"Grand Governor, help!"

"Li Bingtian... he wants to kill me... ah..."

In panic and fear, Chen Taiji couldn't care less about his dignity and face. He knelt outside Zhao Xuanxiao's room and screamed anxiously.

His voice was loud and attracted the attention of many people in the Demon Suppression Department.

call out!

call out!

call out!

For a moment, Yan Shaoqing and others rushed over as quickly as possible.


"How is this going?"

Seeing Chen Taiji kneeling in front of Zhao Xuanxiao's door regardless of his appearance, shouting for help, Yan Shaoqing and others suddenly looked extremely shocked.

In their impression, Chen Taiji was very face-conscious.

Now, he was kneeling in front of Zhao Xuanxiao's door asking for help!

What happened?

"Chen Taiji seems to be seriously injured. Could it be that someone wants to kill..."

call out!

Just when Yan Shaoqing was surprised, suddenly, a sharp sword light flashed through the air, and finally turned into a simple long sword, directly piercing Chen Taiji's chest.

The powerful force nailed his whole body to the ground...


Chen Taiji is dead?

Everything happens in an instant!

Faced with this sudden change today, Yan Shaoqing and others all widened their eyes in disbelief.


It was at this time that they felt a murderous aura coming from the sky. When they looked up, they saw a figure full of ferocity and madness not far away.

"Li Bingtian?"

Everyone gasped when they saw the person coming.


It was him who killed Chen Taiji with one sword just now!

"Captain Li, what...what is going on? Why did you kill Chen Taiji?"

At this time.

Another deputy governor, Dugu Shan, frowned and asked.

Chen Taiji is the deputy governor of Yuanzhou Demon Suppression Division. His identity and status are extraordinary. Even if he has great hatred, he should not act without authorization.

In the Demon Suppression Division, attacking fellow disciples is a big taboo!

Even if Chen Taiji really made a huge mistake, Li Bingtian would definitely face a serious crime if he killed him.

this moment!

Neither Yan Shaoqing nor Dugu Shan understands!


Compared to their shock and anger, Li Bingtian always maintained his anger and hatred, his eyes fixed on Chen Taiji.

That way, I wish I could tear him into pieces!

"Chen Taiji deserves to die!"

"Kill him, and all the blame will be borne by me alone..."

A fierce voice suddenly sounded.

Say it.

Li Bingtian ignored the shock of Yan Shaoqing and Dugushan, went straight to the door of Zhao Xuanxiao's room, and knelt on the ground.

"Oh, how could this happen~"

The two sighed again and again.

Seeing that the entire Demon Suppression Department was alarmed, the two of them looked downcast, and immediately used the authority of the deputy governors to not allow anyone to approach or inquire.

In the presence!

Apart from them, there were only three palace masters left who came relatively quickly.

Among them, including Lin Wudao...

How could such a good show be without him?

"Finally dead!"

Seeing Chen Taiji being killed by Li Bingtian's sword, all the life in his body was extinguished. Although Lin Wudao looked shocked on the surface, he was full of sneers in his heart.

Li Bingtian did not disappoint him!

"Next, it depends on how Zhao Xuanxiao handles this matter..."


He waited patiently.


About a quarter of an hour later, the door to the room was opened.


A tall, elegant middle-aged man in Tsing Yi walked out with his hands behind his back.

Half-step to becoming a god?

A strange color flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

Zhao Xuanxiao's cultivation has reached the ultimate perfection of the other side, and he is only half a step away from the eighth level of becoming a god.

"No wonder he can sit in the Yuanzhou Suppressing Demon Division, his strength is really good..."

Lin Wudao nodded secretly.

Zhao Xuanxiao seemed to feel his gaze.

After taking a look.

He focused on Chen Taiji's body and Li Bingtian kneeling in front of him...

"How is this going?"

Hear this!

Yan Shaoqing and Dugu Shan both shook their heads. They really didn't know the reason.

