Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 151: seek death

"Wu Tie."

Gong Sunyuan stunned the konjac, which is almost the same size as his body, and smiled at Wu Tie very handsomely.

"Gong Sun Yuan."

The Witch iron slanted up and lifted the white tiger's crack, frowning and elusing the words of 娲姆. Why, want to kill Gongsun Yuan a little bit?

"Wu Jin is your eldest brother?" Gong Sunyuan smiled very brightly. He held the handle of the bowl of the devil and the sea bowl in his hands. He danced the giant demon slayer for three laps and then gently placed it on the ground.

The scorpion scorpion was also extremely heavy. When it was placed on the ground, the whole stone slab made a low roar.

"I have a battle image of Wu Jin in this arena." Gong Sunyuan smiled and pulled out a fist-sized black spar from the wristband on his wrist. The black lacquered spar has a smooth surface and countless images flicker in the spar.

"When he first came to the arena, he lost very badly." Gongsun Yuan handed a finger, a mana flashing **** flames into the spar, a large film of light rises and rises, and turns into a square light of ten meters in front of him. screen.

"Look, your elder brother was really miserable at that time...because he was weak..." Gong Sunyuan’s eyes narrowed into a line, and he wanted to deliberately anger Wu.

Deliberately, Wu Wu became angry and became furious.

This is a little bit of Gong Sunyuan who is not enough for outsiders. He likes to anger his enemies. He likes to watch his enemies rushing to find him desperately, but he is helpless under the pressure of his horrible power.

The roar of the enemy's anger and the sorrow of the defeated dog after his crushing, this is the great enjoyment of Gongsun Yuan.

Enraged Wu Tie, and then reinvented him. In his face, he announced that he had acquired the marriage rights of Xiao Xiaoying. In the face of countless spectators, he announced that he was the ultimate winner... He won so many bets and won 娲Xiao Yan, dug out the heart of Wu Tie in the eyes of countless people!

As a true powerhouse, you should do this.

Use violence to plunder everything that you like, and use violence to crush all enemies. When Gong Sunyuan thinks that he is killing the scene of Wu Tie, he is excited and straightforward. Therefore, Wu Tie must be angry, must be angry!

Wu Jin’s figure appeared in the light curtain.

It is also this arena. It is also the stone platform that hangs high on the lava. On the watchboard around, countless people are screaming and roaring. They throw a bag of Qiankun into the arena, excited and flushed. The face is distorted like a evil spirit.

Wu Jin is blood, and walks in the arena in a step by step.

A stout big bird's abdomen is dry, a short knife is inserted on the belly, and the fierce stalk is followed by the witch.

There are two big-sized nymphs of the size of Wu Jin, who rushed up and bite on Wu Jin’s shoulder. Its fangs are about to inject venom into the body of Wu Jin, a javelin roaring. , kill the big bird spider.

"For the first time, your mother saved your older brother..." Gongsun Yuanxiao smiled: "The price is that she bears all the bets on the scene where he was slain... spend money to buy... oh, that But a lot of money."

The sharp tooth of the big tarantula bites off the clavicle of Wujin, and the wound is **** and fuzzy.

"By the way, the big bird spider is the pet of Gong Sunying..." Gong Sunyuan chuckled.

Wu Tie’s eyes are full of blood and his eyes are red.

Light and shadow flicker, Wu Jin left a broken round shield in his left hand, an epee in his right hand, followed by two gray dwarfs, rushing toward the three iron dwarves in front.

When the two sides were about to contact, the two gray dwarfs who were supposed to be Wu Tie's comrades suddenly shot, one left and one right, and the two knives were chopped on Wu Jin's back hip. The short knife almost smashed the two thighs of Wu Jin, and Wu Jin screamed and fell to the ground.

The three iron dwarfs laughed loudly, and they rushed to Wu Jin’s side, lifting their weapons and smashing them into Wu Jin’s head.

With a hammer hit, Wu Jin’s helmet smashed a pit.

In the light and shadow, a girl at the corner of the battlefield threw out a Qiankun bag... The three iron dwarves screamed and laughed. In the eyes of the two gray dwarves, they were smashed in three or two, leaving only The seriously wounded Wu Jin lies on the ground...

"This is the means of Gongsunxiong... He bought the two gray dwarfs... that two idiots... Oh, but this one, Gongsunxiong also made a lot of money. After all, your mother has made a lot of money. , once again bought the life of Wu Jin."

