"Very good performance! Everyone is very good!"

Wei Le praised the players generously.

Especially Zhao Pingping, who scored the equalizer at the end of the first half, Wei Le patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him to keep up the good work in the second half. Zhao Pingping smiled from ear to ear.

Entering the halftime with a tie was acceptable to Wei Le.

"Brothers have shown strong competitiveness, they are afraid of nothing! Continue to attack in the second half, I don't believe they can defend!" Wei Le waved his hand, like a carefree soldier, and said nonchalantly.

He hoped that the players would not be under pressure. At the end of the first half, Wei Le could clearly see that the team was gradually finding its feeling. If it continued like this, goals and victory would come sooner or later.

"We need to strengthen our offense in the second half." This is the consensus of the team, and it is also what Wei Le explained before the game. "Li Bing can take a rest in the second half, and Yang Qi will go forward."

Li Bing nodded. He was not emotional. His performance in the first half was not ideal. Even if there was no tactical adjustment, his performance should be replaced.

Wei Le planned that the team would switch to a double striker. Zhao Pingping was still relatively isolated in the first half. The substitution of Yang Qi was to increase the control ability of the second point ball and give Zhao Pingping more support to prevent the latter from being besieged for a long time.

The halftime break is a time for players to relax. During this time, Wei Le is more inclined to create a relaxed and positive atmosphere to help the players release pressure.

In addition to substitutions, Wei Le told Liu Ziyu, who was withdrawn from the No. 10 position in the second half, to participate more in pressing. He said no more and let the team have a full rest.

Before the start of the second half, Xu Peng saw the scene he least wanted to see - Yang Qi stood next to the fourth official, and the fourth official was adjusting the electronic digital card in his hand.

A striker replaced the defensive midfielder, which was obviously not a positional substitution. Xu Peng knew that the Law School was about to launch a fierce attack.

However, the goal of the Economic Team was frequently threatened at the end of the first half, which made Xu Peng very nervous. Xu Peng, who was standing on the court, had no way to deal with it.

As a player and a coach, the perspectives of observing the game are completely different. Xu Peng was "blind to the authorities". Even if he knew that the opponent could frequently threaten his defense, he didn't know where the threat came from.

So he could only continue to exhort the players to cheer up and stabilize their defense.

For the "militant" like Jiang Zian, the full-back who went thousands of miles alone to instigate the goal in the first half, Xu Peng could only pour a basin of cold water first.

However, what you fear will come to you. As soon as the whistle blew in the second half, the Law School team showed their determination to win the game.

The strength of the opponent in this game obviously could not allow Yang Qi to perform a pass like cutting melons and vegetables, but he still played an important role.

This time, it was Liu Ziyu who rushed forward with the ball. He caught a glimpse of Yang Qi lurking behind the opponent's right central defender Zhang Hejun, so he made a straight pass!

Yang Qi seemed to be just wandering aimlessly, but if you look at it from a God's perspective, you can see that he is always standing next to the last defensive player in the opponent's defense line.

And this straight pass made Wei Le's eyes light up. Yang Qi received the ball, but his shot hit the goal frame!

"Hey!" Wei Le slapped his thigh, he thought the ball was in. Yang Qi was also very upset, but he quickly cheered up - there will be another time if there is this time, and it will be good if you don't waste the opportunity next time.

With Zhao Pingping's protection, Yang Qi played football very smoothly.

The next opportunity did not make Yang Qi wait too long. Around 55 minutes (40 minutes each in the first and second half of the college league), this time it was goalkeeper Jiang Xin's long pass that launched the attack. Zhao Pingping jumped up to compete for the header. He squeezed Ma Tiancai with difficulty, and Liu Ziyu was already in place.

Before receiving the ball, Liu Ziyu had already seen a sharp knife thrusting forward, so he kicked the ball without hesitation!

Liu Zihang on the left side successfully received the long pass. Facing the opponent's hurried full-back, he had already opened up a body position with a simple change of direction. He went down to the baseline and turned around to see a purple hand raised in the penalty area!

Such a good opportunity, if he didn't pass the ball, when would he?

Liu Zihang passed the ball with his left foot, and the ball was half-high.

In theory, half-high balls are the most difficult balls for players to handle, and they are also the goalkeeper's favorite way to pass the ball. But this law does not apply to Yang Qi!

Yang Qi was ready when Liu Zihang swung his left leg. He fully stretched his body, and his left leg was like a whip, whipping the ball!

The football flew straight into the net!

Overtaken! Law School 2-1 Economics Team!

After regaining the goal, Yang Qi seemed particularly excited. He rushed out of the court and ran wildly.Stop. Even Han Yang couldn't catch up with his speed.

This is a kind of release. After experiencing the ban, leaving the team and returning to school, this once talented boy was liberated on the court.

It's not enough, he wants to score more goals!

Wei Le saw the ball fly into the net and even rushed into the field excitedly!

"Coach Wei! Calm down!" It was the fourth official who grabbed Wei Le. After all, he was also a student at school, and the fourth official certainly knew the name of Coach Wei.

Standing next to the law school bench in the halftime stage, he heard that he was at ease from Wei Le's brief tactical instructions, and his tactical adjustments were immediate, which made the students who served as the fourth official particularly admired.

This was just the first game that Wei Le led the team. Next, his talent will lead his team to fly high.

"Okay, okay, my problem." Wei Le smiled and apologized to the fourth official. The referee did not come to spoil his fun. He just ran over to warn Wei Le not to enter the field without permission, and did not issue a warning card.

After being overtaken, Xu Peng was very confused. Should he attack or defend?

In the tie stage, there was no problem with continuing the intensive defense and waiting for the opportunity to counterattack. But his team was already behind, which was another matter!

"We need to play!" Jiang Zian, who had performed a solo breakthrough in the first half, came to propose.

Jiang Zian has always advocated offense. Although he is a full-back, the team's defensive strategy has been holding him back so far.

Every time he wanted to sprint again, he would hear Xu Peng's roar.

Although he also understood Xu Peng's decision and passed the ball back obediently, the offensive heart could not be extinguished.

"You are too radical, you should play as a winger." Xu Peng replied unhappily, but this time he did not oppose Jiang Zian's proposal.

Wei Le took advantage of the interval before kick-off to give captain Zhang Tie a face-to-face instruction.

"They will definitely launch a counterattack, so we must stabilize at the beginning. When the situation stabilizes, let Han Yang and Yang Qi rush to the opponent's defense line more and think of a way to hit him again."

Wei Le made a "cutting" action. He was obviously not satisfied with a one-goal lead. A one-goal lead is the most unsafe score. In his opinion, two or three goals can make him feel more at ease.

Zhang Tie took the order and ran back to the court, and the game soon resumed.

Just as Wei Le said, Xu Peng quickly opened the prelude to the counterattack with a long-range shot that shook the mountain and shocked the tiger.

Jiang Xin roared and flew the ball out of bounds, and the economic team got the opportunity to continue to pressure through a corner kick.

Zheng Junfa, who scored in the first half, headed the ball out of the goal, and this time the threat came from Fu Tengfei's header.

Every threat made Wei Le terrified, but the team told him again and again that although the defense line was shaky, it would not fall.

Wei Le also keenly discovered that when the opponent was eager to equalize the score, a lot of space appeared behind the full-backs on both sides! This certainly needs to be utilized.

But what made Wei Le uneasy was that the pace of the game had now slowed down unconsciously!

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