"What's going on! Who turned off the lights!" Jota screamed.

Rodri, who was standing next to him, smiled at Bowen in the dark and gave Jota a thumbs up - he acted really well!

Edwards said "calmly" at this time, "It should be the snow that cuts off the power. It doesn't matter. Everyone, sit where you are and be careful not to trip."

So everyone "obediently" sat where they were, and Wei Le also calmed down and found a chair to sit down. Everyone started to discuss what was going on.

"Everyone, turn on the flashlight on your mobile phone! It's not a good thing to keep it dark all the time." After almost two minutes, the hall still didn't light up, and Rodri suggested.

"Okay, I'll turn it on." Wei Le took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight, and the moment he turned on the phone -

The lights turned on again! The hall was brightly lit again!



Ribbons were flying, and Jota turned on the salute!

Looking closely, it seems that in this dark minute, everyone took off their coats, and under the coats, they were wearing a uniform red sweater! Don't say, these people look quite like that in red sweaters.

"You, what are you doing?"

Cerals appeared from behind Wei Le, slapped Wei Le on the back with a sly smile, and scared Wei Le.

"Didn't you notice that we are the only ones in the whole restaurant?"

Wei Le looked around, he didn't notice, he just thought that there were fewer people coming to eat at night!

"Boss! Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year! Boss! Happy New Year!"

Everyone shouted with laughter. Wei Le was confused, what kind of prank was this?

Rodri lit the fireworks, and the fireworks illuminated everyone's faces. He handed one to Wei Le, who took it and looked down at the crackling firework stick.

"Okay, let me tell you!" It was Edwards who ended the chaos.

"Boss, this is a surprise we prepared for you! We think you're too lonely this Christmas, so we can't let this happen again in the New Year, so we're not going anywhere, let's celebrate the New Year together!"

"Fuck you..." Wei Le opened his mouth and sweared. Suddenly, he seemed to smell something. This smell was very familiar, and he couldn't help but smell it again-

It seemed to be...dumpling soup?

No way!

"There are more surprises!" Celars smiled and asked Wei Le to turn around.

Wei Le looked behind him, and another coach of the team pushed out a cart, and on the cart was nothing but steaming dumplings! In addition to dumplings, there were other Chinese food that he had missed for a long time!

These Chinese food can be seen at a glance, not like Western Chinese food like "General Tso's Chicken", but real Chinese food! Wei Le saw scrambled eggs with tomatoes, roasted pork with potatoes, and braised prawns!

"We are starving! Serve the food!"

Cellars pulled Wei Le to sit down on the inside of the round table. As they walked, he introduced, "We think you haven't eaten authentic Chinese food for a long time, so we asked the Chinese chefs in the Chinese restaurant nearby."

As he spoke, the coaching staff and players, with the help of other waiters, brought the dishes to the table.

"It smells so good! I can't help it!" Jota swallowed his saliva.

Rodri stopped Jota, "No, you have to wait for the boss to start eating first, this is the rule."

"Okay, boss, you move quickly, I'm starving!"

Wei Le was amused by Jota. He stood up, and everyone stopped making noise and turned to look at Wei Le.

"First of all, you really fooled me!" Wei Le pretended to be angry, "Who planned all this! Stand up!"

The players also laughed, but no one stood up.

"We thought of this together, boss!"

Wei Le looked at the people in front of him and took a deep breath.

"But you almost gave me a heart attack. You don't know that I almost fainted the second the lights went out! And fireworks! I thought something was on fire!"

The players smiled at each other, feeling the pleasure of a successful prank.

"But thank you, I'm really happy, really." Wei Le said sincerely.

"Well, since it's New Year, we should celebrate it together!" Wei Le clapped his hands, "What else can I say? Let's eat!"


Wei Le scooped a spoonful of scrambled eggs with tomatoes and poured it on the rice in the bowl of Celars next to him. And Jota couldn't wait to rush to the braised prawns!

"This 'steamed sea bass' is much better than that squirrel mandarin fish!"

"Why don't you see General Tso's chicken?"

"That's not Chinese food! Don't mention this in front of Chinese people, or they'll beat you up!"

"How do I use chopsticks? Someone teach me!" Gibbs White, this little fool, almostThe dumplings were almost tangled together, so he asked for help from Rodri next to him, who demonstrated it again with a helpless look on his face.

"But I really can't!!!!" White pouted. Someone handed him a fork, and he was happy.

Wei Le looked at the steaming dumplings in front of him, and he tried a bite tentatively-

Not frozen! Not pressed by a machine!

It's a thin skin and big stuffing, hand-made dumplings!

Pork and green onion stuffing.

It's delicious.

Wei Le didn't care about the heat, he stuffed one into his mouth, and felt it was hot when he ate it, chewing it with a huff, and refused to spit it out.

The young people in front of him were already crazy, Jota was running in front with a big shrimp in his mouth, and Martinez was running behind to chase. Martinez moved between the chair and the table with his long legs, and Edwards was trying to persuade them from behind, but he didn't notice that Bowen, who made a fortune in silence, had snatched the last shrimp.

Some people played folk songs, and some dancers began to dance to the music. Celars showed off his skills. Although he had white hair, he danced very charmingly.

"It's too hot, Wei." Celars patted Wei Le's shoulder. Wei Le turned around, and Celars clearly saw two lines of tears on Wei Le's face!

Celars laughed and handed Wei Le a tissue. Wei Le took it and wiped his face red. He turned on the selfie mode of his mobile phone and took a look, and was amused by his own embarrassment.

Wei Le couldn't hear what the people in front of him were saying. He wanted to take a photo and record everything in front of him. But he thought again that even if he recorded it with photos and videos, the past was still the past, and this was a reality that could not be changed.

So why not enjoy the beauty of the present.

The time jumped to 23:59 unknowingly, and everyone quieted down. Rodri took out a handful of fireworks sticks and distributed them to everyone. Without Rodri saying anything, everyone knew what to do.

When the clock jumped to 0:00, cheers broke out in the hall, and everyone lit up the fireworks sticks in their hands and raised them into the air.

At this moment, Wei Le suddenly thought of-

Presumably in his hometown, his relatives and friends also spent the New Year like this, they might broadcast the live broadcast of the New Year's Gala. This is just the New Year, if it is the Spring Festival, what a grand occasion it will be!

He suddenly wanted to make a phone call, he wanted to tell his mother-

Although he is far away from home, he is living a good life now.

Wei Le looked at the cheerful people in front of him, he just wanted to make this moment eternal.

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