption of 1,600 to 1,700 people in our entire sect." "So more people must be involved in alchemy, weapon refining, array flag, and talisman manufacturing, so that they can create value for the sect." "Of course, I know that no matter refining weapons, alchemy, talisman making, or array making, it is not possible to master it in a short period of time. Each department also has its own responsibilities. We only need to select talented and interested people to join them." "The sect has a large number of idle personnel, It's time for them to make a contribution to the sect. They can't just take a salary without working. "

"I propose to select several skilled disciples from the four departments of elixir, array flag, weapon method, and talisman as mentors, as a separate team, to teach the disciples of other departments to learn the manufacture and refining of elixir, magic weapon, talisman, and array flag."

"Everyone from the deacon onwards in all other departments must participate in the study of these four skills, and take turns to be sent to the team to learn. "

"Select talented or interested disciples to learn this skill, and then stipulate how many elixirs, magic weapons, talismans, and array flags they must hand in each year. "

"In addition, in addition to expanding the production capacity of elixir, talismans, magic weapons, and array flags, we can also try new skills, such as spirit wine , the production of spiritual food, these will be discussed later. "

Luo Qingshui said: "What do you think of this plan of Yuan Yidian?"

Tong Quanan said: "This is not bad, we can strongly support it. We went to Qinghai Port Island to discuss spiritual beast breeding with the Chamber of Commerce before, wasn't it also to increase income? If we can increase the income to a level corresponding to the expenditure, we don't have to cut the budget. We have cut the budget again and again in recent years, and the disciples below complained a lot. If we cut it down further, I am afraid there will be trouble. "

"I agree with this proposal."

Luo Qingshui: "What do other junior brothers think? Put forward any opinions, discuss the matter thoroughly, and then the plan can be implemented. "

Several people nodded slightly. This matter did not involve their own interests and could increase the income of the sect, so no one objected.

Luo Qingshui said: "Zhuang Xinqian, are there any problems with your Internal Affairs Department?"

Zhuang Xinqian said: "There is no problem in forming a team to teach other disciples, but I have some doubts about this matter itself."

"First, whether it is refining equipment, refining pills, making talismans, or making formations, it is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It takes decades at the shortest and hundreds of years at the longest. This is a very slow thing to gain benefits, and it will delay the disciples' practice. It is hard to say whether the disciples below will be willing to do it."

"Second, do we have enough resources? Refining equipment, refining pills, making talismans, and making formations all require a lot of practice materials, especially for beginners. At present, there are not enough disciples in the four departments of our academy, so how can we assign them to beginners in other departments?"

"Third, the problem of sales channels. After we increase production capacity, can the market eat so much? Now there are so many shops in Xingangzhong. How can we ensure that other people come to our shops to consume?"

Luo Qingshui nodded: "Zhuang Xinqian's words are reasonable. This is indeed an objective problem. Tang Ning, have you considered these in Yuanyi Hall?"

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