Gong Sunyuan smiled very brightly. He kicked his toes gently and squatted around him. He was very satisfied with the blood in his eyes.

The light and shadow flashed again, and there were no more than a dozen scars of Wu Jin. There was no companion behind him. He was alone and launched an assault on a rock giant and five iron dwarves.

After a **** hurricane, Wu Jin’s limbs were broken, but he also killed all the enemy of the fight...

Numerous people screamed at the stands around the arena, and they all made a fierce cut-throat gesture to Wu Jinbi...

Wu Jin lies in a pool of blood, his eyes are gloomy and gloomy, with a strong sense of death and killing...

Wu Tie’s heart is twitching. Is this the elder brother who is cheerful, enthusiastic, and ready to give up infinite vitality?

The light and shadow of one scene and another scene continued to flash, and Gongsun Yuan proudly introduced him and Gong Sunying and Gongsunxiong brothers to Wu Wu, and repeatedly passed the black hand of Wu Jin.

Wu Jin’s body shape is getting bigger and bigger, and the breath changes more and more intense. At the end, the height is almost three meters, and all the wounds are scars. The skin of the skin showing a strange metallic color has become a metal 傀儡. .

His breath has also become...not like a living person.

His performance on the arena is becoming more and more ferocious, tyrannical, often tearing the enemy into shattered...

"Look, this is your big brother Wu Jin." Gong Sunyuan smiled contemptuously: "I am also very strange, he can actually live under our hands for so long. After all, in addition to the first three or five games, your mother bought him for life, let He escaped the fate of being killed... but there are so many battles behind him..."

"He actually survived? Great." Gong Sunyuan put the black spar back into the bracelet and sighed at Wu Tie: "However, a good-looking boy actually turned into a deadly killing monster... Bloodthirsty madman... Are you heartbroken? Very angry? Want to kill me?"

Gong Sunyuan extended his right hand and hooked his finger to Wu Tie. He smiled brilliantly: "Come, kill me... At least half of your big brother Wujin’s change is my fault. Yes, it is my intentional time and again. Designing him is me, and my brothers are doing, come kill me."

Gong Sunyuan smiled proudly: "Don't you want to gamble? Come, my life is here... not only my life, but also the marriage rights of your sister Xiao Xiaoying... Hey, remember what I said? After I won, I will let her give birth to a child."

"The noble name of the Yi people is good, but it is impossible for her to have children... even if she hates me again, even if she hates me again, what should I do to her... This kind of thing, she can't resist. "Gong Sun Yuan was so excited that his pores contracted, and one of his hairs was erected.

"Wu Tie, come, kill me, my life, just..."

Gong Sunyuan’s words could not be finished, Wu Tie’s low roaring, his eyes spurting his feet, the boots under his feet were broken at the same time, and the flesh of his feet cracked a deep crack, blood spattered. Huge force pushes his body out like an arrow.

嗷呜 嗷呜 长 长 , , , 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白

A terrible white rifle, a huge white tiger head on the tip of the gun.

The long gun spurt out, and all the mana of Wu and Wu were injected into the white tiger's crack. The shivering sound of the tiger's whistles in the guns shook the sky, and the cracks in the rock formations of the entire gladiator were shaken sharply.

Everyone present was holding his ears at the same time, but the terrible, cruel, tyrannical, tiger-sounding sounds filled with infinite killings sounded directly in their minds.

There was a pair of **** scorpions in front of their eyes.

It was the eyes of a greedy, ferocious beast. The **** scorpion stared at them, locked their souls, shocked their bodies, made them stiff, and completely sealed all their thoughts!

White tiger cracks, this is a weapon that is purely for killing.

The only purpose it was born in the world is to completely destroy the enemy from the flesh to the soul.

Gong Sunyuan looked stunned and looked at a white light in the face, a little cold flashing, so fast that he was desperate.

He tried his best to reach out and try to grab a huge heavy-duty konjac that he could use to smash the enemy and also use it as a shield.

The tiger whistling sound echoed in his mind. A wave of tiger whistling shook his gold star in front of him. His soul was sore and almost shattered by the tiger's whistle. His body was stiff and unable to move. He tried his best. To reach out, but his fingers are only a trace of the slightest, extremely slow to the konjac squirming.

