Cicada Moving

Chapter 1062: Phone calls and records

Chapter 1062 Phone calls and records

 No. 29, Luojiawan.

Zuo Zhong was dealing with the backlog of official documents in the office. Several days had passed since he went to Xing Hanliang's residence. The investigation of the second office was still ongoing and there was no result yet.

This is normal. Since the government moved westward, too many officials, rich men and cultural celebrities have gathered in mountain cities.

These people have very high requirements for the quality of life, and they are indispensable for telephones. Therefore, there are more telephone users in mountain cities than expected, and it takes time to find out.

And there are some people who have not installed telephones through formal means at all. Even if such calls can only be made but not answered, it is enough for people who want to take advantage.

In the era of manual telephone wiring, it was difficult to prevent private lines. The telegraph office had no other means to restrict it and could only rely on technical barriers and frequent line inspections.

 But as long as the problem is solved by relying on people, once the people are solved, the problem will disappear.

 Anyone who dares to connect the line privately is not a good person. The workers at the telephone exchange have many weaknesses for them to exploit. These "non-existent" calls need to be investigated more carefully.

Handily signed and issued a document sent by the Sixth Group of the Second Division of the Attendant's Office on launching a counter-espionage operation in the Kuomintang-controlled area. Zuo Zhong took down the contents and prepared to forward it to Old K.

Although the leader of his sixth team is a mascot, in this position, theoretically speaking, all intelligence operations of the national government require his signature, which is an official procedure.


At this time, someone knocked on the door, and then Wu Chunyang's head poked in. Zuo Zhong frowned at the sneaky look on the other person's face, and he dropped the pen and felt angry.

"Come in, you are already the director of the department. Why are you still like this? I have told you several times to be prudent in your actions."

 “Haha, it’s okay, I just wanted to see if you were busy.”

Wu Chunyang walked into the office with bared teeth, smiled and explained, then came to Zuo Zhong, bent down, and reported something in a low voice.

“Seats, Bai Wenzhi has made arrangements, just wait and watch the show. I guarantee that Xu Enzeng will suffer a big loss this time.

I heard that you are back. Lao Bai asked me to bring you some souvenirs. Here are the bank's safe keys and the name of the bank. "

 Having said this, Wu Chunyang took out an envelope from his pocket and put it on his desk, and then continued.

“Also, according to our surveillance, Xu Enzeng fell ill a few days ago and was cured by a miracle doctor. Do you know who the doctor was?”

"How do I know who it is? Don't be too secretive. Just tell me."

Zuo Zhong opened the drawer naturally and put the envelope in. He glanced sideways at the other party. Wu Chunyang wanted to learn from the big bald man. Did he also want to go to the Northeast?

Wu Chunyang didn't know that he had already stepped on the train to Pseudo-mite, with a happy smile on his face and said mysteriously.

“You still remember the two veterinarians recommended by Lao Song before looking for Dr. Ling (end of section 23), and the miracle doctor Xu Enzeng found was one of them.

The other party followed the government and retreated to the mountain city. I don't know what they thought. Instead of treating animals, they treated people instead. The prescriptions prescribed to the person named Xu were all animal remedies.

 One is to treat canine distemper, and the other is to treat domestic pig fever. This strange thing has spread throughout the mountain city. Do you think it is funny or not? "


Zuo Zhong, who had just taken a sip of tea, squirted out the tea and almost choked. Did Xu Enzeng completely stop pretending and admit that he was a beast?

Upon seeing this, Wu Chunyang quickly took out a handkerchief and handed it over, with an embarrassed look on his face. He did not expect the deputy director's reaction to be so big.

Zuo Zhong took the handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth. He glanced sideways at Wu Chunyang, who was shrinking his head. He snorted coldly and asked if there was anything else he could gain besides this.

 “Yes, Xu Enzeng did make some changes.”

When talking about business, Wu Chunyang replied seriously: "Yesterday morning, before Xu Enzeng's body was completely healed, he took people to a breakfast restaurant that Li Qiwu often goes to."

 Xu Enzeng, Li Qiwu?

Hearing these two names, Zuo Zhong became interested in how these two human beings were mixed together, so he sat up slightly and motioned for the other party to continue.

“According to our surveillance, the two men talked in the breakfast room for half an hour. Due to the suddenness of the situation, the surveillance personnel were unable to enter the scene.

 But Li Qiwu's expression was very angry after he came out. After analysis, they may have conflicts on some things. Deputy, should we increase monitoring? "

 Wu Chunyang briefly introduced the situation and asked about the next work arrangements.

  After all, Xu Enzeng is the deputy director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Li Qiwu is the chief secretary. Given his level, he has no authority to launch a deeper investigation into these two people.

Zuo Zhong was thinking at high speed. Xu Enzeng must have a purpose in meeting Li Qiwu, either to cooperate or to inquire about information.

As the saying goes, the fish looks for the fish, the shrimp looks for the shrimp, and the turtle looks for the turtle. From this point of view, it is more likely that the two of them will work together. The enemy of the enemy is a friend.

Xu Enzeng should understand that Li Qiwu has a grudge against him and is the best person to take advantage of. Therefore, it is understandable why this guy is so impatient to see him. As for conflicts, it took less than half an hour to reach an agreement. It can be seen that they must have reached cooperation or consensus to some extent, but conflicts occurred in details.

