Come to The Peak

Chapter 534: : Feng Yu decided (exploded!)

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"Well, condensing the realm of the Yuan, the strength of the late stage of the spiritual state erupted, incredible, incredible"

In the air, an old man wearing a yellow robe and wearing a gray robe looked back at the two men and sighed.

"Well, I don't want to say that the strength is strong. The reaction of Luo Yu is comparable to the wind and dust of gods. This son is too evil, and he can be called a rare martial artist in a century."

The other man in the black robe with the blue Yuanwing beside him also nodded.

"Well ... but this drink is determined by the talent. Although Luo Yu ’s talent for combat and cultivation are far superior to ordinary people, this water and fire consort is a fatal flaw in his life after all. His strength is through mystery. Ascended, it will dissipate naturally over time. "

The old gray robe sighed again.

A few hundred meters high in the void, the three palms stand, and a burly big Han Road with a purple robe and white tiger pattern looks at the battle between Luo Yu and Feng Chen, all eyes are fiery.

Dao Yi and Dao Hui were slightly surprised.

"Good seed! Good seed, oh!"

Tao sighed for a moment, and suddenly sighed, with a touch of remorse and regret on his face.

"Oh, what happened to the second brother? Why sigh?" Tao Yiwu Huang asked with a smile.

"I regret that I didn't accept Luo Yu as a disciple during the introductory ceremony. The fighting talent shown by this little guy surprised me." Dao Chongwu sighed.

"However, his affair with water and fire was a hurdle, so he was a bit sorry. This God gave a man such a good cultivation and combat talent, but he couldn't hide his water and fire. This is a jealous hero." Da Chong sighed.

Emperor Dao Yiwu heard that there was a strange color in his eyes, and he seemed to think of something suddenly and laughed: "In fact, the fact that the water and fire cannot be integrated with the true yuan to hide is not a solution."


Dao Chong and Dao Hui heard the words and looked at Daoyi with suspicion.

Dao Hui Zhu Lip Qingqi was surprised and said, "What did the brother say? Could it be that the brother knows how to solve the problem that the water and fire cannot be hidden?"

"Yes, Master, have n’t we three of Zixia Tianzong, the disciples of these two attributes of Zhenyuan, who ca n’t integrate Zhenyuan to break through to the spiritual realm,

Among them, the same disciple of water and fire still died after dying back. How could there be a solution? "

Da Chong is also startled.

"Hehe, my brother and sister have no idea. I love reading books. I once saw an emperor in a book that recorded the ancient Cangwu Emperor. However, he broke through the bottleneck that the water and fire could not hide, and eventually became the emperor of ancient times. "

Dao Yi smiled slightly, but then frowned and sighed: "Unfortunately, there is no record in that book and no one knows what method the cold flame emperor used to break through the bottleneck that the water and fire cannot be hidden."

Dao Yi and Dao Chong have a touch of disappointment when they heard the words, which is not much different from saying nothing.

Just as everyone was sighing or surprised, the battle between Luo Yu and Feng Chen continued.


Another muffled thunder blasted, and the two ejected and flew hundreds of meters away.

Both breathed a little, and looked at each other coldly.

Both had broken robes and many wounds. They looked quite tragic.

But the two knew that the boxing and fighting that had just turned was nothing more than an appetizer. These wounds did not affect them much. Martial arts practiced to this point. If these vital organs were not seriously injured, wounds in other places would not be It wo n’t have much effect.

"Luo Yu, you are very strong, but it is not enough to kill me."

Fengchen sneered, and then a slender sword with a length of three feet and dazzling blue light appeared, and a pair of cyan element wings slowly emptied from behind, overlooking Luo Yu below.

"Not enough? Do you know how much strength I have yet to make use of, and said that you are going to die, then you will never live today!"

Luo Yu licked her chapped lips coldly.

Tear it!

The robe behind was broken, a pair of golden golden wings flew out, and a fan of more than two meters long rolled up a gust of wind to hold Luo Yu's figure and stood facing the wind and dust. he.

At the same time, his back trembled, and the purple sword giant flew into his hands.

A battle of swordsmanship and a battle of kendo must begin again.

The tens of thousands of disciples who looked around looked at the two soaring figures. Many people had fiery colors in their eyes, and many disciples with impression crystal **** took the impression crystal to record this battle.

This battle is definitely one of the pinnacles of Zixia Tianzong's disciples. The strength shown by the two is too horrible.

The desertification of the Gobi Desert, which has been transformed into a large array, has become potholes and has not been destroyed.

Who dares to say that Luo Yu will lose? Who would dare to say that Luo Yu was looking for his own way? Now there are still people who dare to say this will be looked at by strange people around him, and then swear.


A battle that was supposed to be unilateral has turned into a close confrontation, which has stirred up the blood in everyone's heart.

The people who asked the question were all dignified, staring at the young man with golden wings like a **** in the back, who was afraid that he might make a mistake.

Qing'er's pair of powder fists also clenched tightly, all eyes were full of worries, as was Fu Xuanxuan and others.

"Brother, come on! Fucking him, Fuchen!"

Luo Qing, in spite of other people's astonished eyes, roared with red eyes and looked excited.

Buzz ...

Fengchen suddenly sent out a sharp sword, and Jianyi formed an invisible sword qi and strangled Luo Luo.

Seeing the intensity of its sword intention, it has the intensity of the four-fold sword intention.


Luo Yu snorted, the same sharp and domineering sword intention rose, and turned into an invisible sword gas swept away.

Look \ "is ..." Chapter mM Section / {


The swords collided with each other, and the air made a rippling sound of ragged air. The sharp sword air was vertical and horizontal in a space of 100 meters.

All the stones that were touched by Jian Qi were smashed into powder by Jian Qi.

Sword is right, but no one can help.

"Well! He's not a triple swordsman, but he can meet my quadruple swordsmanship. What a swordsmanship!"

Fengchen was slightly surprised.

At the end of the battle, he also regarded Luo Yu as his real opponent, so he wanted to compare everything with Luo Yu.

"Huh! Luo Yu, let me see if you have a few pounds or two on the kendo."


As soon as the word of the wind and dust fell, people turned into a cyan remnant and shot at Luo Yu. At the same time, the sword in his hand trembled, pointing out numerous sword flowers in the air, and the sword flowers became countless forest cold swordsmanship. Luo Yu stabbed his head and covered his face.

"Several pounds and two, you will know when you reach Jiuyou Huangquan, kill!"

With a roar of Luo Yu, the figure also turned into a residual image and blasted to the wind and dust. At the same time, the purple giant sword was waving, and several blue swordsmans suddenly cut off the cyan sword flower shot from the laser.

This will again be a battle of kendo among the same ranks, the peak duel among the same ranks!

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