Come to The Peak

Chapter 383: : God Beast, Dragon Phoenix!

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I saw the purple dome originally suspended, the light suddenly lit up, the purple light illuminated the whole hall, the whole hall was covered with a layer of purple light.

The purple dome formed by the little dragonfinch kept trembling, Luo Yu woke up from the cultivation state, and was shocked to see this scene.

"Senior, my second brother ..."

"Oh, he's going to break through the shell," Chi-scale grinned, touching Changsha.

"Out of the shell! Mo Yu's evolution has succeeded!" Luo Yu was also very excited when he heard that, and he was really happy for Xiao Longque.


I saw the purple dome turned into a small bird flying towards the hall.


The purple dome hit the top of the hall all at once, but it did not break the hall at all. Obviously, the hall was built with special materials.

The red scale knew what the little dragonfinch was going to do. With a wave of his hand, a large hole was melted on the top of the hall, and the little dragonfly flew out of the big hole at once.

When the scales moved, the soles were windy, and there was no energy fluctuation. The scales flew out of the big hole.

And the little unicorn also changed from a fire scale rat to a unicorn form, jumping up, tens of meters high, and rushing out of the big hole.

"That's ... the **** beast unicorn! The fire squirrel turned out to be the **** beast unicorn!"

Luo Yu was also shocked to see the transformation of the Firescale Rat, and then couldn't care about the surprise. The Phoenix Golden Wings tore off his robe and ejected, and fluttered his wings out of the big hole.

A hundred meters above the hall, the purple dome suspends in the sky and emits a strong purple light, like a purple sun in the small world.

The demon kings wearing red armor in the palace also looked at the scene in surprise.

"Look at it, the purple dome even flew out of the Fengqi Temple, and the adult Redscale is also there!" Said a demon king with some horns on his forehead to his companions around him.

Many transfiguration monster kings like to retain some of the appearance of the monsters after being transformed into human figures. This is why the aesthetics are different.

"It seems that a certain ethnic group of my demon clan wants to come out of the shell, but I haven't seen the purple dome for so many years!" Said the demon king with a sharp ear next to him.

Not only are the countless demon kings in the palace, but even many monsters and spirits in the forest have noticed this scene and are surprised to look at the purple dome above the palace.

Luo Yu stood on the Fengqi Hall, while Chilin and Xiaoqilin stood on the hall and looked up at the purple dome.

The purple dome is suspended in the sky, and the rich fire properties of the small world converge into clusters of red clouds, while the purple dome bursts into a suction, and the fire energy is continuously absorbed by the purple dome.

The purple dome is like a bottomless pit, which constantly absorbs the vitality of heaven and earth, and the vitality of heaven and earth in the small world of Fengjie is also very strong, which is stronger than that in the outside world, especially the vitality of fire. There are the most monsters with fire attributes here.

Time passed little by little, and two days passed in a blink of an eye. The purple dome did not know how much energy it had absorbed, and it did not mean to stop.

This can't help but make Luo Yu and those demon kings dumbfounded. The two days of Luo Yu's red scales have also been here, but Red scales have a look of indifference. Obviously, this result was in his expectation.

At this time, the purple dome over the sky suddenly stopped absorbing the vitality of the world. The purple dome's light was restrained, and the whole dome was crystal clear like amethyst. The purple halo circulated on the eggshell, beautiful.

Rumble ...

The fire energy over the purple dome turned into a large cloud of fire, with thunder roaring in the cloud of fire, as if violent energy was brewing.

"What is it! Is it a thunderstorm?" Luo Yu looked at Huoyun in surprise.

"Yes! That's right, this is the unique thunderous mine that the beast was born, five elements of thunderous mines!" Chi scale nodded.

"Five Elements Robbery!" Luo Yu was puzzled when he heard it, and he heard it for the first time.

In general, there are three robbery mines, six robbery mines, and nine robbery mines, and the five element mines he heard for the first time.

"This little guy is a spirit beast of the fire attribute. If he wants to transform, he is also a **** beast of the fire attribute. Naturally, he must be baptized by the fire cloud and thunder" Chilindao.

"Is that dangerous?" Luo Yu asked worriedly.

"Oh, this is just the baptism of gods and beasts by the heavens and the earth. It is an important step of transformation. There is no danger," Chi scale laughed.


Luo Yan was relieved when he heard that.


I saw a red thunder in the cloud of fire blasting down the purple dome below, bombarded on top of the purple dome, the purple dome sank slightly, and then hovered above without any effect.

Rumble ...

The Red Thunder continued to bombard the Purple Dome below, and the Purple Dome was completely wrapped in the Red Thunder.

The red thunder kept bombarding, but the purple dome did no harm, but as the thunder's tempered dome became more and more crystal clear.

"This is the five elements to rob mines! We demon clan will have a **** beast again!"

"That's right! It's the five elements to rob mines! Haha, my demon tribe is going to be a monster again"

The demon kings below exclaimed, there was joy in the eyebrows.


At this time, there were sounds of emptiness, and a stream of light shot from the distant forest and mountains, and soon came to the palace.

These streamers are all transformed demons, male and female, old and young, dense and full of thousands, and each breath makes Luo Yu's heart tremble.

"Master Redscale!"

These deformed demons standing in the sky all gave a deep respect to the old man in black robes and red scales, which was very respectful and sincere from the heart.

"Hmm!" Chiscale nodded indifferently, then continued to look at the purple dome in the thunder.

Thousands of Huaxing monsters were also surprised to see the purple dome.

"Is the **** beast born?"

The thunder in the cloud of fire gradually dissipated for a long time, and the purple dome became more and more crystal clear.


At this moment, a crackling sound of the broken eggshell sounded, and a crack appeared on the purple dome.


Another crackling sound, cracks more and more, getting bigger and bigger.


A large piece of eggshell was broken, and a golden claw protruded from the eggshell, followed by another claw. This pair of golden claws was poured like gold and iron, covered with fine golden scales, and the steel was fierce. And powerful.


The purple dome is completely broken

Most f new chapter @ 节 P 上 pW ...


A loud phoenix rang out between heaven and earth, echoing in the boundless world.

A whole-body purple giant bird appeared in the sky.

This purple giant bird has a wingspan of 100 meters, a head like a swallow's head, a sharp beak like an eagle's beak, and purple eyes like crystals shining, and there are a pair of small purple horns on the brow bone.

The neck is beautiful and slender, the claws are golden and extremely sharp, and the three slender tail feathers have become nine, as beautiful as a peacock.

Evolution of the Dragon Beast, Dragon Phoenix! Finally born!

"This is Mo Yu!" Luo Yu stared excitedly at the beautiful purple giant bird in the sky, some could not believe it.


The little bird was soaring in the sky, and then swooped up and then skyrocketed. The little bird, no, now it should be called the dragon phoenix to vent his joy in the sky.

Beast! God beast, finally evolved into the pinnacle race among the demon race, **** beast.

Chilin looked at the dragon and phoenix soaring in the sky, and her old eyes were full of joy.

"Second sister, have you seen it? In your group, you have a magical beast besides you, and it is one of the most powerful magical beasts in the magical beast, the dragon and phoenix! The dragon and phoenix that is famous for its fighting power"

Tears flickered in the old eyes of Red Scale ...

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