///Brothers, when you see this chapter, the plane I took should have landed. ///

///I revised and submitted the last paper assignment overnight last night, and the things for this semester are completely over. The results are not out yet, but according to what I know now, I did pretty well. At least I think that the decision to make a trade-off between novels and studies and give up novels is relatively correct. ///

///Thank you all for still being here with me. During the time when I stopped updating, I didn’t dare to read the comments section, for fear that you would be disappointed or scold me. But after I came back, I mustered up the courage to take a look and found that many book friends said they would wait for me and encouraged me. ///

///Thank you very much, what other partners do I need with you? ///

///My partner is reading my book in front of the screen! ! ! ///

///The whole final month was very... hurried. Some unexpected things often made me uneasy, but fortunately I am still writing these words here, at least I am happy that I am still insisting on writing books. Regarding the future, I am still struggling. If I have such a break at the end of the semester, it is okay once or twice, but if it continues, you will definitely be disappointed. This is essentially caused by my lack of planning for writing and too few manuscripts. I need to apologize to everyone. I can't excuse this. Many online writers are also college students, but they really manage their time very well and write a lot of good articles. I must learn from them. The goal of this semester is to save up manuscripts, at least to the extent that I can guarantee stable updates every day, so that I don't have to worry about WORD in the dormitory at night when the power is off. ///

///I opened a book club before the end of the semester and often chatted in it. I hate calling it a "fan group". I don't think you are my fans. We are friends who chat about football and books together. It's just that we may have never met each other in different places, but the fate that allows us to meet is already very worth cherishing. I decided to create a group, which is actually to keep in touch with my friends. We chat with each other, make jokes and watch football together. I think this is the happiest time of the day. I also thank my group friends for their company. I love you all. ///

///Let's talk about the future. First of all, about the future of this book, I can tell you that although I hesitated whether to finish this book quickly, I finally decided not to do so. Maybe that would save a lot of trouble, but it largely deviates from my original intention of writing the book. Therefore, I can say responsibly that the progress of this book is not even halfway, and it will take a long time to finish it. Wei Le will still lead the team for a long time. ///

///But what will happen after that? I don't know. Will I still have time to write books? I don't know. If I write books, will I still write about football? I don't know either. Since the future is shrouded in fog, I simply don't think about things that far away, and just cherish every day that I can be with you now. ///

///Secondly, about the recent updates. It's like this, I went out to travel. It really needs a change of mindset, both in study and life, and in writing books. Today is the first day I arrived at my destination (29th), and I will go back in early July. But in the meantime, my update plan will not change, and I will still try to keep it up to two updates, so don't worry. Now it has basically been confirmed that I will participate in the D-level coaching course training between July 13 and July 20, and work hard to get the D-level coaching certificate. The update situation during that period is still to be determined, but in principle I will try to ensure normal updates. ///

///That's about it. I wish the students who have already taken vacation a happy vacation, and I wish my friends who have already joined the work position a smooth work. The weather is hot recently, so everyone should pay attention to their health and drink more water. That's it for now! Finally, thank you all for reading this, and thank you, Globe! ///

Guardiola pointed at Wei Le with a half-smile, "He likes you."

"I like women." Wei Le answered subconsciously, but immediately realized that it was wrong, "Me?"

"He has a wife, how can he fall in love with you?" Guardiola almost choked to death, "I mean, he likes your team's style of play, and wants to come to your team to learn first."


"Yes." Guardiola said, "This is not surprising, I also started from Barcelona B team, who is like you, who led the team to the Super League as soon as he became the head coach."

Wei Le smiled, and he thought Guardiola was praising him.

"He was embarrassed and didn't know how to speak directlyI will ask you. So I will ask you through me if there is a place for him in your team. He is here to learn, but he is also willing to help. "

"I was going to introduce him to you directly at the coach summit next year, but he was really anxious and called me last night to urge me, so I came here to ask you."

Wei Le narrowed his eyes sharply, "You are not a spy who wants to find out some information, right?"

