Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 180: the ancients

"In addition to the prophetic technique, this door is also proficient in the Qimen array." Doria smiled calmly.

"The prophecy of the prophecy is mysterious. In fact, it is only through countless information and conditions, deduction and simulation, and the most likely one is selected from countless fate lines."

Doria, a master of the sect, held the big beast book in one hand, and one hand was behind him. The wind was light and dark and said: "And this, and the mysterious source of the Qimen array is a source... ..."

The old knife wind smiled very brightly, and a pair of triangle eyes became softer.

"So, please ask Doria, help us to see this ban." The old knife wind laughed and personally led Doria close to the black rock formation.

The surrounding blood curving knife is sharp and at the same time, feeling in the heart.

In today's world, the inheritance and severance, the knowledge of Qimen array and the prohibition of the system, the ordinary forces are simply not in contact. The blood curving knife is also considered to be a large force in the black snake domain, and it is only a two-three machine division.

As for the several machine divisions, they were all served as blood knives as ancestors.

How is the luck of Jin Lingling so good? Are people like Doria automatically sent to the door to plan for them?

However, if this ancient ruins are really as Doria said, there are really many good things in it, which can greatly enhance the strength of the blood curving knife... So, what is he really saying?

The blood curving knife and the golden undead teamed up to unite the black snake, and then Doria pulled away and let the blood curving knife and the golden undead split a victory.

This is a good thing.

Absolutely good.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at Doria, watching his white light fall on the black rock. He opened the big beast book of the golden cover and whispered a complicated spell.

On the book page of the animal book, a complex star map emerges and then rotates according to a strange trajectory.

The old knife wind and several other blood curving knives are staring at the star maps. They don't know what it is. Only Wu Tie and the old iron left the knowledge, recognize the source of these stars...

That belongs to, what the old iron said, the part of the magnificent and romantic Zhoutianxing River. Wu Tie can even name the names of these star maps.

A little silver star looming in the star map, you can see a tiny silver light connected to these thumb-sized silver stars. Along with Dora's curse, a star map flew from the pages of the book and gently fell to the black rock face.

The black rock formation suddenly burst into a pure, dead, black light with no impurities.

The colossal wave is filled with a tunnel that is more than ten meters in diameter and several kilometers deep, and is covered by everyone. Then the tide collapsed inward, like a huge whirlpool, and everyone was rolled in instantly.

Wu Tie hurriedly took a look at the belt, and the Koi sword opened thirty-six small koi, and he fluttered around him happily, turning it into a light net to hold him firmly inside.

At the same time, Wu Tie did not forget to swear a scorpion: "Doria... If you have a small white face, you can't rely on it... Are you cracking the ban... or burying people in the pit?"

The black tide seems to devour all the light around, but in the black light, Wu Tie and others can clearly see everyone.

Hundreds of people looked at Doria at the same time, and they clearly saw the tangles and wolverines of Doria... So everyone knows that it’s not that Doria is digging a hole, but this guy is also confused. Touched the prohibition here.

The monks of all the blood-curving knives were screaming in their hearts - the old knife was right, and the little white face was not reliable.

The huge suction came, everyone was caught unprepared, and did not have time to resist... In fact, it was unable to resist, and it was pulled into the black rock formation by the black tide.

There was incomparable pressure on the surrounding, and the bones of the human skeleton were slamming.

Wu Tie's bones are hard and abnormal, and his flexibility is abnormal. He easily resisted this pressure, but his flesh was pressed a little bit faintly.

Among the monks of the blood-curving knives, those who are heavy in the realm of the building are fine, they either release the treasures of the body, or simply use a pure mana to form a shield to protect the whole body.

The monks who felt the mystery, their strength was low, the mana was not so strong, and when they were crushed by the pressure around them, they heard countless people screaming and screaming, and the bones were crushed into shattered sounds everywhere.

Witches and irons looked at him. There were more than a dozen monks who were immersed in the body and were deformed. He had not had time to rescue. These monks were crushed into **** meat **** by terrible pressure.

In the black tide, an inexplicable force came in. These meat **** disappeared and evaporated at a very fast speed, turning into a pure blood gas and being sucked clean by the strange power.

Wu Tie can even feel the sigh of a strange existence outside the black tide.

It’s like a dead fat man who slaps his belly and slaps his belly, and he is satisfied with it.

Witch iron stunned, the old knife wind stunned, and some of the repaired enough blood curving knives have changed their face.

There is a great murderous thing here, and it is a powerful and murderous thing.

Doria rushed to drink: "Be careful, before I came here, I spent all the power of hoarding to predict the result of this action... We will encounter some danger, but we will be able to return with great benefits."

The voice did not fall, and the remaining hundred and ten people violently trembled, and the black tide disappeared. They had come to a strange space.

Surrounded by black air, everyone is suspended in midair.

In the tens of miles in front of them, a dark pyramid stands.

Witch iron roughly estimated that the bottom of the pyramid can be ten kilometers long, that is, about 10,000 meters, and the height of the pyramid is not much different from the length of the bottom side.

The pyramid is huge and the surface is neatly stitched together with black slate. The surface is as clean as a mirror, and even the slate-inlaid lines are not visible.

In the direction of their faces, there is a huge portal at the bottom of the pyramid. One left and one right stand two golden human figures with a height of one hundred meters and a long wolf head. The golden statue is wearing a gold armor with a large black grain on it, giving a very mysterious feeling.

At the top of the pyramid, a black light ball with a diameter of several meters is quietly suspended.

The edge of the black light ball is a very bright golden color. The black gives people the feeling of being dead, cold, and even dead, so that people can't wait for the feeling of eternal sleep; but with this gold on the edge, this black light ball gives The human feeling is more ancient and sacred.

