The battle of the little gods in October gradually settled down after the fierce competition at the beginning. Except for the frequent changes in the bottom 20, the top 20 have stabilized.

After Rosalind's "Fleeting Years" ranked eighth, it rushed forward a few places in the incredible eyes of the crowd until it finally slowed down its pace until the fourth place.

Until this time, the top three singers breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

There is no way, Qu Yin's song is too terrible. Look at the previous songs, all of them were exploded, and they were ranked behind this song with a sad face.

Of course, the worst is the original tenth place, which was sung by a singer who chased fire... He was the first to become the sacrifice of "Fleeting Time", and was kicked out of the top ten. Now he is squatting in the eleventh position, with a face full of doubts about life.

Bai Qianqu also listened to the top 20 songs on the list and nodded secretly.

It must be said that the songs in this world are really good. Any of the top ten songs can crush the so-called song rankings at that time in the original world. It can be said to be a real fight between gods.

The reason why "Fleeting Time" stopped at the fourth place is just because the audience base has been used up...

The current main audience of this song is mostly the audience who come to watch love movies, and these audiences spontaneously promote it and attract a group of listeners.

Another part was attracted by the promotion. Most of these people didn't even know who Qu Yin and Rosaline were. They just clicked in to listen out of curiosity.

Compared with those singers with a large fan base, Bai Qianqu's song does not have an advantage. He just relies on the high-quality song to rush forward. Moreover, there are two colleagues from Anti-Entropy ahead of him...

At this time, they are in the second and third place, looking at "Fleeting Years" biting them tightly behind their buttocks.

Of course, in fact, Bai Qianqu is already the first on another list.

On the new song rising list in October, "Fleeting Years" is the only one in the top, looking like I am invincible and you can do whatever you want.

There is no opponent at all!

At this time, an idea emerged in Bai Qianqu's mind:

Should I rush to the first place?

However, as soon as this idea popped up, Bai Qianqu smiled and shook his head.

Without new audiences joining in, it is still quite difficult for him to rush to the first place. After all, the three songs in front of him are not bad, and they can be regarded as exquisite songs. He also likes them very much.

And the current results are far beyond expectations, which can be regarded as a surprise. If you think too much, it will be a bit greedy.

Bai Qianqu smiled and closed the rankings, and contacted Raven again.

[Qianjian: Are you there? I have written a novel of 200,000 words. Should I send it over now? ]

After waiting for a while, there was no reply from Raven, so Bai Qianqu simply sent the novel document over.

Anyway, she would contact him when she saw it, so there was no point in waiting.

This month, he still had to help Aunt Jizi get back her position. It was almost time to write "Rebounding Pipa".


At this time, Raven had just come out of the meeting room with a cold face, and the jackal behind him was laughing very exaggeratedly.

"Hey~~ Editor Raven, why didn't your online game department achieve performance again last month? This has been going on for half a year, right?"

Raven's originally gloomy face became even darker, and the key point was that she really had nothing to say.

The online game sector did not complete the KPI last month... During the meeting just now, although Kevin did not blame him, he lost all his face in front of the data.

Among the many departments, from high to low, the one at the bottom is the online game novel section...

Throughout the entire meeting, Raven did not dare to speak.

The fantasy novel section that Jackal is in charge of is almost always in the top three in terms of performance, not to mention how glorious it is.

There is no way, who can blame them for having so many authors writing fantasy novels? The base is large, and the probability of producing excellent works is also high. Moreover, there are many readers of fantasy themes, so there is no worry about not being able to meet the performance.

Raven knew that he could not argue with this guy, so he simply ignored Jackal and went into the office of his department. When the other editors in the office saw their editor-in-chief like this, they were so scared that they dared not breathe.

For fear of being implicated.

Raven sat down angrily, and just as she turned on the computer, she saw a bunch of messages. She was impatient and wanted to block all the messages, but

When she stretched out her hand halfway, she suddenly saw Qian Jian's icon flashing.

"Could it be that the novel is finished?!" Raven was immediately excited. She had not forgotten how good the book "The King's Avatar" written by this author was. She was deeply attracted by it after reading the first few chapters. She was anxious to see the sequel in the past few days.

If she had not agreed with Qian Jian to write 200,000 words this month, she would have been unable to resist asking every day.

After holding back for so many days, she finally saw the update. How could Raven not be surprised?

She quickly clicked on Qian Jian's message and saw that the other party had sent a document.

"Haha! It's finally here! I hope the story won't collapse later!"

Raven downloaded the document and couldn't wait to read it after clicking it.

200,000 words may seem like a lot, but for a professional editor, it only takes 30 to 40 minutes to finish.

When Raven saw the last period, she couldn't help but wail again.

"Gone again?!"

Other editors in the office looked at each other in bewilderment when they heard Raven's wailing, wondering what the editor-in-chief had gone crazy about.

After a while, an editor who was usually respected by Raven asked timidly: "Editor-in-chief, what's wrong with you?"

Raven gritted his teeth and said: "Oh, nothing, I just read half of a novel and there was no sequel."

Everyone was puzzled. Isn't it just a novel? Just change to another one after finishing it, why is it so serious?

Seeing everyone's confused look, Raven suddenly laughed in her heart.

She cleared her throat and said: "Well, I'll send you the document of this novel, you all take a look."

As she said that, Raven sent the document directly to the group within the department.

She was not worried about leaks. Needless to say, the professional qualities of each editor are of course very high, and they all signed a confidentiality agreement when they joined the company. They would not leak internal information, otherwise the compensation they faced would be very high.

The editors of the online game section downloaded the document in confusion and read it one after another.

Raven secretly laughed, and sure enough, half an hour later, an editor who read it quickly burst into a roar.

"Why is it gone?!"

PS: What can urge you to update is not the button, but the love that generates electricity ❤, hey~~

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