The two of them were sick.

"Are those two sick?"


"I've seen the one doing the handstand, why is there another one?"

"How should I know? Isn't this thing contagious? It's so scary."

"No, no, my eyes hurt."

Faced with the faint discussions, Suzumiya Musashi and Might Guy pretended not to hear them.

In order to practice the ninja way of youth, they have become accustomed to such criticism.

Real ninjas are all strong people. How could they be affected by the discussions of others?

After sending Suzumiya Musashi home and agreeing to practice together when he gets better, Might Guy, who felt that he had not had enough fun, stood up again. This time, he was faster than when he came.

Uchiha Izumi packed up Suzumiya Musashi's things and cleaned the room.

"Izumi, there are a few spare quilts in the cabinet, you can just take them out." Suzumiya Musashi said.

Uchiha Izumi's face suddenly changed slightly, with some panic.

"What...what are you taking the quilt for."

"Of course, to sleep."

"What sleep, I want to go home with Aoi." Uchiha Izumi said in a panic.

"What the hell home to go back to." Suzumiya Musashi almost rolled his eyes.

"I say, woman, can you not be so confident?"

"The Uchiha clan land has been sealed off. Don't tell me you don't know. Do you dare to let Aoi go back to that place?"

"Hurry up, take the cup and make the bed. I'm a patient. I need to sleep on the bed. You can sleep on whichever floor you feel comfortable. If it weren't for Aoi's face, I wouldn't bother with a confident woman like you."

Hearing Suzumiya Musashi's blunt words, Uchiha Izumi was relieved.

Of course, the original Uchiha clan land is no longer habitable.

The smell of blood will probably not dissipate for a long time.

Aoi is now very attached to Suzumiya Musashi. She is afraid that she will not be able to sleep if she leaves.

She can only live with him temporarily.

Having found a reason in his mind, Uchiha Izumi said, "Well... let's do this first. After Aoi has adapted for a while and the village has arranged a place for them to live, we will move out."

Suzumiya Musashi said, "It's up to you."

The land is the village's property. Just like the clan land was originally marked as marginal, now the Uchiha clan land can no longer be used, and the village will arrange new places for them to live.

As for the Uchiha's property and inheritance, naturally the third generation and the top leaders will enthusiastically sort it out before handing it over to them.

Aoi was very happy to be able to stay with big brother Musashi. She looked around in the small room and found it much more interesting than her original house.

Although the place she lived in was far less spacious than her original home, for a child, being with the person she loved was the most important thing.

The three of them lived there.

After a while, the village arranged new places for the remaining three Uchiha.

Unlike where Uzumaki Naruto lived, the new Uchiha residence was in the center of the bustling village.

Uchiha Izumi dragged Uchiha Aoi, who didn't want to leave, to the new residence.

"Sister, let's live in Brother Musashi's house, okay?" Uchiha Aoi's big eyes were filled with tears.

"No." Uchiha Izumi easily saw through the little one's acting skills: "Aoi, stop making trouble, Brother Musashi is a boy, and sister is a girl, we can't live together all the time."

"But mom and dad live together?" Uchiha Aoi looked innocent.

"That's different." Not wanting to explain such a complicated truth to her sister, Uchiha Izumi said: "Besides, you have a brother Sasuke. Now there are only three of us left in the clan. We should take care of each other together."

"No, I don't want Sasuke, I want Brother Musashi."

"Listen, Aoi. If you are obedient, I can take you to Brother Musashi often in the future. If you are not obedient, I will never take you there again." Uchiha Izumi showed the majesty of a sister and finally made Uchiha Aoi stop crying.

Only occasionally muttered, "Really, wouldn't it be better if my sister and brother Musashi lived together like my parents? It's so annoying."

Three months later, Suzumiya Musashi, who had completely recovered and had been delaying, was finally taken away by Hatake Kakashi.

"Although the Hokage said that you must take good care of your body. But Musashi, a ninja, must have the awareness of the ninja script and can't slack off like this!"

In this way, Suzumiya Musashi ended his peaceful training time.

This scene happened to be seen by Might Guy.

When Might Guy saw Suzumiya Musashi and Hatake Kakashi walking together,

Gai was still very happy.

"Hey! Kakashi, Musashi, you are together."

"How about it? Such a nice weather, how about a youth contest!"

"Gai, next time, I want to take Musashi to the Anbu base." Hatake Kakashi refused.

"What? To the Anbu? What do you want to take Musashi to the Anbu for?" Might Guy asked curiously.

"Oh, the Hokage specially recruited Musashi to join the Anbu, and he will carry out missions with me in the future." Hatake Kakashi said casually.

Then, in the shocked eyes of Suzumiya Musashi, Might Guy was petrified for a moment, and then cracked.

Might Guy's incredulous shouts echoed at the scene.

"Na! Ni! ~"

In the clear sky.

Konoha echoed with Might Guy's voice.

"Anbu? Musashi was recruited into the Anbu?"


"Kakashi, answer me!" Might Guy pointed at Suzumiya Musashi with one hand and questioned Kakashi in front of him.

"This..." Kakashi scratched his head in pain: "The Hokage discovered Musashi's outstanding talent, so he recruited him into the Anbu. I think he also wants to focus on training him."

"Kai, don't worry, Musashi is an excellent ninja, and the Anbu will not affect him..." As he was explaining, Might Guy waved his hand to interrupt him.

"Of course I know Musashi is an excellent ninja!"

"But, Kakashi, that's not what I want to say!"

"Why? On what basis? Musashi can enter the Anbu? But I! - Might Guy, who has excellent talents like Musashi, can't!"

He jumped to the side of Suzumiya Musashi and quickly changed to pose in different styles.

"Kakashi, look! Whether it's from the clothes or the will of youth, there is absolutely no difference between Musashi and me!"

"Why can Musashi enter the Anbu, but I can't?"

At this moment, he thought of the past.

In order to save Hatake Kakashi, who became more and more gloomy because of the work in the Anbu, he and Sarutobi Hiruzen took the initiative to apply for transfer to the Anbu.

He wanted to warm Kakashi's heart with his passion.


Sarutobi Hiruzen looked regretful: Kai, the work in the Anbu is not suitable for you.

Danzo rejected coldly: The Root does not need people like you, you do not have the talent of an excellent ninja. Your darkness is far from enough.

His heart was broken at that time.

And now, Suzumiya Musashi, who is as young, passionate, and a physical ninja as him, and wears a handsome training tights, was assigned to the Anbu by old man Sarutobi.

Is there still a law?

Hokage, you clearly said that the Anbu is not suitable for people like me!

Kakashi could only smile bitterly.

"This... Kai, maybe Hokage thinks Musashi is younger and needs more guidance."

Comfort does not work.

Might Guy stopped crying, raised his head, and a determined light flashed in his eyes.

"OK! Since Musashi can do it, so can I. Kakashi, Musashi, you wait for me here, I will go to the Hokage and ask him to allow me to join the Anbu!"

"When the time comes, the three of us will work together in the Anbu to make achievements for Konoha and play the concerto of youth together!"

"Gai, I think..." Kakashi stretched out his hand and wanted to say something, but Might Guy had already stepped forward and rushed towards the direction of the Hokage Building like the wind.

Kakashi was left standing there with one hand stretched out.

"Senior Kakashi, do you think the Hokage will agree to Brother Gai's request?" Suzumiya Musashi said.

Hatake Kakashi: "No!"

"...Unless the Hokage is crazy."

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