Some girls always beat around the bush and say things with hidden meanings. They also have strange personalities. They look innocent, but who knows how many bad ideas they have in their hearts.

But they are just hard to hate.

"There is a little devil in his heart, but he has an angelic face."

In Su Muning's phone, there is information about Xiao Zihang's other identity.

There are so many people in Shanghai, there must be someone who can connect all the clues and deduce the"truth""

"Let me tell you, the school idol of Fudan is Mr. Xiao. You can ask the top rich second-generation people in Shanghai who Mr. Xiao is."

"If you can't get into that circle, I'm sorry, it's my inconsiderateness, so let me put it this way"

"Young Master Xiao is a son of a hidden family in China. Don't be fooled by the superficial appearance. With that kind of status, it's easy to disguise. Because of his family, the funds at Young Master Xiao's disposal are astronomical."

"Don't doubt it, he changes his luxury cars worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions just like he changes his clothes."

"Don't talk about money with Mr. Xiao, money is meaningless to him."

Suffocating style.

The inside story revealed made Xiao Zihang almost believe it.

It turns out that I am so awesome, but I don't know it myself.

"How is it?" Su Muning has been staring at Xiao Zihang, trying to find the answer and the truth from his face, but unfortunately, his concentration is too good."Is there anything you want to say?""

Pretend, keep pretending?

"I think this whistleblower is showing off how awesome he is."


Su Muning smiled slightly, with more curiosity in his eyes

"You see, the top second-generation rich circle in Shanghai, the key words are circled for examination. The whistleblower's words actually revealed that he was from that circle. It seemed that he was saying that Mr. Xiao was amazing, but in fact he was praising himself in disguise."

Mr. Xiao, your focus is really……

""Pfft." Su Muning was amused by Xiao Zihang's skill in changing the subject,"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it anymore."

One day, I will make you admit it, humph!


The class ended quickly and the students dispersed.

Xiao Zihang was not interested in the next class, so he walked to the library to read.

The environment there was elegant and most of the people who came and went were girls from the Faculty of Arts.

Xiao Zihang's arrival undoubtedly made them happy.

"Wow, our school hunk is here, so handsome!"

"Did you hear that yesterday, the school hunk had a fight with Han Jae-bin at Bandai Plaza, and finally made him apologize to the security guard! One more thing to add, our school hunk is the owner of Bandai Plaza"

"Oh my god, the school hunk is here, and the school belle seems to be reading on the second floor too."

After greeting the girls with a smile, Xiao Zihang climbed up the stairs and walked to the second floor.

The second floor of the liberal arts library is mainly filled with various literary classics.

Walking between the rows of bookshelves, Xiao Zihang saw a familiar figure.

Books have their own golden house, books have their own beauties, it seems true.

The beauties in the books are naturally senior Gu Qingwei

"Hello, senior sister." Xiao Zihang went up to greet her, holding a copy of the famous novel"To Live".

""Why are you here?"

Gu Qingwei was slightly surprised, holding a copy of"Gone with the Wind" and approaching Xiao Zihang.

Then, they walked side by side, passing through the warm sunlight shining in from the library window in the afternoon.

The shadows of the two were mottled, and were stretched inch by inch.

"Don't worry about Shen Qianqian's situation."Xiao Zihang comforted her,"I will help her and let her focus on her studies."

Temporary mission: Good people should be rewarded, help Shen Qianqian through the difficulties.

Mission reward: Literary Master Skills.

Xiao Zihang did not forget this mission.

"Well, my uncle and I will talk to her too."Compared to her schoolmate, Gu Qingwei was more concerned about Xiao Zihang's situation."You yesterday?"

Gu Qingwei and her uncle Professor Yang knew about this matter.

Only Xiao Zihang dared to ask a big star to apologize to a little security guard in public.


At that time, Professor Yang commented on Xiao Zihang in front of Gu Qingwei.

""It's just a small matter."Xiao Zihang didn't care. He was just a young boy named Han Zaibin. He had already been firmly in his control. He could throw him away whenever he wanted.

"But I didn't expect that Bandai Plaza would be yours."

Gu Qingwei's eyes were like the lake in the forest, calm and unperturbed. Only when she heard the news about Xiao Zihang did she slightly ripple.

"It's just a Bandai Plaza." Xiao Zihang and Gu Qingwei came to the window and stood against the wall."How about your senior sister, Han Zaibin's participation in the adaptation of your novel?"

"Capital." Gu Qingwei sighed rarely,"It's not just money, there are huge interests involved. As long as those people designate Han Zaibin, it's not something that I, a small screenwriter or director, can influence."

"The entertainment industry is indeed complicated"

"Well, but if Han Zaibin goes too far, I think Sister Zhang will boycott with me."

At worst, we can just go on strike.

Han Zaibin's recent performances made Gu Qingwei quite disgusted.

Would letting such a guy with no acting skills and no quality participate in her own work become a black history that can never be erased?

Every novelist cherishes his own work.

