Come to The Peak

Chapter 277: : Roselle Variation

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Chapter 277: The Miraculous Change in Luoshen Tree

"Luo Luoyu, 280 wins!"

"Luo Zheng, 280 wins!"

This record surprised everyone.

"Rely on! What a draw, what are these two guys doing? Is there a spirit in your heart?"

"It was a tie with Luo Zhanzhe. This disciple is really a great disciple."

There was a lot of talk in the audience.

"Hahahaha, I know that the younger brother will not be worse than Luo, the record turned out to be a draw" Li Yu laughed.

"In fact, this should not be the true results of the two. Sixth Brother's strength lies in his full-blown outbreak, but Tabitha cannot kill anybody. Sixth Brother's true level cannot be brought into play," Fu Xuanxuan said.

Several of them nodded deeply, remembering the scene where Luo Yu slaughtered one hundred Yaochi guards that night. Of course, this is not his true level, and the most important point is that Luo Yu has not pulled him out from the beginning. On the back of the giant purple sword, most of Luo Yu's practice in the later period were sword skills, but the practice of physical skills and martial arts fell somewhat.

Purple sword Shura Purple sword Shura, Luo Yu who pulled out the sword is the real Shura, the real purple sword Shura, the real fighting machine, the knockout, huh, huh, for the current Luo Yu is just a joke.

Only Luo Zhan who can give him a full shot in Luo tribe is not worth his full shot.

"This little beast is as good as Zhan's record! How is this possible!" Luo Dao sat on the elder's bench, his eyes moved brightly. Surprised, and a bit of killing ...

"Oh, yes, yes, the old man did not read the wrong person, Xingchen, your son is more outstanding than you were then." Luo Song smiled and looked into the magic circle. It's all admiration. Not disappointed by the elimination of Luo Mingzhu, the family's full training? As the second elder, his granddaughter would not be inferior to the finalist even if he could not get the finalist.

"Elder, what's that family disciple?"

At this time, Qingyang Wang Fuchen, who had not spoken, spoke.

"Oh, back to King Qingyang, that disciple is Luo Yu, a disciple in a small place," Luo Dao said with a smile.

People like him, the depth of the city government, so that the mood is not subtle, it is trivial, even if you wish to kill Luo Yu in your heart, but also can well conceal your thoughts.

"Oh! Luo Yu! A disciple from a small place! A disciple from a small place can have the same record as your clan ’s first day of battle. Your Luo tribe is really a hidden dragon and a tiger." Qingyang Wang Fuchen laughed, He couldn't hear what he meant.

"Wu Wang laughed. In fact, Luo Yu's family is also very bloody, but for some reason, it is no longer possible," Luo Song laughed.

When Luo Dao heard this sentence, his face changed slightly, but he soon recovered his original smile.

Luo Song's sentence is thorny. Some of the so-called reasons refer to Luo Dao's suppression of Bailu's separation. However, only the parties can hear the mystery in this sentence. It is nothing more than secret. Scolded and accused Luo Dao.

It was said that Fu Chenda was not pursuing further questions, but these were the family affairs of the Luo people.

At this time, Luoyang made a ceremony in the direction of the VIP elders, saying "elder, the knockout round ends, the finalists are all selected, the top four are Luo Zhan, Luo Yu, Luo Zheng, and Luo Li."

"Huh! OK!" Luo Dao nodded, then stood up and hugged Master Kun Wu on the VIP table behind him. "Master Lao Kun Wu withdrew the Five Elements Magic Array.

"Yeah!" Master Kun Wu nodded, condensing Yuanyi fluttered and flew up, flew to the central square, and found out the consciousness. The twenty-five parcel flag flew back to Master Kun Wu and was taken back In the storage bag, after recovering the banner, the ancient woods gradually faded and turned into a mass of heaven and earth.

The two hundred Luo disciples also appeared in front of everyone.

"Fantasy is gone!"

"Are the knockout games finally over? Are we shortlisted?"

"Hahahaha, we are shortlisted!"

The crowd of Luo disciples burst into cheers. After more than 5,000 Luo disciples, after more than two hours of fighting and elimination, there were only two hundred people left. Each one can be said to be one out of a hundred.

"We are short-listed! We are short-listed! Haha, Yu Yu, we are short-listed!" The followers who followed Luo Yu also burst into cheers.

After the team of more than 80 people continued to fight, the elimination left only more than 40 people. It seemed that the loss was significant, but it was not. When I met a powerful team, Luo Yu and Luo Yan were disciples who solved each other's leader and awakened blood, and those ordinary disciples would be solved by them. If these disciples did not follow Luo Yu, I would not exist.

"Brother Yu! Sister Yan! We are shortlisted! Haha" Several branches suddenly lifted Luo Yu and Luo Yan into the air.

Luo Yu, who was continuously thrown away by the disciples, felt the joy in the lips of the disciples and also evoked a smile. He won this victory and joy and worked hard for all the disciples.

"Luo Yu! Luo Zhan! Luo Zheng! Luo Li! You four came up to the contest." Luoyang spoke again.

The disciples also dropped Luo Yu, and Luo Yu got up and walked to the huge contest platform next to Luoshen Tree in the center. Luo Zhan Luo Zheng Luo Li also rushed out of the crowd.

The four went to the contest table and looked at Luoyang.

"You four have the highest record in the knockout rounds, and in the second matchup, the four of you will produce a big first, and the big first will get Luoshenguo to promote the blood. Here are four Luoshen leaves. The above determines your four opponents, the same number as each other's opponents, now you four lottery "Luoyang took out four blue Luoshen leaves

The four nodded and one took a Luoshen leaf from Luoyang.

"Eh! Nothing!" Luo Yu played with the blue Luoshen leaves in her hand, except for the texture of the leaves.

Luo Zhan looked at Luoyang in doubt.

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"Oh, try dropping your blood on it," Luoyang laughed.

Wen Yan Luo Zheng now scratched a small mouth on his finger, a drop of blood dripped on Luoshen leaves, Luoshen leaves flashed blue, and a two-character number emerged.

Luo Li also dripped a drop of blood on the Luoshen leaves, and a single symbol appeared on the leaves.

Then the only remaining players are Luo Zhan and Luo Yu. These two are not the opponents of the first round, because the characters are only one and two, unless they each defeat their own opponents in the first round. To meet them together.

Luo Yu and Luo Zhan drip a drop of blood on the leaves at the same time, and two Luoshen leaves are flashing blue characters, and characters will emerge.

But at this moment, the abnormal changes protruded, the huge body of Luoshen tree trembled, the whole body shook, the leaves made a gurgling sound, and the central square shook slightly because of the shaking of the ancient Luoshen tree, as if it was about to quake ...

(To be continued)

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