The so-called Gongsun’s esoteric Jiujiu Jiuli...

At this moment, there is no way to help him.

The identity of the so-called disciple of the first seat of the Sixth Palace of the Fa-rectification, at this moment, there is no way to help him...

Wu Tie broke out all the power. On his footboard, the flesh cracked because of too much power. The cracks stretched along the flesh and the muscles on his two calves also cracked, revealing the deep color of the bones.

With both arms full of forward spurs...

Hercules magic is burning, in the madness of devouring the magic and blood of Wu Iron...

The arms swelled to an incredible degree, the arm has three times the thickness of the week, and a strip of blue veins is like a snake wrapped around the arms, then the flesh cracks open, the blood in the blood vessels whistling and flowing, making a low hurricane sound.

Wu Tie made an earth-shattering curse from the depths of his chest.

That is what he learned from the old iron, the most vicious, the most ugly, the most inferior, the most obscene, the most insulting vocabulary to the female elders of Gongsunyuan...that is almost a kind of evil, only There is a **** that the devil can export.


The white tiger crack pierced the throat of Gong Sunyuan and broke out from his back neck.

The huge white tiger head on the gun is like a heavy hammer, and it hits the neck of Gong Sunyuan.

An earth-shattering tiger's whistle came, and a white burst of air bursted from the mouth of the white tiger's head. The entire upper body of Gongsunyuan fluttered and flew into a **** fog.

The blood fog is conical, whistling through a dozen miles, and hitting the rock wall in the distance.

The big crack trembled fiercely.

A hole in diameter, a hole nearly a mile deep, appears silently on the rock wall.

After about a dozen breaths, a golden red magma spurted out of the hole and turned into a red-red fire dragon that whizzed into the lava river below.

Wu Tie lifted the white tiger's crack, and the thorn was stabbed on the half body left by Gong Sunyuan.

One shot, two shots, three shots...

One hundred guns, two hundred guns, three hundred guns...

It was not until the half of the remnant of Gong Sunyuan became a mess, turning into a cloud of mud...

Wu Tie’s eyes echoed the pictures played by Gong Sunyuan.

Gong Sunyuan, they use the pride of a superior, as if they are playing ants, designing witch gold once and for all.

Wu Tie can see that, several times, they have the opportunity to kill Wu Jin.

They deliberately did not do this, they are joking, deliberately humiliating the witch gold... At the same time, through deliberate insults of witch gold, indirectly against the sorrow of Wu Jin.

Wu Jin is the eldest son of Yum.

His eldest son was deliberately targeted once and for all in the arena. He didn’t say that he had no face, and he saw the terrible wounds on Wu Jin’s body. How sad she was. ? How angry is it?

But at that time, oh... what about her anger?

Wu Tie suddenly understood why he wanted to tell him a little bit of killing Gong Sun Yuan.

But, a little killing Gongsunyuan?

Wu Tie grinned and turned and looked at the high-powered children in the stands on the rock wall.

After a long, long time, suddenly a young man screamed out loudly: "This is a sneak attack..."

Countless people are screaming in unison.

They can't believe... Gong Sunyuan, who was sent to the public by them, the most outstanding genius Gong Sunyuan who walked outside the generation of the Gongsun family, the first outstanding disciple of the Liudaogong Chuanfa Temple, inherited the Gongsun’s 'Kowloon Jiuxiang' Juli Gong Sunyuan...

Just like a chicken, it was killed by Wu Tie!

This is not right, it is totally wrong... The most absurd script under the sun can't be so arbitrarily created!

Gong Sunyuan is a heavy construction of the real estate?

The atmosphere of Wu Tie is just the first day of heavy building, just the first heaven!

He used only one shot to kill the grandson.

The crowd was full of excitement, and some people were yelling at the people who were present at the Gongsun family.

Wu Tie smiled brilliantly and smiled as bright as Gong Sun Yuan.

He raised his hands and cracked his hands. He pointed to the stunned grandsons standing on the side of the field: "Sneak attack? On the battlefield, life and death are all destiny, you said that I attacked?"

"Well, everyone in the grandson's house, do you dare to come up and gamble with me?"

"I still gamble... I only need one to fight against me... Can you dare to gamble with me?"

The arena suddenly died, and everyone looked at Wu Tie with the look of an idiot.

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