"Do you know me?"

Shen Qingqing was a little surprised. Could this man be her fan?

"I thought I recognized the wrong person just now!"

The man smiled, and seeing that Shen Qingqing was still confused,"Did you forget that we agreed to meet today?"

"You are Jiang Fan?!"

Shen Qingqing was shocked.

Not to mention Shen Qingqing, the live broadcast room was also full of national quintessence.


"Dig the hole!"

"Is this person Qingqing’s classmate Jiang?"

"If anyone says that classmate Jiang is a delivery man, I will slap him. How can a delivery man afford a luxury car worth millions?"

"It’s true that you can’t judge a book by its cover!"

"I think this luxury car is probably rented by classmate Jiang"

"Upstairs, do you know how much it costs to rent this kind of car for a day? At least five or six thousand a day!"

"Who knows? Maybe this classmate Jiang spent a lot of money just to see his goddess from his school days!"

"I agree with the above statement. Nowadays, most people like to rent luxury cars to save face when attending class reunions."

"My family runs a car rental company, and this car was rented from my family!"

""Fuck, we caught the boss!"

In fact, Shen Qingqing was not sure whether Jiang Fan rented the car, but when she saw a fan saying that the car was rented from his home, Shen Qingqing no longer had any doubts. But how could Shen Qingqing know that the person who posted this comment was actually Lin Tianyu.

Since Lin Tianyu made an appointment with Shen Qingqing, he has been following Shen Qingqing, but when he saw Jiang Fan driving a luxury car, he naturally didn't believe it.

After all, he saw Jiang Fan delivering food with his own eyes. How could such a person afford such a luxury car?

You know, even his car is only more than one million.

So, in order to expose Jiang Fan's lies, he pretended to be a car rental company to comment.


Shen Qingqing was not aware of all this.

"Jiang Fan, your car..."

Shen Qingqing hesitated to speak.

She didn't expect Jiang Fan to rent such an expensive car just to see her.

"What's wrong with this car?"

Jiang Fan was a little confused, but then he understood,"I was in a hurry to come out, so I just drove one here at home."

As soon as he said this, the live broadcast room exploded

"(´-﹏-`;)Just drive one over here?"

"It sounds like he has a lot of cars like this."

"Haha, Jiang Fan really lies without blinking. If you don’t know the truth, you would really think that his family has a lot of luxury cars!"

"No no, my stomach hurts from laughing. This classmate Jiang doesn't even know that his luxury car has been identified by the people from the car rental company!"

"Doesn't Jiang Fan go online? Doesn't he know that his identity has been exposed long ago?"

"Qingqing, I think you should not expose your classmate. He did this just to see you and to leave a good impression in front of you."

"What do you mean by leaving a good impression? I think Qingqing is just a face-conscious classmate. People like her are often inferior in real life and don't live a happy life!"

"Support the above. Is it worth spending thousands of dollars to rent a car just to leave a good impression?"

Although there were some well-intentioned comments in the comment area, they were soon covered by sarcasm.

Qingya Studio.

Zhou Shuya looked at the live broadcast room and her eyes lit up.

She originally thought that the live broadcast effect this time would definitely not be as good as the previous one, but she didn't expect that Jiang classmate would be able to maximize the live broadcast effect all at once.


Some topics quickly appeared on Weibo

【Is my former classmate a rich man or is he just pretending to be rich?】

【In order to meet the school beauty, is it necessary to spend a lot of money to rent a luxury car for the sake of face?】

【What is the mentality of pretending to be rich at a class reunion?

Shen Qingqing looked at Jiang Fan with a strange look.

During his school days, Jiang Fan was taciturn and had a low sense of presence, but in her impression, he was also a very honest person.


"You are live streaming now? Then you don't mind if I say hello to your fans, right?"

Jiang Fan noticed Shen Qingqing holding a selfie stick and smiled.

"Don't mind, don't mind!" Shen Qingqing shook her head violently.

"That's good. Hello everyone. I am your goddess' classmate Jiang Fan. Jiang is Jiang Fan's Jiang, and Fan is Jiang Fan's Fan!" Jiang Fan said with a smile on his face.

Shen Qingqing was immediately amused by Jiang Fan's introduction.

The same was true in the live broadcast room.

"Jiang Fan’s self-introduction is so interesting, it’s like he said nothing!"

"This guy is really Qingqing's former taciturn classmate. I think this classmate Jiang is quite talkative."

"There is nothing strange about this. People are quiet and taciturn when they are students, but after entering the society and experiencing more, they will be changed by this society unconsciously."

"To be honest, I was a little resistant to Jiang Fan's car rental just now, but now I don't feel so resistant anymore."

There are well-intentioned comments in the comment section, but there are also malicious comments.


"Of course a food delivery guy can be eloquent!"

"I don't know why I hate Jiang Fan. He is obviously a delivery man, but he pretends to be humorous to attract the attention of our goddess!"

"ヽ(`⌒´メ)"The lower-headed man has been identified!"

Shen Qingqing ignored those malicious comments and looked at Jiang Fan.

She didn't know whether to tell Jiang Fan in person that his identity was exposed.

But as netizens said, Jiang Fan rented a luxury car to leave a good impression on her.

Besides, she was too embarrassed to expose it.

""Qingqing, look at the number of people watching the live broadcast now!"

