【Know Yourself】

When Wei Le brought a blackboard to the conference room and wrote these words on it, the Wolves players were silent.

"Damn, it's too big."

Wei Le erased the words and rewrote them.

【Know Yourself】

The handsome handwriting was particularly eye-catching on the blackboard. Everyone stared at the words and kept silent.

Still silent.

"Why didn't you react? Can't you understand English? How about I add Spanish?"

"The handwriting is beautiful, but..." Jota raised his hand cautiously, "Teacher Wei, I think of my school days. I thought we were in class."

Everyone reacted as soon as Jota said that. Indeed, the current atmosphere is not like the atmosphere of a football club, but like a classroom.

Compared with studying, everyone is more confident in football. When studying, they are all naughty. Of course, except for Rodri's calmness, this is not surprising - he has always been a good student.

Rodri is almost catching up with Wei Le's knowledge level. After he came to London, he was still studying business administration courses. He originally planned to apply for Jaime I University, which is closer to his training base in Villarreal.

But Wei Le's arrival changed all this, and he is still looking for a school in London.

Considering that Wei Le is unlikely to spend time to finish his law major in the next few years, Rodri may become the highest diploma holder of the Wolves first team in the future.

Of course, the atmosphere of the class is not what Wei Le wants. It is too rigid and too closed. Although Rodri is used to it, others are not used to it.

"Okay, be more active, everyone can sit however they like, no need to be so upright."

"Okay, okay." After Wei Le said this, he saw Jota slumped in the chair, and so did Bowen. Almiron was more reserved, and Martinez seemed relieved.

Too lazy to care about these live treasures, Wei Le knocked on the blackboard.

"It's a class, but it's more like a small event."

"Next, I will give everyone a blank card. I guess you guys won't bring pens, so I will give everyone a pen."

"What to write on it?" Rodri raised his hand to ask.

"Good question!" Wei Le gave Rodri a thumbs up. What he lacked was this kind of support... support. "I will ask questions, and you write your answers on the cards."

"You can fill in the answers truthfully. There is no privacy issue here, and I will not give your answers to reporters. These are just props for today's event. You can take them away after the event and dispose of them at will."

"It's okay to throw it away?"

"It's okay to throw it away..."

While talking, Wei Le handed the cards to each player. There was nothing special about the cards. They were just hard cardboard without any marks, but they looked very tough and were less likely to be torn than ordinary A4 paper.

"The first question--" Wei Le began to ask questions, "What are your names?"

"I thought it would be so difficult?" Martinez breathed a sigh of relief.

"Second question, how old are you?"

"Third question, what is your favorite delicacy?"

"Squirrel Mandarin Fish!" Van der Beck shouted.

"Write it down, write it down."

"I can't write it." Van der Beck raised his hand innocently. Wei Le rolled his eyes and turned to write it down on the blackboard, asking Van der Beck to copy it.

The questions were very simple at the beginning. In addition to "What do you like to eat", there were also questions such as "What car are you driving now", "Have you taken a driver's license test", and "What is your favorite color".

This kind of question does not require thinking at all, just subconsciously write down the answer, mainly to activate everyone's thinking.

But soon, the question entered the next stage.

"Do you think you prefer to be with friends/teammates, or do you like to be alone?"

Wei Le saw that Jota wrote "like to be with friends", and Godfrey thought about it and wrote "like to be alone".

"Would you rather be a leader or a collaborator?"

"Would daily material life satisfy you more, or would deep spiritual exploration make you happier?"

Of course, Rodri chose the latter. After all, salary is no longer a factor that can encourage him to move forward. When others are discussing what luxury car to buy, his car is still an Opel Corsa.

He drives this car in Spain, but it is not the same one. He bought it from an elderly man. However, England drives on the left, so the same car must be changed to left-hand drive.The cost of modifying his first Opel Corsa was probably more expensive than buying a new car.

So he bought another Opel Corsa in England.

The same model, still dark red, but it was a first-hand car.

The questions became more and more complicated, but Wei Le saw that every player did not give up, but was thinking silently and answering carefully. They all took this matter seriously, not just treating it as a game.

"In terms of football, what do you think is your biggest advantage?"

When this question was asked, everyone was excited, and finally the topic of football was involved. Wei Le gave everyone a very long time to think about this question. "

This is indeed a question worth thinking about. What is the biggest advantage? In fact, it can also represent the answer to another question-what can you bring to the team.

As expected, the next question is, "What do you think is the most significant contribution you can bring to the team?"

"What can the team bring to you?"

"What are your weaknesses? Of course, in terms of football."

"What are your goals for this season? ”

Everyone wrote the word "champion" without thinking.

"How far do we have to go to achieve the goal you wrote?"

When the answers, mostly in crooked handwriting, appeared on the paper, these young people suddenly found that... their understanding of themselves seemed to have deepened.

It's not that it has deepened, but through the way of asking questions and writing them down, these originally existing but unsystematic thoughts are now clearer.

Wei Le pushed the blackboard away. On the slide were screenshots of reports that Wei Le had tried hard to find. Some of them were comments on social media, and some were pictures in newspapers.

There were praises or criticisms of the team, or praises or criticisms of a single player.

"When asked who we are and how strong we are, everyone has a different answer. It's not just the answer of 'I'm strong' or 'I'm weak', but more detailed answers such as 'Where am I strong' and 'Where am I weak'. ”

"Of course, I'm very interested in your answers, but I won't look at your answers today, because these are the answers you give to yourself. Putting the above information together is the answer to the question "Who are you?"

"The media often has high expectations of you, and so do the fans. Expectations are often unrealistic, and we can only walk in reality."

"I don't ask the whole team to have the same answer, because I hope that the people sitting in front of me are different people, not replicas or robots. I respect your answers, and it is your differences that make this unique team that will never be copied in the future."

"Now, since you have a general idea of ​​who you are and how strong you are, I will ask you one last question. You can write your answer on paper or say it directly."

"I think the 'champion' is our common goal, right?"


"Then, there is still some distance to the championship. Are you ready to go now?"


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