"Fuck, this Jiang Fan can really play the piano?"

"Isn't this nonsense? If he doesn't know how to play, how dare Jiang Fan go up?"

"This time Jiang Fan really tricked me"

"Don’t you think Jiang Fan plays the piano very well?"

"It’s true, it’s the same song, but I feel like Jiang Fan plays it better than Lin!"

"I have the same feeling. I just think the piano music played by Lin is nice, but the piano music played by Jiang Fan makes people feel comfortable."

In fact, it is not only netizens who feel this way.

Even Shen Qingqing feels that the piano music played by Jiang Fan is infectious and makes the mind and body happy and comfortable. Even if she doesn't understand piano, she can hear that Jiang Fan plays much better than Lin Tianyu.

Lin Tianyu's face became more and more ugly.

He didn't expect that Jiang Fan not only played the piano, but also played it very well.


Longguo Kyoto Conservatory of Music.

A classroom is surrounded by beautiful musical notes.

Wu Jianan and his classmates gathered together to watch the live broadcast and listen to the piano music coming from their mobile phones.

"Jiang Fan's piano skills are at least much better than Lin's!"

"Needless to say, they are not on the same level at all!"

"Previously, classmate Lin said that the pianist in the restaurant played Alice wrongly in the middle of a note. I think classmate Lin is just talking nonsense.

Unfortunately, no one believed me when I commented in the live broadcast room."

"Do you think Jiang Fan plays better than our teacher Liu?"

"How is that possible? Teacher Liu is a senior pianist. If he is really a senior pianist, there is no way he could not find the name Jiang Fan in the association!"

"Is there a possibility that Jiang Fan did not obtain a certificate from the Piano Association?"

A group of students were talking in low voices, but they did not know that a middle-aged man was walking slowly towards them.

"Don't you know that class has started?"

The middle-aged man coughed a few times and said seriously.

"Teacher Liu!"

All the students shuddered and immediately returned to their seats.

Only Wu Jianan, who was watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone, was left. Wu Jianan was about to put away his phone, but was stopped by the middle-aged man.

""Give me your phone!"

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand.

Wu Jianan groaned inwardly.

You know, Teacher Liu in front of him is one of the strictest teachers in the entire college, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to hand in his phone obediently.

At this moment, the phone still slowly emitted the lingering piano sound.

"I'll play Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major during class, and I won't mind you playing with your phone during class!" Teacher Liu nodded.

Wu Jianan breathed a sigh of relief.

As expected, Teacher Liu is worthy of being a fan of Mozart.

"Teacher, this is not Mozart's piano music, but someone is playing it!!"

Suddenly, Wu Jianan realized something and reminded


Teacher Liu was stunned for a moment, then picked up his phone and looked at it.

A young man was playing a piano piece on the phone.

"It's true!"

Teacher Liu's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Teacher, how does your piano level compare to the people in the live broadcast?"Wu Jianan said with a smile

"I'm not as good as him!" Teacher Liu shook his head.

Wu Jianan was stunned.

The students around him were also stunned.

You know, Teacher Liu's piano level is ranked among the best in the college.

"It's so similar, so similar."

Teacher Liu didn't know what the student was thinking.

Instead, he listened to the piano music coming from the phone and felt something in his heart.

Different pianists playing the same piece of music will give people different feelings.

The person in the live broadcast on the mobile phone gave him the same feeling as Mozart playing.

But he didn't really think that the person in the live broadcast on the mobile phone was Mozart himself.

After all, although no one knows what Mozart looks like, one thing is certain that Mozart is not a Dragon.

So, in his opinion, the person in the live broadcast is at most just imitating Mozart's tune.

There are many pianists in the world who can do this.

"Why are all the comments saying that the person playing the piano is a delivery man?"Teacher Liu looked at Wu Jianan in confusion.

"Teacher, this Jiang Fan is really a delivery man, it has been exposed on the Internet!"Wu Jianan laughed

"Now a delivery man can play the piano so well?"Teacher Liu's eyes were full of surprise.

"You have to work hard. People of such high standards can only deliver food. People like you who can't even pass the assessment may not even be able to deliver food!"

Suddenly, Teacher Liu shook his head and sighed.

The whole audience was silent.


Qingya Studio.

Zhou Shuya stared absentmindedly at Jiang Fan playing the piano in the live studio.

Although she can't play the piano, it doesn't mean she can't listen.


She can naturally hear that Jiang Fan plays the piano better than Lin Tianyu.

But the question is, isn't Jiang Fan a delivery man?

How can he play the piano?

And he plays it so well.

Is it so hard to be a delivery man now?

Suddenly, Zhou Shuya's eyes lit up and her red lips curled up slightly.

Soon, various topics appeared on Weibo and Tieba.

【In the restaurant, the takeaway boy played the piano while waiting for the meal, shocking the audience】

【Shocked, a mysterious organization has shown off their talents again!】

【Why are takeaway boys so talented?

These topics quickly spread on the Internet, causing many netizens who did not know the truth to enter the live broadcast room.

""Sister Zhou, the popularity of our live broadcast room has increased again!"

A girl with freckles on her face ran in excitedly.

"Okay, got it!"

Zhou Shuya nodded calmly.


In the live broadcast room

"Jiang Fan’s piano playing is not as good as Lin’s!"

"That’s right, Jiang Fan is clearly copying others!"

"I didn't expect that there are people who say that Lin is a good pianist. He is not only blind, but also deaf!"

For a while, many netizens were arguing over whether Jiang Fan played better or Lin Tianyu played better.

Seeing someone praising Lin Tianyu for playing well and belittling Jiang Fan for playing badly,

Wu Jianan was immediately furious.

You know, Jiang Fan was praised by his teacher, and his teacher even claimed that his piano level was not as good as Jiang Fan.

And Lin Tianyu's piano level was not even as good as his, so how could he be on par with Jiang Fan?!

"I am from Kyoto Conservatory of Music. My teacher said Jiang Fan's piano skills are at least at an advanced level."

"I think the above person is spreading rumors, because I just checked the piano association website and there is no such person as Jiang Fan"

"Shit, I almost believed it. I was saying, how could a delivery man be a high-level pianist!"

"What I said is true. If you don’t believe me, I can show you my student ID!"

"What can a student ID prove?"

"I am a teacher at Kyoto Conservatory of Music. This is my work certificate. This is my piano exam certificate. I can confirm that Jiang Fan’s piano level is very high, at least higher than mine!"

As soon as this comment came out, the entire live broadcast room was immediately flooded with"digging holes".

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