Chronicles of Celestial Origins

Chapter 9 Internal Strength

The days passed day by day, and four months passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Tangning and everyone gathered at the foot of the mountain as usual.

After a while, Xi Tiao and Qin Luo walked over side by side.

Everyone was a little surprised, because Qin Luo had never been here before, and they didn't know why he was here today.

"Everyone should know me. Some of you may have forgotten. Let me introduce you again. My name is Qin Luo, and I am your chief instructor. I am here to announce something to you. From now on, you are part of the caravan. I am a member, and I will start a new job from now on." After hearing this, everyone looked happy and whispered to each other.

"Have a rest today and start a new lesson tomorrow."

Everyone was even more happy. They had been doing homework every day since they came here. They never thought that they could have a good rest today.

Tangning returned to the room, knocked on the door and said, "Ruru, Ruru"

Soon, footsteps sounded and the door opened.

Tangning held her hand and sat beside the bed: "Instructor Xi just said that we have a day off today. I want to go to town to buy you some clothes, okay?"

In fact, Tangning had wanted to go to town to buy her some clothes a year ago, but she never had the time.

Now Liu Ruhan no longer does the cleaning and shopping, but follows an uncle to keep records every day. The uncle's wife liked her very much, so she found someone to intercede and transferred her to learn accounting.

The two of them have saved several taels of silver in the past few months. Tangning has a salary of one tael of silver every month, which is all given to her to take care of.

Liu Ruhan gestured for a while.

"You want to go too? Well, you can go and talk to Uncle Min later and ask for leave."

"What? Oh, yes! We went to that place after all."

"It's very boring. I just practice Gujia Quan. I don't know any other martial arts. My boxing skills are so good now that even Cheng Qian is no match for me."

Tang Ning had told her about the situation in the dream before. Liu Ruhan was quite worried at first, but then she gradually became relieved when she saw nothing unusual.

After so many days of "sleepwalking", Tang Ning also figured out some rules.

He found that the time of sleepwalking every time was between midnight and Mao, about three hours, and the strange thing was that he would also fall asleep in that dream.

Sometimes when he was tired from practicing boxing, he would lie down and take a nap.

He didn't know how long he slept, but his energy was fully restored every time he woke up.

Liu Ruhan looked at him with watery eyes and listened to him carefully.

She didn't care what those strange dreams were!

As long as he's okay.

She also didn't want to think about distant things like the Luoyun Mountains that he often talked about, as long as the two of them were together every day like now.

A few years later, when the two got married, she still served him every day, warming his bed, fetching water for washing, and cooking for him.

As long as these are enough

The sky is crisp, the sun is shining brightly, and there are no clouds in the sky.

Tang Ning held Liu Ruhan's little hand and walked down the street, looking here and there.

The ever-changing facial makeup.

A flexible shadow puppet.

Kites in different colors.

Candied haws on a string.

And the busker’s shouts.

The commentator's cries.

The two of them had never walked around the town so leisurely before, and they just thought everything was interesting.

I want to see everything, buy something and have a bite of everything.

After wandering around for a long time, they didn't return to the valley until dark. The harvest was quite rich. In addition to buying two new clothes for Liu Ruhan, the two of them also bought a lot of interesting gadgets.

Later in the evening, Gu Chengqian came over: "Where have you been today? I finally had a day off and I wanted to go play with you."

"Went to town to do some shopping."

"Oh, let's go! I'll go practice boxing with you. I thought of a move last night that can increase the power of boxing." Gu Chengqian was eager to try it.

Every night, Tang Ning practiced boxing with him. In fact, her boxing skills were already superior to his, but she just accepted his teachings and felt guilty, so she deliberately lost one and a half moves to him every time.

"Forget it today!"

"No! I've been thinking about this move for a long time. Come with me and try it."

"Okay then!" Tangning couldn't refuse and went out to practice boxing with him.

The next day, everyone came to the foot of the mountain. After waiting for a while, Xi Tiao came over and said, "You are now a member of the caravan. Today you will start a new lesson and practice the introductory martial arts of the caravan, Five Elements Boxing."

"Watch carefully, I will demonstrate it once, and then practice with me."

Xi Ti punched and kicked out, his movements elegant and agile, like flowing clouds and flowing water.

"This is the Crane Xing Quan among the Five Elements Quan. It emphasizes moving the heart at will and letting nature take its course."

"Today I will practice Crane Fist. Now follow me."

Everyone followed suit and beat him five times in a row before he stopped.

"You can practice on your own according to the movements just now."

"This pose is wrong. It's not about using the wrist, it's about using the whole arm."

"This style should be slightly curved when executed."

"When you take off and land, your left leg should land first and your body should lean forward."

"You have to turn around quickly, and hit after half-turn, not full turn."

Xi Tiao patrolled around and constantly corrected everyone's wrong actions.

Time passed by, and three or four months passed in the blink of an eye. Tangning practiced seriously day after day.

On this day, before the sky turned white, he woke up from his dream and stared at the roof motionless.