Thinking about it, Zuo Zhong┴ felt something in his heart, and his expression became strange. Xu Enzeng, a smart man, suddenly went to Li Qiwu. He didn't think it was a whistle-blowing call from the other party.

No way? No way!

But thinking about it again, this answer seems very reasonable. Who has the opportunity to know that he is performing a mission in Hong Kong City, and who has a grudge against him—Li Qiwu!

Xu Enzeng probably used this incident to threaten Li Qiwu and asked him to cooperate, otherwise he would tell the matter to Lao Dai, who hated the mole the most.

As for Li Qiwu, he had made a big mistake not long ago, and he didn't dare to bet that Dai Chunfeng would believe him. He could only choose to surrender or pretend to be a snake.

Zuo Zhong leaned on the back of the chair and crossed his arms and thought for a long time. He roughly guessed the truth of the matter. He nodded happily and came up with an idea based on the mentality of watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously.

"Check! But the procedure cannot be carried out from the bureau. I will issue an order in the name of the Sixth Group of the Second Division of the Attendant's Office, and your First Division will be responsible for the investigation.

The personnel involved in the operation were selected from the old people from the Jigexiang period. The man named Xu and Li Qiwu were very cunning and ordinary agents could not keep an eye on them.

 In name only, just use internal control as an excuse. You must be careful when you act. You must not be discovered. It is best to lead the team yourself. "

 You have the right to use it and it will become invalid upon expiration.

Since there is such a golden sign as the Attendant's Room, why not use it? Moreover, it is the duty of the Sixth Group to prevent the underground party from infiltrating the government.

Wu Chunyang understood it and said yes with a smile, then turned and left, preparing to select personnel and complete the monitoring plan according to the order.

Zuo Zhong watched the door of the office being closed, raised his hand and picked up the confidential phone, connected to the attendant's room, found his nominal subordinate and said a few words, and finally put down the phone with satisfaction.

I heard that monitoring is to be carried out within the national intelligence system. Group 6 has no objections and said that the authorization document will be issued as soon as possible. It is settled.

He wanted to see what Xu Enzeng and Li Qiwu were up to. Xing Hanliang's defection was far from over, and he had to be careful of hidden arrows coming from behind.

“I stood at the top of the city and watched the scenery, and I saw chaos below the city~~”

Humming vague lyrics, Zuo Zhong walked around the office with his hands behind his back, thinking about how to trick Xu Enzeng and Li Qiwu.

 Being merciless when dealing with enemies, he must hit them painfully once and for all so that they will not dare to have other thoughts. He does not have time to engage in quarrels every day.

While he was thinking, the door was knocked again. This time it was Gu Qi and Song Minghao, who reported an important clue about Xing Hanliang.

“Deputy Officer, after investigation, we found a private telephone operated by external parties 1 kilometer away from Sheriff Xing’s residence, located in a residential area.

According to the boss, Sheriff Xing occasionally called his place before, but the number became more and more frequent two months ago. The good news is that in order to facilitate accounting, he recorded the dialed numbers of all customers. "

As he spoke, Gu Qi took out a thick stack of records from his briefcase and handed it to Zuo Zhong, adding with regret.

“The bad news is that he neither knows the content of the conversation nor remembers which number Chief Xing called, otherwise we would have found the suspect immediately.”

Zuo Zhong took the record and flipped through it. Good guy, there are probably thousands of them. With so much information to be checked, it seems that Lao Gu and Lao Song are going to lose their hair again.

Close the record and put it in front of him. He tapped the table with his fingers. After a while, he looked at Gu Qi and Song Minghao.

“Immediately check Xing Hanliang’s attendance records, find out the dates and times when he requested leave, vacations, and went out, and first determine the time range when the other party made calls.

 Then use the telephone yellow pages to compare the dialing records within the time period to find the known number. If you cannot find it in the yellow pages, go directly to the telephone office to find the person according to the telephone installation receipt.

Be sure to verify the information of each phone number, such as who is the nominal head of the household, where is the address, installation time, etc., all must be investigated clearly.

After this step, ask the telephone company to provide help and call one by one to verify the information. Do not mention Xing Hanliang during the call, just find any reason.

If you encounter someone who doesn't speak or doesn't answer the phone, don't talk more or call multiple times. Find a way to investigate from other directions. Do you understand? "

 The so-called telephone yellow pages are when the telephone company prints the telephone number and the name and address of the householder in a book so that telephone users can quickly contact the person they want to find.

By comparing the Yellow Pages, the Office 2 can determine the information of some numbers as quickly as possible, thereby saving time and manpower, and also allowing Gucci and Gucci to lose less hair.

Looking at the few black hairs standing stubbornly on Gu Qi's head, Zuo Zhong felt a chill on the top of his head, and inexplicably thought of the words "draw lessons from the past".

 “Yes, deputy seat.”

Gu Qi and Song Minghao didn't know that the deputy director was concerned about their hairstyles, so they bowed their heads and immediately resigned and went out to arrange the subsequent investigation.

At the same time, in a hidden place in the mountain city, Xing Hanliang, who had caused turmoil in the national intelligence system, was sitting at a desk, looking down at a book on the Communist Party.

 In the room, there were more than a dozen people doing the same thing. On the wall opposite these people, a red flag consisting of a sickle and a hammer stood out.

Outside the hiding place, a group of strong men in casual clothes were looking around vigilantly, walking around with their right hands under the hem of their clothes.

 (End of this chapter)

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