Chapter 196

An office in Lingnan.


A leader summarized the current work progress.

“After seven days of hard work, we have successfully repatriated 60,000 foreigners from the Three Non-Family Areas (Illegal Entry, Illegal Residence, and Illegal Employment).”


“We can’t relax, because there are more Sanfeiren who need to be found and repatriated. Our work situation is still very serious.”

The subordinate said at this time: “Leaders, these three non-people, we don’t have any information about them at all. Once they hide, it will be difficult for us to find them. We need an effective method.”

The leader smiled slightly: “Don’t worry, Professor Lin Jun has provided us with a solution to find these people quickly!”

“any solution?”

Everyone is curious.

The leader is serious: “Next, you will come into contact with another secret technology of Long Country-real artificial intelligence! This is not siri’s garbage artificial intelligence, this is a real artificial intelligence with thinking ability.

“The stars…”

A two-dimensional young girl, projected in the air.

“Hello everyone, I am Fanxing…Next, I will cooperate with everyone’s work…”

The 28 policemen were shocked.

Next, the police force of the entire Lingnan City, with tens of thousands of people, fought heavily and accurately located the Sanfei personnel based on the location information given by Fanxing.





In just three days, 130,000 Sanfei personnel were arrested.

All three non-foreigners who absconded, hid, or had no “track” all the time, could not escape the surveillance system of the stars.

Although the Sky Eye is powerful, it is still far behind the stars.

And these 130,000 people are also terrifying!

On the fourth day, with the help of Fanxing, they successfully destroyed a smuggling syndicate and captured more than 400 people.

They have been engaged in illegal immigration of three non-foreigners for many years. This time they were finally arrested.

Not only in Lingnan, but also in the Central Plains, Beiyuan, and the imperial capital… all places have started a large-scale investigation of the Three Africans.

In half a month, more than 300,000 Sanfei personnel were directly repatriated.

The large-scale repatriation of the Dragon Kingdom has naturally aroused international attention.

Many countries began to condemn: “There is no international justice and morality, which violates human XXX…”

In the lighthouse country in particular, senior government officials have continuously issued various condemnations.

On the Dragon Country network, Dragon Country netizens are full of contempt and disdain for foreign condemnation:

“It’s really funny, we need to be taught by someone else in Long Country?”

“Support Lin Jun!”

“Those three non-members are really disgusting, and it’s very pleasant to be repatriated.”

“What kind of shit is moral, it’s not that the people of Longguo enjoy the benefits of Longguo on what basis?”

“The lighthouse country even condemns it? Does it have this qualification? Back then, when refugees from Mexico went north to the lighthouse country, the emperor especially tweeted that the emperor built a high-pressure border wall to prevent the refugees from going north to the lighthouse country.

The national self-confidence and pride of Longguo has long been different from what it used to be.(Read more @

In the past, Longguo would still be afraid of condemnation from international fishing vessels, but now, Longguo does not need to bother about these trivial condemnations.

Long Guo is the world’s boss!

Who dares not accept?

On the other side, the country where the Sannonites were located couldn’t help but put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom at this time.

These international leaders directly called the group of elders.

“I am the prime minister of Tanzanite,”

“Our country expresses strong concern about Long Guo’s brutal treatment of our personnel.”

“Urge the Dragon Kingdom side to give us an explanation within a day. If we don’t explain it, we will sever diplomatic relations.”

Naked threat!

These countries are still stuck in the same way of thinking as before.

In the past, the international situation of the Dragon Nation was not good. Many countries were hostile to the Dragon Nation, and the Dragon Nation needed to rely on their support from countries that were not black continents.

But now, they threatened to sever diplomatic relations, presumably Longguo panicked, and then called to apologize and apologize.

It is a pity that people from these non-black countries have miscalculated the situation!

The Dragon Kingdom today is no longer the original Dragon Kingdom.

The Ninth Elder directly replied:

“Severe friendship? It’s up to you!”

Then he hung up the phone.

Not only the country of Tanzania, other countries called to threaten the nine elders, talk about severing diplomatic relations, talk about international disputes…

In the end, they were all ignored by the Nine Elders.

“Try it if you have the ability to break diplomatic relations!!”

Sure enough, a few countries did not believe in evil and directly broke off diplomatic relations.

It also includes a developed country-the southern black country!

Southern Black Country, a developed country at the southernmost tip of Heizhou, is rich in diamonds.

Has always followed the pace of the European and American elder brothers, often with Longguo hard.

And this time, it is still no exception.

Repatriation continues!

Regardless of how terrible the foreign fishing boats are, he condemns the Dragon Kingdom every day, and the Dragon Kingdom continues to repatriate the people from Sanfei.

Throughout June, more than 600,000 Sanfei personnel were repatriated.

Up and down the dragon country, clear!

The chaos is reduced and the community becomes safer.

The whole country cheered, and countless people praised Lin Jun loudly.

Since then, the phenomenon of’Foreigners’ has officially become history.

July 1, 2021, 18:00.

The wormhole in the Mariana Trench opened again.

Fifteen monsters of level 4 and level 5 invaded the earth again.

Compared with the many flying monsters in the seventh wave, the monsters in this wave have become sea and land amphibious monsters, and they are all level four and five monsters.

July 1, 22:31.

A five-level monster landed on Daban, the second largest city in the Neon Kingdom.

Two 770 nuclear bombs went down, the level five monster was completely dead, and the big board officially became a death Jedi and turned into history.

Because the time was too short and the evacuation was not timely, more than 800,000 people died under nuclear strikes.

The other 5 million Neon people hiding in the nuclear bunker took three months to evacuate.

July 2nd, 8 o’clock in the morning.

Jincheng Dagukou was attacked by 2 level 4 monsters and 1 level 5 monster.

Seven mechas, including Sabre Athena, Phoenix Guerrilla, and Obsidian Nemesis, fought against these three monsters.

The monster’s attack was frustrated, and at the last moment it merged into a level six monster.

Monsters: Integral Monster·Tank Dragon

Level: Level 6

Height: 230 meters

Weight: 10,000 tons!

An unprecedented level six monster!

Unprecedented body height of more than 200 meters!

The weight is up to 10,000 tons!

Its body shape can completely overlook the entire city of Tianjin!

As soon as it appeared, the whole world was in shock, and the whole world was silent.

The whole world felt the terrifying suffocation from that level 6 monster.

In the end, Lin Jun, the driver of the “Free Wanderer Three Generations” new mech, broke out in a fierce battle with this Tier 6 monster. The waves flooded the pier and offshore structures.

After 10 minutes, Lin Jun finally beheaded this level six monster.

Casualties: 0 people. .

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