Come to The Peak

Chapter 1176: : Cruel Rules

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As soon as Maha's words came out, it immediately caused a huge shock among the people.

"Killing people, plundering them, what a big deal!"

"His, killing and plundering the babies, is this what we want to kill each other like Yangyang?"

"No wonder, it ’s no wonder that the disciples who participated in the previous contest have never returned. This is a killing at all. Where is it?

The people below were shocked by the news and talked.


At this moment, Ma He sighed again and said, "The rules of the competition, plundering the top ten of the number of yuan, were selected as the core disciples of the Holy Sect, or the last ten survivors became core disciples. Disciple, there is only one ending "

Ma He's eyes flashed as he said, "Dead!"

As soon as this one rule was stated, many young and weak Wu Huangs almost sat on the ground with an ass, and a sense of despair rose up in their hearts.

This Haizhou big match is a journey of death for the weak.

The cheerful face of Luo Yu was all pale, and she couldn't help but grab Luo Yu's arm, all the hope in her eyes was on Luo Yu.

There was also a hint of shock in Luo Yu's heart. This big match was a kind of fostering big match.

They are like maggots, devouring each other and killing each other in this maggot cup, leaving the ten strongest maggot kings.

The road of the **** strong body in the corpse mountains, climbing the peak with bare bones, this is the true face of martial arts, naked blood.

The most ruthless saint's heart, this saint's ruthless selection method is equally ruthless and ruthless. I don't know if other saints are the same.

However, Luo Yu is not afraid, and the blood in his body is even boiling, this will be a satisfying fight.

Ma He looked at the shocked disciples, calmly said: "The warrior is fighting with the heavens and earth, don't look at this selection bloody, but if you want to become a real strong, you will encounter more **** and cruel things in the future."

Luo Yu was deeply aware of this sentence. He didn't know how much blood was stained in his hands, and there were a lot of innocent people who died in his hands during the troubled times.

"Once you are selected as one of the top ten core disciples, your benefits are huge, and the treatment is even better than that of the core disciples in general. In the final ranking battle, the top three have huge rewards.

The first place is rewarded with a book of martial arts in the heavenly rank, the second place is a seventh-grade top-grade spirit artifact, the third place is rewarded with a seventh-grade world stone, and the other winners also have rich yuanshi, or Reward of the panacea "

Maha also said that reward, I have to say that the Holy Sect is the Holy Sect. This handwriting, heavenly order martial arts, Qipin magical tools, Jieshi Lingdan reward and reward, also make many geniuses who consider themselves powerful.

"But Tabitha in the mysterious realm does not have any restrictive rules. You can use any means to kill each other, poison, assassinate, war beast. All means can be used. As long as you can live to the top ten, you are winner"

Maha's words also gave a lot of confidence to some people. Although some of them are not strong in positive power, there are many unscrupulous and insidious methods. As long as they are properly designed, they can kill more powerful people than themselves.

This is not just a confrontation of strength, but also a battle of wit and bravery.

"Taiby has the attention of the saints throughout the process. If you have good luck and outstanding performance, it is not impossible for any island owner to be accepted as a disciple, even if there was once a person who was enshrined Fancy, for the disciples, and he is the head of today's Sect, Gongsun Sovereign, asked the top 30 superpowers in the monument. "

"And you guys may have the same luck and opportunity."

After finishing the cruel rules, these benefits of Ma He have aroused the fiery desire of these geniuses.

Who is the Lord? Naturally, the saints of the sacred sect of heaven and sea, if they are accepted as disciples by saints, then it is a real step to heaven.

Ma He couldn't help but show a smile when he saw those geniuses who were extremely powerful.

"Okay, not much to say, now everyone enters the teleportation circle and teleports into the secret realm, which is more than officially started, and the time is unlimited"

After Maha finished speaking, a six-star law formation rose in the center of the hall. The law formation is huge and can hold hundreds of people at the same time, emitting a white light.

There are eighteen teleportation halls on this island, representing a total of eighteen different secret realms of the Holy Sect of Heaven and Sea.

Everyone stepped into the French array, and the French array began to buzz and raise a beam of light, forming a huge dark space vortex above.

The light flashed, and everyone was sent into the space vortex by the teleportation array, and disappeared into the teleportation hall.

In the hall, there were only dozens of emperors who were strong.

"It's all a good bunch of seedlings. Unfortunately, how many people can we live with this time?"

Ran Yan sighed, and Lin Lin squinted and said, "I think this time, our Emperor Emperor will not be destroyed like the last time."

"Oh, because Yan Wu?" Ran Yan exclaimed.

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"No, because Luo Yu"

Mo Han is the Tao.

"Oh, did the brother see it?" Wang Lin smiled.

"Well, when Elder Ma said the rules just now, among our Emperor Zongmen's Emperors, only Luo Yu's look remained unchanged, his eyes remained calm and there was no trace of fear.

Instead, I saw a glimmer of expectation. After seeing each genius, he can still be so indifferent, and even look forward to Bibi, this Luo Yu, and the means we don't know, this time my Emperor Emperor, Maybe I really picked up a treasure. "

Mo Han's eyes were full of expectations.

"Well, lords, are you going to watch the slaughter in a secret place, or rest in the guest area?"

At this moment Elder Maha laughed at everyone.

Most people chose to watch the slaughter in a secret place, and a few people did not have the heart to see the pictures of their genius being killed by others, and chose to return to the guest area to rest.


This is a vast expanse of land with complicated terrain, including volcanoes, lakes, and virgin forests. It has a vast area and is as large as a thousand miles. In this secret realm, there are many powerful ancient beasts.

In the secret sky, there is a suspended land on which an eight-storey attic is built, suspended in clouds and fog.

Watching Wulou, watching the emperor's killing of the emperors are all in this building. With the powerful knowledge of the emperor, you can cover a distance of thousands of miles and watch the entire battle in the mystery.

There is a teleportation hall in the mysterious realm. There is an extra space vortex in the hall. After the light flashes, two hundred and twenty-seven genius warriors appeared in the hall.

As soon as this group of people appeared, everyone immediately jealous of each other, and then separated, and turned into a streamer, flying towards the secret realm in all directions.

From now on, the same door may be an endless enemy. A genius confrontation and **** slaughter will officially begin.

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