Chronicles of Celestial Origins

Chapter 668 Netherworld Sea Corps

In the remote mountain forest, in front of a simple wooden house, two rays of light fell, revealing the figures of two people. It was Xiao Mobai and Wang Xianye who were speeding along.

As soon as the two people escaped from the light, the door of the wooden house opened wide, and a man with a chin and a tiger beard walked out. He bowed his head with a smile on his face and said: "Brother Xiao, I haven't seen you for many years, how are you?"

Xiao Mobai responded: "Thank you, Brother Zhang, for your help. Xiao is not very grateful."

"It's just a trivial matter. It's not enough to say thank you. Come on, please come to the inner room." Zhang Xuanye said with a smile and led the two of them into the inner room.

There was a simple room inside, with nothing else but a stone table and stone benches. The three of them took their seats one after another.

Zhang Xuanye turned his hands, took out a jade pot and three jade cups, and poured a cup for each person: "Come on, how do you like the taste of this Purple Mosquito Yuxi wine?"

Xiao Mobai picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. The wine entered his throat and intestines, like a burning fire, with the fragrance of osmanthus. The pure spiritual power flowed along the body and returned to the Linghai point: "Good wine."

Zhang Xuanye smiled and said: "I have treasured this wine for a long time. If Brother Xiao hadn't arrived, I would never have taken it out."

"So, I still have the favor of Fellow Daoist Xiao." Wang Xianye said with a smile.

The two laughed, Xiao Mobai picked up the wine glass and said: "Today I borrow flowers to offer to Buddha. Thank you two Taoist friends for your help. Otherwise, I don't know when I will be able to escape from the clutches of Xuanmen."

"Brother Xiao, it's serious. It's just a matter of a finger."

The three of them drank a drink, and Xiao Mobai said, "How does Brother Zhang know that I am trapped by Xuanmen?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xuanye and Wang Xianye looked at each other.

"To be honest, brother Xiao, we have been following you for a long time."

Xiao Mobai frowned slightly: "Brother Zhang, what do you mean by this?"

Zhang Xuanye did not answer but asked: "I will answer this question later. Brother Xiao, where do you want to go after escaping from the clutches of Xuanmen this time?"

Xiao Mobai said: "Because Jining Island is located at a strategic location, and the island is occupied by Xuanmen, it is inconvenient for us to go out to sea for hunting. In order to avoid being affected by future wars, we originally planned to go to Yueya Island first and see the situation before making a decision."

"But now that my fishing team has been captured by Xuanmen, I naturally have to try to rescue them first."

Zhang Xuanye smiled and said: "With all due respect, Brother Xiao's idea is a bit unrealistic. You said you want to take refuge on Crescent Island. Don't you know that the entire Qinghai is now controlled by the Xuanmen Alliance Army? You have nothing to do with Crescent Island and here?" What a difference."

"Furthermore, you want to rescue several other fellow Taoists in the fishing team, but you are absolutely unable to do so based on your ability. How can you still forcefully break into their garrison?"

"These two things, one is a lack of thinking, and the other is a helplessness, I wonder if what I said is right?"

Xiao Mobai was speechless.

Zhang Xuanye continued: "Do you know why Xuanmen dares to be so unscrupulous, randomly arresting and killing us casual cultivators, but does not dare to do this to the monks of the Chamber of Commerce? It is because we are not united enough to form a force to contend with them. The powerful force.”

"What happened today was not caused by me. You have witnessed it with your own eyes. Xuanmen is arrogant and domineering. For more than one day, they have arrested and killed individual cultivators at every turn. All they do is make money."

"This is a world where people cannibalize people. There is no justice at all. If you don't have the strength, you can only become a fish on someone else's chopping board and let them slaughter you."

"Xuanmen and Demon Sect are all ordinary. Although the world is big, for us casual cultivators, there are many dangers everywhere."

"In the final analysis, this is just because we are weak, so they can oppress and harm us unscrupulously."

"Like you, I was once oppressed by Xuanmen and almost died. Fortunately, I was saved by others. From then on, I secretly vowed to eradicate Xuanmen, not only to seek justice for myself, but also to return justice. There is a bright future in this world.”

"But I know that I cannot achieve anything with my own strength. Fortunately, there is a group of fellow Taoists who share the same beliefs as me. They are all persecuted by the Xuanmen Demon Sect and are dissatisfied with the world's structure. They want to create an ideal World, we now officially invite you to join.”

After hearing this, Xiao Mobai glanced at Wang Xianye subconsciously, but saw that he was smiling and silent.

He was shocked. Zhang Xuanye's words were quite shocking, especially since he clearly stated that he wanted to eradicate Xuanmen, but he did not hide the identity of Wang Xianye's Xuanmen disciples at all. Wang Xianye listened without changing his face and did not take it seriously.

Obviously, the two of them are already in the same camp.

Xiao Mobai asked slowly: "Who are you referring to?"

Zhang Xuanye leaned slightly, his eyes were determined, and there seemed to be light flowing in his eyes: "They are all the oppressed monks in the world."

