Come to The Peak

Chapter 1085: : Wu Di attacked

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"Big brother fell! Old man Hao was also seriously injured!"

This sentence struck Luo Yu's heart like a heavy hammer.

"Tao, Tao Yizun, what does it mean that the elder brother has fallen!"

Luo Yuzheng was on the spot and couldn't believe it.

Tao Yi looked sad and slowly said, "More than a month ago, the blood demon attacked ancient Korea, and the elder brother and Hao Di led the men and horses to support.

Unexpectedly, in the process of setting up the brother, he was suddenly attacked by a blood king controlled by the blood demon in ancient South Korea. He was seriously injured and died in the hands of a demon emperor named Blood Maple. The evil killing emperor was seriously wounded. "

Boom ~!

Luo Yu felt a thunderous thunder for a while, staying speechless, her eyes rosy.

"Daoxu's big palm, Grandpa Daoxu is dead!"

Luo Yu is unwilling to believe this fact. Since he entered the Zixia Tianzong, the four major palm respects have had the closest relationship with him. The best thing for him is undoubtedly the Daoxu palm respect.

Daoxu Zhangzun regards Luo Yu as his own grandson and grandson. In Luo Yu's heart, the kind Daoxu palm is also like grandpa.

He couldn't forget Xiao Han and his fierce maintenance of Tao Xuzong when more than ten Wuhuang came to Zixia Tianzong to find him.

He couldn't forget that when he tried to kill Xiangyu, he went to Xiang Yu to take revenge, and his arrogant prejudice toward him.

He has always been a one-for-one person. This time into the secret world of Vientiane, what he most wanted to find in the world's tree species was Dao Xu Palm, and now he found it, but Dao Xu Palm is gone.

"By the way, my master, is my old man all right?"

Luo Yu wiped the wet corners of his eyes and asked quickly.

"Haodi was seriously injured in the body, and he is being healed now, and his life is not a big deal"

Luo Yu was relieved when she heard what she said.

"Blamed me, blamed me ~"

Qing Er was paralyzed directly on the ground, sobbing with her knees, her slightly thin figure looked heartbreaking.

Luo Yu quickly lifted up Qing'er, hugged her tightly, and wanted to give some comfort but didn't know what to say. His heart was also in extreme sadness.

All the people present were silent, only Qinger sobbing sadly.

After a long time, Qing'er's mood improved, and Luo Yu's eyes were radiant.

"Blood Demon Clan, Yang Ye, Blood Maple, my Luo Yu swore a poisonous oath. If I don't destroy you in this life, I will be in fear!"

Luo Yu roared in her heart.

"Well, Luo Yu, Qing'er, now is not the time for sorrow. Let's go back to Zixia Tianzong first. Zhao Guo has been occupied by the Blood Demon tribe. It's not safe here."

At this time, Tao opened his mouth to remind, Luo Yu nodded his head, clearing up the sad mood, a group of people and Tao Yizun together flew towards Zixia Tianzong.

Three days later, a group of people also returned to Zixia Tianzong, and the atmosphere of Zixia Tianzong was extremely depressed, and everyone was still immersed in the sadness of Dazun ’s fall.

In Zixia Tianzong, if Luo Yu is an example for Zixia Tianzong's disciples, the big palm statue is like a kind elder, approachable, and has nothing to do with those in Zongmen, just like his grandfather at home.

The fall of Dazhangzun is undoubtedly a stab in the heart of all Zixia Tianzong disciples.

But what Luo Yu didn't know, a message was spreading fast on the mainland.

"Hey, the blood demon tribe captured the capital of ancient Korea one month ago. It seems that ancient Korea is also insecure."

Several warriors were sitting in the restaurant and talking, and some of them were injured.

"Yeah, even the old emperor Zhenhuang, one of the top ten Emperors of the Emperor Wuhuang, has fallen, and Hao Di has also been seriously injured."

"By the way, I heard a message that it was said that the blood demon was released by Zixia Tianzong disciple Long Qing and Overlord Luo Yu. Do you know?"

A warrior suddenly said.

"No, how could it have been released by Overlord and his wife, really fake?"

Someone doesn't believe it.

"Hi, you don't know. The blood demon was originally sealed by the ancient saints in the secret place of Vientiane, and the bleeding demon only wanted to break the seal of space.

But to break the seal of space, only the strength of the Emperor Wu can do, and the Emperor has no access to the Vientiane mystery. Think about it, who has the Emperor's power among the Emperor of the Emperor who enters the mystery, and who else besides Luo Yu? "

"Oh my God, this, how is this possible, why would the Overlord break the seal of space and bleed out the monsters? This, I don't quite believe, isn't Overlord always the same? He can do such a thing that harms the entire human race."

"I don't know the specific reason. Anyway, I heard that it was for his wife Long Qing that he broke the blood demon released by the seal of space. I am afraid there is something inside."

A group of people heated up.

I don't know if it was intentionally spread or what happened. The news spread across the mainland in a short period of time and immediately caused a public outrage.

The Blood Demon tribe killed so many people on the mainland, and now it is learned that this blood demon tribe turned out to be the overlord Luo Yu, and immediately pushed Luo Yu to the cusp of the wind, causing a public outrage.

Da Qin's people are okay. Luo Yu is a troubled hero in Da Qin. There is a god-like existence in the hearts of young people. No one believes this rumor.