On the contrary, Li Bingtian raised his head calmly.

"Grand Governor, I killed Chen Taiji!"


Zhao Xuanxiao narrowed his eyes.

"Why did you kill him?"

"Because... because Yan Suxin betrayed me and had an improper relationship with Chen Taiji. Today they had a secret tryst in the Yunhuang Mountains, and I happened to discover them."

"So, out of great hatred, I killed Chen Taiji!"

"I killed the person, and I am willing to bear all the blame..."

Li Bingtian squeezed his palms and growled angrily.


Chen Taiji and Yan Su have an affair?

Upon hearing the news suddenly, Yan Shaoqing and others not far away all showed expressions of disbelief.


They finally knew why Li Bingtian wanted to kill Chen Taiji at all costs. I'm afraid they would do the same if they encountered this situation.

after all!

This is something every man cannot tolerate!

After hearing Li Bingtian's words, Zhao Xuanxiao, the Commander-in-Chief of the Demon Suppression Division, also frowned.

"How many people know about this matter now?"

There was silence for a long time.

Zhao Xuanxiao suddenly asked.

"Reporting to the Grand Governor, this incident has alarmed the entire Demon Suppression Division. However, except for those of us present, no one else knows what happened."

Yan Shaoqing quickly stepped forward to report.


From Zhao Xuanxiao's words, he seemed to have guessed some hidden meanings...


When he finished speaking, Zhao Xuanxiao hummed first.

Immediately afterwards.

His deep gaze fell on Chen Taiji's body, and at the same time, his cold eyes swept over Li Bingtian.

"Second order, Deputy Governor Chen Taiji has been eroded by the aura of demons for a long time due to his years of killing demons. He has lost his mind and is in danger of becoming a demon."

"For fear of bringing disaster to the world, I will personally kill him to shock the world!"

A majestic voice slowly came out.

"Yes, Grand Governor!"

Hearing this, everyone cheered up.

The Governor wants to protect Li Bingtian!

at the same time.

Li Bingtian also raised his head suddenly, his eyes filled with infinite gratitude.

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief!"

He kowtowed heavily.

"Get up~"

"In view of your bold and reckless actions, I will be fined for three years, and all resource supplies will be stopped during this period. In the future, if something similar happens again, I will bear it myself!"


Li Bingtian naturally had no objection to this.


After handling his affairs, Zhao Xuanxiao immediately set his sights on Lin Wudao.

"Tiger father has no dog son!"

"I have heard about what you have done in recent days. Although you have been a little bold, you have actually achieved results and have not embarrassed the Yuanzhou Demon Division."

"Yan Shaoqing, in the name of the Demon Suppressing Division, we will report to the capital of Dali later to ask for credit for Lin Wudao."


"Also, in three days it will be the 500th birthday of the ancestor of the Lu family in Tianyuan Ancient City. Lin Wudao, on behalf of me, will go to the Lu family to congratulate you."

"Besides, Chen Taiji is your superior officer. Find a quiet place and bury him..."


Lin Wudao nodded.


He carried Chen Taiji's body on his shoulders and strode away.

"You guys, please take good care of him from now on and don't let him cause any big trouble."

"I'm afraid this boy is also a restless master. Alas..."

Zhao Xuanxiao sighed.


He turned around and entered the room, continuing to sink into practice.

Looking after Lin Wudao?

Hearing Zhao Xuanxiao's words, Yan Shaoqing, Dugushan and others looked at each other, with bitter expressions on everyone's faces.

Just them, can they control it?

"Oh, let everything take its course..."

Everyone shook their heads and sighed.


One by one they also left.

the other side!

Lin Wudao was not clear about Zhao Xuanxiao's instructions.

After walking out of the courtyard, he found a hidden place and directly put Chen Taiji's body into the bronze coffin.


[You buried Chen Taiji’s body and obtained a fragment of the ancient imperial spiritual weapon. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained a fragment of the extremely spiritual weapon. 】


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