The black light ball floats silently there, releasing black light to the entire space.

Black light... This is a very weird description.

The light is black, but it is clear and clear, ‘illuminating’ the entire space, and even the finest dust in the air can be seen clearly.

Everyone's body is shrouded in black light, and the body is almost translucent.

Everyone has a illusion that a soul is shrouded in black light, and all mysteries are being peeped. Therefore, including Wu Tie, everyone is unnaturally active in the body, avoiding the existence of the sky, may be peeping at their eyes.

But it didn't work, the black light shrouded everything, everyone was covered in black light, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't isolate the black light.


The low roar came and the big gate at the bottom of the pyramid was 300 meters high and 100 meters wide.

A line of extremely dark, opaque black light spurted out, black light fluttered in a hurry in the void for a while, and swiftly rotated three times around Wu Tie and others, and then the black light suddenly converges, showing a water tank size The whole body is black, but the crystal clear is like a scorpion carved in black crystal.

The black box was suspended in front of Wu Tie and others, and the long tail was gently twitching. He suddenly spoke and screamed in a very weird language.

The voice of the black box is cold and stiff, as if two pieces of iron are colliding with each other.

But the language he uses is too weird, and no one can understand what he is saying.

Only Wu Tie, he found some clues in the language in the knowledge of the old iron heritage, but it is impossible for him to learn and master the language for a while.

Everyone stared at the black box, and some people subconsciously clenched the weapon and put on the posture at any time.

On the head of the black box, a strange rune suddenly lit up, and his body moved a little. This time, he changed to a language that Wu Tie and others could understand: "Which, learn a new language, not An easy thing... Why can't you learn the old and noble Upper Egyptian... Would you like me to talk about the lingua franca you use?"

‘Upper Egyptian’?


Wu Tie quickly found relevant records from the knowledge of the old iron heritage, the pyramid, the mysterious black magic of the mummies, the ancient and noble gods, hiding in the alien space in the pyramid, only waiting for a suitable opportunity to come again world……

And ‘universal language’?

Wu Tie smiled lightly, that is, the language that Wu Tie said now is the language used by the powerful ethnic group that Lao Tie belonged to.

‘Because I am strong, you have to use my language!’

Wu Tie still remembers that when the old iron said this, it was fascinating.

"However, it doesn't matter." The voice of the black box became louder and louder: "As the great ambassador of Osiris, the dead in the desert, the extradition of the undead... and the last devourer of the bad undead, Desa I won't care about these small problems with you."

The black box 咔咔咔咔 smiled twice.

"I am Desa, a companion animal made by Osiris adults with his blood and flesh... I am sorry, when you came in, the weakest waste was swallowed up by me."

The two huge pliers were clipped together, and a loud bang was heard. The black box Desa continued to shout: "But it is because of their sacrifice... Thanks to their delicious brain, I learned you. The language used..."

Shaking his tail, Desa shouted: "You have to understand that if the language is unreasonable, I probably only choose to kill you."

Desa groaned, the old knife wind and others were still shocked to see the huge pyramid.

For a long time, no one answered Desa.

Desa did not care about this. It seemed to be silent for too long. He was very happy to talk to himself for a quarter of an hour. This was a long sigh of relief, posing a high-spirited posture, proudly Asked: "Why, why do you want to break into the sleeping place of the great Osiris adults?"

Wu Tiezhuo looked and continued to find relevant knowledge in his mind.

Fortunately, there are only some shallow materials, which do not involve deep knowledge of deep cultivation practices and magical techniques. Wu Tie has found the name 'Osiris'.

God of death, the **** of agriculture, plants and abundance.

Very weird priesthood, he controls death, but also shelters agriculture and plants, and gives birth to abundance...

The old knife wind went up two steps and came to Desa.

"We are here for the treasures here." The old knife wind opened the door and said: "If there are treasures here, then they belong to the blood curving knife... belong to the leader of the blood curving knife, I, the old knife wind!"

The huge scimitar whirls rapidly on the top of the old knife wind, and a very thin red light spurts out from the blade and is printed on the middle line of Desa's body.

Desa was obviously staying, and then all the 'joints' in his body were violently picked up: "The people of the scorpion... there are countless treasures, even the great tree of the harvest of the great Osiris." Also here...but this is the treasure of the great Osiris, and has nothing to do with the outsiders."

Desa’s words have just been finished, and she has already gained momentum to a superb machete with a silent flash of silence, suddenly squatting on Desa’s body.


The long impact sound shocked everyone's eardrum.

Desa was defeated by the huge impact of the Scarlet Machete for several kilometers, and the body of the water tank fluttered backwards with a whirlwind.

The old knife wind machete has also been bounced hundreds of meters high, and the rapidly rotating machete has turned into a **** moon in the air, and the sky is full of whistling.

The iron eye is sharp, he saw the knife that the old knife wind was almost sneak attack, but left a shallow impression on Desa's body.

The knife of the old knife wind should be an ancient treasure, but the quality of Desa is obviously much higher. The old knife's machete has almost no threat to Desa.

Desa flew hundreds of meters backwards. He easily stabilized his figure and then roared and flew over here.

A very fine black light rushed, and Desa's roar rang through the void.

"Shameless and despicable squatting ethnicity... You dare to offend the great Desa adults... you all give me death!"

The old knife is a finger, and the **** curved knife is called back.

The six blood-curved swords behind him were at the same time stepping forward, standing side by side with the old knife wind, and then seven people shot at the same time.

Seven blood-colored knives swept across the void, training a strange trajectory, wrapped Desa, and then numerous knives were falling like raindrops.

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