People in ancient Korea, Chu and other countries complained about Luo Yu.

Some of the warriors left by Zhao Guo poured into Qin Guo in large quantities and asked Luo Yu to give an explanation.

Zixia Tianzong, Xuanwu Hall, a group of unexpected guests arrived.

"Tao Yizun, how do you explain Luo Yulong's release of the bleeding tribe?"

An old man with gray hair and a beard more than a foot long sat angrily in the temple.

This person was not someone else, but Lin Dilin, who was smashed by the **** mountain and escaped, recondensed the flesh. There are also several emperors of ancient Korea, and Xiao Han is also there.

Lin Dong condensed his flesh, and his strength has not yet been restored to the cave world. However, Zhao Guo was the first country to be destroyed by the blood demon. Knowing that the blood demon tribe was released by Luo Yu and Long Qing, he immediately came to question.

Tao Yi looked ugly, but he had to accompany him with a laugh: "Lin Emperor, this is only a rumor on the mainland. No one knows the true facts, how can you blame Luo Yu's head. I hope you don't listen to rumors."

"Rumor? Huh, the Blood Demon tribe was sealed in the Vientiane mystery. The only way to break it was to break the seal of space, and to break the seal of space required the strength of the Emperor. Who among the warriors who entered the Vientiane mystery, except Luo Yu, had this strength? "

Lin Dong looked cold, and Dao couldn't speak when he heard it.

"Where is Luo Yu? Call him out. Did he let him know?"

Lin Dong glanced at the other two palms, Lengheng said.

"This ~"

The three hesitated for a while.

"If you don't give us a statement, don't blame me for being ruthless, my Zhao Guo Taiqing Palace was destroyed, and you Zixia Tianzong don't even think about it."

Lin Dong had a hint of chill in his speech.

"Emperor Lin, although you are a generation of Emperor Wu Shi, do n’t even think about pushing anything on our head, Zixia Tianzong. It ’s a pity that Taiqing Palace was destroyed by blood devil, but this ca n’t be because of a rumor. Just blame our disciples "

Dao Chong had a big fire in his heart, some could not control his emotions.

Luo Yu is the genius that Zixia Tianzong cultivated as his successor in the future. Of course, the three chiefs are desperate to maintain Luo Yu.

"Hum, did you call Luo Yu and Long Qing out?"

Xiao Han, a subordinate Emperor Xiaohan, said. This man was one of the group of Wu Huang who had troubled Luo Yu that day.

"Yes, Luo Yu Longqing, call me two of them"

Lin Dong also said.

The three palms heard the words silent, but at this time two people outside the hall came in, not who else Luo Yu and Qinger were.

"No need to call, we two are here"

Luo Yu held Qing'er's hand, indifferent on his face, and slowly walked into the temple.

"Luo Yu!"

"Luo Yu"

At the sight of Luo Yu's arrival, all the emperors in the hall were a commotion. The emperor of ancient Korea and Lin Dong's group of people even showed bad eyes.

"Meet the three palm lords!"

Luo Yu came in and bowed to the three palms.

"Luo Yu, what are you doing here? This is not the place where you talk, you should go back to me."

Dao Hui hurriedly wanted to protect Luo Yu.

"Wait, now that Luo Yu is here, why are you in a hurry to let him go? Is it because you Zixia Tianzong is guilty?"

Lin Dong raised a white eyebrow and said indifferently.

Then Lin moved towards Luo Yu, his eyes became sharp, and a huge soul overwhelmed Luo Yu and Qing'er.

Boom ~!

Luo Yu and Qing'er sank, only feeling that there was a big mountain pressed on their bodies, and their bodies were rattled.

Luo Yu's real power was running. She gritted her teeth and stood upright, blocking Qing'er. A pair of blue eyes stared at Lin moving. She had an unyielding will and had no fear.

Lin moved his eyes narrowed, and slowly said, "You are Luo Yu?"

"Senior back to the forest, the junior is exactly that!"

Luo Yu held a fist, not humble or humble.

"Huh! How brave!"

Lin Dong suddenly snorted like a thunder, and suddenly raised his voice and asked.

"Let me ask you, was the seal of space in Vientiane's mystery broken by you and your wife?"

As soon as Lin Dong said this, all eyes in the temple focused on Luo Yu.

"Don't say yes"

The three palm princes hurriedly transmitted.

But Luo Yu's return came out of everyone's surprise, and said, "Yes, the seal of space was broken by me, but it has nothing to do with my wife, it's all my Luo Yu alone!"

"What! You broke it!"

When Luo Yu said this, everyone in the temple was surprised, and the three palms turned pale.

"Luo Yu, don't bullshit, how could the seal of space be broken by you?" Tao Yizun quickly yelled.

"Yu, it's nothing to do with you, palm respect, seniors, the seal of space was broken by me, Long Qing, and Luo Yu didn't ...; ..."

Qing'er was also panicked, and said that he should bear it together. Luo Yu actually wanted to resist himself. When he was about to speak, Luo Yu suddenly chopped his neck at the back of Qing'er, and Qing'er's eyes passed out.

Luo Yu held the fainted Qinger and shouted to the outside: "Come"

"Big Brother"

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A disciple outside the hall came in.

Luo Yu held Qing'er to this disciple and said, "Master, take my wife back to the Palace of Kings."


The disciple nodded, hugged Qing'er, and walked out of the hall, while Luo Yu looked at everyone in the hall.

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