Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 182: The way of the dead

"Like the most benevolent Osiris."

Desa's long tail gently licked the intensive knife marks on his body. On the ground, a black dust continued to converge on his body. His shiny outer shell gradually healed and the knife marks disappeared.

"The task he gave me was that when someone came in, someone had to accept the test of his arrangement." Desa snorted: "If it weren't for the great Osiris, I would kill you."

The unsettled jackal-headed warriors rumbling, and they lined up in a neat array behind Desa.

The old knife wind and the six life pool masters gasped slightly. Although they played Desa very embarrassed, their mana cost was terrible.

The old knife wind is okay, the six life pool masters almost exhausted the mana, and now busy with the mouth of the grass, busy to restore such a slight bit of strength.

Doria was embarrassed, took out a pack of powder, and turned his hand to the wound.

The place where he was hurt was awkward, so it was a bit difficult when he applied the powder, but he didn't ask for help.

Only Wu Tiesi was not damaged. He slammed the white tiger and slowly walked over to the old knife wind: "The leader, we... accept this test? What does the little white face say, reliable? I think, should let him be the first One is tested."

The old knife squinted and blinked, and nodded in agreement.

He looked at Desa and asked, "What are the requirements for this test?"

Desa is full of fine black crystal light. His outer shell is like crystal, and the joints are densely and delicately lined. As soon as he moves, his whole body is shining with fine light.

"No demand, it is a living person." Desa is proud of his tail: "Desa adults, the most loyal messenger of the great Osiris adults... So, Osiris adults are generous, trustful, and let Sa Daren presided over the test..."

"You can enter at the same time, or you can enter one by one. There is no difference. The test is done separately." Desa whispered: "But what is the test? Well, Desa adults admit that it is Osiris. Adults' hands-on arrangement..."

"Dosa adults do not know, what is the test here." Desa screamed strangely: "In any case, I have chosen you, you must be tested... unless you want to die."


Two statues of the 100-meter-high jackal head outside the gate at the bottom of the pyramid moved. They flashed gold and black light patterns around them. They had a circular array of more than 100 meters in diameter.

The circular rules at the foot of the statues of the two wolf heads are different.

The color of the ruins at the foot of the statue of the head of the wolf on the left is black, dead and full of a sinister atmosphere of death.

The color of the circle under the statue of the head of the jackal on the right is golden, dazzling, and inexplicably has a strong guardianship.

Two huge statues step by step toward this side. As they approached, the wolf head warriors also showed a hint of blackness and golden light. These wolf head warriors gave people a feeling of strength and danger. .

In the sound of ‘咔咔’, the body shape of the wolf head warrior, which was about three meters high, gradually increased and gradually grew to four meters.

Their weapons are also covered with a faint black light, giving people a more dangerous feeling.

There are only a few wolf head warriors whose weapons and armor are shattered and swallowed by Wu Tie's left hand, so this part of the wolf head warrior is naked, standing in the team is not very coordinated.

Desa turned back and looked at the wolf head warriors who lost their weapons and armor for a while. His tail was annoyed and beaten a few times in the blackened square, and once again cursed in that weird language.

Desperately swearing a few words, Desa turned back, his eyes sparkling with a red light, and staring at the witch iron: "Big guy, you will be punished by Osiris adults... You dare to insult him. Hand-made mausoleum guards..."

Wu Tie did not say anything. He held his white tiger's crack in his hands. He rubbed the gun up and down, and smiled very thickly.

One hand of the old knife wind is behind, and the five fingers are constantly changing.

Six of his life pool masters, and some people are whispering spells.

At high altitude, a heavy, chilly black sand dust continued to fall. The surrounding void was shrouded in a dark, heavy pressure. An invisible terrorist force enveloped the entire space. The old knife and several masters failed. What kind of wind wolf is picked up.

Wu Tie also tried it. He wanted to condense the fireball.

But a terrorist force that he absolutely couldn't resist dispelled all the forces around him, and he couldn't condense with a trace of fire.

Doria is holding a big animal book with both hands, and he said: "Believe me, believe me, my prophecy will not be wrong... We will experience some danger, but we will be able to go back with great gains. ”

Doria's lips became a little white, and his throat was filled with fanatic flames.

"Under my guidance, you will be able to unify the black snake domain. You will be able to do it... This is not only my challenge, but also the practice that I must do... I will succeed, I will succeed..."

Doria was too nervous, and his voice of self-speaking became a bit big.

Wu Tie and the old knife wind and other people have heard his self-talk.



This guy came to the Black Snake Field and selected the object of the Golden Undead as an aid to his ‘culturing’.

Wu Tie looked at Doria with a deep look.

The old knife wind has snorted: "It turns out that you are not a great master, but a fledgling rookie... The little rookie takes the black snake field to practice... We become the object of your practice..."

The old knife has a slight temperament: "I really should have smashed you on top of it."

Doria stubbornly said: "But, what am I wrong? There is indeed a ruins of the ancients... And you haven't really found the entrance to this ruin for so many years. It is me who brought you here. ”

Desa impatiently smacked the ground with his tail and splashed a black sand.

"Don't be embarrassed, enter the sleeping place of the great Osiris adults... his test, waiting for you." Desa snarled loudly: "I don't know what the test is, I don't know what the result is." ...but, from my personal point of view, I hope that you will die inside."

