Come To Douluo, Don’t You Have a Relationship

Chapter 206: : Try to prove the strength of the first place in the first grade

, The fastest update is coming to Douluo, don’t you talk about the latest chapter in love!

He felt a light bite on his neck.

A faint pink atmosphere surrounds two people


He looked at Gu Yuena suspiciously.

Gu Yuena lowered her head and said in a low voice: "The book says that if you give this to a boy who is going to fight for a girl, it will increase his luck."

Looking at Gu Yuena, whose head was slightly lowered, Tang Muchen yelled, kawaii can play.

How could my Silver Dragon King be so cute! ! ! !

At this time, he definitely felt the usefulness of those books.

Good book, good book.

Gu Yuena's encouragement just now made his already high-spirited enthusiasm even more intense.

Looking at the ring outside, Tang Muchen smiled and hugged her.

Said: "Today, I will prove my first grade status with my victory, so that those guys won't dare to provoke you. After all, are you mine."

This sentence was a bit explicit, but Tang Muchen had never said it to Gu Yuena.

Tang Muchen was so enthusiastic that she was vaguely intoxicated.

The resistance to this sentence is not great.

Tang Muchen heard the sound of drums in the ring outside, and he stood up to fight.

"Then, I'm leaving."

He walked towards the ring.

Because they are now in the lounge of the ring, it takes a dark road to the ring.

"To be honest, Nana actually acquiesced."

"The first two rumors."

Tang Muchen left without waiting for her to speak.

The words he left behind were faintly floating in the air.

"But the winner is me."

The door of the lounge gradually closed, and Gu Yuena's figure was quietly obscured by the door shadow.

He walked out of the lounge with high strides, and passed the dark ring.

"This is my first time."

"Being in front of so many people."

He heard it just now, because of this gimmick and the exaggeration of others, many people have already been seated, which caused him to experience many people watching.

"It's a little nervous."

He smiled slightly.

"But it's just enough taste.

"Just beat him so strongly."

"From then on, all people should never disturb our lives anymore. It's so boring to pursue something. U20 is a bit annoying."

So he set a small goal.

Click and click.

A silent road came with strong footsteps.

On the other side, Zhao Kailun was already standing there quietly, quietly waiting for his opponent to appear.

The people around were agitated, until the footsteps in the aisle became louder and louder, the people in the stands finally turned their eyes here.

A tall and handsome young man walked out.

His tall figure and sturdiness, which did not fit his age, made everyone hold their breath.

Some of the girls took a few more glances.

Including classmate Ling Yan'er.

Classmate Ling Yan'er stared at Tang Muchen intently.

Looking at the young man in the audience, she was a little joyful and a little excited.

"Are you not afraid of the other party at all?"

Ling Yan'er smiled.

"Yes it is."

Gu Yuena, who had already sat down, quietly agreed.

"Nana is here."

Ye Shu'er was a little joyful and clung to her tightly.

Gu Yuena didn't show obvious rejection, just watched the game on the court quietly.

"It's wonderful."

"No wonder he likes it."

Ling Yan'er stared at her pretty face and muttered in his heart.

Stunning Qingcheng, it was Gu Yuena in front of her.

"The game has started."

Ye Shuer was quietly excited.

The first-year students are all here, and they are closely watching the battle for the first place in the first-year.

"Zhao Kailun, the martial soul vigorously diamond lock, the forty-two level control system soul sect."

Zhao Kailun took the lead in reporting his name, and his strength is evident. Judging from his spirit power, this is also the best in the fifth grade.

Enjoying the cheers of the people around, Zhao Kailun was a little proud.

"Tang Muchen, the Golden Dragon King of Martial Spirit, the thirty-seventh level of the assault system soul sovereign."

"Then, please advise."

The gap between the two is a full eight levels of spirit power. In the eyes of outsiders, this is a ditch that is difficult to overcome. But in Wuhun Academy, this is also worth seeing. There are too many possibilities here, and we are defeated by weakness. Strong is entirely possible.

Although the level difference is large, everyone enjoys the performance of these two people.

"Then, let's start, and be careful not to hurt others' lives."

The manager of the ring gave an order.

The two moved quietly.

Although Zhao Kailun was a control spirit master, his speed was not slow at all, and he quickly opened the distance.

"King Kong Blockade"

Zhao Kailun shouted and entered the battle mode first.

The thick chain that was originally in the palm of the right hand quickly extended outward.

It was almost completed in an instant, and a huge chain surrounded Tang Muchen in all directions.

"Is this mandatory control?"

Tang Muchen thought slightly.

But still can't let it get close.

As a result, a golden light and shadow appeared quietly in his hand.

Just when the diamond chain was about to wrap Tang Muchen's body.

Just when Zhao Kailun laughed happily.

"My diamond chain, the soul power is weaker than mine, it is almost impossible to escape."

He thinks that his victory has come.

Indeed, in the eyes of ordinary people, the gap in strength is basically impossible to avoid.

And the gap is six or seven.

In Zhao Kailun's eyes, even this is an easy killing battle.

A low voice suddenly came from among the heavy packages.

"Golden Dragon falls to death."

Gold is golden when you see it.

The originally black and textured tight chain was instantly surrounded by golden light.

Slowly, the golden color filled all the chains.

During the period, there were less than two breathing sounds, but Zhao Kailun's mouth was already open.

It looks a little funny.

next moment.


The **** of the diamond lock was broken instantly.

Tang Muchen's figure was revealed.

The huge golden energy bomb had already fired towards him.

The originally silent auditorium around has quietly boiled, Ling Yan'er and Ye Shu'er covered their mouths with a little excitement, and the surrounding first-year colleges also stood up from time to time.

Although Gu Yuena looked calm, she quietly covered her chest and let out a sigh of relief.

In fact, it is impossible to defeat him, but she is always inexplicably a little worried.

Maybe it's just worrying about the feelings of the person in your heart.

Now that the worries disappeared, she smiled comfortably.

"It looks good."

Ye Shuer's attention was on her, observing her beautiful smile.

Her smile rarely shows up, but every time she shows it, all the beauty present will be covered up.

Gu Yuena's face was unimaginable.

However, Ye Shu'er was also a little dissatisfied when it disappeared in the next moment.

Gently shook her little hand: "Nana, you look so good when you smile, why don't you smile more."

She didn't answer, but looked at the man in the field with blurred eyes.

Her meaning is obvious.

"Because I only smile because of him."

"Then, try this trick, how does it taste."

He didn't take any action, but stood quietly on the ground, silently watching Zhao Kailun's struggle.

"Seal of the Four Elephants."

Zhao Kailun's second spirit ring lit up, forming a mysterious mark in the air.

No, more than one.

It's four.

Four mysterious magic circles surround the chest.

He continued to infuse soul power, causing the radiance of the seal of the four elephants to increase continuously. UU reading www.


In an instant, the golden ball of light and the seal of the four elephants collided with each other.

It can be seen from the naked eye that Zhao Kailun is really struggling to resist.

Slightly beads of sweat appeared on his face, flowing down from the dark face, falling on the seal of the four elephants, but quietly dissipating into water vapor.

Moreover, under Tang Muchen's powerful spirit abilities, the seal of the four elephants was also a little shattered.

Card wipe card wipe.

The voice is very obvious.

"Then break it."

He strengthened his soul power output.


It was the sound of the seal of the four elephants being completely broken.

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