Recently, he felt something strange in his body, as if there was always something swimming around in his body.

He didn't know if it was the sequelae of that strange dream, or if there was something wrong with his practice. He didn't dare to tell anyone, and even hid it from Liu Ruhan, lest she find out and worry.

At first, he thought it was an illusion. The thing came and went and he wasn't quite sure, but in the past few days, he had really felt it.

There is indeed something swimming inside the body, warm, flowing over and over from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.

He decided to ask Xi Tiao today to see if there was any problem with his practice. If it was not a problem with his practice, then he could be sure that it was caused by the dream.

After finishing her homework in the morning, Tang Ning came to the door of Xi Tiao's room.

After hesitating for a moment, he summoned up the courage to knock on the door.

The door opened, and Xi Tiao stood inside the door and looked at him, looking a little confused: "It's you! Is something wrong?"


"Come in and talk!"

Tang Ning walked in and discovered that Qin Luo was also there, along with a bearded man.

"What's wrong? If there's something wrong, tell me now!"

Tangning whispered: "I haven't been feeling well these past few days. I always feel like something is moving inside my body. Is there something wrong with my practice?"

Qin Luo said: "There is something, it's not like eating it, it's not bad! It shouldn't be caused by practicing Qigong."

"I didn't eat anything else."

"Let me check if you've caught a cold." The bearded man stood up and grabbed Tangning's wrist with one hand, placing his middle finger on his wrist.

Tang Ning let him do whatever he wanted.

"Huh!" The bearded man said in surprise, glanced at him, and frowned. After a while, he closed his eyes again, his brows getting tighter and tighter, and his expression became solemn.

"What's wrong?" Xi Tiao asked.

The bearded man didn't answer, and it took him a while to open his eyes. The boss' eyes were wide open, with a look of disbelief on his face, looking at him like he was looking at a monster.

"What happened?" Qin Luo asked.

The bearded man turned to the two of them and spit out two words: "Internal strength."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of both of them changed.

Qin Luo came up and grabbed Tang Ning's left wrist, while Xi Tiao grabbed Tang Ning's right wrist.

After a while, the two let go of their hands, and the three of them looked at each other with shock on their faces.

"It is indeed internal force. Because I don't know how to control it, the internal force collides in the body, causing the illusion that the body is expanding."

"How does he usually behave?" the bearded man asked.

"When I first came here, I had no skills at all, but my talent was very high. I only had some success in the Five Elements Boxing in March and April."

"That shouldn't be the case. It's unheard of to gather internal strength in just a few months."

"Have you encountered any weird things recently? Or weird people? Or eaten weird things?" Qin Luo asked

When he asked, Tangning immediately thought of that dream, but after thinking about it for a moment, she shook her head: "No."

"There's something fishy. I'll send someone to report it to the gang. You don't have to do any more homework these days, and don't leave. If there's anything wrong, tell us anytime." Qin Luo made up his mind and tapped him a few times with his fingers. , pressed a palm on his chest, and Tang Ning felt that something swimming in her body was going somewhere.

Qin Luo retracted his palm: "I forced your internal power back into the Dantian. You still don't know how to control your internal power. Please stop practicing Five Elements Boxing in the past few days."


"You go back first!"

Tangning returned to the room, lying on the bed and looking at the roof.

Internal strength?

Gu Chengqian had often talked about it, but he didn't expect it to be such a thing.

He guessed that this situation must be related to that dream. Although Xi Tiao said that he was very talented and had achieved a small amount of success in Five Elements Boxing in a few months, he knew that it was definitely not to that point.

What is that strange dream? If you can gather your inner strength so quickly, if you say...

While Tang Ning was thinking, the door was pushed open and Liu Ruhan walked in, locked the door, climbed onto the bed, and got into his arms.

"Ruru, let me tell you something." Tangning looked out the window and whispered in her ear: "I went to see Coach Xi today. They said that I have condensed internal energy in my body, which is very unusual. I I think it has something to do with the dreams I have every day. That thing is very weird, so don’t tell others.”

Liu Ruhan nodded after hearing this, twisted her body, changed into a comfortable position, and squeezed into his arms again.

In the evening, Gu Chengqian came over and wondered why Tangning didn't do her homework in the afternoon.

Tangning was about to ask him about her inner strength.

"Do you know how long it usually takes for the body to gather internal energy?"

"It's hard to say. It could be as little as three or four years, or as much as four or five years, or as much as eighty, nine, or more than ten years. It also has a lot to do with the exercises you practice. This is very complicated. By the way, you haven't said why you didn't go in the afternoon. Woolen cloth?"

"I went to see Xi Tiao. He said that I had already gathered internal strength in my body and told me not to go."

"Stop joking, are you serious? It's impossible! Are you serious?" Gu Chengqian suddenly rushed up and grabbed Tang Ning's sleeves and asked.

"I don't know if it's true or not. A few days ago I felt something moving in my body. It felt warm. They said it was internal force."

Gu Chengqian's eyes widened and stared at him in disbelief. Tang Ning was also confused.

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