Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 36 Father’s love on the scale

"General!" The reality did not give General Ross much time to think. The accompanying men threw General Ross to the ground, narrowly avoiding the tank fragments whizzing past them.

"Tank Team D is free to evacuate to a safe area! Armored Teams A, B, and C provide fire cover! Pay attention to dodge enemy attacks!" General Ross yelled into the headset when he came back to his senses.

Following the command of General Ross, Armored Teams A, B, and C, which had originally aimed their guns at the warehouse, began to change their positions and poured out the firepower from the armored vehicles crazily towards the rampaging Hulk.

Hulk felt the pain that was like a mosquito bite coming from his body, casually dropped the tank barrel in his hand, and kicked the tank that had turned into scrap metal under his feet towards the location of the armored vehicles.

Armored teams A, B, and C gave full play to the mobility of the armored vehicles and stepped on the accelerator to avoid the remains of the tanks that had been broken into parts. The firepower on the vehicles continued to erupt towards the Hulk non-stop.

Hulk wiped a handful of bullets stuck to his skin and looked at the armored convoy, the expression on his face became more and more fierce.

"Hulk hates bugs!"

Hulk roared and rushed towards the armored convoy.

This move also allowed the tanks that were not destroyed to survive.

General Ross also stood up with the help of his accompanying men. He frowned and looked at the scene in front of him.

The dense bullets hit Hulk's body, but they only made little ripples on Hulk's skin.

The howitzers and other ordinary artillery shells loaded on the vehicles of armored teams B and C can only slow down the Hulk's progress at best.

Although General Ross was prepared, he was still shocked by this rough-skinned guy.

"Tank D team is preparing to form a two-three-three formation. The front row is prepared with white phosphorus bombs, the middle row is armor-piercing bullets, and the rear row is armor-breaking. They will evacuate immediately after firing. Armor teams A, B, and C will continue to cover. They will inevitably involve this monster and don't let it go. Get close to the evacuating Tank Team D!"

Following General Ross's instructions again, the remaining eight tanks moved their gun barrels and aimed at the Hulk who was frantically attacking the armored vehicle.


Two white phosphorus bombs were fired first and hit Hulk. After the explosion, the pungent smell accompanied by raging flames lingered on Hulk's body.

"Roar." Hulk roared and began to painfully slap the flames on his body, which only made the flames burn more intensely.


There was another almost simultaneous sound of gunfire, and three armor-piercing bullets and three armor-breaking bullets were fired in the direction of Hulk at the same time.

Hulk looked at the artillery shells that were so close, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes. His originally huge body expanded again at this moment. He grabbed the two artillery shells that were shot in the air and threw them back in the direction of the tank.

"Boom!" While the two tanks were destroyed, Hulk was also hit by four other shells.

The body still stood upright under the firelight. Hulk spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the remaining four tanks with disdain.

"Tank Team D, there's no need to run away anymore." General Ross felt Hulk's disdainful gaze, and there was also a hint of fierceness in his eyes. He commanded fiercely: "Continue to attack! Before that monster comes, get rid of all the shells. Fight out!"

Hulk felt the intimidation coming from the gun barrels of the remaining four tanks, and he arched his body and opened his hands, as if he was about to pounce forward the next moment.

"Bruce!" But at this moment, a voice that sounded familiar to Hulk came from the dilapidated warehouse.

"Stop fighting, let's go!" The cry in his voice made Hulk, who was originally full of anger, calm down.

Hulk turned around and looked into the warehouse, his figure began to shrink gradually.

But General Ross didn't know what happened to Hulk. He looked at Hulk who was in a daze and began to shrink. Knowing that the opportunity in front of him was once in a lifetime, he decisively issued the final order.


The remaining tanks roared one after another.

"No!!!" But just when the cannonball was about to hit the surroundings that had changed from Hulk to Dr. Banner, a red figure jumped out from the dilapidated warehouse.

This is another red giant different from Hulk. Although he is still huge, his figure is relatively slender and not as bloated as Hulk.

I saw her holding Dr. Banner in her arms and using her back to withstand the baptism of shells that came one after another.

"Wait! Cease fire! Cease fire!!!" Although it was just a glimpse, General Ross still recognized the true identity of this slender red giant, and he quickly directed the tank team to cease fire.

After the tank team heard the order to cease fire, General Ross kept walking forward with a trembling body. Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in the distance, he couldn't help but ask questions in his heart.

"Is it you, Betty?"

"General, it's dangerous!" The accompanying subordinates blocked General Ross's path and looked at the red giant who suddenly appeared warily: "The degree of danger of the new giant is unknown. General, please don't act rashly."

"Get away!" General Ross pushed away his accompanying men and continued walking in the direction of the Red Giant.

But the Red Giant did not stay where he was. She glanced at General Ross with a sad face, gently picked up the unconscious Dr. Banner, bent her legs slightly and used strength, and leaped away tens of meters in one step. This farm.

"General, are we still chasing him?" The accompanying men looked at General Ross, who had been standing there since the red giant left.

"The equipment has been destroyed, so what are we chasing?" General Ross said in a hoarse voice, waving his hand towards his accompanying men: "Command your men to clean up the battlefield."


Late at night, Osborne Manor received an unexpected visitor.

Norman hurriedly put on a nightgown and came to the manor to greet General Ross who suddenly arrived.

"General, what brought you to me?" Norman smiled and opened his arms to General Ross and hugged each other.

"Norman, I'll keep the story short." General Ross looked solemn and handed Norman a wallet directly.

"I hope you can analyze the things here in the shortest possible time."

Norman raised his eyebrows and opened the wallet box at General Ross's signal. Inside the wallet box, there were two tubes of reagents, one red and one green.

"What is this?" Norman took out a tube of reagent and shook it gently, muttering strangely: "It's a bit like blood, but it seems to be more active and less viscous?"

"This is the blood of the monster who went crazy in Times Square, New York today." General Ross said calmly.

"I hope that after you analyze it, you can use it in our super soldier plan."

"That monster?" Norman naturally heard about it. He put the test tube back into his wallet and asked General Ross curiously: "It feels like the general knows something."

"Yes." But General Ross did not intend to discuss the matter in depth. He nodded slightly and dropped the topic.

"Besides, this is my personal request." General Ross turned sideways, looked up at the moon that was not too far away in the sky, and whispered.

"Without affecting the super soldier plan, if possible, would you like to see if you can make a serum that can relieve this condition?"

Ah - I finally got it done, and I feel relieved. Too many things happened today, and I am so tired. I hope I can adjust it well tomorrow and return to the normal update time.

In addition, the second volume of PY’s book promotion is still dedicated to romance novels!

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