Desa was so excited that he slammed his tail and shouted loudly: "Ah, after you die, I will receive your soul, and I will swallow your soul. This is the privilege given to me by Osiris."

"All the creatures who died here, their flesh and soul, are the rations of Desa adults... Oh, oh, I will save and eat slowly!"

The wolf head warriors behind Desa moved again. They lined up in a row and raised their weapons, forcing Wu Tie and others to walk in the direction of the pyramid.

The statues of the two giant jackal heads also came over, and they gave everyone a terrible pressure.

The pressure on them was extremely terrifying, and the iron and steel reinforced iron bones were crushed and almost collapsed. A huge wave of pressure hit, the pressure of Wu Tie was very painful, and he bent down his waist.

The old swordsman also fully supported the mana shield, and it was difficult to withstand the pressure of the two statues.

Doria is even more unbearable. His cultivation is probably a little higher than Wu Tie, but it is limited. Here, his prophecy is not very useful, he can only rely on his own strength to resist the pressure of the two statues.

The big beast book in Doria's hand gave off a faint white light and turned it into a mask to protect him.

The pressure came, the mask shivered, and Doria was under extreme pressure. He was like an orange in a juicer. The wound on his waist and hips cracked, and the blood oozing out. .

"Oh, oh, sweet blood." Desa took a few steps to Doria, and he fascinated: "Well, you are still a child-male? Pure child-male, although not beautiful and pure. The girl is very attractive to me, but it is not bad."

Desa glanced at the old knife and then shook his head: "The old corn cobs that are not tasteless, dry... it’s this guy... Oh, although you’re ugly... but ugly food As long as the taste is good, it is a good food..."

Wu Tie looked down at Desa: "Is it ugly?"

Desa looked up at Wu Tie in a serious way: "I said, as long as the taste is good, the ugly point is okay... you have to know that there are many delicious foods, they are not very good... For example, preserved eggs, such as Say, the silkworm is frozen, for example, roast spider, oh, oh, I like the mysterious oriental cuisine... but all are finished."

Desa sighed a little sadly: "I have eaten those delicious foods, but now I think about it, I’m all finished? No, it’s gone..."

"Hey, peas, peas... oh, oh, all gone." There was a sparkling water vapor in Desa's crimson eyelids.

"I miss my friends, I miss the food they invited me to eat, so... damn, I will put your ugly food in the end to commemorate the stinky tofu I have never forgotten..." Desa Beginning incoherent gibberish.

They don’t know what Desa is saying.

Wu Tie is following Desa's self-talk, and his mind continues to flow out of the corresponding materials.

He subconsciously swallowed a slobber.

Not far from the tens of miles, the group of people escorted by the tens of thousands of wolf head soldiers, and soon came to the front of the door at the bottom of the pyramid.

Desa stood in front of the pyramid and read the spell loudly in that strange language.

Just listening to the 'rumbling' sound, in the door of the pyramid, nine dark black spar pillars rise, the black pillars are foggy, and every pillar seems to stand with a sly silhouette. .

"The door to the test has been opened. Go in and enter the test place set by Osiris." Desa whispered to himself: "What is it called? The way of the dead? Well, um, yes, The way of the dead... Every step is full of crises, if you can’t go, you will die...”

"I hope that you are all dead here. Because you are dead, your flesh and soul are all for me."

Desa swayed her tail happily, and ‘la la la’ sang a song that everyone could not understand.

The old knife wind and the six life pool masters around him glanced at each other. They all experienced veterans who had experienced **** hurricanes in the black snakes. In this situation, there is no room for them to refuse.

The statues of the two giant jackal heads exude a horrible pressure from the hurricane, and this pressure can't be sustained by the old knife.

They shouted in unison, turned into a **** knife, and rushed into the mist of the nine black spar columns. Their figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

"I still have to go." Wu Tie smeared a spider-shaped pendant hanging on his chest. He silently recited, expecting the old iron to bring him a little good luck.

With the white tiger cracking, the witch iron broke into the dark fog. There was a strong suction around him, his body twirling and being pulled into an unknown space.

Doria's sly, holding a large animal book with a gold cover in his hands, muttering a spell in his mouth.

He wants to do his best to count himself before entering the path of the deceased.

Desa looked at Doria, who was sweating under the rain. '嘎嘎' smiled: "Fear is useless, delicious, beautiful food, you still go in... I think, you better not pass the test. I am looking forward to using your pliers to grind out your bone marrow."

Desa '咔嚓咔嚓' opened and closed with huge pliers. He walked to Doria's side, and a pair of pliers drove Doria to fly directly into the black mist emitted by the crystal column.

Watching Doria disappear in the dark fog, Desa is all lying on the ground.

"So, now is waiting, waiting quietly."

"However, it doesn't matter, Desa adults are very patient, and Desa adults have been waiting for many years."

"Can you get out of the dead? I don't care."

"Get out of it, it's your luck... you can't get out, it's the luck of Desa adults."

"In any case, as soon as someone comes in, it proves that the sleeping place of Osiris adults has been discovered? Human greed will allow more people and countless people to flow in here."

"The praise of the supreme Osiris adults will come in with a steady stream of food."

"Desa adults have a good mouth, it is perfect. As long as there is enough food, Desa adults will soon be cured."

"Lucky Desa adults have lived from the terrible disaster to the present... Then, my old friends, are you still alive?"

"It seems to be a shame to be a deserter, but it will be good if you can survive."

"You, are you still alive? Where are you?"

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