Chapter 260

at this time……

A golden gate of light, with splashes of sparks, appeared inside the knight battleship.

A bald head came in.

Supreme Master!

Gu Yi!

“who are you?”

The most sloppy Zhao Jiahao, wearing a battle armor, flew over and punched Gu Yi on the head.

As a result, a golden shield blocked his fist, and then Zhao Jiahao was beaten out of his soul state and out of his body.

Everyone was shocked!

He looked at the bald head that suddenly appeared before him.

Lin Jun winds lightly and calmly: “I didn’t expect you to come, I thought you would not come.”

Gu Yi Mage: “I didn’t want to come, but you killed too many people and disrupted the timeline of this world.”

Lin Jun nodded.


S.H.I.E.L.D. is the front line to resist Thanos. Now that S.H.I.E.L.D. is gone, how to fight back?

That’s why Gu Yi was forced to appear.

Master Gu Yi: “You shouldn’t come to this world at 16…”

Lin Jun thought for a while,

Waved his hand.

A time film wrapped Lin Jun and Gu Yi mage and separated the others.

Lin Jun: “Supreme Mage, with your strength, you should probably be able to guess that my world is facing a crisis, and the enemy is 10,000 times stronger than Thanos!”

Master Gu Yi was shocked and looked at Lin Jun in surprise: “You can actually see Thanos.”

At this time, Master Gu Yi set off a storm in his heart, and the person in front of him could control the time. More importantly, he had touched the future and saw Thanos.

Strength should not be underestimated!

The strong in the field of time is the most troublesome.

Even Gu Yi himself still needs the Eye of Agomoto to control time magic.

Lin Jun did not answer, but instead said: “I have seen a lot of things, because I know too much, so I need to work harder to strengthen my world! Since Magneto and others are not accommodated by this world, then I world……”

Gu nodded: “Since Mr. Lin said so, then I have no objection… Regarding today’s matter, just offensive, I need to revive Nick Fury and others…”

Lin Jun raised his brows: “Does it have to be like this?”

Gu Yi Mage: “I don’t want to be your enemy, but…to stop Thanos, only they can do…”

Lin Jun chuckled: “Resurrection is okay, but you owe me a favor…If you die, your heirs will pay you back, such as the doctor…”

Gu Yi Mage: “………………”

He/she understands that Lin Jun is talking about Tiffin Strange and he is still a doctor.

Sure enough, the strong man who controls time always makes people jealous.(Read more @

Master Gu Yi thought for a moment and nodded: “Okay!”

Lin Jun suddenly thought of something: “By the way, if Nick Fury and others dare to trouble me again, I won’t be polite.”

Gu Yi Mage: “…”

Suddenly regretted it.

If Nick Fury and others find Lin Jun trouble after their resurrection, and are beaten to death by Lin Jun, wouldn’t he give Lin Jun a favor?

And in the future will continue to be given away in vain?

Master Gu Yi couldn’t help but have an urge to scold his mother!

Soon, Master Gu Yi thought of a way: not to resurrect Nick Fury. As long as Nick Fury is not resurrected, other people should not dare to trouble Lin Jun.


There are such people?

Magneto has a weird face. I have turned upside down in all kinds of earth, and I haven’t brought out this “guardian of the earth”, and I haven’t heard of it.

Does that mean: My strength is too good? Can’t touch that level at all? 747

Magneto: “………………”

Want to cry!

I always thought I was awesome, but now I found out that I was very rubbish.


Let’s look at Professor Lin again, confronting this Gu Yi mage, I think his strength is also very strong.

“Oh my God, I thought Professor Lin was just a scientist, and turned out to be stronger than me!”

Magneto was ashamed.

Those mutant young people are looking forward to Lin Jun at this time, countless ‘fuck, so awesome’!

“Go, go to Long Country…!”

Lin Jun waved his hand and the Knight battleship was activated and headed for the Dragon Kingdom on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Gotham City, the ruins of S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident.

The ancient master made a seal to drive the Eye of Agomoto and resurrect superheroes and X-Men.

The American team, Black Widow, Storm Girl and others looked around, then looked at their bodies…

“not dead?”

“Didn’t I get a headshot?”

“Steve, I remember you, you seemed to be pierced directly into the heart, dead.”

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you.

At this time, they finally noticed the ancient master.

. .

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