"I heard that Han Zaibin took Du Shihan on a plane after he left yesterday."

On Weibo, he said that he was going to Kyoto and had an announcement, and would be back in a few days. It was indeed time to come back, as his engagement in Shanghai was not long away.

However, where he was going, I'm afraid only he knew. In the past few days, his alma mater, Shanghai Drama Academy, also put up banners to promote Han Zaibin's engagement.

Both sides have interests and each gets what they need.

When it comes to this, Gu Qingwei's eyes rarely flash with a hint of sarcasm.

"You may not know this, but when he left, the airport was in chaos because of his fans.

Many security guards were dispatched to calm the situation down.

"It's hard to change one's nature." Xiao Zihang sneered,"I thought he would restrain himself, but I thought too much.���


After school, Xiao Zihang drove home.

Tomorrow morning he had to solve the mobile advertising problem of Yiche Trading Group, and at noon he had to go to a class reunion, so his schedule was still very tight.

When he got home, the ten gold bricks arrived.

"Gold is so beautiful?

Especially when there are 10 big gold bricks in front of you.

Most people in the world love money, and gold is one of the most valuable things.

Therefore, most people love gold.

"Put it in the study room."

Books have their own beauties and golden houses.

Anyway, no one will come to the house these days, and the security measures of Tomson Yipin are not exaggerated.

The cleaning of the entire mansion is also handled by the property management who is like a butler.

Then, Xiao Zihang picked up a set of books and started reading.

This novel is called"Strategy of the World". The male protagonist in it has a great affinity with gold and is known as Golden Aix. It was written by a failed novelist and no one paid attention to it.

Xiao Zihang didn't care about popularity. The life of a super rich man is to do whatever he wants. At

7 o'clock in the evening, Xiao Zihang ordered a takeaway from a five-star hotel.

While eating, his secretary Yao Yuqing sent a WeChat message

"Hello, Chairman. I have completed all your requests."

"Well, tomorrow we will have our employees take the company bus to the Twin Parking Lot to drive. If there are more people, 200 will be enough."

Just drive a few more times."

"Chairman, how many sports cars are there?"

"A lot." Xiao Zihang replied,"I will come tomorrow and meet at 9 am."

Xiao Zihang's supercars worth millions of yuan should be used for company promotion, and a place to park them can be used in the future.

After calculating all kinds of costs, it is profitable.

"OK, are you free tomorrow at noon?" Secretary Yao Yuqing asked,"Mr. Zhao and his friends want to get together with the chairman.""

We haven't eaten together yet."

"Let's talk about it next time when we are free." Xiao Zihang replied,"I have a class reunion tomorrow at noon and I am not free."

""The chairman's classmates' reunion?" Yao Yuqing asked,"Which hotel?""

"Xilinmen Restaurant."

It doesn't matter where you eat, really.

Xilinmen Restaurant?

Yao Yuqing knew this small restaurant, it was very popular, many working-class people in Shanghai liked to eat there.

Suddenly, she smiled knowingly, thinking that she should change the route tomorrow.

Supercar team, passing by Xilinmen Restaurant, is it okay?

After chatting with the secretary about work, Xiao Zihang also finished his fast food.

Walking to the window, the night view of Shanghai is charming.

"I will go to the Gemini parking lot later to pick up the sports car for tomorrow."

The smart parking lot is unattended, so it's okay to do something big at night. What's more, with the support of the system, everything is rationalized.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Xiao Zihang went out and went to the Gemini parking lot.

Inside the Apollo Helios, there were hundreds of selected sports car keys packed in a large box.

After arriving, Xiao Zihang entered the unmanned parking lot.

In just a moment, he picked up tomorrow's super sports car fleet in the multi-story parking lot.


"Tomorrow's convoy will be spectacular."

The front page headlines of Shanghai have been contracted by Yiche Trading Group!

A huge luxury supercar convoy and a class reunion are enough for Xiao Zihang to look forward to tomorrow.

When he got home, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening.

In his bedroom, Xiao Zihang received two WeChat messages:

"Zihang, are you asleep? Qin Feifei sent a good night message

"Well, it's almost time to go to bed, baby, you should go to bed early too, good night."

After chatting with Qin Feifei for a while, Xiao Zihang opened another WeChat. It was sent by Shen Qianqian.

"Let's have a class reunion tomorrow, hehe"

"How about you serve dishes to our private room?" Xiao Zihang said jokingly

"Okay, it's a good opportunity to see your classmates."

In fact, the person I wanted to see was Xiao Zihang from the same school. Although Shen Qianqian went to school today, she didn't interact much with the students. She was still so cute and unaware of Xiao Zihang's awesomeness.

After talking to Shen Qianqian for a while, Xiao Zihang opened WeChat Moments to see what his classmates were doing recently.

Most of them were the same, except for one person.

"What is this?"

Soon, Xiao Zihang was attracted by a photo in the circle of friends.

No way, such a coincidence, there is such a thing?

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