Suddenly, a private message popped up.

It was from her best friend Zhou Shuya. Shen Qingqing subconsciously looked at the number of people watching the live broadcast and was stunned. When did this happen? No wonder so many unfamiliar netizens appeared in the live broadcast room just now.

"Qingqing, don't tell Jiang Fan about the live broadcast room yet, let him continue like this!"Zhou Shuya sent a private message

"Wouldn't this be bad?" Shen Qingqing quickly replied

"It's okay, we just won't tell Jiang Fan for now!"

Zhou Shuya sighed in her heart, Shen Qingqing is just too kind, if it were someone else, who knows how she would tease Jiang Fan.

"All right then!"

Shen Qingqing retracted her gaze and looked at Jiang Fan.

"It's almost noon, why don't we go find a restaurant to eat? And chat while we're at it!"

Jiang Fan invited with a smile


Shen Qingqing thought about it and didn't refuse.

This was the procedure for meeting classmates.

After Shen Qingqing got in the car, Jiang Fan slowly drove away.

Along the way.

Shen Qingqing didn't know what to say, and Jiang Fan drove the car quietly. Both of them were very quiet.

But there were constant comments from fans in the live broadcast room, all of whom were asking Shen Qingqing how it felt to ride in a luxury car worth millions.

"You see, the way classmate Jiang drives seems very familiar. Is this really his rental car?"

"Replying to the above, there are only a few gears in a car, and anyone who has driven one will be familiar with them!"


"Goddess Qingqing, please don't be so quiet. Ask this classmate Jiang what he does. See how he answers."

"I also want to see how classmate Jiang will answer?"

"Agree with the above idea!"

"Haha, you people are really afraid of chaos, but I like it!"

"I don't need to think to know that Jiang's answer must be ambiguous, after all, those who pretend to be cool are like this!"

Seeing that everyone was asking her to ask about Jiang Fan's work, Shen Qingqing hesitated. In fact, before, she would definitely ask all kinds of questions, but at this moment she was a little hesitant.

"What's wrong?"

Shen Qingqing's expression was naturally seen by Jiang Fan who was standing beside her. He asked curiously,"Did the netizens make any requests?""

"Actually, it’s not a big request, but netizens want to know what you are doing now." Shen Qingqing hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

"There's nothing wrong with that. I should be considered a freelancer now!" Jiang Fan replied with a smile.


That's right.

Delivering food is also considered a freelancer.

Shen Qingqing was relieved.

She was really afraid that Jiang Fan would suddenly boast and claim that he was the president of a certain listed company, which would only make a lot of netizens laugh at him.

"(;¬_¬), freelance? Well, that's right!"

"Haha, I guessed it right. I said that Jiang would not say what his specific occupation was, but would only give a rough answer, so that everyone could guess together."

"Qingqing, continue to ask him what exactly he does?"

"Agree +1"

Many netizens in the live broadcast room started to ask about the specific work, but Shen Qingqing didn't want to continue to pursue this topic

"Being a freelancer is great. You don’t have to sign in on time, or squeeze into the subway or bus during rush hour. You have free time. I am also a freelancer now!"

Shen Qingqing said casually.

"Yes, I also value this point. I can have more time to take care of my children. Jiang Fan said without turning his head while holding the steering wheel.

"Taking care of children? Are you married?" Shen Qingqing was stunned for a moment.

"You got married a long time ago, and your child is about to go to primary school!"

Jiang Fan turned his head and looked at her, smiling.

As soon as this was said, some netizens in the live broadcast room���different

"It turns out that this classmate Jiang is married. It seems that I misunderstood him. Before, I thought that this classmate Jiang pretended to be a rich man in order to get close to our Qingqing."

"At this age, I think most people are married!"

"Replying to the above, I am 30 years old this year. Where can my wife collect it?"

"Don't you think Jiang is very unreasonable? He has a wife and children, but he still ignores his family, spends money recklessly, and rents such a nice car to save face."

"I agree. If it were me, I would only take a taxi if I didn't have a car. There's nothing shameful about it."

"How come this is very similar to a movie I watched, where someone rented a luxury car and wore a tie to look rich in order to meet his goddess?"

"Is the movie mentioned above Charlotte's Troubles?"

"In fact, I don't understand why some boys are so face-conscious. Anyway, all the boys I meet are very face-conscious!"

Shen Qingqing was silent when she heard that Jiang Fan had a family.

She had the same idea as some netizens. He obviously had a family, but he still rented a luxury car to meet for the sake of face.


Jiang Fan chose to deliver food in order to take time to take care of the children. Doesn't it mean that Jiang Fan is actually very family-oriented?


Shen Qingqing congratulated,"Doesn't your wife usually take care of the children?"

"She has her job, she is usually busier than me, in fact, the family doesn't need her little money, but who can help her because it's her hobby, I have to support her!"

Jiang Fan sighed.

Originally, Shen Qingqing listened to the previous words.

Her mind flashed with the couple's work day and night for the future of their children.

But when she heard the latter words, she almost choked on her saliva.

Now it's live broadcast.

Can't Jiang Fan be more humble?

What does it mean that the family doesn't need that little money?

Moreover, he can actually say it so righteously when he lets his wife go out to earn money.

At this moment, the live broadcast room was suddenly flooded with the word"shameless".

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