///Friends! Congratulations! After 6 days of study and practice, I have passed the theory test and the practical test over the weekend, and now I have obtained the Beijing Football Association E-level coach certificate! ///

///However, due to various formalities, my certificate may take some time to be issued to me. When the time comes, I will take a photo and share it with you. ///

///In the process of learning, the author really gained a lot, because I have written some plots about arranging training programs before. After training and learning, I also found that some of the plots I wrote before were unreasonable. However, since rash changes may bring unpredictable effects to the plot, I will not correct the previous plots. If there is a next book (depending on whether my academic performance can be guaranteed to be admitted to graduate school), I may correct these problems. ///

///Going to class with questions, with a certain understanding and foundation (although my foundation is only to write novels) is always more rewarding than going to class without knowing anything. ///

///The E-level coaching certificate is just a starting point. I plan to work as an assistant coach in some local clubs in the next few months to accumulate some experience, and then strive to obtain the D-level coaching certificate by the end of the year. ///

///In the future, I will also incorporate more of the professional knowledge and ideas I have acquired into my novel writing. If brothers and friends have any questions, opinions or suggestions, as well as anything you want to communicate, you can write it in the comments. I may not reply to all of them, but I will definitely read them. ///

///Okay, we will resume normal updates on weekends, you can continue reading~~ Love you~///

"A journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step." Wei Le's face was not very relaxed, "This is a Chinese philosophical saying."

"It means that when a person who wants to walk a hundred miles walks to the ninetieth mile, he has only walked halfway." Wei Le explained, "Why? Because the most difficult part is often the last period of time."

"What's more, we have only played half of the game, and the current score is 1-0, that's all, we still have a tough battle to fight."

At this point, the jubilant atmosphere in the locker room gradually subsided, and the players calmed down. Although the goal at the last moment of the first half was very morale-boosting, after all, they were only leading by one goal.

"The goal in the first half came from their own mistakes. They lost their offensive and defensive balance."

"In the second half, we must not make their mistakes! No matter how many goals we scored or lost, everyone must remember their responsibilities and areas of responsibility. If you have to leave your area, you must communicate with your teammates!"

"In addition," Wei Le smiled, "I believe they will continue to make mistakes in the second half. If you continue to do your best, they will give us the initiative!"

"Why? Won't they strengthen their defense?" Jota raised his hand to ask.

"Good question." Wei Le smiled, "But if you are Gasperini, your team is now behind in the first half of the game, and your opponent is likely to score again. At this time, your defense is reasonable."

"But the problem is, if you don't win this game, you will not be able to qualify at all. What will you choose?"

"I will attack." Jota scratched his head.

"Yes, after all, this is a cup match, not a protracted league." Wei Le spread his hands, "and your offensive in the first half can't break the opponent, what will you do?"

"Strengthen the offense..." Jota suddenly realized that Wei Le had already calculated this step. If he wanted Gasperini to make mistakes, he must not lose a goal in the first half, and at least score one goal!

"It's very simple. The only place you can adjust now is the wingbacks on both sides. The midfield has already been pushed up. It should be natural for Gasperini to move up the wingbacks on both sides in the second half."

"Any more questions?" Wei Le smiled confidently, and Jota shook his head. He had no questions.

"Okay-then, let's give them a head-on blow in the second half. We want to qualify as the first in the group!" Wei Le said passionately!

"Qualify!!!" Everyone shouted together.

The atmosphere in the Wolves' locker room was relaxed, while Martin Taylor and Lineker were also analyzing the first half of the game in the studio. The focus of their analysis was on the goal and what happened before it.

"Balance between offense and defense is the most basic part of a football game," Lineker commented. "After all, when attacking, the more people you have, the better. The same is true when defending."

"In modern football,, in the modern era where the attack and defense transition is so fast, Atlanta's radical tactics have also been backfired. "

"Whether this time, the left wingback Castagne's insertion was a deliberate arrangement by head coach Gasperini or his own behavior, this has caused Atlanta's midfield to become a piece of thin paper that can be broken by blowing. "

"Wolves' sharp knife only needs to be poked lightly-it will break." Lineker made a "balloon-poking" action, which vividly made Martin Taylor laugh.

"Isn't it unsafe to use it after it breaks?" Martin Taylor had an idea and drove the old car. Lineker rolled his eyes at the commentator who was getting older and more unruly.

"Of course it's unsafe, but whether Atlanta can react in the second half depends on whether head coach Gasperini can realize the problem. "

"If they still want to win, I think they should play steadily, and even replace a center forward to strengthen the control of the midfield and make the midfield more layered. "

"But Gasperini may not realize this, because he knows that his team needs to score now." Martin Taylor shook his head, thinking that Gasperini might not be able to react.

"Let's see what happens in the second half." Lineker ended the commentary with a smile, and the following was the advertising time, and the game would not start again in ten minutes.

When Gasperini, with a sullen face, returned to his position again, the players were already standing on the court waiting for the referee to blow the whistle.

Wei Le cast his eyes in the direction of Gasperini, and Gasperini happened to look over. Wei Le smiled at Gasperini, but Gasperini, who seemed to be angry, avoided his gaze stiffly.

"Where did this little rascal learn these tricks?" Gasperini turned his head angrily and glanced at Wei Le who was standing not far from him, "At this age, he should be in college, not next to the court! "

Gasperini did not make any adjustments.

This made Wei Le feel relieved.

"Gasperini is actually gambling. He is betting that his team can equalize. As long as they can equalize, he has hope." Wei Le said to Celars, "If we can expand our advantage as soon as possible..."

"They will have no hope at all." Celars added the second half of the sentence for Wei Le.

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