After hearing Yang Qi's description, coach Li Jianjun on the other side of the phone fell silent. Li Jianjun is the old man mentioned above.

Few people know the name Li Jianjun now, but if you ask the Beijing people who are interested in football and are very old, it may help them remember the fast horse in the Beijing Sports Team decades ago.

Li Jianjun, who started to engage in youth training after retiring, can't he appreciate Wei Le's talent in coaching? He couldn't believe it. Although he found out through his investigation that Wei Le passed the E-level coaching certificate exam a few years ago, E-level is only the coaching level recognized by the Earth Football Association. He has never heard of this person, nor has he seen him in any club.

"I want to go and see it myself. When will you train?"

Yang Qi was shocked, but still told coach Li Jianjun the time of the next training.

"It's mainly to see you. Have you gained weight after so long?" In recent days, the happiest time of the day for Coach Li Jianjun is when he calls his beloved student who is in college. He said with a smile, "Don't be nervous, and don't tell them. I'll go and see."

Yang Qi hurriedly said yes. He was a little worried. He was worried that Coach Li Jianjun would be disappointed with his current situation, and he was also a little worried that Wei Le could not meet Coach Li Jianjun's expectations.


After the bus stopped, a white-haired but energetic old man got off the bus and walked into the gate of Jiaotong University. Every day, many people regard the Jiaotong University campus as a park and come to walk and practice boxing. Naturally, the school security had no reason to stop the old man in front of him.

The old man entered the campus, looked at the screen of his mobile phone for a long time, and then turned directly to the stadium.

At this time, Wei Le surrounded everyone in a semicircle, and then moved a tactical board in the center of the circle.

"Tactical board? Interesting." Coach Li Jianjun squinted his eyes, but couldn't see clearly. He regretted not bringing a telescope. He was obviously a coach who came to inspect, but he acted like a spy.

Wei Le gestured at the tactical board. Li Jianjun watched the players listen attentively, sometimes bursting into laughter, and some players raised their hands to ask questions from time to time. When he saw Yang Qi also raised his hand to ask a question, he was even more surprised. After all, even in his own tactics class, Yang Qi did not participate actively.

This is also the advantage of being a young coach. Wei Le and the players are of the same age, so it is easier to get along with them. The players are also more willing to follow a "big brother" rather than an elder. Li Jianjun sighed. He has indeed tried his best to keep up with the pace of young people, but after all, the "generation gap" of several decades - this is a new word Yang Qi told him - the gap between him and the young players is still very large.

This does not mean that the players will dislike the coach. The players will still obey the coach's arrangements. But Li Jianjun knew that he had no way to truly integrate into the team and truly serve as the boss of the team, not just a coach.

Coming back to his senses, Li Jianjun saw Wei Le set up a row of rope ladders starting from the goal line leading to the court, and then randomly placed five or six marker barrels in front of the rope ladders. The players quickly followed his instructions to jump over the rope ladders, and then changed direction according to the specified movements to pass the obstacles, sprinting to the center line and stopping.

It was a simple warm-up training, but the players did not show any doubts and completed the warm-up smoothly. This made Li Jianjun nod secretly. Wei Le at least knew the basic warm-up training methods, and his ability to explain the training content must be good.

Afterwards, Wei Le reshuffled the marker barrels and conducted several sets of combined dribbling and basic passing and receiving training.

Li Jianjun suddenly found that compared with the general amateur players of the same age, the team in front of him seemed to pass the ball very calmly and was very focused when passing the ball. How did they train?

As if answering his question, Wei Le quickly divided the players into two groups. He divided the players into groups of three and evenly distributed them in square areas about 20 meters apart. He asked the players to complete short passes in the area and carry the ball as little as possible.

When Wei Le blew the whistle, the player holding the ball in the three square areas of the triangle had to pass the ball clockwise to the next area.

Li Jianjun also arranged technical exercises for passing and receiving the ball in the team. This kind of passing and receiving exercise that separated the areas had also been arranged before. But it must be said that it was very rare for Wei Le to summarize and arrange such a novel training method.

Having emphasized the orderliness of defense the day before, Wei Le then arranged offensive and defensive training based on tactics.

From 3 vs. 4 in a small area to train the players' small-scale pressing orderliness, to two defensive players in a group defending an offensive player who tried to break through, Li Jianjun, as aThe battle-hardened youth training coach saw a lot of tricks from it. The more he watched, the more he was surprised by Wei Le - he was really a good seedling!

Unlike what many people think, being a coach is not as simple as wearing a neat suit and standing on the sidelines to shout and shout. Li Jianjun knew clearly that the game lasted 90 minutes, but the coach's workload was often very huge, and it was the training that determined the game. And he came to inspect the training to see the attitude of this new coach towards training, and also to see the comprehensive ability of this coach from the training content.

From the current point of view, it is still unknown whether he can be a head coach of a professional team, but his ability to arrange coaches can already allow him to gain a foothold in the coaching staff of his youth training team.

So young, if he can receive more professional coaching training, what a bright future he will have.

After returning home, Li Jianjun made a phone call.

"Lao Gao."

"Hey! Yo! Why did you think of calling me?" The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be an old acquaintance, and laughed and joked with coach Li Jianjun.

"Guess what, I saw a talent in Qiqi's school."

"Old Gao" on the other end of the phone didn't believe it, "Are you trying to show off your apprentice to me again? I know that every time you call me, you have to tell me how good your apprentice is."

"He's not my apprentice, but my apprentice's coach."

Old Gao didn't take it seriously, "A coach?"

Li Jianjun told the story of Wei Le to the person on the other end of the phone, including Yang Qi's retelling and his own personal investigation results. He hoped that this "Old Gao" could help Wei Le find an opportunity to participate in China's coaching training. He believed that Wei Le also hoped to have a chance to go further.

"Is it really that weird? It can't be, he didn't even take the D certificate."

"Maybe he just didn't have time to go to class. Don't you know that the D certificate costs a lot of money and takes up training on weekdays?"

"That's right."

After talking about it, Old Gao was still skeptical. His old acquaintance first had his eyes on Yang Qi, and now he discovered that Le. Lao Gao believed in Li Jianjun's vision, but he didn't believe that this young man was as amazing as he boasted, and that he could almost replace Li Jianjun and lead the team himself.

Knowing that Lao Gao still had doubts, Li Jianjun felt sorry, but he didn't force it. After all, it was just his own opinion. Li Jianjun thought too simply - after all, a place in a coach training class is so precious, so many retired players are scrambling for it. Even if Lao Gao has the ability, he can't arrange for a college student to skip a grade and join the team for no reason.

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