"All oppressed casual cultivators are our reserve army, including friends from the Xuanmen Demon Sect Chamber of Commerce family who share the same ideals and like-minded ideas, and are all members of our organization."

"We have been following you for a long time and hope you can join us to create a new world together."

"At that time, there will be no more oppression and persecution, everyone can coexist peacefully, the old and the weak will have a family relationship, and the world's resources will be shared by all."

"This is the philosophy of our organization, the world is unified and the world is for the common good."

Xiao Mobai said: "So, Daoyou Wang is also a member of this Datong organization. As a disciple of Xuanmen, you enjoy richer resources than most people, why do you want to join them?"

Wang Xianye smiled and said: "Because this is not the world I want. Although I am a disciple of Taoism, I came from a humble background and am well aware of the suffering of all living beings in the world."

"Of course, I am not a merciful person who helps those who are suffering. The reason why I joined the organization is because I am dissatisfied with this world. Does Fellow Daoist Xiao think that as a Taoist disciple, I can enjoy everything as a matter of course?"

"There is also oppression in Xuanmen, and there are more intrigues and intrigues. During these years in Xuanmen, I have often felt tired and frustrated, and I have asked countless times, what is the meaning of practice?"

"If it's about immortality and becoming an immortal, who in this world has really seen a monk who becomes an immortal and has eternal life? After all, it's just a withered skeleton."

"If that's the case, why do you still need to practice and spend so many years in vain?"

"For a period of time, I was very confused, and even suffered a sighing disaster. Until I met them, I found a new pursuit. I hope to create an ideal world through myself, even if it costs everything."

"Actually, before that, I was already tired of this world of intrigues and intrigues, so I resolutely joined the organization."

Xiao Mobai said: "It sounds like you are a huge organization. Can I know what you need to do under normal circumstances and where the funds to maintain your organization come from."

Zhang Xuanye said: "Our organization advocates self-reliance. We usually do our own thing and take care of ourselves. We only convene members to discuss when there is a task. As for the cost of maintaining the organization! Brother Xiao has been traveling around the Qinghai Islands for many years. I must have You must know the Kongying Information Exchange, it was established by our organization.”

"It turns out you are behind the Kongying Information Exchange." Xiao Mobai suddenly realized. No wonder all parties in the exchange can obtain information. The organization behind the Gein Exchange itself is composed of members from all parties.

Zhang Xuanye smiled and said: "You should understand now! What I said about destroying Xuanmen and Demon Sect and creating an unprecedented new world is not just empty talk."

"Those top forces are aware of our existence, but they have always chosen to turn a blind eye, because they understand that we have the ability to compete with them."

"We have been holding back and developing before, in order to try to avoid Xuanmen's alert and lead to encirclement and suppression. Now that the world is in chaos, it is the time for us to work hard. As long as we stand up and call out, I believe that the world will definitely gather in response."

"Whatever Madam's heart desires, is there anything that can't be accomplished?"

"Brother Xiao, I know that you have always been fond of righteousness, but the righteousness you like is only small righteousness. At most, it is just gratification and grudges, and helping others when there is injustice."

"The true righteousness is to take the world as one's own responsibility and save all living beings from water and fire."

"This is what I want as a person."

Xiao Mobai was silent for a long time and said slowly: "You said that your organization has the power to fight against Xuanmen, but why have you never heard of your organization's name?"

"Although the world is big, there are only a handful of people who can compete with Xuanmen. Since you are such a huge organization, you must have a foothold. I'm afraid it will be difficult to rely on just a few people! May I ask where your organization's headquarters is located? Where?"

Zhang Xuanye said: "Brother Xiao, do you still think that I am lying to you? Although you have never heard of the name of our organization, you must have heard of our corps."

"You have been in Qinghai for so many years. Don't you wonder why those skeleton ships plundered the supplies of the chamber of commerce, sects and aristocratic families, but never robbed the casual cultivators and hunting fishing teams that passed by?"

Xiao Mobai's eyes narrowed: "You mean?"

Zhang Xuanye smiled and said: "I have just said that all casual cultivators in the world are our reserve army. How can anyone in this world rob us?"

"Is the Nether Sea pirate ship one of yours?" Xiao Mobai was shocked.

Zhang Xuanye said: "Why do you think Xuanmen has repeatedly attacked the Netherworld Sea Corps on a large scale over the years? Looting items is just a trivial matter, the real purpose is to eliminate the troubles of the henchmen."

"And once Xuanmen levies a large-scale attack, the several legions on the sea will immediately form a rope. If there is no unified command and dispatch here, how can we repeatedly break Xuanmen's large-scale attacks."

"Now you know why those Daxuanmen Chamber of Commerce know that Kongying Information Exchange is selling information, but they turn a blind eye."

"Our organization has been entrenched in the Netherworld Sea for many years. It can be said that we have mastered the choke point of the world. Whether it is Xuanmen, the Chamber of Commerce or the aristocratic family, all goods transportation, and all transactions that require cross-state and county-level transactions can hardly bypass this sea area."

"If they retaliate against our intelligence base, we will cut off their transportation channels, so they can only turn a blind eye to it."

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