Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 101 One month counts as three years [Please subscribe]

Suppressing his joy, Li Shou asked Abi again.

I haven't been in the villa these days. Nothing happened in the villa, right?

Something happened. The young lady who was pretending to be stupid was assassinated. Many of her companions died. Fortunately, my senior brother laid an ambush nearby and beat away the assassin.

Your senior brother, you are very powerful... Li Shou didn't expect that the infatuated middle-aged man who was so lustful and had no right words was so powerful.

Needless to say, the assassin is naturally from Fang Yi.

Li Shou has already seen their strength, and they are much better than him anyway.

If the strength of several assassins is about the same, then the combat effectiveness of the infatuated middle-aged man is definitely extraordinary.

My senior brother is one of the best masters in Lotus Pier. Apart from Master and a few Grand Masters, he can't beat him. Among the younger generation, he is considered the most powerful.

So powerful, have you caught the assassin?

No, although the assassin can't defeat my senior brother, he has a very strange alchemy method. He can actually change his body and leave the scene directly. My senior brother said that he has never seen such a weird alchemy method.

Uh. Li Shou nodded, It's a pity. Just kill him. If you don't kill him, he might come again.

It won't happen in the near future. The assassin's abdomen was sliced ​​open by my senior brother with a sword. It won't be easy for him to recover for a while.


Li Shou no longer knew what to say. In the end, the natives were the eldest brother in this world!

What square ant black mist?

Are the people from Lotus Pier as good as me?

This is just a senior brother, not a master.

And his master is far worse than the great alchemist Shang Jun!

In this mission, the time traveler can only add fuel to the flames, and cannot face the master directly yet.

Where's the lady?

In the backyard, I've been very bored with my senior brother recently. Abi seemed to dislike the Change Mouse very much, and curled her lips as she spoke.

After bidding farewell to Abi and other dealers, Li Shou found the ever-changing rat Xiao Ruyi in the backyard.

When Li Shou saw him, the guy was hugging Abi's senior brother under a tree.

Although it was the same situation the last time he saw each other in the pavilion, Xiao Ruyi was very cold last time, but this time he was much warmer.

‘Your mother is so convinced! These days, people can do any nonsense in order to survive. To be able to do this for selling sex is a good start for me! ’

Li Shou's arrival alarmed the middle-aged man.

He is a master, so his alert range is naturally very wide.

Are you the banker again? Why do I see you every time A Ying and I are alone?

How is that possible? I've been out for several days. Out of respect for the master, Li Shou didn't say much.

It doesn't matter, Senior Brother Xiao. I gave him some tasks before, and they were private matters that Dad had entrusted to me...

Sister Ying, since this is your private matter, please avoid suspicion first. Senior Brother Xiao was completely obedient to the owner's daughter. After comforting her softly, he left here.

Li Shou saw that the person was walking away, so he came closer and said, You are so disgusting. You two are not from the same sect even though you are a senior brother and a junior sister.

That's what I called him before. You don't care so much. It's good if he survives! If it weren't for him this time, we would have almost been wiped out! It doesn't matter if he is a senior brother or a junior sister, if he survives, he can be called daddy!

You are so awesome. Li Shou smiled, Have you two done that?

Of course not. That guy Xiao Feijian practices the Love Sword, and the tokens he uses are also tokens related to love. I don't agree. He won't do anything random.

Love token, no wonder he is a love brain. We have been together for so long without finding any clues. Li Shou was surprised, Forget it, I don't care about your business, but why did you lie to me? The trust we finally established, Did it just collapse?

What did I lie to you about?

You said the first mission was here. You can get a lot of points by competing here!

What I said is that Fang Yi's first mission goal is to infiltrate here. If you gain control of this place, you can get a lot of points. I didn't say your mission was here.

Do Fang Yan's people have specific tasks? Li Shou's card didn't have any specific tasks.

Yes, their people have always had a very clear mission goal, but it shouldn't be revealed yet. Within a month, they will receive the mission!

They didn't receive the mission, why did you receive it?

I have a special information channel. We have said not to inquire about each other's secrets. This is basic courtesy and etiquette. I can only guarantee that the information I give you is true! Also, destroy their mission. We would have gotten a ton of points!”

That's true. Li Shou nodded.

After killing the Mantis Man, Li Shou and others' points increased by 900 points.

This is not a small amount.

In the last mission, Li Shou and others did a lot of things to get this point.

Of course, the Mantis Man is not that easy to deal with. Killing him is more difficult than doing many things.

When Li Shou received the 900 points, he was thinking that if he killed all Fang Yi's masters, more than half of the task would be completed.

How about it, do you want to compete with them for the Villa? Xiao Ruyi geared up, This is a weapons depot, and now we have to fight, and it is very valuable. Instead of going to the battlefield and fighting against those senior soldiers of the Qing Kingdom, here we fight Fang Yi The more people fight, the better they seem to survive!

Yes, although they are powerful, they are still within the reasonable range. On the battlefield, they may encounter anyone.

In a border war between counties, according to the 20th level military merit and title system in Qingguo, at least a person of level 4 or 5 is required to control the battle.

There must also be more than ten other people at levels six to ten.

These people are difficult to deal with, and the Qingguo army is well-trained. After forming a battle formation, no matter how powerful the master is, it will take time to break through.

No matter how you look at it, going to the battlefield is a narrow escape.

Well, it's true that earning points in the Qingguo battlefield is not as good as here, but we have to make good use of the geographical conditions!

Yes! After all, this mission has a bit of a balance. They are lurking here to fight away from home, and their ability to take advantage of the situation is bound to be not as strong as ours. As long as we manage this place well and recruit more experts, everything is possible. By the way, you will also be Were they assassinated? How many people died?


so little?

what about you?

Twenty-five people died. But the attackers were also injured. How did you solve it?

We killed the attacker.


You do not believe?

I do not believe.

If you don't believe me, throw me down!

After checking information with Xiao Ruyi for a while, Li Shou left.

On the way back, he found that there were many young guests at Qingwu Villa. Needless to say, these people were all from Manshu.

Although everyone is an ally, Li Shou doesn't want to pay much attention to them yet.

His most important task now is to practice, and use the next month's free period to practice hard. He practices to be like others for dozens of days every day. Calculated based on 40 days of being like others, one month is enough to be like others to practice for three or four years.

At that time, the strength will be greatly improved.

The second is to inform students to make good use of the geographical advantage to take advantage of the situation.

They not only have transformation personnel, but also charm personnel, so they should be stronger in terms of taking advantage of the situation.

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