Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 18 Self-Doubt and Choice

Just when Professor Connors was confused, a thread of spider silk stuck to Professor Connors' body from the dark, and along with the spider thread came a flying kick from Spider Gwen.

Professor Connors was kicked on the head by Spider Gwen, and he staggered back several steps. In the end, he was able to stabilize his balance with the help of the thick tail behind him.

"It's you!" Professor Connors shook his dizzy head and recognized Spider-Gwen at a glance as the spider girl he had had a fight with in the hospital.

"This is a private matter between Norman and I!" Professor Connors' tail slammed to the ground, his eyes full of violence, and he rushed towards Gwen on all fours like crawling: "No matter who stopped me, All must die!”

"It just so happens that I'm looking for you because of personal matters!" Gwen stared fiercely at Professor Connors who was rushing towards her, with the spider silk launcher in her hand ready to go.

At the original front door of the villa, with a wave of waves in the air, Norman and his son and Su Heng, wearing a black cloak, appeared out of thin air.

"Hey, Peter Parker." Su Heng shouted towards the place where Peter flew out just now: "If you are not dead, take this father and son out of here quickly."

"Ahem, cough, cough." Peter climbed up from the ground in disgrace, looked at the night magician Mr. Harry and Mr. Norman had met before, and hurriedly came to the side of several people.

"Sir, is that lady okay?" Peter looked at Spider-Gwen and Professor Connors who were having a heated fight not far away, and asked Su Heng with some worry.

"Don't worry, that girl is very angry now." Su Heng tugged on his hood and looked at Norman: "You should find a safe place to hide first. After all, Professor Connors is heading here. Mr. Norman is here, and if he had been here all this time, I’m afraid that guy wouldn’t give up.”

Norman took a deep look at Su Heng, and then nodded towards Harry and Peter: "Come with me, there happens to be a safe secret room in the house."

"What about you, sir?" Peter looked at Su Heng.

"Me?" Su Heng chuckled and pointed to the anxious battlefield: "Of course I am responsible for holding down the battle."

"As for whether it is safe to wait, I believe Mr. Norman will know, right?" Su Hengruo said pointedly towards Norman.

"That's natural." Norman narrowed his eyes and whispered to Su Heng: "I hope I can trust you, sir."

"Farewell, I'm just here to relax with the little girl. It's better for Mr. Norman not to believe me." Su Heng shrugged: "After all, there is no interest between us, and there is no question of whether The topic of belief.”

When Norman heard what Su Heng said, he was relieved in his guarded heart: "In that case, I'll leave this place to you, Mr. Night Magician."

Harry and Peter looked at the two people whose words were full of explicit and implicit references, with doubts and confusion on their faces.

"Peter, Harry, let's go in first." Norman greeted Peter and Harry and walked into the villa together, leaving Su Heng alone outside the villa looking at Ge who was spreading hatred wantonly. temperature.

"Damn it!" Professor Connors looked at Spider-Gwen who nimbly dodged his attack and threw her tail heavily on the ground, hoping to vent the increasingly depressed feelings in her heart.

"It's time!" Spider Gwen caught the flaw that Professor Connors showed when he was in a irritable mood. He opened his fingers and slightly outlined them, and threads of spider silk as thin as a millimeter appeared around Professor Connors.

This is the spider silk that Spider-Gwen laid before when she fought Professor Connors.

Following the movements of Spider Gwen's fingertips, these spider silks wound around Professor Connors' body.

"What is this?!" Professor Connors looked at the spider silk that instantly entangled himself, and shouted unwillingly at the surroundings: "Norman! Norman!"

"Huh -" Spider Gwen put her hands on her hips and let out a deep breath as she looked at Professor Connors being tightly wrapped in spider silk.

After such catharsis, the anger in Gwen's heart had long since disappeared. She turned around and gestured excitedly to Su Heng.

But before Gwen could speak, there was a strong gust of wind in her ears. Gwen quickly turned her head to avoid it, and found that the person in front of her was the lizard mouse that Peter had just tied to the ground with a spider web.

"What's wrong." She looked at the spider silk remaining on the corner of the lizard mouse's mouth, feeling something bad in her heart, and quickly looked back.

Sure enough, most of the spider silk used to bind Professor Connors had been gnawed away by the remaining lizard rats.

"Drink!" The remaining cobwebs were stretched open amidst Professor Connors's loud shout.

Professor Connors looked at the villa behind Su Heng, and he naturally sensed that Norman was there from his sense of smell. But the difficult spider girl in front of him and the mysterious hooded man standing in front of the villa made Professor Connors extremely fearful.

"Norman! Norman!" Professor Connors shouted to the sky unwillingly, turned around and lay on the ground, and left the manor with heavy steps.

"What's wrong, it's going to run away." Spider Gwen stamped her feet anxiously.

"Isn't this just right?" Su Heng looked at the camera staring at him and Gwen outside the villa, nodded slightly, walked to Gwen's side, and whispered to her: "It's just right to follow it and find a way to find it. Isn’t it his lair?”

"Yes, that makes sense!" Gwen suddenly realized it, and hurriedly pulled Su Heng and chased after Professor Connors.

The camera outside the villa followed Gwen and Su Heng's gaze and kept turning the camera until they disappeared from the surveillance range of the camera.

Norman, who was staying in the secret room of the villa, looked at Su Heng and Gwen disappearing from the surveillance screen, and felt quietly relieved.

"Oh my god! I didn't expect you, Peter, to be Spider-Man, who has recently become famous in New York!" At this moment, Harry's voice of surprise came from behind Norman.

"So why did you become Spider-Man? What is the principle of your spinning?" Harry grabbed Peter's wrist excitedly and carefully studied the place on Peter's wrist where the spider's silk spun.

"Harry, this is a question." Peter looked at Harry with some embarrassment.

"Okay Harry." Norman patted Harry on the shoulder: "Everyone has their own privacy. Peter has exposed Spider-Man's identity in front of us today under unavoidable circumstances. The rest Don’t ask any more questions.”

"Mr. Norman!" Peter glanced at Norman gratefully.

Norman smiled and blinked at Peter, but then he thought with a heavy heart about Professor Connors' crazy expression and that inhuman body.

Was Connors right before? Are genetic reagents really not mature enough?

Norman's heart was filled with self-doubt at this moment.


He looked at Harry, who was chatting excitedly with Peter.

If possible, at least let Harry

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