Come to The Peak

Chapter 512: : Threat!

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Chapter 512: Threats

At this time in August, the night was very cool, and a breeze blowing on the fire maple forest gave out the sound of rustling leaves.

A kind of zerg fire cicada in the fire maple forest is constantly singing, and the sound is very pleasant. The fire cicada is a kind of food with high energy, and it is a special feature in the center of Huolingfeng Food.

Luo Yu rode Bai Ze slowly into the fire maple woods, Luo Yu jumped up and jumped on a thick three-leaf fire maple tree branch, and a few jumps stood near 100. Meter-high fire maple crown.

Bai Ze crawled under the tree and nodded and waited for Luo Yu.

The huge fire maple on Luo Yuyue is the tallest fire maple in the fire maple forest, and it is also the only six-grade fire maple treasure tree that has grown for 10,000 years. It has quickly evolved into a spiritual tree.

Luo Yu stood on the crown of the tree, and the evening wind moved a black hair, and a white robe inspired by the wind. The whole person had an elegant temperament.

Luo Yu looked at the fire maple forest here, with a little brows, a halo of pale golden light that was invisible to the naked eye, opened, covering a range of more than 600 meters.

Luo Yu suddenly smiled slightly in one of the south directions: "I'm here because Luo Yu is here, why do you hide?"


A few hundred meters southward came a soft snore, followed by a weird laugh.

"Master Luo Yu has such a strong soul perception that he can find my hiding direction"

With the strange laughter, a black shadow shot from a fire maple tree hundreds of meters away, and his body was very light. A few clicks came to this huge fire maple tree based on Luo Yu, and Luo The feathers stand on the canopies on the two sides of the south of the canopy, separated by dozens of meters.

As if they had no trace of weight, they stood on a small fire maple branch with thick fingers that could bear their weight.

Look at the genuine chapter: the festival "

Luo Yu frowned when she saw the laser shot.

This is a thin figure wearing a black robe all over his face, covered by the brim of the black robe, and can't see his face clearly.

However, Luo Yu's face was indifferent, even if the other party was hidden in the black robe, his face could be seen clearly by his spreading consciousness, and nothing could be found.

This is a thin young man's cheek. His eyes are as small as a rat's eye, with two sharp-billed monkey cheeks. It was repaired in the late Ningyuan Realm, with the word Chen Bo engraved on the identity plate.

"It's him, Chen Bo, the core disciple of Zixia Monument."

As soon as Luo Yu's consciousness swept through the identity plate, he knew the identity of this black robe man. He is the core disciple of Mu Lingfeng. He ranks 73 on the Zixia monument, and his strength is similar to that of Qingying. This strength will naturally not be affected Luo Yu put it in his eyes.

"Who is your lord? What's the matter about Luo Yu coming to Fire Maple?"

Luo Yu looked indifferently and asked, although he found the identity of the other party, Luo Yu didn't want to point out to fight the grass and scare the snake.

"Hey, I don't need to know who I am, Master Luo. I came to this fire maple forest naturally to see Master Wang, my new disciple in Zixia Tianzong."

The young man in black robe laughed, his voice was very sharp and very unpleasant, obviously changing the original voice on purpose.

It seems that this person is also a very cautious person.

As soon as Luo Yu entered Zixia Tianzong, he showed his powerful strength and superman cultivation talent, which is called the new disciple and king of the four worlds.

However, Luo Yu's eyes were narrow, and the other party's means of concealing the breath was very clever. If he did not cultivate the consciousness, he would not be able to find the other party's hiding place. Obviously, the cultivation had related secret techniques.

"Huh! Now that you have invited me here, let me say something directly, why bother with me?"

Luo Yu snorted and went straight into the subject.

"Hey, Brother Luo is worthy of the newcomer king. Even in the first half of the year, he could even kill Hu Dao, who is ranked 26th on the Zixia monument. Brother is really admired, and now I have n’t known how much his brother ’s strength has reached after another half a year Up "

The black robe youth laughed, and Luo Yu heard the cold light in his eyes, but soon returned to normal.

"This brother doesn't know what he's talking about or what he's talking about, but his brother doesn't know it," Luo Yu said as usual.

"Hey, brother, don't pretend to be stupid. In the fierce beast's secret place, you have seen your brother Brother Hu Dawei and killed him with his own eyes. Finally, the flames burned and tortured the brother's heart."

The young man in black robe continued to blame.

Luo Yu heard the killing splendor in his eyes, and the other side saw that he had killed Hu Dao, otherwise he wouldn't know what he was doing to confess with real fire.

"Well, brothers need to have evidence to say this. This meal can be eaten indiscriminately, but they can't be said indiscriminately, otherwise they will be dead ..."

Luo Yu said in a cold tone.

The young man in the black robe smiled, and the green real yuan penetrated into the storage bag, and a flash of light in his hand added a skull-size, crystal blue crystal ball, with golden runes flowing on the surface.

"Sisters can know this thing?" The black robe youth laughed. Shake his hands.

Luo Yu saw this object's pupils shrink, her heart sinking, and she looked coldly: "Impression crystal ball!"

