Li Shou finally remembered the feud between the two teams, Hongyan and Chen Zihan.

When they were training together, he didn't like their personalities, but now he just hates them.

The red eye's name is Jin Hong. During training, Li Shou could see that he was a guy with an extreme personality. He had a strong sense of competition and exclusivity, and there was no possibility of cooperation.

There is also Chen Zihan, an extremely utilitarian person who did not hesitate to abandon the original team members from the moment they formed the team and selected teammates. Although this is understandable in this apocalyptic world, it has changed too quickly.

Normal students go through a transformation process. Even when Zhu Lin came to ask for help, she still had her original personality traits. Her emotions such as dignity and shyness were still there. It didn't look like the end of the world at all. The indigenous people have no bottom line.

But Chen Zihan is more like a person from the apocalyptic world, with a very thick skin. For the sake of profit and survival, he can do one thing in front of others and another behind his back without any psychological pressure.

Originally, Li Shou didn't care about this and only focused on his own training - after all, the other party's personality had little to do with him.

Unexpectedly, the second mission was scheduled together.

Brother Li, Brother Li. While Li Shou was wary of the direction Chen Zihan and others were going in, fearing that the other party might try to counterattack, Ma Nanzheng squeezed in at some unknown moment.

During the fight, I hid in a villager's house and found out something. After the last mission, this guy became very alert.

As soon as the conflict here started, he took advantage of the chaos and ran away. The other party walked away and then came back quickly.

The main thing is to act by ear.

I'm afraid of causing trouble to you because I don't have the strength to fight. It's not that I'm afraid of them.

It's okay, just say it.

Just now I heard a villager say that this place is called Xiaosha Village, and the nearest town is called Hetian Town, and the nearest county is called Tongkang County. The villager also told me that if I want to go to Tongkang County, I can't take the county road.


It is said that there are evil spirits and disasters happening on the county road. They appear from time to time even during the day.

Uh... It was the female evil spirit she was talking about.

Li Shou has seen it.

What he didn't expect was that the people in Xiaosha Village knew that there was evil spirits there, and the young men who caught the birds didn't say anything even though they knew it. They clearly wanted to kill him.

You're quite dark-hearted...


It's okay. I'll write down all these grievances. I'll avenge them all when I have time. If you want to harm us, don't blame me for revenge. This is fair and balanced. Li Shou silently wrote down his grievances.

Let's go, let's go to Tongkang County.

When Li Shou speaks now, the students in Classes 1 and 3 generally do not object.

If you can't go to Tongkang County from the county road, you can only go around by the rural road.

There were not many roads in ancient times. After leaving Xiaosha Village, Li Shou and others found the rural road and traveled for about 20 to 30 kilometers along the way, passing several villages.

Most of these villages are dilapidated, and the occasional villager has a sallow complexion and looks malnourished.

Let go! If you can't pay for the food, you'll have to do menial labor. If your son doesn't go, will you be able to go? You! When Li Shou and others passed by another village, they heard the sound of the village entrance in the distance. There was a loud noise.

A group of rural warriors, led by a grain collector wearing official clothes, were collecting people from the village.

Obviously, this is not the first wave of people they have arrested.

Xiang Yong was holding a long hemp rope behind him, and tied to the hemp rope was a long list of people. It was obvious that they were all pulled out to do corvee labor in the name of grain collection.

Shall we go take a look? Wang Yanna came over.

Go and see. Li Shou is not a good-natured person, but they came to this world to cause trouble, so how could they not join in the fun.

Just like that, all the people from Class 1 and 3 walked towards the entrance of the village.

Who is it? Seeing a group of people in strange clothes coming from a distance, the food collector was startled at first, thinking they were people from the Red Lotus Sect, but he waited until he could see the clothes and age of the people. They didn't look like members of the Red Lotus Cult, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

Who are you? You are dressed in fancy clothes. You look like the remnants of the Red Lotus Sect... He did not dare to provoke the real Red Lotus Sect, but it was different with the fake one.

The food collector rode on a tall horse and scanned the crowd, shouting with full authority: Zhang Qiang and Li Si, lead the team to capture all these remnants of the Red Lotus Sect in strange clothes! It just so happened that the newly built county road was short of manpower, so we caught them Well, let’s reward based on merit!”

Yes. At the signal of the grain collector, more than a dozen country warriors gathered around.

These local warriors all have some farming skills. Although they are not of high quality, it is not a problem to defeat three or five people.

Do you want to do it? King Urine looked at the people gathered around him, eager to try. He has also been training with the instructor for two months. Although the training is all about shooting, and he doesn't have a crossbow now, he still wants to try his skills.

But Emperor Jue stopped him.

We can't act in a hurry. We still don't understand the system of this world and the capabilities of the government. What if we offend the government and are wanted, and a few great experts come to hunt us down?

Lao Jue is right. Being wanted makes many things difficult to handle.

In these troubled times, it is okay to kill people, but it is still not okay to kill people from the government.

While Li Shou was speaking, he walked out of the team, picked up a piece of bluestone on the ground, walked to the grain collector, twisted his hands, and broke the hard bluestone into two halves.

Then he threw away half of the bluestone, put his hands together and rubbed it vigorously, turning the other half into stone dregs.

Sometimes simple intimidation works better than direct combat.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, and the village heroes subconsciously took a step back. The grain clerk also reacted quickly and immediately jumped off his horse and said with a smile on his face: Oh, I didn't know it was the warrior master here, I'm disrespectful. That’s disrespectful!”

Master He, we still arrest...

Grab your mother's head and get out! He kicked a country warrior who didn't open his eyes, and the food collector ran all the way to Li Shou, Young official Shi Yikai, I have met the warrior master.

Are you here? Li Shou glanced at the sallow and thin villagers over there.

Hey! This group of unscrupulous people did not pay enough for the corn in the first half of the year, and they are still delaying the delivery of corn in the second half of the year. They are totally working against the government.

Who are these people? Li Shou looked at the people tied with hemp ropes again.

You have to do corvee service. There are evil spirits on the county road, and the martial arts masters above are unwilling to help. Now there are evil spirits breeding everywhere on the official road, and the government can't control it. So we can only change the road and build the road...

Oh, that's it. Killing Xie Sui requires many martial arts masters to be dispatched at the same time.

In this world, the lives of martial arts masters are precious, but the lives of common people are cheap.

A well-trained Shui Ling maid only costs fifteen grand, and these common people are even less valuable.

Therefore, they were tied to this rope in the name of non-payment of taxes, and they were even worse than animals.

I understand. Can these people be handed over to me? Li Shou wanted to try to save people to see if he could get a balancing factor by purely rescuing people.

Oh, sir, this can't be done. I'm waiting for a job at the top! To be honest, I'm not good enough... The grain collector smiled with a smile on his face, but he didn't give him any face.

It was obvious that he was more afraid of the people above him than a wild warrior.

Yeah. OK... Li Shou nodded and didn't say much.

The young man said goodbye. The food collector saw that his expression was wrong and immediately led his men away.

Li Shou looked at the group of people who were tied to hemp ropes like animals, and then looked at the blood marks on their wrists and the resentful expressions of the villagers, and felt that the injured soul seeds in the sachet were beating.

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