The next second.

Those who looked up at the sky had their jaws dropped to the ground.

Their eyes were dull, as if in a dream.

Roar! ! !

At this time, the level 10 golden eagle looked at the crowd below and suddenly let out a deafening scream and roar.

Due to its huge size, the original roar of the golden eagle had long been distorted and changed, turning into the roar of the beast king like thunder.

The air vibrated, and the glass of the building below was shattered by the sound waves caused by this huge roar.

It was also this roar that finally woke up those dull people.


The next moment, everyone screamed in horror.

"Monster, monster!"

"Fuck, where did this monster come from!?"

"Oh my god, am I dreaming? Monster, monster!"

"Ah, my ears are deaf!"

"Ah, the wind is so strong, I'm blown away!"

The crowd was terrified, as if the end of the world had come.

In the park, those who patrolled daily were already scared and stood there at a loss.

These people held guns in their hands.

But at this time, they had no courage to raise their guns.

Their eyes were shaking, their hands were trembling, their legs were weak, and their bodies were cold.

Unprecedented fear and the hesitation of having their worldview overturned filled these people's brains.

Li Yu, standing on the back of the golden eagle, was still hiding his figure. He looked at the panicked crowd below, and a feeling of insignificance came to his mind.

In this southern country area.

When his level 10 golden eagle appeared, it was a complete dimensionality reduction attack.

However, this is just the park.

Although there are many thugs in the park, the power of the warlords is usually not here.

Li Yu came to rescue his colleagues, so he was too lazy to go directly to the warlords. He first leveled the park where Ma Yongyuan was.

Anyway, those warlord forces can't escape.

"Go, kill all the thugs in the square." Li Yu waved his hand and let the level 10 tentacle monster fall from mid-air.

The tentacle monster, like a hill, jumped down from a height of nearly a thousand meters and hit the square of the park head-on.

Boom! ! !

The earth shook.

A big pit was immediately smashed in the park square!

The soil splashed and the shock wave scattered, directly smashing the thugs patrolling the square to death.

Then, Li Yu let the golden eagle lower down, and when it was about a hundred meters from the ground.

He let King Kong transform into a suit of Iron Man armor and wear it on himself.

Then, he jumped directly from the sky.


With a muffled sound, a pit was smashed on the rooftop, revealing the hall below.

Li Yu was inside the King Kong, feeling the feeling of the King Kong armor wrapping his body in all directions, which was much more interesting than the previous time.

After all, the current King Kong has the ability to stretch particles, and can change its body at will, so it is naturally possible to turn it into steel armor.

Moreover, the King Kong transformed into armor can also fire various bullets, missiles and other firepower like Iron Man's armor.

But King Kong has not swallowed a flying jet yet, and it seems that it can't fly yet.

It seems that I have to find some jet equipment for it to swallow next time.

Because the golden eagle is too big, if it is always used as a means of transportation in the future, the movement will be too loud.

It is a good idea to let King Kong gain the ability to fly.

With his thoughts turning, Li Yu asked the golden eagle to fly to a high altitude temporarily and wait. He, King Kong, and the tentacle monster will solve the park here.

In fact, just one tentacle monster has made all the resistance forces in the park lose confidence.

But in addition to those damn thugs and managers in the park, there are more piglets who were deceived to come here.

Colleague Ma Yongyuan is also inside. Li Yu certainly can't do too much, otherwise he will accidentally hurt his compatriots and I'm afraid he will be deducted from his merits.

Therefore, Li Yu temporarily let the tentacle monster stay in the square and wait to deal with the thugs who ran out of the building.

And he wore diamond armor and went straight into the park building!

At this moment.

In an office in the building.

The director who was having fun with several female piglets, and the manager Lao Zhang, also noticed the movement outside.

The huge vibration shattered the glass of their office.

The whole building was shaking, like an earthquake, and they were

The whole place was scared.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake? Hurry, run!"

"Damn it, I haven't put on my pants yet, the button is stuck..."

"Damn it, find a corner to hide!"

The headmaster and Lao Zhang were in a hurry.

However, before they could hide, the loud noise and vibration suddenly disappeared.

They looked around in confusion.

At this time, a female piglet who climbed to the window saw the huge monster in the square outside the window.

"Ah! What kind of monster is that?!" She screamed in horror.

Although she had just been insulted, it was only a matter of a few minutes.

Seeing a huge monster in front of her, how could she care about the insult for a few minutes? Her life and worldview were about to be overturned!

"What are you screaming for!" The headmaster stood up and walked to the window to look.

The next moment, his mouth was so wide that an egg could fit in it.

Lao Zhang also came to see this scene and was petrified on the spot.

Just at this moment, a muffled sound suddenly came from outside the office.


The door was blown open by a huge force.

The huge waves caused by the shock wave directly blew the already messy objects in the office even more.

"Target locked! Director, Manager Lao Zhang, kill, kill, kill!"

King Kong's voice with a metallic texture came.

Then, these people in the office saw an Iron Man?

"What, what's going on?" The director and Lao Zhang, as well as the female piglets, were shocked again.

However, before the director and Lao Zhang could react.

Li Yu, wearing King Kong armor, had already rushed in front of them in one step, raised his hands, and two big metal hands directly grabbed the heads of the two people, holding them in his hands like flies.

"Target confirmed, kill, kill, kill!"

The director and Lao Zhang widened their eyes, and they didn't have time to be shocked or speak.

The two heads were crushed like watermelons.


Blood splashed all over the surrounding female piglets.

They were so scared that they fell to the ground and lost control of their urine and feces.

Li Yu ignored them.

He had asked Xiao Ji to check the information of the director and the manager Zhang, and the crime value was as high as five stars.

But he was too lazy to waste time to torture them to death, so he just killed them directly.

For him now, these two people did not arouse any interest in him at all. In his eyes, they were not even worthy of a last word.

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