Impression crystal ball is a kind of thing that depicts special runes. It can record a piece of screen, and it can be shown by exciting the rune with real elements.

This thing is a high-level thing, generally only available in the big gates, and it is mostly used to record the battles of some powerful people for disciples to understand and learn.

This thing is available in the square market of Zixia Tianzong. The price is expensive. An impression crystal ball costs 1,000 yuan. Generally, no disciple buys this stuff with yuan stone, which can be used many times.

"My brother is not talented, my brother and Hu Blade are fighting, beheading, and all the pictures of forced confession have been recorded by me. Would you like my brother to show it to my brother?"

The black robe youth said with a sneer.

When Luo Yu heard the words, his face was gloomy, and he knew that he had a handle in the hands of others.

However, the other party asked himself to come out only to rely on this to threaten himself to gain some benefits, otherwise this incident also happened for half a year, the other party had already told Zongmen.

"Say, what do you want?"

Luo Yu looked calm again, and asked indifferently.

"Hey, how's it? I know it, but I ’m so mean, I ca n’t say it accidentally that day, and I want to shut up, this, hey, brother, it ’s going to cost It ’s okay to block my mouth. ”

The young man in black robe laughed and received the impression crystal ball.

"Say, how much Yuanshi you want!" Luo Yu said, carrying his hand on his back.

"No more, 100,000 yuan is enough," the black robe young lion said.

"One hundred thousand!"

Luo Yu was furious when he heard what he said. One hundred thousand is also a large number for him and he couldn't get it at all.

"Well, my brother is a lion's mouth. I don't have 100,000 yuan. I can only get so much for 20,000 yuan," Luo Yu said coldly.

"That 50,000 yuan, my brother stepped back," the black robe youth said again. He said that 100,000 yuan was also for good bargaining. He naturally knew that Luo Yu was not so diverse.

I am afraid that among the disciples of the ancestors, except for the top ten core disciples, there may be no such person.

"Five thousand is too high, at most thirty thousand. No matter how many masters say they must not break the net with their brothers."

Luo Yu said coldly.

The young man in the black robe heard his face change, and finally nodded his head: "then thirty thousand, is it for me now or ...?"

Luo Yu didn't make nonsense either. A flash of Yuan Shi appeared in a large leather bag on his finger and was thrown to the black robe youth.

He really only had 30,000 yuan. Half of the 30,000 yuan stone was from his killing and selling treasures, and half was from Huang Xin's life-saving money.

The young man in black robes carried the weight of Yuan Shi in the leather bag, and he smiled and put it in the storage bag.

"Brother can give me the impression crystal ball," Luo Yu said faintly. He had no pain when he lost all the Yuan Shi.

Yuan Shi has the ability to get so much, and naturally also has the ability to make money. Don't forget that he is a Sipin Castor.

"Hey, this is not okay, what if I give it to my brother, what can I do if he gets the impression of the crystal ball against my poisonous hand, the brother can kill even Hu Dao, the brother can not fight the brother, this impression of the crystal ball is waiting for me to practice. I will naturally hand it over to my master "

The young man in the black robe smiled. He was not clever. He knew that using this impression crystal as his life-saving card to prevent Luo Yu from killing himself.

When Luo Yu heard the words, he was naturally angry, but he also knew the plan of the young man in the black robe. Once he had practiced to the spiritual realm and applied to become the top deacon of Zongmen, Luo Yu had no chance to kill him.

The superior deacon or the **** of fire and fire above Zongmen's spiritual realm will leave a trail of soul imprinted in the soul hall of Zongmen. Once dead, Zongmen will know immediately, and know through some special means before people die. See what the main soul recorded before his death in the Soul Mark.

This can only be left on the top of the sectarian gate that has cultivated divine knowledge and opened the sea of ​​divine knowledge.

Each of the deities of Zongmen in the spiritual realm is Zongmen's high-level combat power. Elite characters, Zongmen will definitely be the same as the treasures in the spirit realm.

After all, there are more than 100,000 people in Zixia Tianzong, and there are only a few hundred high-rises above the spiritual realm.

Disciples of Zongmen can apply to become the first deacons of Zongmen when they practice. They leave a mark on the soul in the soul hall. Without applying, they can go to the Great Qin Empire to become a party leader after the 100-year disciple has left the Zongmen.

"I hope that the brothers will keep their promises, otherwise the brother said that he would not really break the net with the brothers."

Luo Yu said coldly.

"Hey, this is of course. If the brother has nothing else, the brother will leave."

The young man in black robes punched Luo Yu with a fist, then turned around and jumped out of Luo Yu's sight.

The young man in black robes has not yet known his identity has been exposed, and this will become his fatal flaw.

"Chen Bo! Hum, you have cultivated to the spiritual realm, you know that my secret of Luo Yu wants to live? Funny, you have a life of thirty thousand yuan, but you don't necessarily have a life to spend."

Luo Yu looked at the disappearing young man in black robe, murmured in his mouth, his eyes were full of terrible killings ...

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