"I do want to!" Guardiola pounded the table, "Motta's professional ethics also disagree. "

Wei Le looked unconvinced. Thiago Motta and Guardiola had played for Barcelona together. Although it was unknown whether they had a close relationship, at least he could urge Guardiola to come and talk to Wei Le about joining the coaching staff, so they must have a good relationship.

If Motta was accepted, and he told Guardiola his secrets, wouldn't that be a big spy in the team? Although Wolves' current ranking is not high enough to be a direct opponent of Manchester City, it is no problem to say that they are a strong rival.

Wei Le was a little skeptical. Are all the intelligence agents so straightforward these days?

Seeing Wei Le's concerns, Guardiola was also a little embarrassed. He was indeed helping a friend this time. He left Motta's mobile phone number directly, "You can contact him yourself. At least I have helped him."

"Okay. "Wei Le entered the phone number into his address book, then sent a text message to say hello, and then ignored it.

Guardiola didn't say more about this matter. He could see that Wei Le didn't seem to be very interested in recruiting Motta, so he didn't mention it much. To be honest, Guardiola also felt that Motta's idea of ​​asking him to introduce him to Wei Le directly was indeed a bit anxious.

But at least he completed his friend's commission, and what happened next was a matter between Wei Le and Motta.

As for Motta, Wei Le was actually a little entangled.

This happened really suddenly. Does Wei Le need a coach? He is indeed lacking. The core coaching team of Wolves now only has him, Celars and Antonio Conte's younger brother Gianluca Conte.

The goalkeeper coach is Pat Muntjain, who has been used since the Championship.

The set-piece coach is Nicholas Jowell, and the physical coaches are Mark Hulse and Sergio Perez.

It looks sufficient, but it is not actually used like this.

Everyone's work pressure is The team still doesn't have a technical coach, and the number of goalkeeper coaches doesn't seem to be enough. Celars is mainly responsible for team management issues, while Gianluca Conte is responsible for coordinating team training.

But the problem is that training is not just done by Gianluca Conte alone. Wei Le sometimes participates in it, but because he doesn't have much experience, he mostly puts forward some ideas and lets Gianluca Conte implement them.

The team still doesn't have a real technical coach, and the grasp of the details of the team's training is not in place. There are not many technical coaches available on the market now, and the good coaches have long been poached by the giants. It takes a lot of effort to poach coaches from other teams.

Although it is not clear why Motta has a special liking for Wolves, after listening to Guardiola's introduction, Wei Le probably believes that Motta really wants to learn wholeheartedly. So he directly used the system to check Motta and found that although the player has not retired, he already has a "staff attribute" panel.

"Fuck? So much potential? ”

Wei Le saw that the tactics that Motta was good at had not yet been formed, but other data had a rough value. His management ability and ability to get along with young players were not bad. More importantly, his ability in technical training and tactical training was quite high.

He had such a foundation even though he had never been a coach. He might become a famous coach in the future!

Although the data was very high, after all, he had not actually talked to him, especially the personnel changes of the coaching team that he had been with day and night, so he could not make a decision easily. Sometimes, data can reflect a lot of information, but not all information.

Wei Le has also seen some players who scored well in the system but had poor playing performance, and players who scored poorly in the system but had wonderful performances in the game.

The same is true for coaches and team staff, especially since it seems that Wei Le’s system is not perfect now. The data reflecting the ability of medical personnel is only "medical", and it is hard for Wei Le to say how the level of this data is determined.

However, as the team doctor, Dr. Matt Perry's medical ability reached 18, which is a high score out of 20. This is why Wei Le still uses him as the team doctor..

Back to Motta.

Wei Le's initial idea was that he did not intend to bring Motta in directly in the middle of the season. A coaching team that has been fully integrated is definitely more efficient than a coaching team that is unfamiliar with each other.

But whether to recruit him after the season is not up to Wei Le, but whether Thiago Motta still wants to come to Wolves. Wei Le adheres to the principle of "better to have nothing than to have something bad". If Motta is not suitable for the team, he will not blindly bring him in even if the team is short of coaches.

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